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Example 31 with RowIterator

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class SubgroupMinerModel method preprocess.

private List<BitVectorValue> preprocess(final DataTable inData, final ExecutionMonitor exec) throws CanceledExecutionException {
    // TODO: check in configure that only Double values are in the table
    m_tidRowKeyMapping = new HashMap<Integer, RowKey>();
    m_nrOfRows = 0;
    int totalNrRows = ((BufferedDataTable) inData).getRowCount();
    m_maxBitsetLength = 0;
    List<BitVectorValue> bitSets = new ArrayList<BitVectorValue>();
    int bitVectorIndex = inData.getDataTableSpec().findColumnIndex(m_bitVectorColumn.getStringValue());
    if (bitVectorIndex < 0) {
        return new ArrayList<BitVectorValue>();
    for (RowIterator itr = inData.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
        DataRow currRow =;
        DataCell dc = currRow.getCell(bitVectorIndex);
        if (dc.isMissing()) {
        BitVectorValue currCell = ((BitVectorValue) currRow.getCell(bitVectorIndex));
        if (currCell.length() > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("bit vector in row " + currRow.getKey().getString() + " is too long: " + currCell.length() + ". Only bit vectors up to " + Integer.MAX_VALUE + " are supported by this node.");
        m_maxBitsetLength = Math.max(m_maxBitsetLength, (int) currCell.length());
        m_tidRowKeyMapping.put(m_nrOfRows, currRow.getKey());
        exec.setProgress((double) m_nrOfRows / (double) totalNrRows, "preprocessing......." + m_nrOfRows);
    LOGGER.debug("max length: " + m_maxBitsetLength);
    return bitSets;
Also used : RowKey( RowIterator( BufferedDataTable(org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataTable) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DataCell( BitVectorValue( DataRow(

Example 32 with RowIterator

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class Rule2DDrawingPane method paintRules.

private synchronized void paintRules(final Graphics g) {
    if (m_normRules == null || !m_normRules.iterator().hasNext()) {
    m_coreRegions = new HashMap<RowKey, Rectangle>();
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
    RowIterator orgItr = m_orgData.iterator();
    for (Iterator<DataRow> it = m_normRules.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
        DataRow row =;
        DataRow orgRow =;
        // or if rule is hilited
        if (!m_hideUnhilitedRules || m_hiLiteHandler.isHiLit(row.getKey())) {
            // check whether the rule is selected or hilited
            boolean selected = m_selectedRules.contains(row.getKey());
            boolean hilite = false;
            if (m_hiLiteHandler != null) {
                hilite = m_hiLiteHandler.isHiLit(row.getKey());
            Color currColor = m_orgData.getDataTableSpec().getRowColor(orgRow).getColor(selected, hilite);
            FuzzyIntervalValue x = (FuzzyIntervalValue) row.getCell(0);
            FuzzyIntervalValue y = (FuzzyIntervalValue) row.getCell(1);
            // fuzzy rule
            if (x.getMinSupport() != x.getMinCore() || x.getMaxCore() != x.getMaxSupport() || y.getMinSupport() != y.getMinCore() || y.getMaxCore() != y.getMaxSupport()) {
                paintSupportArea(g2, row, currColor);
            paintCoreArea(g2, row, currColor);
    // end is unhiliting?
// end for
Also used : FuzzyIntervalValue( RowKey( RowIterator( Color(java.awt.Color) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) DataRow( Graphics2D(java.awt.Graphics2D)

Example 33 with RowIterator

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class Rule2DPlotter method updatePaintModel.

