use of org.knime.base.node.mine.treeensemble2.learner.SplitCandidate in project knime-core by knime.
the class TreeNominalColumnDataTest method testCalcBestSplitRegressionMultiwayXGBoostMissingValueHandling.
* This method tests the XGBoost missing value handling in case of a regression task and multiway splits.
* @throws Exception
public void testCalcBestSplitRegressionMultiwayXGBoostMissingValueHandling() throws Exception {
final TreeEnsembleLearnerConfiguration config = createConfig(true);
final TestDataGenerator dataGen = new TestDataGenerator(config);
final String noMissingCSV = "A, A, A, B, B, B, B, C, C";
final String noMissingsTarget = "1, 2, 2, 7, 6, 5, 2, 3, 1";
TreeNominalColumnData dataCol = dataGen.createNominalAttributeColumn(noMissingCSV, "noMissings", 0);
TreeTargetNumericColumnData targetCol = TestDataGenerator.createNumericTargetColumn(noMissingsTarget);
double[] weights = new double[9];
Arrays.fill(weights, 1.0);
int[] indices = new int[9];
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {
indices[i] = i;
final RandomData rd = config.createRandomData();
DataMemberships dataMemberships = new MockDataColMem(indices, indices, weights);
// first test the case that there are no missing values during training (we still need to provide a missing value direction for prediction)
SplitCandidate split = dataCol.calcBestSplitRegression(dataMemberships, targetCol.getPriors(weights, config), targetCol, rd);
assertNotNull("SplitCandidate may not be null", split);
assertThat(split, instanceOf(NominalMultiwaySplitCandidate.class));
assertEquals("Wrong gain.", 22.888888, split.getGainValue(), 1e-5);
assertTrue("No missing values in dataCol therefore the missedRows BitSet must be empty.", split.getMissedRows().isEmpty());
NominalMultiwaySplitCandidate nomSplit = (NominalMultiwaySplitCandidate) split;
TreeNodeNominalCondition[] conditions = nomSplit.getChildConditions();
assertEquals("3 nominal values therefore there must be 3 children.", 3, conditions.length);
assertEquals("Wrong value.", "A", conditions[0].getValue());
assertEquals("Wrong value.", "B", conditions[1].getValue());
assertEquals("Wrong value.", "C", conditions[2].getValue());
assertFalse("Missings should go with majority", conditions[0].acceptsMissings());
assertTrue("Missings should go with majority", conditions[1].acceptsMissings());
assertFalse("Missings should go with majority", conditions[2].acceptsMissings());
// test the case that there are missing values during training
final String missingCSV = "A, A, A, B, B, B, B, C, C, ?";
final String missingTarget = "1, 2, 2, 7, 6, 5, 2, 3, 1, 8";
dataCol = dataGen.createNominalAttributeColumn(missingCSV, "missing", 0);
targetCol = TestDataGenerator.createNumericTargetColumn(missingTarget);
weights = new double[10];
Arrays.fill(weights, 1.0);
indices = new int[10];
for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) {
indices[i] = i;
dataMemberships = new MockDataColMem(indices, indices, weights);
split = dataCol.calcBestSplitRegression(dataMemberships, targetCol.getPriors(weights, config), targetCol, rd);
assertNotNull("SplitCandidate may not be null.", split);
assertThat(split, instanceOf(NominalMultiwaySplitCandidate.class));
// assertEquals("Wrong gain.", 36.233333333, split.getGainValue(), 1e-5);
assertTrue("Conditions should handle missing values therefore the missedRows BitSet must be empty.", split.getMissedRows().isEmpty());
nomSplit = (NominalMultiwaySplitCandidate) split;
conditions = nomSplit.getChildConditions();
assertEquals("3 values (not counting missing values) therefore there must be 3 children.", 3, conditions.length);
assertEquals("Wrong value.", "A", conditions[0].getValue());
assertEquals("Wrong value.", "B", conditions[1].getValue());
assertEquals("Wrong value.", "C", conditions[2].getValue());
assertFalse("Missings should go with majority", conditions[0].acceptsMissings());
assertTrue("Missings should go with majority", conditions[1].acceptsMissings());
assertFalse("Missings should go with majority", conditions[2].acceptsMissings());
use of org.knime.base.node.mine.treeensemble2.learner.SplitCandidate in project knime-core by knime.
the class TreeNominalColumnDataTest method testCalcBestSplitCassificationBinaryTwoClassXGBoostMissingValue.
* Tests the XGBoost Missing value handling in case of a two class problem <br>
* currently not tested because missing value handling will probably be implemented differently.
