use of org.kuali.kfs.pdp.businessobject.DisbursementNumberRange in project cu-kfs by CU-CommunityApps.
the class AchBundlerFormatServiceImpl method assignDisbursementNumbersAndBundle.
* MOD: This method assigns disbursement numbers and tries to combine payment groups with disbursement type check and ACH if possible.
* @param paymentProcess
* @param postFormatProcessSummary
protected boolean assignDisbursementNumbersAndBundle(PaymentProcess paymentProcess, FormatProcessSummary postFormatProcessSummary) {
boolean successful = true;
// keep a map with paymentGroupKey and PaymentInfo (disbursementNumber, noteLines)
Map<String, PaymentInfo> combinedPaymentGroupMap = new HashMap<String, PaymentInfo>();
Iterator<PaymentGroup> paymentGroupIterator = SpringContext.getBean(PaymentGroupService.class).getByProcess(paymentProcess);
int maxNoteLines = getMaxNoteLines();
while (paymentGroupIterator.hasNext()) {
PaymentGroup paymentGroup =;
LOG.debug("performFormat() Payment Group ID " + paymentGroup.getId());
// Use the customer's profile's campus code to check for disbursement ranges
String campus = paymentGroup.getBatch().getCustomerProfile().getDefaultPhysicalCampusProcessingCode();
// Where should this come from?
List<DisbursementNumberRange> disbursementRanges = paymentDetailDao.getDisbursementNumberRanges(campus);
DisbursementNumberRange range = getRange(disbursementRanges, paymentGroup.getBank(), paymentGroup.getDisbursementType().getCode());
if (range == null) {
GlobalVariables.getMessageMap().putError(KFSConstants.GLOBAL_ERRORS, PdpKeyConstants.Format.ErrorMessages.ERROR_FORMAT_DISBURSEMENT_MISSING, campus, paymentGroup.getBank().getBankCode(), paymentGroup.getDisbursementType().getCode());
successful = false;
return successful;
if (PdpConstants.DisbursementTypeCodes.CHECK.equals(paymentGroup.getDisbursementType().getCode()) || PdpConstants.DisbursementTypeCodes.ACH.equals(paymentGroup.getDisbursementType().getCode())) {
if (paymentGroup.getPymtAttachment().booleanValue() || paymentGroup.getProcessImmediate().booleanValue() || paymentGroup.getPymtSpecialHandling().booleanValue() || (!paymentGroup.getCombineGroups())) {
assignDisbursementNumber(campus, range, paymentGroup, postFormatProcessSummary);
} else {
String paymentGroupKey = paymentGroup.toStringKey();
// check if there was another paymentGroup we can combine with
if (combinedPaymentGroupMap.containsKey(paymentGroupKey)) {
PaymentInfo paymentInfo = combinedPaymentGroupMap.get(paymentGroupKey);
paymentInfo.noteLines = paymentInfo.noteLines.add(new KualiInteger(paymentGroup.getNoteLines()));
// if CHECK and noteLines don't excede the maximum assign the same disbursementNumber
if (PdpConstants.DisbursementTypeCodes.ACH.equals(paymentGroup.getDisbursementType().getCode()) || (PdpConstants.DisbursementTypeCodes.CHECK.equals(paymentGroup.getDisbursementType().getCode()) && paymentInfo.noteLines.intValue() <= maxNoteLines)) {
// update payment info for new noteLines value
combinedPaymentGroupMap.put(paymentGroupKey, paymentInfo);
} else // if noteLines more than maxNoteLines we remove the old entry and get a new disbursement number
if (PdpConstants.DisbursementTypeCodes.CHECK.equals(paymentGroup.getDisbursementType().getCode()) && paymentInfo.noteLines.intValue() > maxNoteLines) {
// remove old entry for this paymentGroupKey
// get a new check number and the paymentGroup noteLines
KualiInteger checkNumber = assignDisbursementNumber(campus, range, paymentGroup, postFormatProcessSummary);
int noteLines = paymentGroup.getNoteLines();
// create new payment info with these two
paymentInfo = new PaymentInfo(checkNumber, new KualiInteger(noteLines));
// add new entry in the map for this paymentGroupKey
combinedPaymentGroupMap.put(paymentGroupKey, paymentInfo);
} else {
// if it isn't check or ach, we're in trouble
LOG.error("assignDisbursementNumbersAndBundle() Payment group " + paymentGroup.getId() + " must be CHCK or ACH. It is: " + paymentGroup.getDisbursementType());
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Payment group " + paymentGroup.getId() + " must be Check or ACH");
} else // if no entry in the map for this payment group we create a new one
// get a new disbursement number and the paymentGroup noteLines
KualiInteger disbursementNumber = assignDisbursementNumber(campus, range, paymentGroup, postFormatProcessSummary);
int noteLines = paymentGroup.getNoteLines();
// create new payment info with these two
PaymentInfo paymentInfo = new PaymentInfo(disbursementNumber, new KualiInteger(noteLines));
// add new entry in the map for this paymentGroupKey
combinedPaymentGroupMap.put(paymentGroupKey, paymentInfo);
} else {
// if it isn't check or ach, we're in trouble
LOG.error("assignDisbursementNumbers() Payment group " + paymentGroup.getId() + " must be CHCK or ACH. It is: " + paymentGroup.getDisbursementType());
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Payment group " + paymentGroup.getId() + " must be Check or ACH");
// Generate a GL entry for CHCK & ACH
// Update all the ranges
LOG.debug("assignDisbursementNumbers() Save ranges");
for (DisbursementNumberRange element : disbursementRanges) {;
return successful;