use of org.knime.core.node.workflow.execresult.NodeExecutionResult in project knime-core by knime.
the class Node method createNodeExecutionResult.
* Creates an execution result containing all calculated values in a
* execution. The returned value is suitable to be used in
* {@link #loadDataAndInternals(
* NodeContentPersistor, ExecutionMonitor, LoadResult)}.
* If this node is not executed, it will assign null values to the fields
* in the returned execution result.
* @param exec For progress information.
* @return A new execution result containing the values being calculated.
* @throws CanceledExecutionException If canceled
public NodeExecutionResult createNodeExecutionResult(final ExecutionMonitor exec) throws CanceledExecutionException {
NodeExecutionResult result = new NodeExecutionResult();
if (hasContent()) {
File internTempDir;
try {
internTempDir = FileUtil.createTempDir("knime_node_internDir");
exec.setMessage("Saving internals");
saveInternals(internTempDir, exec.createSubProgress(0.0));
result.setNodeInternDir(new ReferencedFile(internTempDir));
} catch (IOException ioe) {
LOGGER.error("Unable to save internals", ioe);
if (m_internalHeldPortObjects != null) {
PortObject[] internalHeldPortObjects = Arrays.copyOf(m_internalHeldPortObjects, m_internalHeldPortObjects.length);
PortObject[] pos = new PortObject[getNrOutPorts()];
PortObjectSpec[] poSpecs = new PortObjectSpec[getNrOutPorts()];
for (int i = 0; i < pos.length; i++) {
PortObject po = getOutputObject(i);
if (po != null) {
pos[i] = po;
poSpecs[i] = po.getSpec();
// Add the outgoing flow variables to the execution result
FlowObjectStack outgoingStack = m_model.getOutgoingFlowObjectStack();
List<FlowVariable> nodeFlowVars = outgoingStack.getAvailableFlowVariables().values().stream().filter(f -> f.getScope().equals(FlowVariable.Scope.Flow)).collect(Collectors.toList());
// the bottom most element should remain at the bottom of the stack
return result;
use of org.knime.core.node.workflow.execresult.NodeExecutionResult in project knime-core by knime.
the class SandboxedNodeCreator method copyExistingTablesIntoSandboxContainer.
* Copies the tables (port and internal) into the context of the corresponding node in the targetWFM. The execution
* result must fit to the passed node container.
* @param execResult the object holding the result of the sourceNC. If the sourceNC is a workflow, this must hold
* all results of all contained nodes.
* @param sourceNC the node that produced the execution result.
* @param targetNC the context into which the tables are copied into
* @param progressMon For progress information
* @param copyDataIntoNewContext as per {@link #setCopyData(boolean)}
* @throws CanceledExecutionException
* @throws IOException
public static void copyExistingTablesIntoSandboxContainer(final NodeContainerExecutionResult execResult, final NodeContainer sourceNC, final NodeContainer targetNC, final ExecutionMonitor progressMon, final boolean copyDataIntoNewContext) throws CanceledExecutionException, IOException {
assert targetNC.getNrOutPorts() == sourceNC.getNrOutPorts();
if (execResult instanceof NativeNodeContainerExecutionResult) {
NativeNodeContainerExecutionResult sncResult = (NativeNodeContainerExecutionResult) execResult;
// execResult and node types must match
assert sourceNC instanceof NativeNodeContainer;
assert targetNC instanceof NativeNodeContainer;
// data is to copy ... get the correct execution context
ExecutionContext targetExec = copyDataIntoNewContext ? ((SingleNodeContainer) targetNC).createExecutionContext() : null;
NodeExecutionResult ner = sncResult.getNodeExecutionResult();
// TODO this copy process has to take place in a different place
// though it needs the final execution context for correct copy
// of BDT objects
PortObject[] resultTables = new PortObject[targetNC.getNrOutPorts()];
int copyCount = resultTables.length;
// copy also the internally held tables (such as for instance
// the table in the table view) -- use the copy of the outports
// if they match (likely they don't)
PortObject[] oldInternTables = ner.getInternalHeldPortObjects();
PortObject[] newInternTables = null;
if (oldInternTables != null) {
newInternTables = new PortObject[oldInternTables.length];
copyCount += newInternTables.length;
// skip flow variable output
for (int i = 0; i < resultTables.length; i++) {
ExecutionMonitor sub = progressMon.createSubProgress(1.0 / copyCount);
progressMon.setMessage("Port " + i);
PortObject o = ner.getPortObject(i);
