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Example 1 with SpecAndFactoryObject

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class RearrangeColumnsTable method calcNewColsASynchronously.

 * Processes input concurrently using a {@link ConcurrentNewColCalculator}.
private static void calcNewColsASynchronously(final BufferedDataTable table, final ExecutionMonitor subProgress, final NewColumnsProducerMapping newColsProducerMapping, final DataContainer container) throws CanceledExecutionException {
    long finalRowCount = table.size();
    CellFactory facForProgress = null;
    int workers = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    int queueSize = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    Collection<SpecAndFactoryObject> newColsFactories = newColsProducerMapping.getAllNewColumnsList();
    for (SpecAndFactoryObject specAndFac : newColsFactories) {
        if (specAndFac.getFactory() instanceof AbstractCellFactory) {
            AbstractCellFactory acf = (AbstractCellFactory) specAndFac.getFactory();
            workers = Math.min(workers, acf.getMaxParallelWorkers());
            queueSize = Math.min(queueSize, acf.getMaxQueueSize());
        } else {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Coding problem: This method" + " should not have been called as the cell factories do not allow parallel processing");
        if ((facForProgress == null) || !specAndFac.isNewColumn()) {
            facForProgress = specAndFac.getFactory();
    assert facForProgress != null;
    assert workers > 0 : "Nr workers <= 0: " + workers;
    assert queueSize > 0 : "queue size <= 0: " + queueSize;
    ConcurrentNewColCalculator calculator = new ConcurrentNewColCalculator(queueSize, workers, container, subProgress, finalRowCount, newColsProducerMapping, facForProgress);
    try {;
    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        CanceledExecutionException cee = new CanceledExecutionException(e.getMessage());
        throw cee;
    } catch (ExecutionException e) {
        Throwable cause = e.getCause();
        if (cause == null) {
            cause = e;
        if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) {
            throw (RuntimeException) cause;
        throw new RuntimeException(cause);
Also used : CanceledExecutionException(org.knime.core.node.CanceledExecutionException) SpecAndFactoryObject( CanceledExecutionException(org.knime.core.node.CanceledExecutionException) ExecutionException(java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)

Example 2 with SpecAndFactoryObject

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class RearrangeColumnsTable method getUniqueProducerFactories.

 * Counts for the argument collection the number of unique cell factories.
 * @param facs To count in (length = number of newly created columns)
 * @return The number of unique factories (in most cases just 1)
static Collection<CellFactory> getUniqueProducerFactories(final Collection<SpecAndFactoryObject> facs) {
    IdentityHashMap<CellFactory, Object> counter = new IdentityHashMap<CellFactory, Object>();
    for (SpecAndFactoryObject s : facs) {
        CellFactory factory = s.getFactory();
        counter.put(factory, null);
    return counter.keySet();
Also used : SpecAndFactoryObject( IdentityHashMap(java.util.IdentityHashMap) SpecAndFactoryObject(

Example 3 with SpecAndFactoryObject

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class RearrangeColumnsTable method applyDataTypeConverters.

 * Used when {@link ColumnRearranger#ensureColumnIsConverted(DataCellTypeConverter, int)} is called. It
 * preproccesses the row and replaces the column to be converted by the the result of the given converter.
 * @param row The original input row.
 * @param producerMap The object having the converter list (or not)
 * @param newCells
 * @return The input row if no converter applied or a modified copy of the input row.
private static DataRow applyDataTypeConverters(final DataRow row, final NewColumnsProducerMapping producerMap, final DataCell[] newCells) {
    List<Pair<SpecAndFactoryObject, Integer>> converterToIndexMap = producerMap.getConverterToIndexMap();
    if (!converterToIndexMap.isEmpty()) {
        DataCell[] inputRowCells = new DataCell[row.getNumCells()];
        for (int i = 0; i < inputRowCells.length; i++) {
            inputRowCells[i] = row instanceof BlobSupportDataRow ? ((BlobSupportDataRow) row).getRawCell(i) : row.getCell(i);
        for (Pair<SpecAndFactoryObject, Integer> entry : converterToIndexMap) {
            SpecAndFactoryObject specAndObject = entry.getFirst();
            DataCellTypeConverter converter = specAndObject.getConverter();
            int converterIndex = specAndObject.getConverterIndex();
            Integer index = entry.getSecond();
            DataCell convertedCell = converter.callConvert(row.getCell(converterIndex));
            newCells[index] = convertedCell;
            inputRowCells[converterIndex] = convertedCell;
        return new BlobSupportDataRow(row.getKey(), inputRowCells);
    return row;
Also used : DataCellTypeConverter( SpecAndFactoryObject( DataCell( Pair(org.knime.core.util.Pair)

Example 4 with SpecAndFactoryObject

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class RearrangeColumnsTable method create.

