use of in project knime-core by knime.
the class PortUtil method writeObjectToStream.
* Write the given port object into the given output stream. The output stream does not need to be buffered and is
* not closed after calling this method.
* @param po any port object
* @param output any output stream, does not need to be buffered
* @param exec execution context for reporting progress and checking for cancelation
* @throws IOException if an I/O error occurs while serializing the port object
* @throws CanceledExecutionException if the user canceled the operation
public static void writeObjectToStream(final PortObject po, final OutputStream output, final ExecutionMonitor exec) throws IOException, CanceledExecutionException {
final boolean originalOutputIsBuffered = ((output instanceof BufferedOutputStream) || (output instanceof ByteArrayOutputStream));
OutputStream os = originalOutputIsBuffered ? output : new BufferedOutputStream(output);
final ZipOutputStream zipOut = new ZipOutputStream(os);
PortObjectSpec spec = po.getSpec();
zipOut.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("content.xml"));
ModelContent toc = new ModelContent("content");
toc.addInt("version", 1);
toc.addString("port_spec_class", spec.getClass().getName());
toc.addString("port_object_class", po.getClass().getName());
NotInWorkflowWriteFileStoreHandler fileStoreHandler = null;
if (po instanceof FileStorePortObject) {
fileStoreHandler = NotInWorkflowWriteFileStoreHandler.create();
ModelContentWO fileStoreModelContent = toc.addModelContent("filestores");
fileStoreModelContent.addString("handlerUUID", fileStoreHandler.getStoreUUID().toString());
final FileStorePortObject fileStorePO = (FileStorePortObject) po;
List<FileStore> fileStores = FileStoreUtil.getFileStores(fileStorePO);
ModelContentWO fileStoreKeysModel = fileStoreModelContent.addModelContent("port_file_store_keys");
for (int i = 0; i < fileStores.size(); i++) {
FileStoreKey key = fileStoreHandler.translateToLocal(fileStores.get(i), fileStorePO);"filestore_key_" + i));
toc.saveToXML(new NonClosableOutputStream.Zip(zipOut));
zipOut.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("objectSpec.file"));
try (PortObjectSpecZipOutputStream specOut = getPortObjectSpecZipOutputStream(new NonClosableOutputStream.Zip(zipOut))) {
PortObjectSpecSerializer specSer = PortTypeRegistry.getInstance().getSpecSerializer(spec.getClass()).get();
specSer.savePortObjectSpec(spec, specOut);
// 'close' will propagate as closeEntry
zipOut.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("object.file"));
try (PortObjectZipOutputStream objOut = getPortObjectZipOutputStream(new NonClosableOutputStream.Zip(zipOut))) {
PortObjectSerializer objSer = PortTypeRegistry.getInstance().getObjectSerializer(po.getClass()).get();
objSer.savePortObject(po, objOut, exec);
if (fileStoreHandler != null && fileStoreHandler.hasCopiedFileStores()) {
zipOut.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry("filestores/"));
File baseDir = fileStoreHandler.getBaseDir();
FileUtil.zipDir(zipOut, Arrays.asList(baseDir.listFiles()), "filestores/", FileUtil.ZIP_INCLUDEALL_FILTER, exec.createSubProgress(0.5));
if (!originalOutputIsBuffered) {
use of in project knime-core by knime.
the class LoopEndWriteFileStoreHandler method translateToLocal.
* {@inheritDoc}
public FileStoreKey translateToLocal(final FileStore fs, final FlushCallback flushCallback) {
final FileStoreKey result = m_loopStartFSHandler.translateToLocal(fs, flushCallback);
// might be called after node is closed, e.g. when workflow is saved
boolean isClosed = m_fileStoresInLoopCache == null;
if (!isClosed && m_loopStartFSHandler.isCreatedInThisLoop(result)) {
if (m_fsKeysToKeepLRUCache.put(result, result) == null) {
return result;
use of in project knime-core by knime.
the class WriteFileStoreHandler method copyFileStore.
private synchronized FileStoreKey copyFileStore(final FileStore fs, final FlushCallback flushCallback) {
FileStoreKey key = FileStoreUtil.getFileStoreKey(fs);
if (m_createdFileStoreKeys == null) {
LOGGER.debug("Duplicating file store objects - file store handler id " + key.getStoreUUID() + " is unknown to " + m_fileStoreHandlerRepository.getClass().getName());
LOGGER.debug("Dump of valid file store handlers follows, omitting further log output");
m_createdFileStoreKeys = new LRUCache<FileStoreKey, FileStoreKey>(10000);
FileStoreKey local = m_createdFileStoreKeys.get(key);
if (local != null) {
return local;
FileStore newStore;
try {
// fixes problem with file store cell that keep things in memory until serialized:
// notify them that a copy is taken place and that they need to flush their in memory content
newStore = createFileStoreInternal(getNextIndex() + "_" + key.getName(), null, -1);
FileUtil.copy(fs.getFile(), newStore.getFile());
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed copying file stores to local handler", e);
final FileStoreKey newKey = FileStoreUtil.getFileStoreKey(newStore);
m_createdFileStoreKeys.put(key, newKey);
return newKey;
use of in project knime-core by knime.
