use of in project knime-core by knime.
the class LogRegCoordinator method learn.
* Performs the learning task by creating the appropriate LogRegLearner and all other objects
* necessary for a successful training.
* @param trainingData a DataTable that contains the data on which to learn the logistic regression model
* @param exec the execution context of the corresponding KNIME node
* @return the content of the logistic regression model
* @throws InvalidSettingsException if the settings cause inconsistencies during training
* @throws CanceledExecutionException if the training is canceled
LogisticRegressionContent learn(final BufferedDataTable trainingData, final ExecutionContext exec) throws InvalidSettingsException, CanceledExecutionException {
CheckUtils.checkArgument(trainingData.size() > 0, "The input table is empty. Please provide data to learn on.");
CheckUtils.checkArgument(trainingData.size() <= Integer.MAX_VALUE, "The input table contains too many rows.");
LogRegLearner learner;
if (m_settings.getSolver() == Solver.IRLS) {
learner = new IrlsLearner(m_settings.getMaxEpoch(), m_settings.getEpsilon(), m_settings.isCalcCovMatrix());
} else {
learner = new SagLogRegLearner(m_settings);
double calcDomainTime = 1.0 / (5.0 * 2.0 + 1.0);
exec.setMessage("Analyzing categorical data");
BufferedDataTable dataTable = recalcDomainForTargetAndLearningFields(trainingData, exec.createSubExecutionContext(calcDomainTime));
exec.setMessage("Building logistic regression model");
ExecutionMonitor trainExec = exec.createSubProgress(1.0 - calcDomainTime);
LogRegLearnerResult result;
TrainingRowBuilder<ClassificationTrainingRow> rowBuilder = new SparseClassificationTrainingRowBuilder(dataTable, m_pmmlOutSpec, m_settings.getTargetReferenceCategory(), m_settings.getSortTargetCategories(), m_settings.getSortIncludesCategories());
TrainingData<ClassificationTrainingRow> data;
Long seed = m_settings.getSeed();
if (m_settings.isInMemory()) {
data = new InMemoryData<ClassificationTrainingRow>(dataTable, seed, rowBuilder);
} else {
data = new DataTableTrainingData<ClassificationTrainingRow>(trainingData, seed, rowBuilder, m_settings.getChunkSize(), exec.createSilentSubExecutionContext(0.0));
result = learner.learn(data, trainExec);
LogisticRegressionContent content = createContentFromLearnerResult(result, rowBuilder, trainingData.getDataTableSpec());
return content;