use of org.knime.core.node.workflow.NodeAnnotation in project knime-core by knime.
the class SnapIconToGrid method snapRectangle.
* {@inheritDoc}
public int snapRectangle(final Request request, final int snapLocations, final PrecisionRectangle rect, final PrecisionRectangle result) {
PrecisionRectangle r = rect;
if (request instanceof ChangeBoundsRequest) {
EditPart refPart = getReferencePart(((ChangeBoundsRequest) request).getEditParts(), ((ChangeBoundsRequest) request).getLocation(), ((ChangeBoundsRequest) request).getMoveDelta());
if (refPart instanceof NodeContainerEditPart) {
// adjust the rectangle to snap the center of the icon of the node
NodeContainerEditPart contPart = (NodeContainerEditPart) refPart;
NodeContainerFigure fig = (NodeContainerFigure) contPart.getFigure();
Point iconOffset = getIconOffset(fig);
r = rect.getPreciseCopy();
} else if (refPart instanceof NodeAnnotationEditPart) {
// the rect is the annotation outline - adjust it to snap the center of the corresponding node icon
NodeAnnotationEditPart annoPart = (NodeAnnotationEditPart) refPart;
WorkflowRootEditPart parent = (WorkflowRootEditPart) annoPart.getParent();
IFigure annoFig = annoPart.getFigure();
NodeAnnotation anno = (NodeAnnotation) annoPart.getModel();
NodeContainerEditPart nodePart = (NodeContainerEditPart) m_container.getViewer().getEditPartRegistry().get(parent.getWorkflowManager().getNodeContainer(anno.getNodeID()));
NodeContainerFigure nodeFig = (NodeContainerFigure) nodePart.getFigure();
Point iconOffset = getIconOffset(nodeFig);
int xOff = nodeFig.getBounds().x - annoFig.getBounds().x;
xOff += iconOffset.x;
int yOff = iconOffset.y - nodeFig.getBounds().height;
r = rect.getPreciseCopy();
r.translate(new Point(xOff, yOff));
return super.snapRectangle(request, snapLocations, r, result);
use of org.knime.core.node.workflow.NodeAnnotation in project knime-core by knime.
the class StyledTextEditor method doSetValue.
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void doSetValue(final Object value) {
assert value instanceof Annotation : "Wrong value object!";
Annotation wa = (Annotation) value;
int alignment;
switch(wa.getAlignment()) {
case CENTER:
alignment = SWT.CENTER;
case RIGHT:
alignment = SWT.RIGHT;
alignment = SWT.LEFT;
m_selectAllUponFocusGain = false;
String text;
if (wa instanceof NodeAnnotation) {
if (AnnotationEditPart.isDefaultNodeAnnotation(wa)) {
text = AnnotationEditPart.getAnnotationText(wa);
m_selectAllUponFocusGain = true;
} else {
text = wa.getText();
} else {
text = wa.getText();
m_selectAllUponFocusGain = AddAnnotationCommand.INITIAL_FLOWANNO_TEXT.equals(text);
int annotationBorderSize = wa.getBorderSize();
// set margins as borders
if (annotationBorderSize > 0) {
m_styledText.setMargins(annotationBorderSize, annotationBorderSize, annotationBorderSize, annotationBorderSize);
// for workflow annotations set the default font to the size stored in the annotation
Font defFont;
int defFontSize = wa.getDefaultFontSize();
if (defFontSize < 0) {
// uses the size from the pref page
defFont = AnnotationEditPart.getWorkflowAnnotationDefaultFont();
} else {
defFont = AnnotationEditPart.getWorkflowAnnotationDefaultFont(defFontSize);
m_styledText.setStyleRanges(AnnotationEditPart.toSWTStyleRanges(wa.getData(), m_styledText.getFont()));
use of org.knime.core.node.workflow.NodeAnnotation in project knime-core by knime.
the class WorkflowRootEditPart method getModelChildren.
* Returns the model chidlren, that is, the <code>NodeConatiner</code>s that
* are stored in the workflow manager.
* {@inheritDoc}
protected List getModelChildren() {
List modelChildren = new ArrayList();
WorkflowManagerUI wfm = getWorkflowManager();
// Add them first so they appear behind everything else
for (Annotation anno : wfm.getWorkflowAnnotations()) {
// workflow annotations so they appear above them)
for (NodeAnnotation nodeAnno : wfm.getNodeAnnotations()) {
if (wfm.getNrWorkflowIncomingPorts() > 0) {
if (m_inBar == null) {
m_inBar = new WorkflowPortBar(wfm, true);
NodeUIInformation uiInfo = wfm.getInPortsBarUIInfo();
if (uiInfo != null) {
if (wfm.getNrWorkflowOutgoingPorts() > 0) {
if (m_outBar == null) {
m_outBar = new WorkflowPortBar(wfm, false);
NodeUIInformation uiInfo = wfm.getOutPortsBarUIInfo();
if (uiInfo != null) {
return modelChildren;
use of org.knime.core.node.workflow.NodeAnnotation in project knime-core by knime.
the class NodeContainerEditPart method activate.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void activate() {
// If we already have extra info, init figure now
NodeContainerUI cont = getNodeContainer();
NodeUIInformation uiInfo = cont.getUIInformation();
if (uiInfo != null) {
// takes over all info except the coordinates
} else {
// set a new empty UI info
NodeUIInformation info = NodeUIInformation.builder().setNodeLocation(0, 0, -1, -1).build();
// not yet a listener -- no event received
// need to notify node annotation about our presence
// the annotation is a child that's added first (placed in background)
// to the viewer - so it doesn't know about the correct location yet
NodeAnnotation nodeAnnotation = cont.getNodeAnnotation();
NodeAnnotationEditPart nodeAnnotationEditPart = (NodeAnnotationEditPart) getViewer().getEditPartRegistry().get(nodeAnnotation);
if (nodeAnnotationEditPart != null) {
IPreferenceStore store = KNIMEUIPlugin.getDefault().getPreferenceStore();
// listen to node container (= model object)
// set the active (or disabled) state
((NodeContainerFigure) getFigure()).setStateFromNC(cont);
// set the node message
use of org.knime.core.node.workflow.NodeAnnotation in project knime-core by knime.
the class WorkflowEditPartFactory method createEditPart.
