use of in project cu-kfs by CU-CommunityApps.
the class RoleServiceImpl method matchesOnDelegation.
* Support method for principalHasRole. Checks delegations on the passed in roles for the given principal and
* groups. (It's assumed that the principal belongs to the given groups.)
* <p>
* Delegation checks are mostly the same as role checks except that the delegateType itself is qualified against the
* original role (like a RolePrincipal or RoleGroup.) And then, the members of that delegateType may have additional
* qualifiers which are not part of the original role qualifiers.
* <p>
* For example:
* <p>
* A role could be qualified by organization. So, there is a person in the organization with primary authority for
* that org. But, then they delegate authority for that organization (not their authority - the delegateType is
* attached to the org.) So, in this case the delegateType has a qualifier of the organization when it is attached
* to the role.
* <p>
* The principals then attached to that delegateType (which is specific to the organization), may have additional
* qualifiers.
* For Example: dollar amount range, effective dates, document types.
* As a subsequent step, those qualifiers are checked against the qualification passed in from the client.
protected boolean matchesOnDelegation(Set<String> allRoleIds, String principalId, List<String> principalGroupIds, Map<String, String> qualification, Context context) {
// get the list of delegations for the roles
Map<String, DelegateType> delegations = getStoredDelegationImplMapFromRoleIds(allRoleIds);
// roles do not have dynamic membership
if (delegations.isEmpty()) {
for (String roleId : allRoleIds) {
RoleLite role = loadRole(roleId);
RoleTypeService roleTypeService = context.getRoleTypeService(role.getKimTypeId());
if (!context.isDerivedRoleType(role.getKimTypeId()) || roleTypeService == null || !roleTypeService.dynamicRoleMembership(role.getNamespaceCode(), role.getName())) {
putPrincipalHasRoleInCache(false, principalId, roleId, qualification, true);
return false;
// Build a map from a role ID to the delegations for that role ID
Map<String, List<DelegateType>> roleToDelegations = new HashMap<>();
for (DelegateType delegation : delegations.values()) {
List<DelegateType> roleDelegations = roleToDelegations.computeIfAbsent(delegation.getRoleId(), k -> new ArrayList<>());
// Iterate through each role and check its delegations to determine if the principal has one of the roles
for (String roleId : roleToDelegations.keySet()) {
boolean matchesOnRoleDelegation = false;
RoleLite role = getRoleWithoutMembers(roleId);
RoleTypeService roleTypeService = context.getRoleTypeService(role.getKimTypeId());
// delegation
for (DelegateType delegation : roleToDelegations.get(roleId)) {
// If the delegation isn't active skip it
if (!delegation.isActive()) {
// principal
for (DelegateMember delegateMember : delegation.getMembers()) {
// If the membership isn't active skip the rest of the checks
if (!delegateMember.isActive(new Timestamp(new Date().getTime()))) {
// principal ID
if (MemberType.PRINCIPAL.equals(delegateMember.getType()) && !delegateMember.getMemberId().equals(principalId)) {
// of groups the principal belongs to
if (MemberType.GROUP.equals(delegateMember.getType()) && !principalGroupIds.contains(delegateMember.getMemberId())) {
// principal is a member of that role
if (MemberType.ROLE.equals(delegateMember.getType()) && !principalHasRole(principalId, Collections.singletonList(delegateMember.getMemberId()), qualification, false)) {
// it can't be guaranteed that it is up and working, so using a try/catch to catch this possibility.
try {
if (roleTypeService != null && !roleTypeService.doesRoleQualifierMatchQualification(qualification, delegateMember.getQualifier())) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.warn("Unable to call doesRoleQualifierMatchQualification on role type service for " + "role Id: " + delegation.getRoleId() + " / " + qualification + " / " + delegateMember.getQualifier(), ex);
// role service matches this qualifier
// now try the delegateType service
DelegationTypeService delegationTypeService = getDelegationTypeService(delegateMember.getDelegationId());
// QUESTION: does the qualifier map need to be merged with the main delegateType qualification?
if (delegationTypeService != null && !delegationTypeService.doesDelegationQualifierMatchQualification(qualification, delegateMember.getQualifier())) {
// if so, check that the original role member would match the given qualifiers
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(delegateMember.getRoleMemberId())) {
RoleMember rm = getRoleMember(delegateMember.getRoleMemberId());
if (rm != null) {
// membership
if (!rm.isActive(new Timestamp(new Date().getTime()))) {
Map<String, String> roleQualifier = rm.getAttributes();
// catch this possibility.