the class FileStoresInLoopCache method deletableUnusedFileStores.
void deletableUnusedFileStores(final FileStoresInLoopCache endNodeCacheWithKeysToPersist, final ILoopStartWriteFileStoreHandler handler) throws CanceledExecutionException {
MutableInteger nrFilesDeleted = new MutableInteger(0);
MutableInteger nrFailedDeletes = new MutableInteger(0);
CloseableRowIterator allKeysIterator = m_createdFileStoresTable.iterator();
CloseableRowIterator endNodeKeysIterator = endNodeCacheWithKeysToPersist.getCreatedFileStoresTable().iterator();
FileStoreKey nextLoopEndFSKey = next(endNodeKeysIterator, null);
FileStoreKey nextAllFSKey = next(allKeysIterator, null);
while (nextLoopEndFSKey != null) {
if (nextAllFSKey != null) {
final int compare = nextLoopEndFSKey.compareTo(nextAllFSKey);
if (compare == 0) {
nextLoopEndFSKey = next(endNodeKeysIterator, nextLoopEndFSKey);
nextAllFSKey = next(allKeysIterator, nextAllFSKey);
} else if (compare > 0) {
delete(nextAllFSKey, handler, nrFilesDeleted, nrFailedDeletes);
nextAllFSKey = next(allKeysIterator, nextAllFSKey);
} else {
nextLoopEndFSKey = next(endNodeKeysIterator, nextLoopEndFSKey);
} else {
while (nextAllFSKey != null) {
delete(nextAllFSKey, handler, nrFilesDeleted, nrFailedDeletes);
nextAllFSKey = next(allKeysIterator, nextAllFSKey);
if (nrFilesDeleted.intValue() > 0) {
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder("Deleted ");
b.append(nrFilesDeleted.intValue()).append(" files ");
if (nrFailedDeletes.intValue() > 0) {
b.append("; ").append(nrFailedDeletes.intValue()).append(" of which failed");
} else {
use of in project knime-core by knime.
the class PortUtil method readObjectFromStream.
public static PortObject readObjectFromStream(final InputStream input, final ExecutionMonitor exec) throws IOException, CanceledExecutionException {
try (ZipInputStream in = new ZipInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(input))) {
ZipEntry entry = in.getNextEntry();
if (!"content.xml".equals(entry.getName())) {
throw new IOException("Invalid stream, expected zip entry \"content.xml\", got \"" + entry.getName() + "\"");
ModelContentRO toc = ModelContent.loadFromXML(new NonClosableInputStream.Zip(in));
String specClassName = toc.getString("port_spec_class");
String objClassName = toc.getString("port_object_class");
// reads "objectSpec.file"
PortObjectSpec spec = readObjectSpec(specClassName, in);
entry = in.getNextEntry();
if (!"object.file".equals(entry.getName())) {
throw new IOException("Invalid stream, expected zip entry \"object.file\", got \"" + entry.getName() + "\"");
Class<?> cl;
try {
cl = Class.forName(objClassName);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new IOException("Can't load class \"" + specClassName + "\"", e);
if (!PortObject.class.isAssignableFrom(cl)) {
throw new IOException("Class \"" + cl.getSimpleName() + "\" does not a sub-class \"" + PortObject.class.getSimpleName() + "\"");
PortObject portObject;
try (PortObjectZipInputStream objIn = getPortObjectZipInputStream(new NonClosableInputStream.Zip(in))) {
PortObjectSerializer<?> objSer = PortTypeRegistry.getInstance().getObjectSerializer(cl.asSubclass(PortObject.class)).get();
portObject = objSer.loadPortObject(objIn, spec, exec);
if (portObject instanceof FileStorePortObject) {
ModelContentRO fileStoreModelContent = toc.getModelContent("filestores");
UUID iFileStoreHandlerUUID = UUID.fromString(fileStoreModelContent.getString("handlerUUID"));
ModelContentRO fileStoreKeysModel = fileStoreModelContent.getModelContent("port_file_store_keys");
List<FileStoreKey> fileStoreKeys = new ArrayList<>();
for (String key : fileStoreKeysModel.keySet()) {
NotInWorkflowWriteFileStoreHandler notInWorkflowFSHandler = new NotInWorkflowWriteFileStoreHandler(iFileStoreHandlerUUID);
entry = in.getNextEntry();
if (entry != null && "filestores/".equals(entry.getName())) {
File fileStoreDir = FileUtil.createTempDir("knime_fs_" + cl.getSimpleName() + "-");
FileUtil.unzip(in, fileStoreDir, 1);
FileStoreUtil.retrieveFileStoreHandlerFrom((FileStorePortObject) portObject, fileStoreKeys, notInWorkflowFSHandler.getFileStoreHandlerRepository());
return portObject;
} catch (InvalidSettingsException ex) {
throw new IOException("Unable to parse content.xml in port object file", ex);