 * {@inheritDoc}
protected void updatePaintModel() {
    if (m_rules != null) {
        Rule2DDrawingPane drawingPane = getDrawingPane();
        String xName = getXColName();
        String yName = getYColName();
        int xIdx = -1;
        int yIdx = -1;
        if (xName != null && yName != null) {
            xIdx = m_rules.getDataTableSpec().findColumnIndex(xName);
            yIdx = m_rules.getDataTableSpec().findColumnIndex(yName);
        if (xIdx >= 0 && yIdx >= 0) {
            Coordinate x = getColHeader().getCoordinate();
            Coordinate y = getRowHeader().getCoordinate();
            // check if the coordinates are valid
            if (x == null || y == null) {
            // calculate the coordinates of the rules here
            // List<DataRow> rows = new ArrayList<DataRow>();
            DataColumnSpecCreator creator = new DataColumnSpecCreator("xValues", FuzzyIntervalCell.TYPE);
            DataColumnSpec col1 = creator.createSpec();
            creator = new DataColumnSpecCreator("yValues", FuzzyIntervalCell.TYPE);
            DataColumnSpec col2 = creator.createSpec();
            DataTableSpec spec = new DataTableSpec(new DataColumnSpec[] { col1, col2 });
            DataContainer rows = new DataContainer(spec);
            for (RowIterator itr = m_rules.iterator(); itr.hasNext(); ) {
                DataRow currRow =;
                DataCell[] newCells = new DataCell[2];
                for (int cell = 0; cell < currRow.getNumCells(); cell++) {
                    // if (!m_rules.getDataTableSpec().getColumnSpec(cell)
                    // .getType().isCompatible(
                    // FuzzyIntervalValue.class)) {
                    // continue;
                    // }
                    Rectangle rect = calculateDrawingRectangle();
                    double a;
                    double b;
                    double c;
                    double d;
                    if (cell == xIdx) {
                        if (currRow.getCell(cell).isMissing()) {
                            // normalize xValues
                            a = getXmin();
                            b = getXmin();
                            c = getXmax();
                            d = getXmax();
                        } else {
                            // normalize xValues
                            a = ((FuzzyIntervalValue) currRow.getCell(cell)).getMinSupport();
                            b = ((FuzzyIntervalValue) currRow.getCell(cell)).getMinCore();
                            c = ((FuzzyIntervalValue) currRow.getCell(cell)).getMaxCore();
                            d = ((FuzzyIntervalValue) currRow.getCell(cell)).getMaxSupport();
                        double newA = x.calculateMappedValue(new DoubleCell(a), rect.width, true);
                        double newB = x.calculateMappedValue(new DoubleCell(b), rect.width, true);
                        double newC = x.calculateMappedValue(new DoubleCell(c), rect.width, true);
                        double newD = x.calculateMappedValue(new DoubleCell(d), rect.width, true);
                        DataCell newInterval = new FuzzyIntervalCell(rect.x + newA, rect.x + newB, rect.x + newC, rect.x + newD);
                        newCells[0] = newInterval;
                    if (cell == yIdx) {
                        if (currRow.getCell(cell).isMissing()) {
                            a = getYmin();
                            b = getYmin();
                            c = getYmax();
                            d = getYmax();
                        } else {
                            // normalize yValues
                            a = ((FuzzyIntervalValue) currRow.getCell(cell)).getMinSupport();
                            b = ((FuzzyIntervalValue) currRow.getCell(cell)).getMinCore();
                            c = ((FuzzyIntervalValue) currRow.getCell(cell)).getMaxCore();
                            d = ((FuzzyIntervalValue) currRow.getCell(cell)).getMaxSupport();
                        double newA = y.calculateMappedValue(new DoubleCell(a), rect.height, true);
                        double newB = y.calculateMappedValue(new DoubleCell(b), rect.height, true);
                        double newC = y.calculateMappedValue(new DoubleCell(c), rect.height, true);
                        double newD = y.calculateMappedValue(new DoubleCell(d), rect.height, true);
                        DataCell newInterval = new FuzzyIntervalCell(rect.y + rect.height - newD, rect.y + rect.height - newC, rect.y + rect.height - newB, rect.y + rect.height - newA);
                        newCells[1] = newInterval;
                // create new row out of the normalized cells
                rows.addRowToTable(new DefaultRow(currRow.getKey(), newCells));
            drawingPane.setNormalizedRules(new DefaultDataArray(rows.getTable(), 1, m_rules.size()));
Also used : DataTableSpec( DataColumnSpecCreator( DoubleCell( DefaultDataArray(org.knime.base.node.util.DefaultDataArray) Rectangle(java.awt.Rectangle) DataRow( FuzzyIntervalCell( DataContainer( DataColumnSpec( Coordinate(org.knime.base.util.coordinate.Coordinate) RowIterator( DataCell( DefaultRow(

Example 34 with RowIterator

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class TableRowToImageNodeModel method execute.