 * This factory method is intended to be used immediately before the {@link BufferedDataTable} is created.
 * @param rearranger The meta information how to assemble everything.
 * @param table The reference table.
 * @param subProgress The progress monitor for progress/cancel.
 * @param context Used for data container creation.
 * @return The newly created table.
 * @throws CanceledExecutionException If canceled.
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException If the spec is not equal to the spec of the rearranger.
public static RearrangeColumnsTable create(final ColumnRearranger rearranger, final BufferedDataTable table, final ExecutionMonitor subProgress, final ExecutionContext context) throws CanceledExecutionException {
    DataTableSpec originalSpec = rearranger.getOriginalSpec();
    Vector<SpecAndFactoryObject> includes = rearranger.getIncludes();
    // names and types of the specs must match
    if (!table.getDataTableSpec().equalStructure(originalSpec)) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The argument table's spec does not match the original " + "spec passed in the constructor.");
    int size = includes.size();
    ArrayList<DataColumnSpec> newColSpecsList = new ArrayList<DataColumnSpec>();
    // the reduced set of SpecAndFactoryObject that models newly
    // appended/inserted columns; this vector is in most cases
    // considerably smaller than the vector includes
    NewColumnsProducerMapping newColsProducerMapping = createNewColumnsProducerMapping(includes);
    List<SpecAndFactoryObject> newColumnFactoryList = newColsProducerMapping.getAllNewColumnsList();
    // with v2.5 we added the ability to process the input concurrently
    // this field has the minimum worker count for all used factories
    // (or negative for sequential processing)
    int workerCount = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    for (SpecAndFactoryObject s : newColumnFactoryList) {
        CellFactory factory = s.getFactory();
        if (factory instanceof AbstractCellFactory) {
            AbstractCellFactory acf = (AbstractCellFactory) factory;
            workerCount = Math.min(workerCount, acf.getMaxParallelWorkers());
        } else {
            // unknown factory - process sequentially
            workerCount = -1;
    initProcessing(newColsProducerMapping, context);
    final int newColCount = newColSpecsList.size();
    DataColumnSpec[] newColSpecs = newColSpecsList.toArray(new DataColumnSpec[newColSpecsList.size()]);
    ContainerTable appendTable;
    DataTableSpec appendTableSpec;
    // the entire table (nothing is written anyway))
    if (newColCount > 0) {
        DataContainer container = context.createDataContainer(new DataTableSpec(newColSpecs));
        container.setBufferCreator(new NoKeyBufferCreator());
        assert newColumnFactoryList.size() == newColCount;
        try {
            if (workerCount <= 0) {
                calcNewColsSynchronously(table, subProgress, newColsProducerMapping, container);
            } else {
                calcNewColsASynchronously(table, subProgress, newColsProducerMapping, container);
        } finally {
        appendTable = container.getBufferedTable();
        appendTableSpec = appendTable.getDataTableSpec();
    } else {
        appendTable = null;
        appendTableSpec = new DataTableSpec();
    boolean[] isFromRefTable = new boolean[size];
    int[] includesIndex = new int[size];
    // create the new spec. Do not use rearranger.createSpec because
    // that might lack the domain information!
    DataColumnSpec[] colSpecs = new DataColumnSpec[size];
    int newColIndex = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        SpecAndFactoryObject c = includes.get(i);
        if (c.isConvertedColumn()) {
            isFromRefTable[i] = false;
            includesIndex[i] = newColIndex;
            colSpecs[i] = appendTableSpec.getColumnSpec(newColIndex);
        } else if (c.isNewColumn()) {
            isFromRefTable[i] = false;
            includesIndex[i] = newColIndex;
            colSpecs[i] = appendTableSpec.getColumnSpec(newColIndex);
        } else {
            isFromRefTable[i] = true;
            int originalIndex = c.getOriginalIndex();
            includesIndex[i] = originalIndex;
            colSpecs[i] = originalSpec.getColumnSpec(originalIndex);
    DataTableSpec spec = new DataTableSpec(colSpecs);
    return new RearrangeColumnsTable(table, includesIndex, isFromRefTable, spec, appendTable);
Also used : DataTableSpec( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) DataColumnSpec( SpecAndFactoryObject(


SpecAndFactoryObject ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 IdentityHashMap (java.util.IdentityHashMap)1 ExecutionException (java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException)1 DataCell ( DataCellTypeConverter ( DataColumnSpec ( DataTableSpec ( CanceledExecutionException (org.knime.core.node.CanceledExecutionException)1 Pair (org.knime.core.util.Pair)1