use of org.lanternpowered.server.plugin.InfoPluginContainer in project LanternServer by LanternPowered.
the class AbstractAssetRepository method registerAsset.
Asset registerAsset(Object plugin, String id, URL url, Path file) {
final Optional<Asset> optAsset = this.loadedAssets.get(id);
if (optAsset != null) {
return optAsset.get();
PluginContainer pluginContainer;
if (plugin instanceof String) {
final String pluginId = (String) plugin;
// Attempt to find a plugin container that is assigned to the id,
// if not, create a plugin container that represents the plugin
// with the id.
pluginContainer = this.pluginManager.getPlugin(pluginId).orElse(null);
if (pluginContainer == null) {
// don't register a plugin in this case, just return a asset with a dummy one.
if (INFO_FILE_PATTERN.matcher(id).matches()) {
return new LanternAsset(new SimplePluginContainer(pluginId), id, url, file);
// Attempt to get plugin info from the repository, and use
// that to define the plugin container
final URL infoUrl = getAssetURL(Paths.get(DEFAULT_ASSET_DIR).resolve(pluginId).resolve(""));
if (infoUrl != null) {
try {
final PluginMetadata pluginMetadata = InfoPluginContainer.readPluginInfo(pluginId, infoUrl);
// Construct a plugin container
pluginContainer = new InfoPluginContainer(pluginId, pluginMetadata);
} catch (IOException e) {
Lantern.getLogger().error("Failed to read");
if (pluginContainer == null) {
// Generate a simple plugin container
pluginContainer = new SimplePluginContainer(pluginId);
// Register the plugin container
Lantern.getLogger().info("Registered data pack plugin: {} {}", pluginContainer.getName(), pluginContainer.getVersion().orElse("unknown"));
} else {
// Search for the plugin container based on the instance
pluginContainer = this.pluginManager.fromInstance(plugin).get();
final LanternAsset asset = new LanternAsset(pluginContainer, id, url, file);
this.loadedAssets.put(id, Optional.of(asset));
return asset;