PortObject newPO = copyPortObject(o, sub, targetExec);
if (newInternTables != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < oldInternTables.length; j++) {
if (oldInternTables[j] == o) {
newInternTables[j] = newPO;
resultTables[i] = newPO;
if (newInternTables != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < newInternTables.length; i++) {
ExecutionMonitor sub = progressMon.createSubProgress(1.0 / copyCount);
progressMon.setMessage("Internal Table " + i);
if (newInternTables[i] == null) {
PortObject oldT = oldInternTables[i];
PortObject newT = copyPortObject(oldT, sub, targetExec);
newInternTables[i] = newT;
if (oldInternTables != null) {
} else if (execResult instanceof WorkflowExecutionResult) {
WorkflowExecutionResult wfmResult = (WorkflowExecutionResult) execResult;
// exec result and node types must match
WorkflowManager targetWFM = (WorkflowManager) targetNC;
WorkflowManager sourceWFM = (WorkflowManager) sourceNC;
copyIntoSandboxContainerRecursive(sourceWFM, targetWFM, wfmResult, progressMon, copyDataIntoNewContext);
} else if (execResult instanceof SubnodeContainerExecutionResult) {
SubnodeContainerExecutionResult subResult = (SubnodeContainerExecutionResult) execResult;
WorkflowExecutionResult wfmResult = subResult.getWorkflowExecutionResult();
WorkflowManager targetWFM = ((SubNodeContainer) targetNC).getWorkflowManager();
WorkflowManager sourceWFM = ((SubNodeContainer) sourceNC).getWorkflowManager();
copyIntoSandboxContainerRecursive(sourceWFM, targetWFM, wfmResult, progressMon, copyDataIntoNewContext);
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported node result type: " + execResult.getClass().getSimpleName());
use of org.knime.core.node.workflow.execresult.NodeExecutionResult in project knime-core by knime.
the class Node method createInactiveNodeExecutionResult.
* @return a {@link NodeExecutionResult} that has all output ports and specs filled with inactive objects, and which
* has no internals.
* @noreference This method is not intended to be referenced by clients.
public NodeExecutionResult createInactiveNodeExecutionResult() {
NodeExecutionResult result = new NodeExecutionResult();
PortObject[] pos = new PortObject[getNrOutPorts()];
Arrays.fill(pos, InactiveBranchPortObject.INSTANCE);
PortObjectSpec[] poSpecs = new PortObjectSpec[getNrOutPorts()];
Arrays.fill(poSpecs, InactiveBranchPortObjectSpec.INSTANCE);
return result;
use of org.knime.core.node.workflow.execresult.NodeExecutionResult in project knime-core by knime.
the class NativeNodeContainer method loadExecutionResult.
* {@inheritDoc}
public void loadExecutionResult(final NodeContainerExecutionResult execResult, final ExecutionMonitor exec, final LoadResult loadResult) {
synchronized (m_nodeMutex) {
if (InternalNodeContainerState.EXECUTED.equals(getInternalState())) {
LOGGER.debug(getNameWithID() + " is already executed; won't load execution result");
if (!(execResult instanceof NativeNodeContainerExecutionResult)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument must be instance " + "of \"" + NativeNodeContainerExecutionResult.class.getSimpleName() + "\": " + execResult.getClass().getSimpleName());
super.loadExecutionResult(execResult, exec, loadResult);
NativeNodeContainerExecutionResult sncExecResult = (NativeNodeContainerExecutionResult) execResult;
NodeExecutionResult nodeExecResult = sncExecResult.getNodeExecutionResult();
boolean success = sncExecResult.isSuccess();
if (success) {
try {
m_node.loadExecutionResult(nodeExecResult, new ExecutionMonitor(), loadResult);
} finally {
boolean needsReset = nodeExecResult.needsResetAfterLoad();
if (!needsReset && success) {
for (int i = 0; i < getNrOutPorts(); i++) {
if (m_node.getOutputObject(i) == null) {
loadResult.addError("Output object at port " + i + " is null");
needsReset = true;
if (needsReset) {
use of org.knime.core.node.workflow.execresult.NodeExecutionResult in project knime-core by knime.
the class StreamingTestNodeExecutionJob method mainExecute.
* {@inheritDoc}
protected NodeContainerExecutionStatus mainExecute() {
NodeContainer nodeContainer = getNodeContainer();
if (!(nodeContainer instanceof NativeNodeContainer)) {
String message = "Streaming and distributed TEST execution only available for native nodes (i.e. no meta- or subnodes)";
nodeContainer.setNodeMessage(new NodeMessage(Type.ERROR, message));
return NodeContainerExecutionStatus.FAILURE;
// TODO should actually not be used for execution itself, but is currently!
