use of in project knime-core by knime.
the class Normalizer2 method doDecimalScaling.
* Does the decimal scaling.
* @param exec an object to check for user cancellations. Can be <code>null</code>.
* @throws CanceledExecutionException if user canceled
* @return the normalized DataTable
public AffineTransTable doDecimalScaling(final ExecutionContext exec) throws CanceledExecutionException {
Statistics3Table st = new Statistics3Table(m_table, false, 0, Collections.<String>emptyList(), exec);
String[] includes = getNames();
double[] max = st.getMax();
double[] min = st.getMin();
double[] scales = new double[m_colindices.length];
double[] transforms = new double[m_colindices.length];
double[] mins = new double[m_colindices.length];
double[] maxs = new double[m_colindices.length];
for (int i = 0; i < m_colindices.length; i++) {
int trueIndex = m_colindices[i];
double absMax = Math.abs(max[trueIndex]);
double absMin = Math.abs(min[trueIndex]);
double maxvalue = absMax > absMin ? absMax : absMin;
int exp = 0;
// Unreported bug fix: when there was an infinite value, it takes infinite time to reach 1 by / 10.
if (Double.isInfinite(maxvalue)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot handle infinite values: " + includes[i]);
while (Math.abs(maxvalue) > 1) {
maxvalue = maxvalue / DECIMAL_BASE;
scales[i] = 1.0 / Math.pow(DECIMAL_BASE, exp);
transforms[i] = 0.0;
mins[i] = -1.0;
maxs[i] = 1.0;
String summary = "Decimal Scaling normalization on " + includes.length + " column(s)";
AffineTransConfiguration configuration = new AffineTransConfiguration(includes, scales, transforms, mins, maxs, summary);
return new AffineTransTable(m_table, configuration);
use of in project knime-core by knime.
the class Normalizer2 method doZScoreNorm.
* Does the Z-Score Normalization.
* @param exec an object to check for user cancelations. Can be <code>null</code>.
* @throws CanceledExecutionException if user canceled
* @return the normalized DataTable
public AffineTransTable doZScoreNorm(final ExecutionContext exec) throws CanceledExecutionException {
ExecutionContext statisticsExec = exec.createSubExecutionContext(.5);
final Statistics3Table st = new Statistics3Table(m_table, false, 0, Collections.<String>emptyList(), statisticsExec);
double[] mean = st.getMean();
double[] stddev = st.getStandardDeviation();
final double[] scales = new double[m_colindices.length];
final double[] transforms = new double[m_colindices.length];
final double[] mins = new double[m_colindices.length];
final double[] maxs = new double[m_colindices.length];
for (int i = 0; i < m_colindices.length; i++) {
if (Double.isNaN(mean[m_colindices[i]])) {
scales[i] = Double.NaN;
transforms[i] = Double.NaN;
} else {
scales[i] = (stddev[m_colindices[i]] == 0.0 ? 1.0 : 1.0 / stddev[m_colindices[i]]);
transforms[i] = -mean[m_colindices[i]] * scales[i];
mins[i] = Double.NaN;
maxs[i] = Double.NaN;
String[] includes = getNames();
String summary = "Z-Score (Gaussian) normalization on " + includes.length + " column(s)";
AffineTransConfiguration configuration = new AffineTransConfiguration(includes, scales, transforms, mins, maxs, summary);
return new AffineTransTable(m_table, configuration);
use of in project knime-core by knime.
the class Normalizer2 method doMinMaxNorm.
* Does the Min-Max Normalization.
* @param newmax the new maximum
* @param newmin the new minimum
* @param exec an object to check for user cancelations. Can be <code>null</code>.
* @throws CanceledExecutionException if user canceled
* @return normalized DataTable
public AffineTransTable doMinMaxNorm(final double newmax, final double newmin, final ExecutionContext exec) throws CanceledExecutionException {
ExecutionContext statisticsExec = exec.createSilentSubExecutionContext(.5);
Statistics3Table st;
st = new Statistics3Table(m_table, false, 0, Collections.<String>emptyList(), statisticsExec);
DataTableSpec spec = m_table.getDataTableSpec();
double[] max = st.getMax();
double[] min = st.getMin();
final double[] scales = new double[m_colindices.length];
final double[] transforms = new double[m_colindices.length];
final double[] mins = new double[m_colindices.length];
final double[] maxs = new double[m_colindices.length];
for (int i = 0; i < transforms.length; i++) {
DataColumnSpec cSpec = spec.getColumnSpec(m_colindices[i]);
boolean isDouble = cSpec.getType().isCompatible(DoubleValue.class);
if (!isDouble) {
assert (!isDouble);
scales[i] = Double.NaN;
transforms[i] = Double.NaN;
mins[i] = Double.NaN;
maxs[i] = Double.NaN;
} else {
// scales and translation to [0,1]
double maxI = max[m_colindices[i]];
double minI = min[m_colindices[i]];
scales[i] = (maxI == minI ? 1 : 1.0 / (maxI - minI));
transforms[i] = -minI * scales[i];
// scale and translation to [newmin, newmax]
scales[i] *= (newmax - newmin);
transforms[i] *= (newmax - newmin);
transforms[i] += newmin;
mins[i] = newmin;
maxs[i] = newmax;
String[] includes = getNames();
String minS = DoubleFormat.formatDouble(newmin);
String maxS = DoubleFormat.formatDouble(newmax);
String summary = "Min/Max (" + minS + ", " + maxS + ") normalization " + "on " + includes.length + " column(s)";
AffineTransConfiguration configuration = new AffineTransConfiguration(includes, scales, transforms, mins, maxs, summary);
return new AffineTransTable(m_table, configuration);
use of in project knime-core by knime.