* @throws Exception
// @Test
public void testCalcBestSplitCassificationBinaryTwoClassXGBoostMissingValue() throws Exception {
final TreeEnsembleLearnerConfiguration config = createConfig(false);
final TestDataGenerator dataGen = new TestDataGenerator(config);
// check correct behavior if no missing values are encountered during split search
Pair<TreeNominalColumnData, TreeTargetNominalColumnData> twoClassTennisData = twoClassTennisData(config);
TreeData treeData = dataGen.createTreeData(twoClassTennisData.getSecond(), twoClassTennisData.getFirst());
IDataIndexManager indexManager = new DefaultDataIndexManager(treeData);
double[] rowWeights = new double[TWO_CLASS_INDICES.length];
Arrays.fill(rowWeights, 1.0);
// DataMemberships dataMemberships = TestDataGenerator.createMockDataMemberships(TWO_CLASS_INDICES.length);
DataMemberships dataMemberships = new RootDataMemberships(rowWeights, treeData, indexManager);
TreeTargetNominalColumnData targetData = twoClassTennisData.getSecond();
TreeNominalColumnData columnData = twoClassTennisData.getFirst();
ClassificationPriors priors = targetData.getDistribution(rowWeights, config);
RandomData rd = TestDataGenerator.createRandomData();
SplitCandidate splitCandidate = columnData.calcBestSplitClassification(dataMemberships, priors, targetData, rd);
assertThat(splitCandidate, instanceOf(NominalBinarySplitCandidate.class));
NominalBinarySplitCandidate binarySplitCandidate = (NominalBinarySplitCandidate) splitCandidate;
TreeNodeNominalBinaryCondition[] childConditions = binarySplitCandidate.getChildConditions();
assertEquals(2, childConditions.length);
assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "R" }, childConditions[0].getValues());
assertArrayEquals(new String[] { "R" }, childConditions[1].getValues());
assertEquals(SetLogic.IS_NOT_IN, childConditions[0].getSetLogic());
assertEquals(SetLogic.IS_IN, childConditions[1].getSetLogic());
// check if missing values go left
// check correct behavior if missing values are encountered during split search
String dataContainingMissingsCSV = "S,?,O,R,S,R,S,O,O,?";
columnData = dataGen.createNominalAttributeColumn(dataContainingMissingsCSV, "column containing missing values", 0);
treeData = dataGen.createTreeData(targetData, columnData);
indexManager = new DefaultDataIndexManager(treeData);
dataMemberships = new RootDataMemberships(rowWeights, treeData, indexManager);
splitCandidate = columnData.calcBestSplitClassification(dataMemberships, priors, targetData, null);
binarySplitCandidate = (NominalBinarySplitCandidate) splitCandidate;
assertEquals("Gain was not as expected", 0.08, binarySplitCandidate.getGainValue(), 1e-8);
childConditions = binarySplitCandidate.getChildConditions();
String[] conditionValues = new String[] { "O", "?" };
assertArrayEquals("Values in nominal condition did not match", conditionValues, childConditions[0].getValues());
assertArrayEquals("Values in nominal condition did not match", conditionValues, childConditions[1].getValues());
assertEquals("Wrong set logic.", SetLogic.IS_NOT_IN, childConditions[0].getSetLogic());
assertEquals("Wrong set logic.", SetLogic.IS_IN, childConditions[1].getSetLogic());
assertFalse("Missig values are not sent to the correct child.", childConditions[0].acceptsMissings());
assertTrue("Missig values are not sent to the correct child.", childConditions[1].acceptsMissings());
use of org.knime.base.node.mine.treeensemble2.learner.SplitCandidate in project knime-core by knime.
the class TreeBitVectorColumnData method calcBestSplitRegression.
* {@inheritDoc}
public SplitCandidate calcBestSplitRegression(final DataMemberships dataMemberships, final RegressionPriors targetPriors, final TreeTargetNumericColumnData targetColumn, final RandomData rd) {
final double ySumTotal = targetPriors.getYSum();
final double nrRecordsTotal = targetPriors.getNrRecords();
final double criterionTotal = ySumTotal * ySumTotal / nrRecordsTotal;
final int minChildSize = getConfiguration().getMinChildSize();
final ColumnMemberships columnMemberships = dataMemberships.getColumnMemberships(getMetaData().getAttributeIndex());
double onWeights = 0.0;
double offWeights = 0.0;
double ySumOn = 0.0;
double ySumOff = 0.0;
while ( {
final double weight = columnMemberships.getRowWeight();
if (weight < EPSILON) {
// ignore record: not in current branch or not in sample
} else {
final double y = targetColumn.getValueFor(columnMemberships.getOriginalIndex());
if (m_columnBitSet.get(columnMemberships.getIndexInColumn())) {
onWeights += weight;
ySumOn += weight * y;
} else {
offWeights += weight;
ySumOff += weight * y;
if (onWeights < minChildSize || offWeights < minChildSize) {
return null;
final double onCriterion = ySumOn * ySumOn / onWeights;
final double offCriterion = ySumOff * ySumOff / offWeights;
final double gain = onCriterion + offCriterion - criterionTotal;
if (gain > 0) {
return new BitSplitCandidate(this, gain);
return null;
use of org.knime.base.node.mine.treeensemble2.learner.SplitCandidate in project knime-core by knime.
the class TreeBitVectorColumnData method calcBestSplitClassification.
