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Example 1 with HistogramLayout

use of org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.HistogramLayout in project knime-core by knime.

the class BarDataModel method updateBarWidth.

 * @param startX the x coordinate
 * @param newWidth the new bar width
 * @param barElementColors all element colors which define the order
 * the elements should be drawn
 * @param baseLine the base line
 * @param calculator the hilite shape calculator
public void updateBarWidth(final int startX, final int newWidth, final List<Color> barElementColors, final int baseLine, final HistogramHiliteCalculator calculator) {
    final Rectangle2D barRectangle = getShape();
    if (barRectangle == null) {
    final HistogramLayout layout = calculator.getLayout();
    final boolean drawElementsBefore = isPresentable();
    final int yCoord = (int) barRectangle.getY();
    final int barHeight = (int) barRectangle.getHeight();
    final Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(startX, yCoord, newWidth, barHeight);
    setRectangle(rect, baseLine, calculator);
    final int barWidth = (int) barRectangle.getWidth();
    final int barX = (int) barRectangle.getX();
    final int noOfElements = getNoOfElements();
    setPresentable(elementsFitInBar(layout, barElementColors, noOfElements, barWidth, barHeight), calculator);
    if (!isPresentable()) {
        // if the elements doesn't fit any way return here
    if (!drawElementsBefore) {
        // if the elements couldn't be draw before but now recalculate
        // them
        setElementRectangle(baseLine, barElementColors, calculator);
    if (HistogramLayout.STACKED.equals(layout)) {
        for (final Color elementColor : barElementColors) {
            final BarElementDataModel element = getElement(elementColor);
            if (element != null) {
                element.updateElementWidth(barX, barWidth, calculator);
    } else if (HistogramLayout.SIDE_BY_SIDE.equals(layout)) {
        int xCoord = barX;
        final int elementWidth = calculateSideBySideElementWidth(barElementColors, barWidth);
        for (final Color elementColor : barElementColors) {
            final BarElementDataModel element = getElement(elementColor);
            if (element != null) {
                element.updateElementWidth(xCoord, elementWidth, calculator);
            // add the bar width and the space between bars to the current
            // x coordinate
            xCoord += elementWidth + AbstractHistogramVizModel.SPACE_BETWEEN_ELEMENTS;
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Layout " + layout + " not supported");
Also used : Color(java.awt.Color) Rectangle2D(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) HistogramLayout(org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.HistogramLayout)

Example 2 with HistogramLayout

use of org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.HistogramLayout in project knime-core by knime.

the class BinDataModel method setBarRectangle.

 * Sets the rectangle for all bars in this bin.
 * @param baseLine the x coordinate of the base line (0) on the screen
 * @param barElementColors all element colors which define the order
 * the elements should be drawn
 * @param aggrColumns the aggregation column array which indicates
 * the order of the bars
private void setBarRectangle(final int baseLine, final List<Color> barElementColors, final Collection<? extends ColorColumn> aggrColumns, final HistogramHiliteCalculator calculator) {
    if (m_binRectangle == null) {
        final Collection<BarDataModel> bars = m_bars.values();
        // also reset the bar rectangle
        for (final BarDataModel bar : bars) {
            bar.setBarRectangle(null, baseLine, barElementColors, calculator);
    final AggregationMethod aggrMethod = calculator.getAggrMethod();
    final HistogramLayout layout = calculator.getLayout();
    final int binWidth = (int) m_binRectangle.getWidth();
    final int noOfBars = aggrColumns.size();
    m_presentable = elementsFitInBin(noOfBars, binWidth);
    if (!m_presentable) {
    // calculate the height
    final int binHeight = (int) m_binRectangle.getHeight();
    final double maxAggrVal = Math.max(getMaxAggregationValue(aggrMethod, layout), 0);
    final double minAggrVal = Math.min(getMinAggregationValue(aggrMethod, layout), 0);
    final double valRange = maxAggrVal + Math.abs(minAggrVal);
    if (valRange <= 0) {
        m_presentable = false;
    final int barWidth = calculateBarWidth(binWidth, noOfBars);
    final double heightPerVal = binHeight / valRange;
    final int binX = (int) m_binRectangle.getX();
    int xCoord = binX;
    for (final ColorColumn aggrColumn : aggrColumns) {
        final BarDataModel bar = m_bars.get(aggrColumn.getColor());
        if (bar != null) {
            // set the rectangle only for the bars which are available
            // in this bin
            final double barMaxAggrVal = Math.max(bar.getMaxAggregationValue(aggrMethod, layout), 0);
            final double barMinAggrVal = Math.min(bar.getMinAggregationValue(aggrMethod, layout), 0);
            final double aggrVal = barMaxAggrVal + Math.abs(barMinAggrVal);
            final int yCoord = (int) (baseLine - (barMaxAggrVal * heightPerVal));
            final int barHeight = (int) (aggrVal * heightPerVal);
            final Rectangle barRect = new Rectangle(xCoord, yCoord, barWidth, barHeight);
            bar.setBarRectangle(barRect, baseLine, barElementColors, calculator);
        // add the bar width and the space between bars to the current
        // x coordinate
        xCoord += barWidth + AbstractHistogramVizModel.SPACE_BETWEEN_BARS;
Also used : AggregationMethod(org.knime.base.node.viz.aggregation.AggregationMethod) ColorColumn(org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.util.ColorColumn) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) Point(java.awt.Point) HistogramLayout(org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.HistogramLayout)

