use of org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataContainer in project knime-core by knime.
the class RecursiveLoopEnd2NodeModel method execute.
* {@inheritDoc}
protected BufferedDataTable[] execute(final BufferedDataTable[] inData, final ExecutionContext exec) throws Exception {
if (!(this.getLoopStartNode() instanceof RecursiveLoopStart2NodeModel)) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Loop End is not connected" + " to matching/corresponding Recursive Loop Start (2 ports) node.");
// in port 2: is fed back to loop start node
BufferedDataContainer loopData = exec.createDataContainer(inData[resultingIn2].getDataTableSpec());
ExecutionContext exec1 = exec.createSubExecutionContext(0.3);
int count = 0;
for (DataRow row : inData[resultingIn2]) {
exec1.setProgress(1.0 * count / loopData.size(), "Copy input table 2");
loopData.addRowToTable(createNewRow(row, row.getKey()));
m_inData2 = loopData.getTable();
return super.execute(inData, exec.createSubExecutionContext(0.7));
use of org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataContainer in project knime-core by knime.
the class AggregateOutputNodeModel method execute.
* {@inheritDoc}
protected BufferedDataTable[] execute(final BufferedDataTable[] inData, final ExecutionContext exec) throws Exception {
// retrieve variables from the stack which the head of this
// loop hopefully put there:
int count;
int maxCount;
try {
count = peekFlowVariableInt("currentIteration");
maxCount = peekFlowVariableInt("maxIterations");
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
throw new Exception("No matching Loop Start node!", e);
if (count < 0 || count >= maxCount) {
throw new Exception("Conflicting loop variables, count is " + count + " and max count is " + maxCount);
final BufferedDataTable in = inData[0];
final DataTableSpec inSpec = in.getDataTableSpec();
if (count == 0) {
m_firstIterationSpec = in.getDataTableSpec();
m_predictionTable = exec.createDataContainer(createPredictionSpec(in.getDataTableSpec()));
} else if (m_predictionTable == null) {
throw new Exception("Loop Head claims this is NOT the first iteration" + " but the tail believes it is?!");
} else {
if (!inSpec.equalStructure(m_firstIterationSpec)) {
StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder("Input table's structure differs from reference " + "(first iteration) table: ");
if (inSpec.getNumColumns() != m_firstIterationSpec.getNumColumns()) {
error.append("different column counts ");
error.append(" vs. ").append(m_firstIterationSpec.getNumColumns());
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < inSpec.getNumColumns(); i++) {
DataColumnSpec inCol = inSpec.getColumnSpec(i);
DataColumnSpec predCol = m_firstIterationSpec.getColumnSpec(i);
if (!inCol.equalStructure(predCol)) {
error.append("Column ").append(i).append(" [");
error.append(inCol).append("] vs. [");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(error.toString());
final int rowCount = in.getRowCount();
final int targetColIndex = in.getDataTableSpec().findColumnIndex(m_settings.targetColumn());
final int predictColIndex = in.getDataTableSpec().findColumnIndex(m_settings.predictionColumn());
final boolean numericMode = in.getDataTableSpec().getColumnSpec(predictColIndex).getType().isCompatible(DoubleValue.class);