* {@inheritDoc}
public SplitCandidate calcBestSplitClassification(final DataMemberships dataMemberships, final ClassificationPriors targetPriors, final TreeTargetNominalColumnData targetColumn, final RandomData rd) {
final NominalValueRepresentation[] targetVals = targetColumn.getMetaData().getValues();
final IImpurity impurityCriterion = targetPriors.getImpurityCriterion();
final int minChildSize = getConfiguration().getMinChildSize();
// distribution of target for On ('1') and Off ('0') bits
final double[] onTargetWeights = new double[targetVals.length];
final double[] offTargetWeights = new double[targetVals.length];
double onWeights = 0.0;
double offWeights = 0.0;
final ColumnMemberships columnMemberships = dataMemberships.getColumnMemberships(getMetaData().getAttributeIndex());
while ( {
final double weight = columnMemberships.getRowWeight();
if (weight < EPSILON) {
// ignore record: not in current branch or not in sample
assert false : "This code should never be reached!";
} else {
final int target = targetColumn.getValueFor(columnMemberships.getOriginalIndex());
if (m_columnBitSet.get(columnMemberships.getIndexInColumn())) {
onWeights += weight;
onTargetWeights[target] += weight;
} else {
offWeights += weight;
offTargetWeights[target] += weight;
if (onWeights < minChildSize || offWeights < minChildSize) {
return null;
final double weightSum = onWeights + offWeights;
final double onImpurity = impurityCriterion.getPartitionImpurity(onTargetWeights, onWeights);
final double offImpurity = impurityCriterion.getPartitionImpurity(offTargetWeights, offWeights);
final double[] partitionWeights = new double[] { onWeights, offWeights };
final double postSplitImpurity = impurityCriterion.getPostSplitImpurity(new double[] { onImpurity, offImpurity }, partitionWeights, weightSum);
final double gainValue = impurityCriterion.getGain(targetPriors.getPriorImpurity(), postSplitImpurity, partitionWeights, weightSum);
return new BitSplitCandidate(this, gainValue);
use of org.knime.base.node.mine.treeensemble2.learner.SplitCandidate in project knime-core by knime.
the class Surrogates method calculateSurrogates.
* This function finds the splits (in <b>candidates</b>) that best mirror the best split (<b>candidates[0]</b>). The
* splits are compared to the so called <i>majority split</i> that sends all records to the child that the most rows
* in the best split are sent to. This <i>majority split</i> is also always the last surrogate to guarantee that
* every record is sent to a child even if all surrogate attributes are also missing.
* @param dataMemberships
* @param candidates the first candidate must be the best split
* @return A SplitCandidate containing surrogates
public static SurrogateSplit calculateSurrogates(final DataMemberships dataMemberships, final SplitCandidate[] candidates) {
final SplitCandidate bestSplit = candidates[0];
TreeAttributeColumnData bestSplitCol = bestSplit.getColumnData();
TreeNodeCondition[] bestSplitChildConditions = bestSplit.getChildConditions();
if (bestSplitChildConditions.length != 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Surrogates can only be calculated for binary splits.");
BitSet bestSplitLeft = bestSplitCol.updateChildMemberships(bestSplitChildConditions[0], dataMemberships);
BitSet bestSplitRight = bestSplitCol.updateChildMemberships(bestSplitChildConditions[1], dataMemberships);
final double numRowsInNode = dataMemberships.getRowCount();
// probability for a row to be in the current node
final double probInNode = numRowsInNode / dataMemberships.getRowCountInRoot();
// probability for a row to go left according to the best split
final double bestSplitProbLeft = bestSplitLeft.cardinality() / numRowsInNode;
// probability for a row to go right according to the best split
final double bestSplitProbRight = bestSplitRight.cardinality() / numRowsInNode;
// the majority rule is always the last surrogate and defines a default direction if all other
// surrogates fail
final boolean majorityGoesLeft = bestSplitProbRight > bestSplitProbLeft ? false : true;
// see calculatAssociationMeasure() for more information
final double errorMajorityRule = majorityGoesLeft ? bestSplitProbRight : bestSplitProbLeft;
// stores association measure for candidates
ArrayList<SurrogateCandidate> surrogateCandidates = new ArrayList<SurrogateCandidate>();