Example 3 with HistogramLayout

use of org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.HistogramLayout in project knime-core by knime.

the class BarDataModel method setElementRectangle.

 * @param baseLine the x coordinate of the base line (0) on the screen
 * @param barElementColors all element colors which define the order
 * the elements should be drawn
private void setElementRectangle(final int baseLine, final List<Color> barElementColors, final HistogramHiliteCalculator calculator) {
    final Rectangle2D barRectangle = getShape();
    if (barRectangle == null) {
        // also reset the element rectangles
        final Collection<BarElementDataModel> elements = getElements();
        for (final BarElementDataModel element : elements) {
            element.setRectangle(null, calculator);
    final AggregationMethod aggrMethod = calculator.getAggrMethod();
    final HistogramLayout layout = calculator.getLayout();
    final double maxAggrVal = getMaxAggregationValue(aggrMethod, layout);
    final double minAggrVal = getMinAggregationValue(aggrMethod, layout);
    double valRange;
    if (minAggrVal < 0 && maxAggrVal > 0) {
        // if the bar contains negative and positive elements
        // we have to add the min and max aggregation value
        // to get the full range
        valRange = maxAggrVal + Math.abs(minAggrVal);
    } else {
        // if the bar contains either negative or positive elements
        // simply take the maximum since one of them is zero
        valRange = Math.max(Math.abs(maxAggrVal), Math.abs(minAggrVal));
    final int barHeight = (int) barRectangle.getHeight();
    final int barWidth = (int) barRectangle.getWidth();
    final int noOfElements = getNoOfElements();
    setPresentable(elementsFitInBar(layout, barElementColors, noOfElements, barWidth, barHeight), calculator);
    if (!isPresentable()) {
    if (HistogramLayout.STACKED.equals(layout)) {
        setStackedRectangles(barRectangle, barElementColors, valRange, aggrMethod, calculator);
    } else if (HistogramLayout.SIDE_BY_SIDE.equals(layout)) {
        setSideBySideRectangles(barRectangle, barElementColors, valRange, aggrMethod, baseLine, calculator);
    } else {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Layout " + layout + " not supported");
Also used : AggregationMethod(org.knime.base.node.viz.aggregation.AggregationMethod) Rectangle2D(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D) HistogramLayout(org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.HistogramLayout)

Example 4 with HistogramLayout

use of org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.HistogramLayout in project knime-core by knime.

the class AbstractHistogramPlotter method setHistogramBinRectangle.

