use of org.kie.server.api.model.cases.CaseStageDefinition in project droolsjbpm-integration by kiegroup.
the class CarInsuranceClaimCaseIntegrationTest method carInsuranceClaimCaseTriggerInStage.
private void carInsuranceClaimCaseTriggerInStage(boolean useExistingStageId, boolean useExistingAdHocName) throws Exception {
// start case with users assigned to roles
String caseId = startCarInsuranceClaimCase(USER_YODA, USER_JOHN);
// let's verify case is created
// let's look at what stages are active
// since the first task assigned to insured is with auto start it should be already active
// the same task can be claimed by insuranceRepresentative in case claim is reported over phone
long taskId = assertBuildClaimReportAvailableForBothRoles(USER_YODA, USER_JOHN);
// let's provide claim report with initial data
// claim report should be stored in case file data
provideAndAssertClaimReport(caseId, taskId, USER_YODA);
// now we have another task for insured to provide property damage report
taskId = assertPropertyDamageReportAvailableForBothRoles(USER_YODA, USER_JOHN);
// let's provide the property damage report
provideAndAssertPropertyDamageReport(caseId, taskId, USER_YODA);
// let's complete the stage by explicitly stating that claimReport is done
caseClient.putCaseInstanceData(CONTAINER_ID, caseId, "claimReportDone", Boolean.TRUE);
// we should be in another stage - Claim assessment
// let's trigger claim offer calculation
CaseDefinition definition = caseClient.getCaseDefinition(CONTAINER_ID, CLAIM_CASE_DEF_ID);
CaseStageDefinition stage = definition.getCaseStages().stream().filter(s -> s.getName().equals("Claim assesment")).findFirst().get();
List<Integer> activeStatusList = Collections.singletonList(org.kie.api.runtime.process.ProcessInstance.STATE_ACTIVE);
if (!useExistingStageId) {
String stageId = "non existing stage id";
Assertions.assertThatExceptionOfType(KieServicesException.class).isThrownBy(() -> caseClient.triggerAdHocFragmentInStage(CONTAINER_ID, caseId, stageId, "Calculate claim", null)).withMessageContaining("No stage found with id " + stageId);
// there should be still process instances for the case
Collection<ProcessInstance> caseProcesInstances = caseClient.getProcessInstances(CONTAINER_ID, caseId, activeStatusList, 0, 10);
assertEquals(1, caseProcesInstances.size());
} else if (!useExistingAdHocName) {
String adHocName = "non existing ad hoc fragment";
Assertions.assertThatExceptionOfType(KieServicesException.class).isThrownBy(() -> caseClient.triggerAdHocFragmentInStage(CONTAINER_ID, caseId, stage.getIdentifier(), adHocName, null)).withMessageContaining("AdHoc fragment '" + adHocName + "' not found in case " + caseId + " and stage " + stage.getIdentifier());
// there should be still process instances for the case
Collection<ProcessInstance> caseProcesInstances = caseClient.getProcessInstances(CONTAINER_ID, caseId, activeStatusList, 0, 10);
assertEquals(1, caseProcesInstances.size());
} else {
caseClient.triggerAdHocFragmentInStage(CONTAINER_ID, caseId, stage.getIdentifier(), "Calculate claim", null);
// now we have another task for insured as claim was calculated
// let's accept the calculated claim
// there should be no process instances for the case
Collection<ProcessInstance> caseProcesInstances = caseClient.getProcessInstances(CONTAINER_ID, caseId, activeStatusList, 0, 10);
assertEquals(0, caseProcesInstances.size());