use of org.killbill.billing.invoice.template.translator.DefaultInvoiceTranslator in project killbill by killbill.
the class HtmlInvoiceGenerator method generateInvoice.
public HtmlInvoice generateInvoice(final Account account, @Nullable final Invoice invoice, final boolean manualPay, final InternalTenantContext context) throws IOException {
// Don't do anything if the invoice is null
if (invoice == null || invoice.getNumberOfItems() == 0) {
return null;
final String accountLocale = Strings.emptyToNull(account.getLocale());
final Locale locale = accountLocale == null ? Locale.getDefault() : LocaleUtils.toLocale(accountLocale);
final HtmlInvoice invoiceData = new HtmlInvoice();
final Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
final ResourceBundle invoiceBundle = accountLocale != null ? bundleFactory.createBundle(LocaleUtils.toLocale(accountLocale), config.getInvoiceTemplateBundlePath(), ResourceBundleType.INVOICE_TRANSLATION, context) : null;
final ResourceBundle defaultInvoiceBundle = bundleFactory.createBundle(Locale.getDefault(), config.getInvoiceTemplateBundlePath(), ResourceBundleType.INVOICE_TRANSLATION, context);
final DefaultInvoiceTranslator invoiceTranslator = new DefaultInvoiceTranslator(invoiceBundle, defaultInvoiceBundle);
data.put("text", invoiceTranslator);
data.put("account", account);
final InvoiceFormatter formattedInvoice = factory.createInvoiceFormatter(config, invoice, locale, currencyConversionApi, bundleFactory, context);
data.put("invoice", formattedInvoice);
final String templateText = getTemplateText(locale, manualPay, context);
invoiceData.setBody(templateEngine.executeTemplateText(templateText, data));
return invoiceData;
use of org.killbill.billing.invoice.template.translator.DefaultInvoiceTranslator in project killbill by killbill.
the class TestDefaultInvoiceFormatter method testForDisplay.
// No Assertion, just to print the html
@Test(groups = "fast")
public void testForDisplay() throws Exception {
final FixedPriceInvoiceItem fixedItemBRL = new FixedPriceInvoiceItem(UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID(), null, null, UUID.randomUUID().toString(), UUID.randomUUID().toString(), UUID.randomUUID().toString(), null, new LocalDate(), new BigDecimal("1499.95"), Currency.BRL);
final Invoice invoice = new DefaultInvoice(UUID.randomUUID(), UUID.randomUUID(), new Integer(234), new LocalDate(), new LocalDate(), Currency.BRL, false, InvoiceStatus.COMMITTED);
final String template = "<html>\n" + " <head>\n" + " <style type=\"text/css\">\n" + " #header td { width: 250px; }\n" + " #header .company_info { width: 450px; }\n" + " #header .label { text-align: right; font-weight: bold; }\n" + " #header .label_value { padding-left: 10px; }\n" + "\n" + " #invoice_items { margin-top: 50px; }\n" + " #invoice_items th { border-bottom: solid 2px black; }\n" + " #invoice_items td { width: 250px; }\n" + " #invoice_items td.amount { width: 125px; }\n" + " #invoice_items { width: 350px; }\n" + " #invoice_items .amount { text-align: right; }\n" + " #invoice_items .label { text-align: right; font-weight: bold; }\n" + " </style>\n" + " </head>\n" + " <body>\n" + " <table id=\"header\">\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <td class=\"company_info\"/>\n" + " <td />\n" + " <td><h1>{{text.invoiceTitle}}</h1></td>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <td colspan=\"3\"><img src=\"\"/></td>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <td class=\"company_info\" />\n" + " <td class=\"label\">{{text.invoiceDate}}</td>\n" + " <td class=\"label_value\">{{invoice.formattedInvoiceDate}}</td>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <td class=\"company_info\" />\n" + " <td class=\"label\">{{text.invoiceNumber}}</td>\n" + " <td class=\"label_value\">{{invoice.invoiceNumber}}</td>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <td class=\"company_info\">{{text.companyCountry}}</td>\n" + " <td colspan=\"2\" />\n" + " </tr>\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <td class=\"company_info\">{{text.companyUrl}}</td>\n" + " <td colspan=\"2\" />\n" + " </tr>\n" + " </table>\n" + "\n" + " <table id=\"invoice_items\">\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <th class=\"network\">{{text.invoiceItemBundleName}}</td>\n" + " <th>{{text.invoiceItemDescription}}</td>\n" + " <th>{{text.invoiceItemServicePeriod}}</td>\n" + " <th>{{text.invoiceItemAmount}}</td>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " {{#invoice.invoiceItems}}\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <td class=\"network\">{{description}}</td>\n" + " <td>{{planName}}</td>\n" + " <td>{{formattedStartDate}}{{#formattedEndDate}} - {{formattedEndDate}}{{/formattedEndDate}}</td>\n" + " <td class=\"amount\">{{formattedAmount}}</td>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " {{/invoice.invoiceItems}}\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <td colspan=\"4\" height=\"50px\"></td>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <td colspan=\"2\" />\n" + " <td class=\"label\">{{text.invoiceAmount}}</td>\n" + " <td class=\"amount\"><strong>{{invoice.formattedChargedAmount}}</strong></td>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <td colspan=\"2\" />\n" + " <td class=\"label\">{{text.invoiceAmountPaid}}" + " {{#invoice.processedCurrency}}" + " (*)" + " {{/invoice.processedCurrency}}\n" + " </td>\n" + " <td class=\"amount\"><strong>{{invoice.formattedPaidAmount}}</strong></td>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " <tr>\n" + " <td colspan=\"2\" />\n" + " <td class=\"label\">{{text.invoiceBalance}}</td>\n" + " <td class=\"amount\"><strong>{{invoice.formattedBalance}}</strong></td>\n" + " </tr>\n" + " </table>\n" + " {{#invoice.processedCurrency}}" + " {{text.processedPaymentCurrency}} {{invoice.processedCurrency}}." + " {{#invoice.processedPaymentRate}}\n" + " {{text.processedPaymentRate}} {{invoice.processedPaymentRate}}.\n" + " {{/invoice.processedPaymentRate}}" + " {{/invoice.processedCurrency}}" + " </body>\n" + "</html>\n";
final Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<String, Object>();
final String bundlePath = "org/killbill/billing/util/template/translation/InvoiceTranslation";
final ResourceBundle bundle = resourceBundleFactory.createBundle(Locale.US, bundlePath, ResourceBundleType.INVOICE_TRANSLATION, internalCallContext);
final DefaultInvoiceTranslator translator = new DefaultInvoiceTranslator(bundle, null);
data.put("text", translator);
data.put("invoice", new DefaultInvoiceFormatter(config, invoice, Locale.US, currencyConversionApi, resourceBundleFactory, internalCallContext));
final String formattedText = templateEngine.executeTemplateText(template, data);