NativeNodeContainer localNodeContainer = (NativeNodeContainer) nodeContainer;
if (localNodeContainer.getNodeModel() instanceof LoopStartNode || localNodeContainer.getNodeModel() instanceof LoopEndNode) {
String message = "Streaming and distributed TEST execution doesn't work for Loop Start and End nodes.";
nodeContainer.setNodeMessage(new NodeMessage(Type.ERROR, message));
return NodeContainerExecutionStatus.FAILURE;
localNodeContainer.getNodeModel().addWarningListener(w -> {
if (w != null) {
// get the input object specs
// includes the flow
PortObject[] inPortObjects = getPortObjects();
// variable port object!
PortObjectSpec[] inPortObjectSpecs = new PortObjectSpec[inPortObjects.length];
for (int i = 1; i < inPortObjectSpecs.length; i++) {
// check if it's not an optional in-port
if (inPortObjects[i] != null) {
inPortObjectSpecs[i] = inPortObjects[i].getSpec();
// get input port roles"call local: NodeModel#getInputPortRoles");
InputPortRole[] inputPortRoles = localNodeContainer.getNodeModel().getInputPortRoles();
// get flow variables for all non-streamable ports
// TODO: why only for non-streamable ports?
// WorkflowManager wfm = localNodeContainer.getParent();
// ArrayList<FlowObjectStack> flowObjectStacks = new
// ArrayList<FlowObjectStack>(inPortObjects.length);
// for (int i = 0; i < inPortObjects.length; i++) {
// ConnectionContainer con =
// wfm.getIncomingConnectionFor(localNodeContainer.getID(), i);
// if ((con != null && i == 0) || (con != null && inputPortRoles[i -
// 1].isStreamable())) {
// flowObjectStacks.add(((SingleNodeContainer)wfm.getNodeContainer(con.getSource())).getFlowObjectStack());
// }
// }
// check for distributable ports
boolean isDistributable = false;
for (int i = 0; i < inputPortRoles.length; i++) {
if (inputPortRoles[i].isDistributable()) {
isDistributable = true;
/* ---- create node copies and configure ----*/
// adjust the number of chunks if one of the distributable input table contains less rows than chunks
int numChunks = isDistributable ? m_numChunks : 1;
for (int i = 1; i < inPortObjects.length; i++) {
// without the flow variable port
if (inputPortRoles[i - 1].isDistributable()) {
int rowCount = (int) ((BufferedDataTable) inPortObjects[i]).size();
if (rowCount < numChunks) {
numChunks = Math.max(1, rowCount);
// create the 'remote' node containers used for the execution itself
NativeNodeContainer[] remoteNodeContainers = createNodeCopies(localNodeContainer, numChunks);
// exactly one execution context per 'remote' node
ExecutionContext[] remoteExec = createExecutionContexts(remoteNodeContainers);
// execution context for the original node
// - mainly for the creation of the input and output tables (to be fed into the 'remote' node copies)
// - created tables are tracked in m_tableChunksToBeDisposed to be disposed at the end
// - should actually not be used for the actual execution but is currently! (TODO)
ExecutionContext localExec = remoteExec[0];
// configure the node copies
for (int i = 0; i < remoteNodeContainers.length; i++) {
try (WorkflowLock lock = localNodeContainer.getParent().lock()) {
// wfm.createAndSetFlowObjectStackFor(localNodeContainer,
// flowObjectStacks.toArray(new
// FlowObjectStack[flowObjectStacks.size()]));"call remote: NodeModel#configure");
boolean isConfigureOK = remoteNodeContainers[i].callNodeConfigure(inPortObjectSpecs, true);
if (!isConfigureOK) {
String message = "Configuration failed";
nodeContainer.setNodeMessage(new NodeMessage(Type.ERROR, message));
return NodeContainerExecutionStatus.FAILURE;
// Otherwise it doesn't make sense.
if (checkForOverriddenMethod(localNodeContainer, "createInitialStreamableOperatorInternals") && !checkForOverriddenMethod(localNodeContainer, "iterate", StreamableOperatorInternals.class)) {
m_warningMessages.add("Implementation warning: Overriding the 'createInitialStreamableOperatorInternals'-method without overriding the 'iterate'-method doesn't make sense.");
// create initial streamable operator internals for the first call of the iterate-method"call local: NodeModel#createInitialStreamableOperatorInternals");
StreamableOperatorInternals operatorInternals = localNodeContainer.getNodeModel().createInitialStreamableOperatorInternals();"call local: NodeModel#createMergeOperator");
// can be null
MergeOperator localMergeOperator = localNodeContainer.getNodeModel().createMergeOperator();
StreamableOperatorInternals[] newInternals = new StreamableOperatorInternals[numChunks];
final PortObjectSpec[] inSpecsNoFlowPort = ArrayUtils.remove(inPortObjectSpecs, 0);"call local: NodeModel#iterate");
// Port types for determining whether a port must be copied or not in createPortInputs(...)