the class Statistics3NodeModel method execute.
* Computes the statistics for the DataTable at the in-port. Use the view on
* this node to see them.
* {@inheritDoc}
protected BufferedDataTable[] execute(final BufferedDataTable[] inData, final ExecutionContext exec) throws CanceledExecutionException {
m_statTable = new Statistics3Table(inData[0], m_computeMedian.getBooleanValue(), numOfNominalValuesOutput(), m_nominalFilter.getIncludeList(), exec);
if (getStatTable().getWarning() != null) {
BufferedDataTable outTable1 = exec.createBufferedDataTable(getStatTable().createStatisticMomentsTable(), exec.createSubProgress(0.5));
BufferedDataTable outTable2 = exec.createBufferedDataTable(getStatTable().createNominalValueTable(m_nominalFilter.getIncludeList()), exec.createSubProgress(0.5));
return new BufferedDataTable[] { outTable1, outTable2 };
use of in project knime-core by knime.
the class ColorManager2NodeModel method execute.
* Is invoked during the node's execution to make the color settings.
* @param data the input data array
* @param exec the execution monitor
* @return the same input data table whereby the RowKeys contain color info
* now
* @throws CanceledExecutionException if user canceled execution
protected PortObject[] execute(final PortObject[] data, final ExecutionContext exec) throws CanceledExecutionException {
assert (data != null && data.length == 1 && data[INPORT] != null);
BufferedDataTable in = (BufferedDataTable) data[0];
DataTableSpec inSpec = in.getDataTableSpec();
ColorHandler colorHandler;
// if no column has been selected, guess first nominal column
if (m_column == null) {
// find first nominal column with possible values
String column = DataTableSpec.guessNominalClassColumn(inSpec, false);
m_columnGuess = column;
m_isNominalGuess = true;
super.setWarningMessage("Selected column \"" + column + "\" with default nominal color mapping.");
Set<DataCell> set = inSpec.getColumnSpec(column).getDomain().getValues();
colorHandler = createNominalColorHandler(m_mapGuess);
DataTableSpec newSpec = getOutSpec(inSpec, column, colorHandler);
BufferedDataTable changedSpecTable = exec.createSpecReplacerTable(in, newSpec);
DataTableSpec modelSpec = new DataTableSpec(newSpec.getColumnSpec(column));
ColorHandlerPortObject viewModel = new ColorHandlerPortObject(modelSpec, colorHandler.toString() + " based on column \"" + m_column + "\"");
return new PortObject[] { changedSpecTable, viewModel };
// find column index
int columnIndex = inSpec.findColumnIndex(m_column);
// create new column spec based on color settings
DataColumnSpec cspec = inSpec.getColumnSpec(m_column);
if (m_isNominal) {
colorHandler = createNominalColorHandler(m_map);
} else {
DataColumnDomain dom = cspec.getDomain();
DataCell lower, upper;
if (dom.hasBounds()) {
lower = dom.getLowerBound();
upper = dom.getUpperBound();
} else {
Statistics3Table stat = new Statistics3Table(in, false, 0, Collections.<String>emptyList(), exec);
lower = stat.getMinCells()[columnIndex];
upper = stat.getMaxCells()[columnIndex];
colorHandler = createRangeColorHandler(lower, upper, m_map);
DataTableSpec newSpec = getOutSpec(inSpec, m_column, colorHandler);
DataTableSpec modelSpec = new DataTableSpec(newSpec.getColumnSpec(m_column));
BufferedDataTable changedSpecTable = exec.createSpecReplacerTable(in, newSpec);
ColorHandlerPortObject viewModel = new ColorHandlerPortObject(modelSpec, "Coloring on \"" + m_column + "\"");
return new PortObject[] { changedSpecTable, viewModel };