ExecutionMonitor subExec = exec.createSubProgress(count == maxCount - 1 ? 0.9 : 1);
final DataCell foldNumber = new IntCell(m_foldStatistics.size());
if (numericMode) {
double errorSum = 0;
int r = 0;
for (DataRow row : in) {
RowKey key = row.getKey();
DoubleValue target = (DoubleValue) row.getCell(targetColIndex);
DoubleValue predict = (DoubleValue) row.getCell(predictColIndex);
double d = (target.getDoubleValue() - predict.getDoubleValue());
errorSum += d * d;
if (m_settings.addFoldId()) {
m_predictionTable.addRowToTable(new AppendedColumnRow(row.getKey(), row, foldNumber));
} else {
subExec.setProgress(r / (double) rowCount, "Calculating output " + r + "/" + rowCount + " (\"" + key + "\")");
DataRow stats = new DefaultRow(new RowKey("fold " + m_foldStatistics.size()), new DoubleCell(errorSum), new DoubleCell(errorSum / rowCount), new IntCell(rowCount));
} else {
int incorrect = 0;
int r = 0;
for (DataRow row : in) {
RowKey key = row.getKey();
DataCell target = row.getCell(targetColIndex);
DataCell predict = row.getCell(predictColIndex);
if (!target.equals(predict)) {
if (m_settings.addFoldId()) {
m_predictionTable.addRowToTable(new AppendedColumnRow(row.getKey(), row, foldNumber));
} else {
subExec.setProgress(r / (double) rowCount, "Calculating output " + r + "/" + rowCount + " (\"" + key + "\")");
DataRow stats = new DefaultRow(new RowKey("fold " + m_foldStatistics.size()), new DoubleCell(100.0 * incorrect / rowCount), new IntCell(rowCount), new IntCell(incorrect));
if (count < maxCount - 1) {
return new BufferedDataTable[2];
} else {
BufferedDataContainer cont = exec.createDataContainer(numericMode ? NUMERIC_STATISTICS_SPEC : NOMINAL_STATISTICS_SPEC);
for (DataRow row : m_foldStatistics) {
return new BufferedDataTable[] { m_predictionTable.getTable(), cont.getTable() };
use of org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataContainer in project knime-core by knime.
the class PolyRegLearnerNodeModel method execute.
* {@inheritDoc}
protected PortObject[] execute(final PortObject[] inData, final ExecutionContext exec) throws Exception {
BufferedDataTable inTable = (BufferedDataTable) inData[0];
DataTableSpec inSpec = inTable.getDataTableSpec();
final int colCount = inSpec.getNumColumns();
String[] selectedCols = computeSelectedColumns(inSpec);
Set<String> hash = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(selectedCols));
m_colSelected = new boolean[colCount];
for (int i = 0; i < colCount; i++) {
m_colSelected[i] = hash.contains(inTable.getDataTableSpec().getColumnSpec(i).getName());
final int rowCount = inTable.getRowCount();
String[] temp = new String[m_columnNames.length + 1];
System.arraycopy(m_columnNames, 0, temp, 0, m_columnNames.length);
temp[temp.length - 1] = m_settings.getTargetColumn();
FilterColumnTable filteredTable = new FilterColumnTable(inTable, temp);
final DataArray rowContainer = new DefaultDataArray(filteredTable, 1, m_settings.getMaxRowsForView());
// handle the optional PMML input
PMMLPortObject inPMMLPort = m_pmmlInEnabled ? (PMMLPortObject) inData[1] : null;
PortObjectSpec[] outputSpec = configure((inPMMLPort == null) ? new PortObjectSpec[] { inData[0].getSpec(), null } : new PortObjectSpec[] { inData[0].getSpec(), inPMMLPort.getSpec() });