PortType[] portTypes = new PortType[inPortObjects.length];
// Skipping the variable port
for (int i = 1; i < inPortObjects.length; i++) {
portTypes[i - 1] = localNodeContainer.getInPort(i).getPortType();
try {
// create port inputs for the streamable execution
PortInput[][] portInputs = createPortInputs(inputPortRoles, inPortObjects, portTypes, numChunks, localExec);
while (localNodeContainer.getNodeModel().iterate(operatorInternals)) {
newInternals = performIntermediateIteration(remoteNodeContainers, remoteExec, operatorInternals, inSpecsNoFlowPort, portInputs, numChunks, localMergeOperator != null);
if (localMergeOperator != null) {"call local: MergeOperator#mergeIntermediate");
operatorInternals = localMergeOperator.mergeIntermediate(newInternals);
// re-create port inputs since they were already iterated above
portInputs = createPortInputs(inputPortRoles, inPortObjects, portTypes, numChunks, localExec);
// create the out specs (after all intermediate iterations have been
// performed!)"call local: NodeModel#computeFinalOutputSpecs");
PortObjectSpec[] outSpecsNoFlowPort = null;
outSpecsNoFlowPort = localNodeContainer.getNodeModel().computeFinalOutputSpecs(operatorInternals, inSpecsNoFlowPort);
/* ---- take care about the output ---- */"call local: NodeModel#getOutputPortRoles");
OutputPortRole[] outputPortRoles = localNodeContainer.getNodeModel().getOutputPortRoles();
// TODO: one single output table (for distributed ports) for all distributed nodes ... should be ok?
// create the portOutputs for the StreamableOperator#runFinal-method
// -> if node is run distributed, only distributed ports have to be set (i.e. RowOutputs), otherwise all
PortOutput[] portOutputs = createPortOutputs(localNodeContainer.getNode(), outputPortRoles, outSpecsNoFlowPort, isDistributable, true, localExec);
for (int i = 0; i < numChunks; i++) {"call remote: NodeModel#createStreamableOperator");
StreamableOperator streamableOperator = null;
streamableOperator = remoteNodeContainers[i].getNodeModel().createStreamableOperator(new PartitionInfo(i, numChunks), inSpecsNoFlowPort);
// simulates transfer of the internals from the local node to the remote ones
operatorInternals = saveAndLoadInternals(operatorInternals);
if (localMergeOperator != null) {"call: StreamableOperator#loadInternals");
}"call: StreamableOperator#runFinal");
try {
PortOutput[] tmpPortOutputs = portOutputs.clone();
streamableOperator.runFinal(portInputs[i], portOutputs, remoteExec[i]);
// make sure that the portOutputs-object hasn't been manipulated directly (only it's containing objects)
if (IntStream.range(0, portOutputs.length).anyMatch(j -> {
return tmpPortOutputs[j] != portOutputs[j];
})) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Output array must not be manipulated.");
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
throw new ClassCastException(e.getMessage() + ". Likely reason: port-role is not set as streamable -> overwrite get[Input|Ouptut]PortRoles()-methods in NodeModel.");
if (localMergeOperator != null) {"call: StreamableOperator#saveInternals");
newInternals[i] = saveAndLoadInternals(streamableOperator.saveInternals());
if (localMergeOperator != null) {"call: MergeOperator#mergeFinals");
operatorInternals = localMergeOperator.mergeFinal(newInternals);
} else if (numChunks == 1) {
operatorInternals = newInternals[0];
if (localMergeOperator != null) {"call local: NodeModel#finishStreamableExecution");
// create the port outputs for the NodeModel#finishStreamableExecution-method -> only non-distributed ports have to be provided here
PortOutput[] nonDistrPortOutputs;
if (isDistributable) {
nonDistrPortOutputs = createPortOutputs(localNodeContainer.getNode(), outputPortRoles, outSpecsNoFlowPort, isDistributable, false, localExec);
} else {
// if the node is not distributable we assume that all port-outputs have already been set in the runFinal-Method
// and don't pass any port outputs here -> the finishStreamableExecution method is than only be used
// to set warning messages etc.
