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Example 1 with DataType

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class RuleSetToTable method execute.

 * Performs the conversion.
 * @param exec An {@link ExecutionContext}.
 * @param pmmlPo The input {@link PMMLPortObject}.
 * @return The created {@link BufferedDataTable}.
 * @throws CanceledExecutionException Execition was cancelled.
 * @throws InvalidSettingsException No or more than one RuleSet model is in the PMML input.
public BufferedDataTable execute(final ExecutionContext exec, final PMMLPortObject pmmlPo) throws CanceledExecutionException, InvalidSettingsException {
    // TODO should the rule selection method be an output flow variable?
    if (pmmlPo.getPMMLValue().getModels(PMMLModelType.RuleSetModel).size() != 1) {
        throw new InvalidSettingsException("Only a single RuleSet model is supported.");
    PMMLRuleTranslator ruleTranslator = new PMMLRuleTranslator();
    List<Rule> rules = ruleTranslator.getRules();
    final DataTableSpec confSpec = configure(pmmlPo.getSpec());
    final List<String> scoreValues = new ArrayList<>();
    final DataTableSpec properSpec = confSpec != null ? confSpec : properSpec(rules, scoreValues);
    BufferedDataContainer container = exec.createDataContainer(properSpec);
    List<DataColumnSpec> targetCols = pmmlPo.getSpec().getTargetCols();
    DataType outcomeType = targetCols.get(0).getType();
    long idx = 0L;
    int rulesSize = rules.size();
    Map<String, DataType> types = new LinkedHashMap<>();
    for (DataColumnSpec col : pmmlPo.getSpec().getLearningCols()) {
        types.put(col.getName(), col.getType());
    for (Rule rule : rules) {
        exec.setProgress(1.0 * idx++ / rulesSize);
        container.addRowToTable(new DefaultRow(RowKey.createRowKey(idx), createRow(rule, outcomeType, types, scoreValues)));
    return container.getTable();
Also used : DataTableSpec( BufferedDataContainer(org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataContainer) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) PMMLRuleTranslator(org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.pmml.PMMLRuleTranslator) LinkedHashMap(java.util.LinkedHashMap) DataColumnSpec( InvalidSettingsException(org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException) DataType( Rule(org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.pmml.PMMLRuleTranslator.Rule) DefaultRow(

Example 2 with DataType

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class RuleEngine2PortsSimpleNodeDialog method updateErrorsAndWarnings.

 * Updates the errors table, the warning text area and the computed outcome type.
protected void updateErrorsAndWarnings() {
    // Checking data from second input port
    final int ruleIdx = getRules() == null ? -1 : getRules().getSpec().findColumnIndex(m_ruleColumn.getSelectedColumn());
    final int outcomeIdx = getRules() == null ? -1 : getRules().getSpec().findColumnIndex(m_outcomeColumn.getSelectedColumn());
    if (getRules() != null && isSpecAvailable() && ruleIdx >= 0) {
        RuleFactory factory = ruleFactory();
        long lineNo = 0;
        boolean wasCatchAll = false;
        final boolean firstHit = isFirstHit();
        List<Rule> rules = new ArrayList<>();
        for (DataRow dataRow : getRules()) {
            DataCell ruleCell = dataRow.getCell(ruleIdx);
            if (ruleCell.isMissing()) {
                // String cellValue = "?";
                // if (ruleCell instanceof MissingValue) {
                // cellValue += " (" + ((MissingValue)ruleCell).getError() + ")";
                // }
                m_errorsModel.addRow(new Object[] { dataRow.getKey(), ruleCell, "Missing cell" });
            if (ruleCell instanceof StringValue) {
                StringValue ruleSV = (StringValue) ruleCell;
                String ruleText = ruleSV.getStringValue().replaceAll("[\r\n]+", " ");
                if (outcomeIdx >= 0) {
                    DataCell outcome = dataRow.getCell(outcomeIdx);
                    String outcomeString;
                    try {
                        outcomeString = m_settings.asStringFailForMissing(outcome);
                    } catch (InvalidSettingsException e) {
                        outcomeString = "?";
                    if (m_ruleType.onlyBooleanOutcome()) {
                        if ("\"TRUE\"".equalsIgnoreCase(outcomeString)) {
                            outcomeString = "TRUE";
                        } else if ("\"FALSE\"".equalsIgnoreCase(outcomeString)) {
                            outcomeString = "FALSE";
                    ruleText += " => " + outcomeString;
                try {
                    Rule rule = factory.parse(ruleText, getDataSpec(), getAvailableFlowVariables());
                    String origWarning = !m_warnings.getText().isEmpty() ? m_warnings.getText() + "\n" : "";
                    Condition cond = rule.getCondition();
                    if (cond.isEnabled()) {
                        // not comment
                        if (cond.isCatchAll() && !wasCatchAll && firstHit && lineNo < getRules().size()) {
                            m_warnings.setText(origWarning + "No rules will match after line " + lineNo + " (" + dataRow.getKey() + "). Because of rule: " + ruleText);
                        wasCatchAll |= cond.isCatchAll() && firstHit;
                        if (!wasCatchAll && cond.isConstantFalse()) {
                            m_warnings.setText(origWarning + "The rule in line " + lineNo + " (" + dataRow.getKey() + ") will never match: " + ruleText);
                } catch (ParseException e) {
                    m_errorsModel.addRow(new Object[] { dataRow.getKey(), ruleText, e.getMessage() });
            } else {
                // Missings were handled previously
                if (!ruleCell.isMissing()) {
                    m_errorsModel.addRow(new Object[] { dataRow.getKey(), ruleCell.toString(), "Wrong type: " + ruleCell.getType() });
        final DataColumnSpec outcomeSpec = m_outcomeColumn.getSelectedColumnAsSpec();
        DataType dataType = RuleEngineNodeModel.computeOutputType(rules, outcomeSpec == null ? StringCell.TYPE : outcomeSpec.getType(), m_ruleType, getSettings().isDisallowLongOutputForCompatibility());
        if (dataType != null) {
Also used : Condition(org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.Condition) RuleFactory(org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.RuleFactory) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DataRow( DataColumnSpec( InvalidSettingsException(org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException) DataCell( DataType( PortObject(org.knime.core.node.port.PortObject) Rule(org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.Rule) ParseException(java.text.ParseException) StringValue(

Example 3 with DataType

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class RuleEngineVariable2PortsNodeModel method computeOutputType.