for (int i = 1; i < candidates.length; i++) {
SplitCandidate surrogate = candidates[i];
TreeAttributeColumnData surrogateCol = surrogate.getColumnData();
TreeNodeCondition[] surrogateChildConditions = surrogate.getChildConditions();
if (surrogateChildConditions.length != 2) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Surrogates can only be calculated for binary splits.");
BitSet surrogateLeft = surrogateCol.updateChildMemberships(surrogateChildConditions[0], dataMemberships);
BitSet surrogateRight = surrogateCol.updateChildMemberships(surrogateChildConditions[1], dataMemberships);
BitSet bothLeft = (BitSet) bestSplitLeft.clone();
BitSet bothRight = (BitSet) bestSplitRight.clone();
// the complement of a split (switching the children) has the same gain value as the original split
BitSet complementBothLeft = (BitSet) bestSplitLeft.clone();
BitSet complementBothRight = (BitSet) bestSplitRight.clone();
// calculating the probability that the surrogate candidate and the best split send a case both in the same
// direction is necessary because there might be missing values which are not send in either direction
double probBothLeft = (bothLeft.cardinality() / numRowsInNode);
double probBothRight = (bothRight.cardinality() / numRowsInNode);
// the relative probability that the surrogate predicts the best split correctly
double predictProb = probBothLeft + probBothRight;
double probComplementBothLeft = (complementBothLeft.cardinality() / numRowsInNode);
double probComplementBothRight = (complementBothRight.cardinality() / numRowsInNode);
double complementPredictProb = probComplementBothLeft + probComplementBothRight;
double associationMeasure = calculateAssociationMeasure(errorMajorityRule, predictProb);
double complementAssociationMeasure = calculateAssociationMeasure(errorMajorityRule, complementPredictProb);
boolean useComplement = complementAssociationMeasure > associationMeasure ? true : false;
double betterAssociationMeasure = useComplement ? complementAssociationMeasure : associationMeasure;
assert betterAssociationMeasure <= 1 : "Association measure can not be greater than 1.";
if (betterAssociationMeasure > 0) {
BitSet[] childMarkers = new BitSet[] { surrogateLeft, surrogateRight };
surrogateCandidates.add(new SurrogateCandidate(surrogate, useComplement, betterAssociationMeasure, childMarkers));
BitSet[] childMarkers = new BitSet[] { bestSplitLeft, bestSplitRight };
// if there are no surrogates, create condition with default rule as only surrogate
if (surrogateCandidates.isEmpty()) {
fillInMissingChildMarkers(bestSplit, childMarkers, surrogateCandidates, majorityGoesLeft);
return new SurrogateSplit(new AbstractTreeNodeSurrogateCondition[] { new TreeNodeSurrogateOnlyDefDirCondition((TreeNodeColumnCondition) bestSplitChildConditions[0], majorityGoesLeft), new TreeNodeSurrogateOnlyDefDirCondition((TreeNodeColumnCondition) bestSplitChildConditions[1], !majorityGoesLeft) }, childMarkers);
int condSize = surrogateCandidates.size() + 1;
TreeNodeColumnCondition[] conditionsLeftChild = new TreeNodeColumnCondition[condSize];
TreeNodeColumnCondition[] conditionsRightChild = new TreeNodeColumnCondition[condSize];
conditionsLeftChild[0] = (TreeNodeColumnCondition) bestSplitChildConditions[0];
conditionsRightChild[0] = (TreeNodeColumnCondition) bestSplitChildConditions[1];
for (int i = 0; i < surrogateCandidates.size(); i++) {
SurrogateCandidate surrogateCandidate = surrogateCandidates.get(i);
TreeNodeCondition[] surrogateConditions = surrogateCandidate.getSplitCandidate().getChildConditions();
if (surrogateCandidate.m_useComplement) {
conditionsLeftChild[i + 1] = (TreeNodeColumnCondition) surrogateConditions[1];
conditionsRightChild[i + 1] = (TreeNodeColumnCondition) surrogateConditions[0];
} else {
conditionsLeftChild[i + 1] = (TreeNodeColumnCondition) surrogateConditions[0];
conditionsRightChild[i + 1] = (TreeNodeColumnCondition) surrogateConditions[1];
// check if there are any rows missing in the best split
if (!bestSplit.getMissedRows().isEmpty()) {
// fill in any missing child markers
fillInMissingChildMarkers(bestSplit, childMarkers, surrogateCandidates, majorityGoesLeft);
return new SurrogateSplit(new TreeNodeSurrogateCondition[] { new TreeNodeSurrogateCondition(conditionsLeftChild, majorityGoesLeft), new TreeNodeSurrogateCondition(conditionsRightChild, !majorityGoesLeft) }, childMarkers);