nonDistrPortOutputs = new PortOutput[outputPortRoles.length];
PortOutput[] tmpPortOutputs = nonDistrPortOutputs.clone();
localNodeContainer.getNodeModel().finishStreamableExecution(operatorInternals, localExec, nonDistrPortOutputs);
// make sure that the pArrays.equals(a, a2)ortOutputs-object hasn't been manipulated directly, only it's containing objects
if (IntStream.range(0, portOutputs.length).anyMatch(j -> {
return tmpPortOutputs[j] != nonDistrPortOutputs[j];
})) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Output array must not be manipulated.");
// merge the portOutputs and the nonDistrPortOutputs
for (int i = 0; i < nonDistrPortOutputs.length; i++) {
if (nonDistrPortOutputs[i] != null) {
portOutputs[i] = nonDistrPortOutputs[i];
} else {
// check whether the current node model overrides the #finishStreamableExecution-method
if (checkForOverriddenMethod(localNodeContainer, "finishStreamableExecution", StreamableOperatorInternals.class, ExecutionContext.class, PortOutput[].class)) {
// method has been overridden -> createMergeOperator-method actually needs to be implemented as well!
throw new IllegalStateException("The 'NodeModel#finishStreamExecution'-method is overridden but no merge operator provided. Please override the 'NodeModel#createMergeOperator'-method as well.");
PortObject[] outPortObjects = new PortObject[localNodeContainer.getNrOutPorts()];
PortObjectSpec[] outPortObjectSpecs = new PortObjectSpec[localNodeContainer.getNrOutPorts()];
// set variable out port
outPortObjects[0] = FlowVariablePortObject.INSTANCE;
// set variable out port
outPortObjectSpecs[0] = FlowVariablePortObjectSpec.INSTANCE;
for (int i = 1; i < outPortObjects.length; i++) {
// retrieve the out port objects
if (portOutputs[i - 1] instanceof BufferedDataContainerRowOutput) {
BufferedDataTable table = ((BufferedDataContainerRowOutput) portOutputs[i - 1]).getDataTable();
outPortObjects[i] = table;
// check if table is empty and set appropriate warning message
if (table.size() == 0) {
m_warningMessages.add("Node created an empty data table.");
} else {
outPortObjects[i] = ((PortObjectOutput) portOutputs[i - 1]).getPortObject();
// retrieve the out port object specs
if (outSpecsNoFlowPort != null && outSpecsNoFlowPort[i - 1] != null) {
// get out port specs as return by the configure-method (happen to be null in some cases, i.e. the Transpose-node)
outPortObjectSpecs[i] = outSpecsNoFlowPort[i - 1];
} else if (outPortObjects[i] != null) {
// port objects can be null (mainly in loop iterations)
// get outport specs as given by the result port objects
outPortObjectSpecs[i] = outPortObjects[i].getSpec();
NativeNodeContainerExecutionResult execResult = localNodeContainer.createExecutionResult(localExec);
NodeExecutionResult nodeExecResult = execResult.getNodeExecutionResult();
WorkflowPersistor.LoadResult loadResult = new WorkflowPersistor.LoadResult("streaming test exec result");
// TODO: since some port objects are null if in an iteration of a loop end node, the execution result cannot be loaded every time
// possible workaround: check for all port objects to be non-null and only load execution result if that's the case
// if ( -> p == null)) {
localNodeContainer.loadExecutionResult(execResult, localExec, loadResult);
// }
if (!m_warningMessages.isEmpty()) {
String joinedMessages ="\n"));
NodeMessage nm = new NodeMessage(Type.WARNING, joinedMessages);
return execResult;
} catch (Exception e) {
// copied from
boolean isCanceled = e instanceof CanceledExecutionException;
isCanceled = isCanceled || e instanceof InterruptedException;
// TODO this can all be shortened to exec.isCanceled()?
// isCanceled = isCanceled || localExec.isCanceled(); //not visible
// writing to a buffer is done asynchronously -- if this thread
// is interrupted while waiting for the IO thread to flush we take
// it as a graceful exit
isCanceled = isCanceled || (e instanceof DataContainerException && e.getCause() instanceof InterruptedException);
if (isCanceled) {
localNodeContainer.setNodeMessage(NodeMessage.newWarning("Execution canceled"));
return NodeContainerExecutionStatus.FAILURE;
localNodeContainer.getNode().createErrorMessageAndNotify("Execute failed: " + e.getMessage(), e);
return NodeContainerExecutionStatus.FAILURE;
} finally {
// remove virtual nodes from workflow
// other things to be done in post execution
postExecution(remoteExec, remoteNodeContainers);
// clear/dispose all newly created table chunks if there are any (created via creatTableChunks)
m_tableChunksToBeDisposed.forEach(c -> c.dispose());