 * Computes the result's {@link DataType}.
 * @param rules The rules.
 * @return The common base type of the outcomes.
static DataType computeOutputType(final List<Rule> rules, final DataType columnType) {
    // determine output type
    List<DataType> types = new ArrayList<DataType>();
    // add outcome column types
    for (Rule r : rules) {
    final DataType outType;
    if (types.size() > 0) {
        DataType temp = types.get(0);
        for (int i = 1; i < types.size(); i++) {
            temp = DataType.getCommonSuperType(temp, types.get(i));
        if ((temp.getValueClasses().size() == 1) && temp.getValueClasses().contains(DataValue.class)) {
            // a non-native type, we replace it with string
            temp = StringCell.TYPE;
        outType = temp;
    } else {
        outType = columnType;
    return outType;
Also used : DataValue( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DataType( Rule(org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.Rule)

Example 4 with DataType

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class RuleEngineVariable2PortsNodeModel method performExecute.

 * Creates the flow variable according to the computed value.
 * @param rules The rules to check for match.
 * @throws InvalidSettingsException When there is an error in the settings.
private void performExecute(final List<Rule> rules, final DataType outcomeColumnType) throws InvalidSettingsException {
    String newFlowVar = m_newVariableName;
    if (newFlowVar == null || newFlowVar.isEmpty()) {
        newFlowVar = DEFAULT_VARIABLE_NAME;
    final DataType outType = computeOutputType(rules, outcomeColumnType);
    final VariableProvider provider = new VariableProvider() {

        public Object readVariable(final String name, final Class<?> type) {
            return RuleEngineVariable2PortsNodeModel.this.readVariable(name, type);

        public int getRowCount() {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Row count is not available.");

        public long getRowCountLong() {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Row count is not available.");

        public int getRowIndex() {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Row index is not available.");

        public long getRowIndexLong() {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Row index is not available.");
    boolean wasMatch = false;
    for (Rule r : rules) {
        if (r.getCondition().matches(null, provider).getOutcome() == MatchState.matchedAndStop) {
            Outcome outcome2 = r.getOutcome();
            // r.getSideEffect().perform(row, this);
            final DataCell cell = (DataCell) outcome2.getComputedResult(null, provider);
            wasMatch = true;
            if (outType.equals(StringCell.TYPE) && !cell.isMissing() && !cell.getType().equals(StringCell.TYPE)) {
                pushFlowVariableString(newFlowVar, cell.toString());
            } else {
                if (cell.isMissing()) {
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Missing result, TODO");
                if (outType.equals(IntCell.TYPE)) {
                    pushFlowVariableInt(newFlowVar, ((IntValue) cell).getIntValue());
                } else if (outType.equals(DoubleCell.TYPE)) {
                    pushFlowVariableDouble(newFlowVar, ((DoubleValue) cell).getDoubleValue());
                } else if (outType.equals(StringCell.TYPE)) {
                    pushFlowVariableString(newFlowVar, ((StringValue) cell).getStringValue());
                } else {
                    // TODO
                    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Wrong type: " + cell.getClass());
    if (!wasMatch) {
        if (outType.equals(StringCell.TYPE)) {
            pushFlowVariableString(newFlowVar, "");
        } else if (outType.equals(IntCell.TYPE)) {
            pushFlowVariableInt(newFlowVar, 0);
        } else {
            pushFlowVariableDouble(newFlowVar, 0.0);
Also used : DoubleValue( VariableProvider(org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.VariableProvider) FlowVariableProvider(org.knime.ext.sun.nodes.script.calculator.FlowVariableProvider) Outcome(org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.Rule.Outcome) DataType( DataCell( Rule(org.knime.base.node.rules.engine.Rule)

Example 5 with DataType

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class StringManipulationSettings method getNewColSpec.

 * The column spec of the generated column.
 * @return The col spec.
 * @throws InvalidSettingsException If settings are inconsistent.
public DataColumnSpec getNewColSpec() throws InvalidSettingsException {
    Class<?> returnType = getReturnType();
    String colName = getColName();
    boolean isArrayReturn = false;
    DataType type = null;
    for (JavaSnippetType<?, ?, ?> t : JavaSnippetType.TYPES) {
        if (t.getJavaClass(false).equals(returnType)) {
            type = t.getKNIMEDataType(isArrayReturn);
    if (type == null) {
        throw new InvalidSettingsException("Illegal return type: " + returnType.getName());
    return new DataColumnSpecCreator(colName, type).createSpec();
Also used : DataColumnSpecCreator( InvalidSettingsException(org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException) DataType(


DataType ( DataColumnSpec ( DataTableSpec ( DataCell ( InvalidSettingsException (org.knime.core.node.InvalidSettingsException)95 DataColumnSpecCreator ( DoubleValue ( DataRow ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)55 SettingsModelString (org.knime.core.node.defaultnodesettings.SettingsModelString)34 ColumnRearranger ( DefaultRow ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)23 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)20 StringCell ( NominalValue ( DoubleCell ( IntCell ( BitVectorValue ( ByteVectorValue (