 * Calculates and sets the drawing rectangle of each bin.
 * @param xCoordinates The <code>Coordinate</code> object which contains
 * the start position of an bar on the x axis
 * @param yCoordinates The <code>Coordinate</code> object which contains
 * the start position of an bar on the y axis
private static void setHistogramBinRectangle(final AbstractHistogramVizModel vizModel, final Coordinate xCoordinates, final Coordinate yCoordinates) {
    final Dimension drawingSpace = vizModel.getDrawingSpace();
    final int binWidth = vizModel.getBinWidth();
    final AggregationMethod aggrMethod = vizModel.getAggregationMethod();
    final List<Color> barElementColors = vizModel.getRowColors();
    final Collection<ColorColumn> aggrColumns = vizModel.getAggrColumns();
    final HistogramLayout layout = vizModel.getHistogramLayout();
    final HistogramHiliteCalculator calculator = vizModel.getHiliteCalculator();
    final double drawingWidth = drawingSpace.getWidth();
    final double drawingHeight = drawingSpace.getHeight();
    final int baseLine = (int) (drawingHeight - yCoordinates.calculateMappedValue(new DoubleCell(0), drawingHeight));
    // this is the minimum size of a bar with an aggregation value > 0
    final int minHeight = Math.max((int) HistogramDrawingPane.getBarStrokeWidth(), AbstractHistogramVizModel.MINIMUM_BAR_HEIGHT);
    // final int binWidth = getBinWidth();
    for (final BinDataModel bin : vizModel.getBins()) {
        final DataCell captionCell = bin.getXAxisCaptionCell();
        final double labelCoord = xCoordinates.calculateMappedValue(captionCell, drawingWidth);
        if (labelCoord < 0) {
            // this bin is not on the x axis (because it is empty and the
            // empty bins shouldn't be displayed) so we simply set the
            // rectangle to null and continue
            bin.setBinRectangle(null, baseLine, barElementColors, aggrColumns, calculator);
        // if the maximum value is negative use 0 to end at the base line
        final double maxAggrVal = Math.max(bin.getMaxAggregationValue(aggrMethod, layout), 0);
        // if the minimum value is positive use 0 to start at the base line
        final double minAggrVal = Math.min(bin.getMinAggregationValue(aggrMethod, layout), 0);
        // subtract half of the bar width from the start position to place
        // the middle point of the bar on the mapped coordinate position
        final int xCoord = (int) (labelCoord - (binWidth / 2.0));
        final int upperY = (int) (drawingHeight - yCoordinates.calculateMappedValue(new DoubleCell(maxAggrVal), drawingHeight));
        final int lowerY = (int) (drawingHeight - yCoordinates.calculateMappedValue(new DoubleCell(minAggrVal), drawingHeight));
        final Rectangle binRect = calculateBorderRectangle(xCoord, lowerY, upperY, minHeight, binWidth, maxAggrVal, baseLine);
        bin.setBinRectangle(binRect, baseLine, barElementColors, aggrColumns, calculator);
// end of for loop over the x axis coordinates
Also used : AggregationMethod(org.knime.base.node.viz.aggregation.AggregationMethod) DoubleCell( Color(java.awt.Color) ColorColumn(org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.util.ColorColumn) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) BinDataModel(org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.datamodel.BinDataModel) Dimension(java.awt.Dimension) Point(java.awt.Point) HistogramHiliteCalculator(org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.datamodel.AbstractHistogramVizModel.HistogramHiliteCalculator) DataCell( HistogramLayout(org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.HistogramLayout)

Example 5 with HistogramLayout

use of org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.HistogramLayout in project knime-core by knime.

the class HistogramDrawingPane method paintContent.

