use of org.kuali.kfs.krad.keyvalues.KeyValuesFinder in project cu-kfs by CU-CommunityApps.
the class PayeeACHAccountExtractServiceImpl method getResolvedEmailBody.
* Helper method for replacing "[propertyName]"-style placeholders in the email body
* with actual property values from the given Payee ACH Account, in addition to
* replacing literal "\n" with newline characters accordingly. Potentially sensitive
* placeholders will be replaced with empty text except for the bank name.
* Placeholders referencing properties with value finders will print the matching key/value
* label instead. Any placeholders that could not be resolved successfully will be replaced
* with empty text.
protected String getResolvedEmailBody(PayeeACHAccount achAccount, String emailBody) {
Pattern placeholderPattern = Pattern.compile("\\[([^\\]]+)\\]");
Matcher emailMatcher = placeholderPattern.matcher(emailBody.replace("\\n", "\n"));
// Use a StringBuffer here, due to the Matcher class not supporting StringBuilder for appending operations.
StringBuffer resolvedEmailBody = new StringBuffer(emailBody.length());
// Replace all placeholders one by one. The pattern has a single group in it to help with retrieving just the property name and not the brackets.
while (emailMatcher.find()) {
String propertyName =;
AttributeDefinition attDefinition = dataDictionaryService.getAttributeDefinition(PayeeACHAccount.class.getName(), propertyName);
String replacement;
// Make sure property exists in data dictionary and is either not potentially sensitive or is the safe-to-use bank name property.
if (attDefinition != null) {
AttributeSecurity attSecurity = attDefinition.getAttributeSecurity();
if (attSecurity != null && (attSecurity.isHide() || attSecurity.isMask() || attSecurity.isPartialMask()) && !CUPdpConstants.PAYEE_ACH_ACCOUNT_EXTRACT_BANK_NAME_PROPERTY.equals(propertyName)) {
// Replace potentially-sensitive placeholders with an empty string.
replacement = KFSConstants.EMPTY_STRING;
} else {
// Replace the placeholder with the property value, or with an empty string if null or invalid.
try {
Object propertyValue = ObjectPropertyUtils.getPropertyValue(achAccount, propertyName);
replacement = ObjectUtils.isNotNull(propertyValue) ? propertyValue.toString() : KFSConstants.EMPTY_STRING;
// If a values finder is defined, use the label from the matching key/value pair instead.
if (attDefinition.getControl() != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(attDefinition.getControl().getValuesFinderClass())) {
KeyValuesFinder valuesFinder = (KeyValuesFinder) Class.forName(attDefinition.getControl().getValuesFinderClass()).newInstance();
String key = replacement;
replacement = valuesFinder.getKeyLabel(key);
// If the key is in the label, then remove it from the label.
if (attDefinition.getControl().getIncludeKeyInLabel() != null && attDefinition.getControl().getIncludeKeyInLabel().booleanValue()) {
// Check for key-and-dash or key-in-parentheses, and remove them if found.
// (Former can come from BO values finders, latter is only for custom values finders that append the keys as such.)
String keyAndDashPrefix = key + " - ";
String keyInParenSuffix = " (" + key + ")";
replacement = replacement.startsWith(keyAndDashPrefix) ? StringUtils.substringAfter(replacement, keyAndDashPrefix) : (replacement.endsWith(keyInParenSuffix) ? StringUtils.substringBeforeLast(replacement, keyInParenSuffix) : replacement);
// Because of the way that Matcher.appendReplacement() works, escape the special replacement characters accordingly.
if (replacement.indexOf('\\') != -1) {
replacement = replacement.replace("\\", "\\\\");
if (replacement.indexOf('$') != -1) {
replacement = replacement.replace("$", "\\$");
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | IllegalAccessException | InstantiationException | RuntimeException e) {
replacement = KFSConstants.EMPTY_STRING;
} else {
// Replace non-data-dictionary-defined property placeholders with an empty string.
replacement = KFSConstants.EMPTY_STRING;
emailMatcher.appendReplacement(resolvedEmailBody, replacement);
return resolvedEmailBody.toString();