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Example 1 with XmpMessage

use of org.krupczak.xmp.XmpMessage in project opennms by OpenNMS.

the class XmpUtil method handleTableQuery.

     * <p>handleTableQuery</p>
     * @param session a {@link org.krupczak.xmp.XmpSession} object.
     * @param mib a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @param table a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @param object a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @param instance a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @param instanceRegex a {@link java.util.regex.Pattern} object.
     * @param valueOperator a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @param valueOperand a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @param minMatches a int.
     * @param maxMatches a int.
     * @param maxMatchesUnbounded a boolean.
     * @param caseSensitive a boolean.
     * @return a boolean.
     * @throws org.opennms.netmgt.protocols.xmp.XmpUtilException if any.
public static boolean handleTableQuery(XmpSession session, String mib, String table, String object, String instance, Pattern instanceRegex, String valueOperator, String valueOperand, int minMatches, int maxMatches, boolean maxMatchesUnbounded, boolean caseSensitive) throws XmpUtilException {
    XmpMessage reply;
    String[] tableInfo = new String[3];
    XmpVar[] queryVars = new XmpVar[1];
    XmpVar[] replyVars;
    int numMatches = 0;
    queryVars[0] = new XmpVar(mib, object, Xmp.SYNTAX_NULLSYNTAX);
    tableInfo[0] = mib;
    tableInfo[1] = object;
    tableInfo[2] = instance;
    reply = session.queryTableVars(tableInfo, 0, queryVars);
    if (reply == null) {
        LOG.warn("handleTableQuery: query for object {} from MIB {} failed, {}", object, mib, Xmp.errorStatusToString(session.getErrorStatus()));
        throw new XmpUtilException("XMP query failed (MIB " + mib + ", object " + object + "): " + Xmp.errorStatusToString(session.getErrorStatus()));
    replyVars = reply.getMIBVars();
    LOG.debug("handleTableQuery: Got reply with {} variables", replyVars.length);
    /* Since we're constrained to a single object, we know that there's
         * exactly one column in the result set and so can use a Java 5
         * for() loop. If there were multiple columns, we'd have to break the
         * flat array into a two-dimensional matrix using a pair of old-style
         * for() loops.
    for (XmpVar thisVar : replyVars) {
        String rowInstance = thisVar.getKey();
        if ((instanceRegex != null) && (!instanceRegex.matcher(rowInstance).matches())) {
            LOG.debug("handleTableQuery: instance {} does not match, skipping this row.", rowInstance);
            // to next var
        } else if (instanceRegex == null) {
            LOG.debug("handleTableQuery: instance match not specified, evaluating value of instance {}", rowInstance);
        } else {
            LOG.debug("handleTableQuery: instance {} matches, evaluating value", rowInstance);
        if (valueMeetsCriteria(thisVar, valueOperator, valueOperand, caseSensitive)) {
    if (numMatches >= minMatches) {
        LOG.debug("handleTableQuery: Found {} matches, meets specified minimum of {}", numMatches, minMatches);
        if (maxMatchesUnbounded) {
            LOG.debug("handleTableQuery: Maximum matches unbounded, returning true");
            return true;
        } else if (numMatches <= maxMatches) {
            LOG.debug("handleTableQuery: Found {} matches, meets specified maximum of {}, returning true", numMatches, maxMatches);
            return true;
        } else {
            LOG.debug("handleTableQuery: Found {} matches, exceeds specified maximum of {}, returning false", numMatches, maxMatches);
            throw new XmpUtilException("Found too many value matches (" + numMatches + " > " + maxMatches + ") for condition " + mib + "." + object + " " + valueOperator + " " + valueOperand);
    } else {
        LOG.debug("Found only {} matches, too few to meet specified minimum of {}", numMatches, minMatches);
        throw new XmpUtilException("Found too few value matches (" + numMatches + " < " + minMatches + ") for condition " + mib + "." + object + " " + valueOperator + " " + valueOperand);
Also used : XmpVar(org.krupczak.xmp.XmpVar) XmpMessage(org.krupczak.xmp.XmpMessage)

Example 2 with XmpMessage

use of org.krupczak.xmp.XmpMessage in project opennms by OpenNMS.

the class XmpUtil method handleScalarQuery.

