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Example 6 with FileStore

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class LoopStartWritableFileStoreHandler method createFileStore.

 * {@inheritDoc}
public synchronized FileStore createFileStore(final String name) throws IOException {
    final FileStore fs = createFileStoreInLoopBody(name);
    return fs;
Also used : FileStore(

Example 7 with FileStore

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class WriteFileStoreHandler method createFileStoreInternal.

FileStore createFileStoreInternal(final String name, final byte[] nestedLoopPath, final int iterationIndex) throws IOException {
    assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
    CheckUtils.checkArgumentNotNull(name, "Argument must not be null.");
    if (name.startsWith(".")) {
        throw new IOException("Name must not start with a dot: \"" + name + "\"");
    if (name.contains("/") || name.contains("\\")) {
        throw new IOException("Invalid file name, must not contain (back) slash: \"" + name + "\"");
    FileStoreKey key = new FileStoreKey(m_storeUUID, m_nextIndex, nestedLoopPath, iterationIndex, name);
    if (m_nextIndex > MAX_NR_FILES) {
        throw new IOException("Maximum number of files stores reached: " + MAX_NR_FILES);
    getParentDir(m_nextIndex, true);
    FileStore fs = FileStoreUtil.createFileStore(this, key);
    return fs;
Also used : FileStore( FileStoreKey( IOException(

Example 8 with FileStore

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class BinaryObjectCellFactory method create.

 * Creates cell given by reading from an input stream. The stream will be closed by this method.
 * @param input To read from.
 * @return A cell with a copy of the byte content.
 * @throws IOException If that fails (stream not readable, file store not writable, close problems, ...)
 * @throws NullPointerException If argument is null.
@DataCellFactoryMethod(name = "InputStream")
public DataCell create(final InputStream input) throws IOException {
    String uniqueFileName = "knime-binary-copy-";
    String suffix = ".bin";
    MessageDigest md5MessageDigest = newMD5Digest();
    DeferredFileOutputStream outStream = new DeferredFileOutputStream(MEMORY_LIMIT, uniqueFileName, suffix, TMP_DIR_FOLDER);
    DigestInputStream digestInputStream = new DigestInputStream(input, md5MessageDigest);
    IOUtils.copy(digestInputStream, outStream);
    byte[] md5sum = md5MessageDigest.digest();
    if (outStream.isInMemory()) {
        return new BinaryObjectDataCell(outStream.getData(), md5sum);
    } else {
        FileStore fs;
        synchronized (this) {
            String name = "binaryObject-" + m_fileNameIndex++;
            fs = m_fileStoreFactory.createFileStore(name);
        File f = outStream.getFile();
        assert f.exists() : "File " + f.getAbsolutePath() + " not created by file output stream";
        FileUtils.moveFile(f, fs.getFile());
        return new BinaryObjectFileStoreDataCell(fs, md5sum);
Also used : FileStore( DigestInputStream( MessageDigest( DeferredFileOutputStream( File( DataCellFactoryMethod(

Example 9 with FileStore

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class Buffer method mustBeFlushedPriorSave.

private boolean mustBeFlushedPriorSave(final DataCell cell) {
    if (cell instanceof FileStoreCell) {
        FileStore fileStore = FileStoreUtil.getFileStore((FileStoreCell) cell);
        return ((IWriteFileStoreHandler) m_fileStoreHandler).mustBeFlushedPriorSave(fileStore);
    } else if (cell instanceof CollectionDataValue) {
        for (DataCell c : (CollectionDataValue) cell) {
            if (mustBeFlushedPriorSave(c)) {
                return true;
    } else if (cell instanceof BlobWrapperDataCell) {
        final BlobWrapperDataCell blobWrapperCell = (BlobWrapperDataCell) cell;
        Class<? extends BlobDataCell> blobClass = blobWrapperCell.getBlobClass();
        if (CollectionDataValue.class.isAssignableFrom(blobClass)) {
            return mustBeFlushedPriorSave(blobWrapperCell.getCell());
    return false;
Also used : FileStore( IWriteFileStoreHandler( DataCell( FileStoreCell( CollectionDataValue(

Example 10 with FileStore

use of in project knime-core by knime.

the class AbstractTableStoreWriter method getFileStoreKeyAndFlush.

 * @param cell
 * @return
 * @throws IOException
public FileStoreKey getFileStoreKeyAndFlush(final DataCell cell) throws IOException {
    FileStoreKey fileStoreKey = null;
    if (cell instanceof FileStoreCell) {
        final FileStoreCell fsCell = (FileStoreCell) cell;
        FileStore fileStore = FileStoreUtil.getFileStore(fsCell);
        // TODO is the 'else' case realistic?
        if (getFileStoreHandler() instanceof IWriteFileStoreHandler) {
            fileStoreKey = getFileStoreHandler().translateToLocal(fileStore, fsCell);
        } else {
            // handler is not an IWriteFileStoreHandler but the buffer still contains file stores:
            // the flow is part of a workflow and all file stores were already properly handled
            // (this buffer is restored from disc - and then a memory alert forces the data back onto disc)
            fileStoreKey = FileStoreUtil.getFileStoreKey(fileStore);
    return fileStoreKey;
Also used : FileStore( IWriteFileStoreHandler( FileStoreKey( FileStoreCell(


FileStore ( FileStoreKey ( File ( IOException ( FileStoreCell ( IWriteFileStoreHandler ( BufferedOutputStream ( ByteArrayOutputStream ( FileOutputStream ( OutputStream ( DigestInputStream ( MessageDigest ( ZipEntry ( ZipOutputStream ( DeferredFileOutputStream ( DataCell ( CollectionDataValue ( DataCellFactoryMethod ( FileStorePortObject ( NotInWorkflowWriteFileStoreHandler (