use of org.killbill.billing.payment.plugin.api.PaymentMethodInfoPlugin in project killbill by killbill.
the class PaymentMethodProcessor method refreshPaymentMethods.
* This refreshed the payment methods from the plugin for cases when adding payment method does not flow through KB because of PCI compliance
* issues. The logic below is not optimal because there is no atomicity in the step but the good news is that this is idempotent so can always be
* replayed if necessary-- partial failure scenario.
* @param pluginName
* @param account
* @param context
* @return the list of payment methods -- should be identical between KB, the plugin view-- if it keeps a state-- and the gateway.
* @throws PaymentApiException
public List<PaymentMethod> refreshPaymentMethods(final String pluginName, final Account account, final Iterable<PluginProperty> properties, final CallContext callContext, final InternalCallContext context) throws PaymentApiException {
// Don't hold the account lock while fetching the payment methods from the gateway as those could change anyway
final PaymentPluginApi pluginApi = getPaymentPluginApi(pluginName);
final List<PaymentMethodInfoPlugin> pluginPms;
try {
pluginPms = pluginApi.getPaymentMethods(account.getId(), true, properties, callContext);
// The method should never return null by convention, but let's not trust the plugin...
if (pluginPms == null) {
log.debug("No payment methods defined on the account {} for plugin {}", account.getId(), pluginName);
return ImmutableList.<PaymentMethod>of();
} catch (final PaymentPluginApiException e) {
throw new PaymentApiException(ErrorCode.PAYMENT_REFRESH_PAYMENT_METHOD, account.getId(), e.getErrorMessage());
try {
final PluginDispatcherReturnType<List<PaymentMethod>> result = new WithAccountLock<List<PaymentMethod>, PaymentApiException>(paymentConfig).processAccountWithLock(locker, account.getId(), new DispatcherCallback<PluginDispatcherReturnType<List<PaymentMethod>>, PaymentApiException>() {
public PluginDispatcherReturnType<List<PaymentMethod>> doOperation() throws PaymentApiException {
UUID defaultPaymentMethodId = null;
final List<PaymentMethodInfoPlugin> pluginPmsWithId = new ArrayList<PaymentMethodInfoPlugin>();
final List<PaymentMethodModelDao> finalPaymentMethods = new ArrayList<PaymentMethodModelDao>();
for (final PaymentMethodInfoPlugin cur : pluginPms) {
// If the kbPaymentId is NULL, the plugin does not know about it, so we create a new UUID
final UUID paymentMethodId = cur.getPaymentMethodId() != null ? cur.getPaymentMethodId() : UUIDs.randomUUID();
// TODO paymentMethod externalKey seems broken here.
final PaymentMethod input = new DefaultPaymentMethod(paymentMethodId, paymentMethodId.toString(), account.getId(), pluginName);
final PaymentMethodModelDao pmModel = new PaymentMethodModelDao(input.getId(), input.getExternalKey(), input.getCreatedDate(), input.getUpdatedDate(), input.getAccountId(), input.getPluginName(), input.isActive());
pluginPmsWithId.add(new DefaultPaymentMethodInfoPlugin(cur, paymentMethodId));
// will always return false - it's Kill Bill in that case which is responsible to manage default payment methods
if (cur.isDefault()) {
defaultPaymentMethodId = paymentMethodId;
final List<PaymentMethodModelDao> refreshedPaymentMethods = paymentDao.refreshPaymentMethods(pluginName, finalPaymentMethods, context);
try {
pluginApi.resetPaymentMethods(account.getId(), pluginPmsWithId, properties, callContext);
} catch (final PaymentPluginApiException e) {
throw new PaymentApiException(ErrorCode.PAYMENT_REFRESH_PAYMENT_METHOD, account.getId(), e.getErrorMessage());
try {
updateDefaultPaymentMethodIfNeeded(pluginName, account, defaultPaymentMethodId, context);
} catch (final AccountApiException e) {
throw new PaymentApiException(e);
final List<PaymentMethod> result = ImmutableList.<PaymentMethod>copyOf(Collections2.transform(refreshedPaymentMethods, new Function<PaymentMethodModelDao, PaymentMethod>() {
public PaymentMethod apply(final PaymentMethodModelDao input) {
return new DefaultPaymentMethod(input, null);
return PluginDispatcher.createPluginDispatcherReturnType(result);
return result.getReturnType();
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new PaymentApiException(e, ErrorCode.PAYMENT_INTERNAL_ERROR, MoreObjects.firstNonNull(e.getMessage(), ""));
use of org.killbill.billing.payment.plugin.api.PaymentMethodInfoPlugin in project killbill by killbill.
the class MockPaymentProviderPlugin method addPaymentMethod.
public void addPaymentMethod(final UUID kbAccountId, final UUID kbPaymentMethodId, final PaymentMethodPlugin paymentMethodProps, final boolean setDefault, final Iterable<PluginProperty> properties, final CallContext context) throws PaymentPluginApiException {
// externalPaymentMethodId is set to a random value
final PaymentMethodPlugin realWithID = new TestPaymentMethodPlugin(kbPaymentMethodId, paymentMethodProps, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
paymentMethods.put(kbPaymentMethodId.toString(), realWithID);
final PaymentMethodInfoPlugin realInfoWithID = new DefaultPaymentMethodInfoPlugin(kbAccountId, kbPaymentMethodId, setDefault, UUID.randomUUID().toString());
paymentMethodsInfo.put(kbPaymentMethodId.toString(), realInfoWithID);