// **********************************************
/*--------- the drawing methods ----------------*/
// **********************************************
 * {@inheritDoc}
public void paintContent(final Graphics g) {
    final Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
    final Rectangle2D bounds = getBounds();
    String msg = m_infoMsg;
    final AbstractHistogramVizModel vizModel = m_vizModel;
    if (vizModel == null || vizModel.getBins() == null) {
        // if we have no bins and no info message display a no bars info
        if (msg == null) {
            msg = "No bins to display";
    // check if we have to display an information message
    if (msg != null) {
        DrawingUtils.drawMessage(g2, INFO_MSG_FONT, msg, bounds);
    if (m_updatePropertiesPanel && m_properties != null) {
        m_updatePropertiesPanel = false;
    // check if we have to draw the grid lines
    if (vizModel.isShowGridLines() && m_gridLines != null) {
        for (final int gridLine : m_gridLines) {
            DrawingUtils.paintHorizontalLine(g2, 0, gridLine, (int) bounds.getWidth(), GRID_LINE_COLOR, GRID_LINE_STROKE);
    // get all variables which are needed multiple times
    final AggregationMethod aggrMethod = vizModel.getAggregationMethod();
    // final Collection<ColorColumn> aggrColumns =
    // vizModel.getAggrColumns();
    final HistogramLayout layout = vizModel.getHistogramLayout();
    // if the user has selected more then one aggregation column we have to
    // draw the bar outline to how him which bar belongs to which aggregation
    // column
    final boolean drawBinOutline = vizModel.isShowBinOutline();
    final boolean drawBarOutline = vizModel.isShowBarOutline();
    // (aggrColumns != null
    // && aggrColumns.size() > 1)
    // || HistogramLayout.SIDE_BY_SIDE.equals(
    // m_vizModel.getHistogramLayout());
    final boolean showElementOutline = vizModel.isShowElementOutline();
    final LabelDisplayPolicy labelDisplayPolicy = vizModel.getLabelDisplayPolicy();
    final boolean showLabelVertical = vizModel.isShowLabelVertical();
    final float barOutlineAlpha;
    if (HistogramLayout.SIDE_BY_SIDE.equals(vizModel.getHistogramLayout())) {
    } else {
        barOutlineAlpha = BAR_STACKED_SURROUNDING_ALPHA;
    // loop over all bins and paint them
    for (final BinDataModel bin : vizModel.getBins()) {
        if (drawBinOutline) {
            DrawingUtils.drawRectangle(g2, bin.getSurroundingRectangle(), BIN_SURROUNDING_COLOR, BIN_SURROUNDING_STROKE);
        if (!bin.isPresentable()) {
            // the bars doen't fit in this bin so we have to
            // fill the complete bin in black to show it to the user
            DrawingUtils.drawBlock(g2, bin.getBinRectangle(), OVERLOADED_ELEMENT_FILLING, OVERLOADED_ELEMENT_ALPHA);
            if (bin.isSelected()) {
                DrawingUtils.drawRectangle(g2, bin.getBinRectangle(), ELEMENT_SELECTED_OUTLINE_COLOR, ELEMENT_SELECTED_OUTLINE_STROKE);
            if (bin instanceof InteractiveBinDataModel) {
                final InteractiveBinDataModel interactiveBin = (InteractiveBinDataModel) bin;
                drawHiliteRect(g2, interactiveBin.getHiliteRectangle());
        final Collection<BarDataModel> bars = bin.getBars();
        for (final BarDataModel bar : bars) {
            if (drawBarOutline) {
                // draw the outline of the bar if we have multiple
                // aggregation columns
                DrawingUtils.drawBlock(g2, bar.getSurroundingRectangle(), bar.getColor(), barOutlineAlpha);
            if (bar.isPresentable()) {
                drawElements(g2, bar.getElements(), showElementOutline);
            } else {
                // the elements doen't fit in this bar so we have to
                // fill the complete bar to show it to the user
                final Rectangle2D barRectangle = bar.getShape();
                DrawingUtils.drawBlock(g2, barRectangle, OVERLOADED_ELEMENT_FILLING, OVERLOADED_ELEMENT_ALPHA);
                if (bar.isSelected()) {
                    DrawingUtils.drawRectangle(g2, barRectangle, ELEMENT_SELECTED_OUTLINE_COLOR, ELEMENT_SELECTED_OUTLINE_STROKE);
                if (bar instanceof InteractiveBarDataModel) {
                    final InteractiveBarDataModel interactiveBar = (InteractiveBarDataModel) bar;
                    drawHiliteRect(g2, interactiveBar.getHiliteShape());
            // draw the bar label at last to have them on top
            drawLabels(g2, bar, aggrMethod, layout, bounds, labelDisplayPolicy, showLabelVertical);
    // end of bar loop
    // check if we have to draw the base line
    if (m_baseLine != null) {
        DrawingUtils.paintHorizontalLine(g2, 0, m_baseLine.intValue(), (int) bounds.getWidth(), BASE_LINE_COLOR, BASE_LINE_STROKE);
Also used : AggregationMethod(org.knime.base.node.viz.aggregation.AggregationMethod) LabelDisplayPolicy(org.knime.base.node.viz.aggregation.util.LabelDisplayPolicy) AbstractHistogramVizModel(org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.datamodel.AbstractHistogramVizModel) Rectangle2D(java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D) BinDataModel(org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.datamodel.BinDataModel) InteractiveBinDataModel(org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.datamodel.InteractiveBinDataModel) InteractiveBinDataModel(org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.datamodel.InteractiveBinDataModel) TexturePaint(java.awt.TexturePaint) Paint(java.awt.Paint) Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D) InteractiveBarDataModel(org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.datamodel.InteractiveBarDataModel) BarDataModel(org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.datamodel.BarDataModel) InteractiveBarDataModel(org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.datamodel.InteractiveBarDataModel) HistogramLayout(org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.HistogramLayout)


HistogramLayout (org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.HistogramLayout)6 AggregationMethod (org.knime.base.node.viz.aggregation.AggregationMethod)5 Rectangle (java.awt.Rectangle)4 Rectangle2D (java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D)4 Color (java.awt.Color)2 Point (java.awt.Point)2 BinDataModel (org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.datamodel.BinDataModel)2 ColorColumn (org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.util.ColorColumn)2 Dimension (java.awt.Dimension)1 Graphics2D (java.awt.Graphics2D)1 Paint (java.awt.Paint)1 TexturePaint (java.awt.TexturePaint)1 LabelDisplayPolicy (org.knime.base.node.viz.aggregation.util.LabelDisplayPolicy)1 AbstractHistogramVizModel (org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.datamodel.AbstractHistogramVizModel)1 HistogramHiliteCalculator (org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.datamodel.AbstractHistogramVizModel.HistogramHiliteCalculator)1 BarDataModel (org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.datamodel.BarDataModel)1 InteractiveBarDataModel (org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.datamodel.InteractiveBarDataModel)1 InteractiveBinDataModel (org.knime.base.node.viz.histogram.datamodel.InteractiveBinDataModel)1 DataCell ( DoubleCell (