use of in project knime-core by knime.
the class DataType method getRenderer.
* Returns a family of all renderers that are available for this <code>DataType</code>. The returned
* {@link} will contain all renderers that are supported or
* available through the compatible {@link} interfaces. If no renderer was declared by
* the {@link} interfaces, this method will make sure that at least a default renderer
* (using the {@link DataCell#toString()} method) is returned.
* <p>
* The {@link DataColumnSpec} is passed to all renderer families retrieved from the underlying
* {@link UtilityFactory}. Most of the renderer implementations won't need column domain information but some do.
* For instance a class that renders the double value in the column according to the minimum/maximum values in the
* {@link DataColumnDomain}.
* @param spec the column spec to the column for which the renderer will be used
* @return a family of all renderers that are available for this <code>DataType</code>
* @deprecated Replaced by {@link #getRendererFactories()}
public DataValueRendererFamily getRenderer(final DataColumnSpec spec) {
ArrayList<DataValueRendererFamily> list = new ArrayList<DataValueRendererFamily>();
// first add the preferred value class, if any
for (Class<? extends DataValue> cl : m_valueClasses) {
UtilityFactory fac = getUtilityFor(cl);
DataValueRendererFamily fam = fac.getRendererFamily(spec);
if (fam != null) {
for (Class<? extends DataValue> cl : m_adapterValueList) {
if (!m_valueClasses.contains(cl)) {
UtilityFactory fac = getUtilityFor(cl);
DataValueRendererFamily fam = fac.getRendererFamily(spec);
if (fam != null) {
if (list.isEmpty()) {
list.add(new DefaultDataValueRendererFamily());
return new SetOfRendererFamilies(list);