     * <p>handleScalarQuery</p>
     * @param session a {@link org.krupczak.xmp.XmpSession} object.
     * @param mib a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @param object a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @param valueOperator a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @param valueOperand a {@link java.lang.String} object.
     * @param caseSensitive a boolean.
     * @return a boolean.
     * @throws org.opennms.netmgt.protocols.xmp.XmpUtilException if any.
public static boolean handleScalarQuery(XmpSession session, String mib, String object, String valueOperator, String valueOperand, boolean caseSensitive) throws XmpUtilException {
    XmpMessage reply;
    XmpVar[] queryVars = new XmpVar[1];
    XmpVar[] replyVars;
    queryVars[0] = new XmpVar(mib, object, Xmp.SYNTAX_NULLSYNTAX);
    reply = session.queryVars(queryVars);
    if (reply == null) {
        LOG.warn("handleScalarQuery: query for object {} from MIB {} failed, {}", object, mib, Xmp.errorStatusToString(session.getErrorStatus()));
        return false;
    } else {
        LOG.debug("handleScalarQuery: query for object {} from MIB {} succeeded.", object, mib);
    replyVars = reply.getMIBVars();
    if (replyVars[0].getMibName().equals(mib) && replyVars[0].getObjName().equals(object)) {
        return valueMeetsCriteria(replyVars[0], valueOperator, valueOperand, caseSensitive);
    } else {
        LOG.error("Observed MIB name ({}) or object name ({}) does not match specified MIB name ({}) or object name ({}), giving up", replyVars[0].getMibName(), replyVars[0].getObjName(), mib, object);
        throw new XmpUtilException("Received unexpected response (MIB: " + replyVars[0].getMibName() + " Object: " + replyVars[0].getObjName());
Also used : XmpVar(org.krupczak.xmp.XmpVar) XmpMessage(org.krupczak.xmp.XmpMessage)

Example 3 with XmpMessage

use of org.krupczak.xmp.XmpMessage in project opennms by OpenNMS.

the class XmpCollector method handleScalarQuery.

/* private methods *********************************** */
// handle scalar query and put in a single collection resource
// devoted to scalars; check sysUptime if its present
// and indicate if data should be persisted 
private boolean handleScalarQuery(String groupName, CollectionAgent agent, CollectionSetBuilder collectionSetBuilder, long oldUptime, XmpSession session, NodeLevelResource nodeLevelResource, XmpVar[] queryVars) {
    XmpMessage reply;
    long newUptime;
    int i;
    XmpVar[] vars;
    //log().debug("sending scalar query");
    reply = session.queryVars(queryVars);
    if (reply == null) {
        LOG.warn("collect: query to {} failed, {}", agent, Xmp.errorStatusToString(session.getErrorStatus()));
        return false;
    // for each variable in reply, store it in collectionSet
    // hack alert: somewhere in some query, we asked for
    // sysUptime; find it save value for later
    // vars[i] should match up with mibObjects[i] !!!
    vars = reply.getMIBVars();
    newUptime = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
        if (vars[i].getMibName().equals("core") && vars[i].getObjName().equals("sysUpTime")) {
            newUptime = vars[i].getValueLong();
        // put in collectionSet via this attribute group
        final XmpVar xmpVar = vars[i];
        collectionSetBuilder.withAttribute(nodeLevelResource, groupName, xmpVar.getObjName(), xmpVar.getValue(), getType(xmpVar));
    if (newUptime > oldUptime) {
    if (newUptime > 0) {
        // save the agent's sysUpTime in the CollectionAgent
    return true;
Also used : XmpVar(org.krupczak.xmp.XmpVar) XmpMessage(org.krupczak.xmp.XmpMessage)

Example 4 with XmpMessage

use of org.krupczak.xmp.XmpMessage in project opennms by OpenNMS.

the class XmpCollector method handleTableQuery.