Learner learner = new Learner((PMMLPortObjectSpec) outputSpec[0], 0d, m_settings.getMissingValueHandling() ==, m_settings.getDegree());
try {
PolyRegContent polyRegContent = learner.perform(inTable, exec);
m_betas = fillBeta(polyRegContent);
m_meanValues = polyRegContent.getMeans();
ColumnRearranger crea = new ColumnRearranger(inTable.getDataTableSpec());
PortObject[] bdt = new PortObject[] { createPMMLModel(inPMMLPort, inSpec), exec.createColumnRearrangeTable(inTable, crea, exec.createSilentSubExecutionContext(.2)), polyRegContent.createTablePortObject(exec.createSubExecutionContext(0.2)) };
m_squaredError /= rowCount;
if (polyRegContent.getWarningMessage() != null) {
double[] stdErrors = PolyRegViewData.mapToArray(polyRegContent.getStandardErrors(), m_columnNames, m_settings.getDegree(), polyRegContent.getInterceptStdErr());
double[] tValues = PolyRegViewData.mapToArray(polyRegContent.getTValues(), m_columnNames, m_settings.getDegree(), polyRegContent.getInterceptTValue());
double[] pValues = PolyRegViewData.mapToArray(polyRegContent.getPValues(), m_columnNames, m_settings.getDegree(), polyRegContent.getInterceptPValue());
m_viewData = new PolyRegViewData(m_meanValues, m_betas, stdErrors, tValues, pValues, m_squaredError, polyRegContent.getAdjustedRSquared(), m_columnNames, m_settings.getDegree(), m_settings.getTargetColumn(), rowContainer);
return bdt;
} catch (ModelSpecificationException e) {
final String origWarning = getWarningMessage();
final String warning = (origWarning != null && !origWarning.isEmpty()) ? (origWarning + "\n") : "" + e.getMessage();
final ExecutionContext subExec = exec.createSubExecutionContext(.1);
final BufferedDataContainer empty = subExec.createDataContainer(STATS_SPEC);
int rowIdx = 1;
for (final String column : m_columnNames) {
for (int d = 1; d <= m_settings.getDegree(); ++d) {
empty.addRowToTable(new DefaultRow("Row" + rowIdx++, new StringCell(column), new IntCell(d), new DoubleCell(0.0d), DataType.getMissingCell(), DataType.getMissingCell(), DataType.getMissingCell()));
empty.addRowToTable(new DefaultRow("Row" + rowIdx, new StringCell("Intercept"), new IntCell(0), new DoubleCell(0.0d), DataType.getMissingCell(), DataType.getMissingCell(), DataType.getMissingCell()));
double[] nans = new double[m_columnNames.length * m_settings.getDegree() + 1];
Arrays.fill(nans, Double.NaN);
m_betas = new double[nans.length];
// Mean only for the linear tags
m_meanValues = new double[nans.length / m_settings.getDegree()];
m_viewData = new PolyRegViewData(m_meanValues, m_betas, nans, nans, nans, m_squaredError, Double.NaN, m_columnNames, m_settings.getDegree(), m_settings.getTargetColumn(), rowContainer);
ColumnRearranger crea = new ColumnRearranger(inTable.getDataTableSpec());
BufferedDataTable rearrangerTable = exec.createColumnRearrangeTable(inTable, crea, exec.createSubProgress(0.6));
PMMLPortObject model = createPMMLModel(inPMMLPort, inTable.getDataTableSpec());
PortObject[] bdt = new PortObject[] { model, rearrangerTable, empty.getTable() };
return bdt;
use of org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataContainer in project knime-core by knime.
the class DecTreePredictorNodeModel method execute.
