use of in project knime-core by knime.
the class DefaultTableStoreWriter method writeDataCell.
* Writes a data cell to the outStream.
* @param cell The cell to write.
* @param outStream To write to.
* @throws IOException If stream corruption happens.
void writeDataCell(final DataCell cell, final DCObjectOutputVersion2 outStream) throws IOException {
if (cell == DataType.getMissingCell()) {
// only write 'missing' byte if that's the singleton missing cell;
// missing cells with error cause are handled like ordinary cells below (via serializer)
boolean isBlob = cell instanceof BlobWrapperDataCell;
CellClassInfo cellClass = isBlob ? ((BlobWrapperDataCell) cell).getBlobClassInfo() : CellClassInfo.get(cell);
DataCellSerializer<DataCell> ser = getSerializerForDataCell(cellClass);
Byte identifier = m_typeShortCuts.get(cellClass);
FileStoreKey fileStoreKey = super.getFileStoreKeyAndFlush(cell);
final boolean isJavaSerializationOrBlob = ser == null && !isBlob;
if (isJavaSerializationOrBlob) {
if (fileStoreKey != null) {
// DataCell is datacell-serializable
if (!isJavaSerializationOrBlob) {
if (isBlob) {
BlobWrapperDataCell bc = (BlobWrapperDataCell) cell;
} else {
outStream.writeDataCellPerKNIMESerializer(ser, cell);
} else {
use of in project knime-core by knime.
the class FileNodePersistor method savePortObject.
private static void savePortObject(final PortObjectSpec spec, final PortObject object, final File portDir, final NodeSettingsWO settings, final ExecutionMonitor exec) throws IOException, FileNotFoundException, CanceledExecutionException {
settings.addString("port_spec_class", spec.getClass().getName());
settings.addString("port_object_class", object.getClass().getName());
String specDirName = "spec";
String specFileName = "";
String specPath = specDirName + "/" + specFileName;
File specDir = createDirectory(new File(portDir, specDirName));
File specFile = new File(specDir, specFileName);
settings.addString("port_spec_location", specPath);
try (PortObjectSpecZipOutputStream out = PortUtil.getPortObjectSpecZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(specFile)))) {
PortObjectSpecSerializer serializer = PortTypeRegistry.getInstance().getSpecSerializer(spec.getClass()).get();
serializer.savePortObjectSpec(spec, out);
String objectDirName = null;
objectDirName = "object";
File objectDir = createDirectory(new File(portDir, objectDirName));
String objectPath;
String objectFileName = "";
objectPath = objectDirName + "/" + objectFileName;
settings.addString("port_object_location", objectPath);
File file = new File(objectDir, objectFileName);
try (PortObjectZipOutputStream out = PortUtil.getPortObjectZipOutputStream(new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)))) {
PortObjectSerializer serializer = PortTypeRegistry.getInstance().getObjectSerializer(object.getClass()).get();
serializer.savePortObject(object, out, exec);
if (object instanceof FileStorePortObject) {
List<FileStoreKey> fileStoreKeys = FileStoreUtil.getFileStores((FileStorePortObject) object).stream().map(FileStoreUtil::getFileStoreKey).collect(Collectors.toList());
File fileStoreXML = new File(objectDir, "filestore.xml");
final ModelContent fileStoreModelContent = new ModelContent("filestore");
ModelContentWO keysContent = fileStoreModelContent.addModelContent("filestore_keys");
for (int i = 0; i < fileStoreKeys.size(); i++) {
FileStoreKey key = fileStoreKeys.get(i);
ModelContentWO keyContent = keysContent.addModelContent("filestore_key_" + i);;
fileStoreModelContent.saveToXML(new FileOutputStream(fileStoreXML));
use of in project knime-core by knime.
the class FileNodePersistor method loadPortObject.