/* handleScalarQuery */
// handle a tabular query, save each row in its own
// collection resource
private boolean handleTableQuery(String groupName, String resourceType, CollectionAgent agent, CollectionSetBuilder collectionSetBuilder, String[] tableInfo, XmpSession session, NodeLevelResource nodeLevelResource, XmpVar[] queryVars) throws CollectionException {
    int numColumns, numRows;
    XmpMessage reply;
    int i, j;
    XmpVar[] vars;
    String targetInstance;
    numColumns = queryVars.length;
    // make sure we have an instance or * for all rows; preserve
    // passed in value as targetInstance so we know if we are
    // are going to use targetInstance for saving results or
    // use returned instance for saving values
    // if resourceType is present, we use it as a subDir in
    // our RRD dir
    targetInstance = tableInfo[2];
    if ((tableInfo[2] == null) || (tableInfo[2].length() == 0)) {
        tableInfo[2] = new String("*");
        targetInstance = null;
    LOG.debug("sending table query {},{},{} target: {}", tableInfo[0], tableInfo[1], tableInfo[2], targetInstance);
    reply = session.queryTableVars(tableInfo, 0, queryVars);
    if (reply == null) {
        LOG.warn("collect: query to {} failed, {}", agent, Xmp.errorStatusToString(session.getErrorStatus()));
        return false;
    vars = reply.getMIBVars();
    // we have to go through the reply and find out how 
    // many rows we have
    // for each row: create a CollectionResource of
    //               appropriate type, instance, etc.
    //               create AttributeGroup to put 
    //               the values in 
    numRows = vars.length / numColumns;"query returned valid table data for {} numRows={} numColumns={}", groupName, numRows, numColumns);
    for (i = 0; i < numRows; i++) {
        String rowInstance;
        // determine instance for this row
        // we use either the rowInstance or targetInstance for
        // naming the instance for saving RRD file; if user
        // wanted all rows (blank instance), then we will use
        // the returned instance; if user specified an instance
        // we use that instance for specifying the RRD file
        // and collection resource
        rowInstance = vars[i * numColumns].getKey();
        // instead of using '*' for the nodeTypeName, use the
        // table name so that the proper rrd file is spec'd
        final String instanceName;
        if (targetInstance != null) {
            instanceName = targetInstance;
        } else {
            instanceName = rowInstance;
        // node type can be "node" for scalars or
        // "if" for network interface resources and
        // "*" for all other resource types
        final String nodeTypeName = tableInfo[1];
        final Resource resource = getResource(nodeLevelResource, nodeTypeName, resourceType, instanceName);
        LOG.debug("queryTable instance={}", rowInstance);
        for (j = 0; j < numColumns; j++) {
            final XmpVar var = vars[i * numColumns + j];
            collectionSetBuilder.withAttribute(resource, groupName, var.getObjName(), var.getValue(), getType(var));
    /* for each column */
    return true;
Also used : XmpVar(org.krupczak.xmp.XmpVar) XmpMessage(org.krupczak.xmp.XmpMessage) InterfaceLevelResource( CollectionResource(org.opennms.netmgt.collection.api.CollectionResource) GenericTypeResource( Resource( NodeLevelResource(

Example 5 with XmpMessage

use of org.krupczak.xmp.XmpMessage in project opennms by OpenNMS.

the class XmpDetector method detect.

public final DetectResults detect(DetectRequest request) {
    final InetAddress address = request.getAddress();
    XmpSession aSession;
    XmpMessage aReply;
    XmpVar[] vars, replyVars;
    LOG.debug("XmpDetector: isServiceDetected starting to query " + address);
    // try to establish session
    aSession = new XmpSession(sockopts, address, xmpPort, xmpAuthenUser);
    if (aSession.isClosed()) {
        LOG.debug("XmpDetector: null session to " + address);
        return new DetectResultsImpl(false);
    LOG.debug("XmpDetector: isServiceDetected session established with " + address);
    // query for core.sysName, core.sysDescr, 
    // core.sysUpTime, core.xmpdVersion
    vars = new XmpVar[] { new XmpVar("core", "sysName", "", "", Xmp.SYNTAX_NULLSYNTAX), new XmpVar("core", "sysDescr", "", "", Xmp.SYNTAX_NULLSYNTAX), new XmpVar("core", "sysUpTime", "", "", Xmp.SYNTAX_NULLSYNTAX), new XmpVar("core", "xmpdVersion", "", "", Xmp.SYNTAX_NULLSYNTAX) };
    if ((aReply = aSession.queryVars(vars)) == null) {
        LOG.debug("XmpDetector: isServiceDetected no vars from " + address);
        return new DetectResultsImpl(false);
    // log what we retrieved
    if ((replyVars = aReply.getMIBVars()) == null) {
        LOG.debug("XmpDetector: isServiceDetected no replyVars for " + address);
        return new DetectResultsImpl(false);
    /* if replyVars == null */
    LOG.debug("XmpDetector: isServiceDetected " + address + " reports " + replyVars[0].getValue() + "," + replyVars[1].getValue());
    LOG.debug("XmpDetector: isServiceDetected true for " + address);
    return new DetectResultsImpl(true);
Also used : XmpVar(org.krupczak.xmp.XmpVar) XmpSession(org.krupczak.xmp.XmpSession) XmpMessage(org.krupczak.xmp.XmpMessage) DetectResultsImpl( InetAddress(


XmpMessage (org.krupczak.xmp.XmpMessage)5 XmpVar (org.krupczak.xmp.XmpVar)5 InetAddress ( XmpSession (org.krupczak.xmp.XmpSession)1 CollectionResource (org.opennms.netmgt.collection.api.CollectionResource)1 GenericTypeResource ( InterfaceLevelResource ( NodeLevelResource ( Resource ( DetectResultsImpl (