 * {@inheritDoc}
protected PortObject[] execute(final PortObject[] inObjects, final ExecutionContext exec) throws Exception {
    BufferedDataTable inTable = (BufferedDataTable) inObjects[0];
    // check for empty table
    if (inTable.size() == 0) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input table is empty.");
    // warn if more than one row
    if (inTable.size() > 1) {
        setWarningMessage("Input data table has more than one rows! " + "Using first row only.");
    String column = m_imageColSettingsModel.getStringValue();
    DataTableSpec inSpec = inTable.getDataTableSpec();
    int columnIndex = inSpec.findColumnIndex(column);
    if (columnIndex < 0) {
        columnIndex = findImageColumnIndex(inSpec);
    ImagePortObjectSpec imagePortObjectSpec = new ImagePortObjectSpec(inSpec.getColumnSpec(columnIndex).getType());
    final RowIterator it = inTable.iterator();
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        DataRow row =;
        DataCell cell = row.getCell(columnIndex);
        if (!cell.isMissing()) {
            ImageContent ic = ((ImageValue) cell).getImageContent();
            return new PortObject[] { new ImagePortObject(ic, imagePortObjectSpec) };
        } else {
            setWarningMessage("Found missing image cell, skipping it...");
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input table contains only missing cells.");
Also used : DataTableSpec( ImagePortObjectSpec(org.knime.core.node.port.image.ImagePortObjectSpec) SettingsModelString(org.knime.core.node.defaultnodesettings.SettingsModelString) ImagePortObject(org.knime.core.node.port.image.ImagePortObject) DataRow( ImageContent( RowIterator( BufferedDataTable(org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataTable) DataCell( ImageValue( PortObject(org.knime.core.node.port.PortObject) ImagePortObject(org.knime.core.node.port.image.ImagePortObject)

Example 35 with RowIterator

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class AppendedRowsIterator method initNextTable.

 * Start iterator on next table.
private void initNextTable() {
    assert (m_curItIndex < m_iteratorSuppliers.length - 1);
    Pair<RowIterator, DataTableSpec> pair = m_iteratorSuppliers[m_curItIndex].get();
    m_curIterator = pair.getFirst();
    DataTableSpec spec = pair.getSecond();
    int missingNumber = m_spec.getNumColumns() - spec.getNumColumns();
    m_curMissingCells = new DataCell[missingNumber];
    int missingCounter = 0;
    m_curMapping = new int[m_spec.getNumColumns()];
    for (int c = 0; c < m_spec.getNumColumns(); c++) {
        DataColumnSpec colSpec = m_spec.getColumnSpec(c);
        int targetCol = spec.findColumnIndex(colSpec.getName());
        if (targetCol < 0) {
            // that is one of the "missing" columns
            targetCol = spec.getNumColumns() + missingCounter;
            // create the missing cell
            m_curMissingCells[missingCounter] = DataType.getMissingCell();
        m_curMapping[c] = targetCol;
    boolean leaveUntouched = missingCounter == 0;
    for (int i = 0; leaveUntouched && i < m_curMapping.length; i++) {
        if (m_curMapping[i] != i) {
            leaveUntouched = false;
    if (leaveUntouched) {
        m_curMapping = null;
        m_curMissingCells = null;
    assert missingCounter == missingNumber;
Also used : DataTableSpec( DataColumnSpec( CloseableRowIterator( RowIterator(


RowIterator ( DataRow ( DataCell ( DataTableSpec ( RowKey ( DoubleValue ( BufferedDataTable (org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataTable)13 DataColumnSpec ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)9 DefaultRow ( PreparedStatement (java.sql.PreparedStatement)7 DataType ( BufferedDataContainer (org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataContainer)6 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)5 Random (java.util.Random)5 TimeZone (java.util.TimeZone)5 DataTable ( DoubleCell ( StringCell ( CanceledExecutionException (org.knime.core.node.CanceledExecutionException)5