* @param portDir
* @param settings
* @param exec
* @param fileStoreHandlerRepository
* @return
* @throws IOException
* @throws InvalidSettingsException
* @throws FileNotFoundException
* @throws CanceledExecutionException
private Optional<PortObject> loadPortObject(final ReferencedFile portDir, final NodeSettingsRO settings, final ExecutionMonitor exec, final FileStoreHandlerRepository fileStoreHandlerRepository) throws IOException, InvalidSettingsException, FileNotFoundException, CanceledExecutionException {
exec.setMessage("Loading port object");
final String specClass = settings.getString("port_spec_class");
final String objectClass = loadPortObjectClassName(settings);
PortObject object = null;
PortObjectSpec spec = null;
if (specClass != null) {
Class<? extends PortObjectSpec> cl = PortTypeRegistry.getInstance().getSpecClass(specClass).orElseThrow(() -> new IOException("Invalid spec class \"" + specClass + "\""));
ReferencedFile specDirRef = new ReferencedFile(portDir, settings.getString("port_spec_location"));
File specFile = specDirRef.getFile();
if (!specFile.isFile()) {
throw new IOException("Can't read spec file " + specFile.getAbsolutePath());
try (PortObjectSpecZipInputStream in = PortUtil.getPortObjectSpecZipInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(specFile)))) {
PortObjectSpecSerializer<?> serializer = PortTypeRegistry.getInstance().getSpecSerializer(cl).get();
spec = serializer.loadPortObjectSpec(in);
if (spec == null) {
throw new IOException("Serializer \"" + serializer.getClass().getName() + "\" restored null spec ");
if (spec != null && objectClass != null) {
Class<? extends PortObject> cl = PortTypeRegistry.getInstance().getObjectClass(objectClass).orElseThrow(() -> new IOException("Invalid object class \"" + objectClass + "\""));
ReferencedFile objectFileRef = new ReferencedFile(portDir, settings.getString("port_object_location"));
File objectFile = objectFileRef.getFile();
if (!objectFile.isFile()) {
throw new IOException("Can't read file " + objectFile.getAbsolutePath());
// buffering both disc I/O and the gzip stream pays off
try (PortObjectZipInputStream in = PortUtil.getPortObjectZipInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(objectFile)))) {
PortObjectSerializer<?> serializer = PortTypeRegistry.getInstance().getObjectSerializer(cl).get();
object = serializer.loadPortObject(in, spec, exec);
if (object instanceof FileStorePortObject) {
File fileStoreXML = new File(objectFile.getParent(), "filestore.xml");
final ModelContentRO fileStoreModelContent = ModelContent.loadFromXML(new FileInputStream(fileStoreXML));
List<FileStoreKey> fileStoreKeys = new ArrayList<FileStoreKey>();
if (getLoadVersion().isOlderThan(LoadVersion.V2100)) {
// only one filestore in <2.10 (bug 5227)
FileStoreKey fileStoreKey = FileStoreKey.load(fileStoreModelContent);
} else {
ModelContentRO keysContent = fileStoreModelContent.getModelContent("filestore_keys");
for (String id : keysContent.keySet()) {
ModelContentRO keyContent = keysContent.getModelContent(id);
FileStoreUtil.retrieveFileStoreHandlerFrom((FileStorePortObject) object, fileStoreKeys, fileStoreHandlerRepository);
return Optional.ofNullable(object);
use of in project knime-core by knime.
the class WriteFileStoreHandler method createFileStoreInternal.
FileStore createFileStoreInternal(final String name, final byte[] nestedLoopPath, final int iterationIndex) throws IOException {
assert Thread.holdsLock(this);
CheckUtils.checkArgumentNotNull(name, "Argument must not be null.");
if (name.startsWith(".")) {
throw new IOException("Name must not start with a dot: \"" + name + "\"");
if (name.contains("/") || name.contains("\\")) {
throw new IOException("Invalid file name, must not contain (back) slash: \"" + name + "\"");
FileStoreKey key = new FileStoreKey(m_storeUUID, m_nextIndex, nestedLoopPath, iterationIndex, name);
if (m_nextIndex > MAX_NR_FILES) {
throw new IOException("Maximum number of files stores reached: " + MAX_NR_FILES);
getParentDir(m_nextIndex, true);
FileStore fs = FileStoreUtil.createFileStore(this, key);
return fs;
use of in project knime-core by knime.
the class AbstractTableStoreWriter method getFileStoreKeyAndFlush.
* @param cell
* @return
* @throws IOException
public FileStoreKey getFileStoreKeyAndFlush(final DataCell cell) throws IOException {
FileStoreKey fileStoreKey = null;
if (cell instanceof FileStoreCell) {
final FileStoreCell fsCell = (FileStoreCell) cell;
FileStore fileStore = FileStoreUtil.getFileStore(fsCell);
// TODO is the 'else' case realistic?
if (getFileStoreHandler() instanceof IWriteFileStoreHandler) {
fileStoreKey = getFileStoreHandler().translateToLocal(fileStore, fsCell);
} else {
// handler is not an IWriteFileStoreHandler but the buffer still contains file stores:
// the flow is part of a workflow and all file stores were already properly handled
// (this buffer is restored from disc - and then a memory alert forces the data back onto disc)
fileStoreKey = FileStoreUtil.getFileStoreKey(fileStore);
return fileStoreKey;