* {@inheritDoc}
public PortObject[] execute(final PortObject[] inPorts, final ExecutionContext exec) throws CanceledExecutionException, Exception {
exec.setMessage("Decision Tree Predictor: Loading predictor...");
PMMLPortObject port = (PMMLPortObject) inPorts[INMODELPORT];
List<Node> models = port.getPMMLValue().getModels(PMMLModelType.TreeModel);
if (models.isEmpty()) {
String msg = "Decision Tree evaluation failed: " + "No tree model found.";
throw new RuntimeException(msg);
PMMLDecisionTreeTranslator trans = new PMMLDecisionTreeTranslator();
DecisionTree decTree = trans.getDecisionTree();
BufferedDataTable inData = (BufferedDataTable) inPorts[INDATAPORT];
// get column with color information
String colorColumn = null;
for (DataColumnSpec s : inData.getDataTableSpec()) {
if (s.getColorHandler() != null) {
colorColumn = s.getName();
exec.setMessage("Decision Tree Predictor: start execution.");
PortObjectSpec[] inSpecs = new PortObjectSpec[] { inPorts[0].getSpec(), inPorts[1].getSpec() };
DataTableSpec outSpec = createOutTableSpec(inSpecs);
BufferedDataContainer outData = exec.createDataContainer(outSpec);
long coveredPattern = 0;
long nrPattern = 0;
long rowCount = 0;
final long numberRows = inData.size();
List<String> predictionValues = getPredictionStrings((PMMLPortObjectSpec) inPorts[INMODELPORT].getSpec());
for (DataRow thisRow : inData) {
DataCell cl = null;
LinkedHashMap<String, Double> classDistrib = null;
try {
Pair<DataCell, LinkedHashMap<DataCell, Double>> pair = decTree.getWinnerAndClasscounts(thisRow, inData.getDataTableSpec());
cl = pair.getFirst();
LinkedHashMap<DataCell, Double> classCounts = pair.getSecond();
classDistrib = getDistribution(classCounts);
if (coveredPattern < m_maxNumCoveredPattern.getIntValue()) {
// remember this one for HiLite support
decTree.addCoveredPattern(thisRow, inData.getDataTableSpec());
} else {
// too many patterns for HiLite - at least remember color
decTree.addCoveredColor(thisRow, inData.getDataTableSpec());
} catch (Exception e) {
LOGGER.error("Decision Tree evaluation failed: " + e.getMessage());
throw e;
if (cl == null) {
LOGGER.error("Decision Tree evaluation failed: result empty");
throw new Exception("Decision Tree evaluation failed.");
DataCell[] newCells = new DataCell[outSpec.getNumColumns()];
int numInCells = thisRow.getNumCells();
for (int i = 0; i < numInCells; i++) {
newCells[i] = thisRow.getCell(i);
if (m_showDistribution.getBooleanValue()) {
assert predictionValues.size() >= newCells.length - 1 - numInCells : "Could not determine the prediction values: " + newCells.length + "; " + numInCells + "; " + predictionValues;
for (int i = numInCells; i < newCells.length - 1; i++) {
String predClass = predictionValues.get(i - numInCells);
if (classDistrib != null && classDistrib.get(predClass) != null) {
newCells[i] = new DoubleCell(classDistrib.get(predClass));
} else {
newCells[i] = new DoubleCell(0.0);
newCells[newCells.length - 1] = cl;
outData.addRowToTable(new DefaultRow(thisRow.getKey(), newCells));
if (rowCount % 100 == 0) {
exec.setProgress(rowCount / (double) numberRows, "Classifying... Row " + rowCount + " of " + numberRows);
if (coveredPattern < nrPattern) {
// let the user know that we did not store all available pattern
// for HiLiting.
this.setWarningMessage("Tree only stored first " + m_maxNumCoveredPattern.getIntValue() + " (of " + nrPattern + ") rows for HiLiting!");
m_decTree = decTree;
exec.setMessage("Decision Tree Predictor: end execution.");
return new BufferedDataTable[] { outData.getTable() };
use of org.knime.core.node.BufferedDataContainer in project knime-core by knime.
the class PCANodeModel method createCovarianceTable.
* create data table from covariance matrix.
* @param exec
* execution context
* @param m
* covariance matrix
* @param inputColumnNames
* names of input columns the matrix was created from
* @return table
public static BufferedDataTable createCovarianceTable(final ExecutionContext exec, final double[][] m, final String[] inputColumnNames) {
final BufferedDataContainer bdt = exec.createDataContainer(createCovarianceMatrixSpec(inputColumnNames));
for (int i = 0; i < m.length; i++) {
final DataCell[] cells = new DataCell[inputColumnNames.length];
for (int j = 0; j < m[i].length; j++) {
cells[j] = new DoubleCell(m[i][j]);
bdt.addRowToTable(new DefaultRow(inputColumnNames[i], cells));
final BufferedDataTable covarianceTable = bdt.getTable();
return covarianceTable;