use of org.knowm.xchange.gemini.v1.dto.marketdata.GeminiLendDepth in project XChange by knowm.
the class GeminiMarketDataService method getLendOrderBook.
public LoanOrderBook getLendOrderBook(String currency, Object... args) throws IOException {
// According to API docs, default is 50
int limitBids = 50;
int limitAsks = 50;
if (args != null && args.length == 2) {
Object arg0 = args[0];
if (!(arg0 instanceof Integer)) {
throw new ExchangeException("Argument 0 must be an Integer!");
} else {
limitBids = (Integer) arg0;
Object arg1 = args[1];
if (!(arg1 instanceof Integer)) {
throw new ExchangeException("Argument 1 must be an Integer!");
} else {
limitAsks = (Integer) arg1;
GeminiLendDepth GeminiLendDepth = getGeminiLendBook(currency, limitBids, limitAsks);
List<FixedRateLoanOrder> fixedRateAsks = GeminiAdapters.adaptFixedRateLoanOrders(GeminiLendDepth.getAsks(), currency, "ask", "");
List<FixedRateLoanOrder> fixedRateBids = GeminiAdapters.adaptFixedRateLoanOrders(GeminiLendDepth.getBids(), currency, "bid", "");
List<FloatingRateLoanOrder> floatingRateAsks = GeminiAdapters.adaptFloatingRateLoanOrders(GeminiLendDepth.getAsks(), currency, "ask", "");
List<FloatingRateLoanOrder> floatingRateBids = GeminiAdapters.adaptFloatingRateLoanOrders(GeminiLendDepth.getBids(), currency, "bid", "");
return new LoanOrderBook(null, fixedRateAsks, fixedRateBids, floatingRateAsks, floatingRateBids);