try {
if (roleTypeService != null && !roleTypeService.doesRoleQualifierMatchQualification(qualification, roleQualifier)) {
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOG.warn("Unable to call doesRoleQualifierMatchQualification on role type " + "service for role Id: " + delegation.getRoleId() + " / " + qualification + " / " + roleQualifier, ex);
} else {
LOG.warn("Unknown role member ID cited in the delegateType member table:");
LOG.warn(" assignedToId: " + delegateMember.getDelegationMemberId() + " / roleMemberId: " + delegateMember.getRoleMemberId());
// If we've made it here then all of the tests pass so the principal must belong to this
// delegation so set the flag to true and break out of this loop
matchesOnRoleDelegation = true;
// If we've found a match for one of the delegations break out of this loop
if (matchesOnRoleDelegation) {
// through one of these delegations
if (!context.isDerivedRoleType(role.getKimTypeId()) || roleTypeService == null || !roleTypeService.dynamicRoleMembership(role.getNamespaceCode(), role.getName())) {
putPrincipalHasRoleInCache(matchesOnRoleDelegation, principalId, roleId, qualification, true);
// If we've found a matching delegation skip processing the rest of the roles
if (matchesOnRoleDelegation) {
return true;
// If we get here we didn't find a matching delegation so return false
return false;
use of in project cu-kfs by CU-CommunityApps.
the class RoleServiceImpl method getDelegationTypeService.
protected DelegationTypeService getDelegationTypeService(String delegationId) {
DelegationTypeService service = null;
DelegateType delegateType = getKimDelegationImpl(delegationId);
KimType kimType = KimApiServiceLocator.getKimTypeInfoService().getKimType(delegateType.getKimTypeId());
if (kimType != null) {
KimTypeService tempService = KimFrameworkServiceLocator.getKimTypeService(kimType);
if (tempService instanceof DelegationTypeService) {
service = (DelegationTypeService) tempService;
} else {
LOG.error("Service returned for type " + kimType + "(" + kimType.getName() + ") was not a DelegationTypeService. Was a " + (tempService != null ? tempService.getClass() : "(null)"));
} else {
// delegateType has no type - default to role type if possible
RoleTypeService roleTypeService = getRoleTypeService(delegateType.getRoleId());
if (roleTypeService instanceof DelegationTypeService) {
service = (DelegationTypeService) roleTypeService;
return service;
use of in project cu-kfs by CU-CommunityApps.
the class RoleServiceImpl method applyDelegationsToRoleMembers.
* Checks each of the result records to determine if there are potentially applicable delegation members for that
* role membership. If there are, applicable delegations and members will be linked to the RoleMemberships in the
* given list. An updated list will be returned from this method which includes the appropriate linked delegations.
protected List<RoleMembership.Builder> applyDelegationsToRoleMembers(List<RoleMembership> roleMemberships, Collection<DelegateType> delegations, Map<String, String> qualification) {
MultiValueMap<String, String> roleIdToRoleMembershipIds = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
Map<String, RoleMembership.Builder> roleMembershipIdToBuilder = new HashMap<>();
List<RoleMembership.Builder> roleMembershipBuilders = new ArrayList<>();
// builders
for (RoleMembership roleMembership : roleMemberships) {
roleIdToRoleMembershipIds.add(roleMembership.getRoleId(), roleMembership.getId());
RoleMembership.Builder builder = RoleMembership.Builder.create(roleMembership);
roleMembershipIdToBuilder.put(roleMembership.getId(), builder);
for (DelegateType delegation : delegations) {
// determine the candidate role memberships where this delegation can be mapped
List<String> candidateRoleMembershipIds = roleIdToRoleMembershipIds.get(delegation.getRoleId());
if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(candidateRoleMembershipIds)) {
DelegationTypeService delegationTypeService = getDelegationTypeService(delegation.getDelegationId());
for (DelegateMember delegationMember : delegation.getMembers()) {
// Make sure that the delegation member is active
if (delegationMember.isActive( && (delegationTypeService == null || delegationTypeService.doesDelegationQualifierMatchQualification(qualification, delegationMember.getQualifier()))) {
// memberships on the role
if (StringUtils.isBlank(delegationMember.getRoleMemberId())) {
RoleTypeService roleTypeService = getRoleTypeService(delegation.getRoleId());
for (String roleMembershipId : candidateRoleMembershipIds) {
RoleMembership.Builder roleMembershipBuilder = roleMembershipIdToBuilder.get(roleMembershipId);
if (roleTypeService == null || roleTypeService.doesRoleQualifierMatchQualification(roleMembershipBuilder.getQualifier(), delegationMember.getQualifier())) {
linkDelegateToRoleMembership(delegation, delegationMember, roleMembershipBuilder);
} else if (candidateRoleMembershipIds.contains(delegationMember.getRoleMemberId())) {
RoleMembership.Builder roleMembershipBuilder = roleMembershipIdToBuilder.get(delegationMember.getRoleMemberId());
linkDelegateToRoleMembership(delegation, delegationMember, roleMembershipBuilder);
return roleMembershipBuilders;