* Creates the referring edit parts for the following parts of the model.
* <ul>
* <li>{@link WorkflowManager}: either {@link WorkflowRootEditPart} or {@link NodeContainerEditPart} (depending on
* the currently displayed level)</li>
* <li>{@link SingleNodeContainer}: {@link NodeContainerEditPart}</li>
* <li>{@link NodeInPort}: {@link NodeInPortEditPart}</li>
* <li>{@link NodeOutPort}: {@link NodeOutPortEditPart}</li>
* <li>{@link ConnectionContainer}: {@link ConnectionContainerEditPart}</li>
* <li>{@link WorkflowInPort}: {@link WorkflowInPortEditPart}</li>
* <li>{@link WorkflowOutPort}: {@link WorkflowOutPortEditPart}</li>
* </ul>
* The {@link WorkflowRootEditPart} has its {@link NodeContainer}s and its {@link WorkflowInPort}s and
* {@link WorkflowOutPort}s as model children. The {@link NodeContainerEditPart} has its {@link NodePort}s as its
* children.
* @see WorkflowRootEditPart#getModelChildren()
* @see NodeContainerEditPart#getModelChildren()
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if any other object is passed
* {@inheritDoc}
public EditPart createEditPart(final EditPart context, final Object model) {
// instantiated here
// correct type in the if statement
// model at the end of method
EditPart part = null;
if (model instanceof WorkflowManagerUI) {
// this is out "root" workflow manager
if (m_isTop) {
// all following objects of type WorkflowManager are treated as
// metanodes and displayed as NodeContainers
m_isTop = false;
part = new WorkflowRootEditPart();
} else {
// we already have a "root" workflow manager
// must be a metanode
part = new SubworkflowEditPart();
} else if (model instanceof NodeAnnotation) {
/* IMPORTANT: first test NodeAnnotation then Annotation (as the
* first derives from the latter! */
part = new NodeAnnotationEditPart();
} else if (model instanceof Annotation) {
/* IMPORTANT: first test NodeAnnotation then Annotation (as the
* first derives from the latter! */
/* workflow annotations hang off the workflow manager */
part = new AnnotationEditPart();
} else if (model instanceof WorkflowPortBar) {
WorkflowPortBar bar = (WorkflowPortBar) model;
if (bar.isInPortBar()) {
part = new WorkflowInPortBarEditPart();
} else {
part = new WorkflowOutPortBarEditPart();
} else if (model instanceof SingleNodeContainerUI) {
// SingleNodeContainer -> NodeContainerEditPart
part = new NodeContainerEditPart();
// we have to test for WorkflowInPort first because it's a
// subclass of NodeInPort (same holds for WorkflowOutPort and
// NodeOutPort)
} else if (model instanceof WorkflowInPortUI && context instanceof WorkflowInPortBarEditPart) {
// WorkflowInPort and context WorkflowRootEditPart ->
// WorkflowInPortEditPart
* if the context is a WorkflowRootEditPart it indicates that the
* WorkflowInPort is a model child of the WorkflowRootEditPart, i.e.
* we look at it as a workflow in port. If the context is a
* NodeContainerEditPart the WorkflowInPort is a model child of a
* NodeContainerEditPart and we look at it as a node in port.
WorkflowInPortUI inport = (WorkflowInPortUI) model;
part = new WorkflowInPortEditPart(inport.getPortType(), inport.getPortIndex());
} else if (model instanceof WorkflowOutPortUI && context instanceof WorkflowOutPortBarEditPart) {
// WorkflowOutPort and context WorkflowRootEditPart ->
// WorkflowOutPortEditPart
* if the context is a WorkflowRootEditPart it indicates that the
* WorkflowOutPort is a model child of the WorkflowRootEditPart,
* i.e. we look at it as a workflow out port. If the context is a
* NodeContainerEditPart the WorkflowOutPort is a model child of a
* NodeContainerEditPart and we look at it as a node out port.
// TODO: return SubWorkFlowOutPortEditPart
WorkflowOutPortUI outport = (WorkflowOutPortUI) model;
part = new WorkflowOutPortEditPart(outport.getPortType(), outport.getPortIndex());
} else if (model instanceof WorkflowOutPortUI) {
// TODO: return SubWorkFlowOutPortEditPart
WorkflowOutPortUI outport = (WorkflowOutPortUI) model;
part = new MetaNodeOutPortEditPart(outport.getPortType(), outport.getPortIndex());
} else if (model instanceof NodeInPortUI) {
// NodeInPort -> NodeInPortEditPart
NodePortUI port = (NodeInPortUI) model;
part = new NodeInPortEditPart(port.getPortType(), port.getPortIndex());
} else if (model instanceof NodeOutPortUI) {
// NodeOutPort -> NodeOutPortEditPart
NodePortUI port = (NodeOutPortUI) model;
part = new NodeOutPortEditPart(port.getPortType(), port.getPortIndex());
} else if (model instanceof ConnectionContainerUI) {
// ConnectionContainer -> ConnectionContainerEditPart
part = new ConnectionContainerEditPart();
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown model obj: " + model);
// associate the model with the part (= the controller)
return part;