use of org.ldaptive.LdapEntry in project cas by apereo.
the class LdapConsentRepository method readConsentEntry.
* Fetches a user entry along with its consent attributes.
* @param principal user name
* @return the user's LDAP entry
private LdapEntry readConsentEntry(final String principal) {
try {
final SearchFilter filter = LdapUtils.newLdaptiveSearchFilter(this.searchFilter, CollectionUtils.wrap(Arrays.asList(principal)));
LOGGER.debug("Locating consent LDAP entry via filter [{}] based on attribute [{}]", filter, this.ldap.getConsentAttributeName());
final Response<SearchResult> response = LdapUtils.executeSearchOperation(this.connectionFactory, this.ldap.getBaseDn(), filter, this.ldap.getConsentAttributeName());
if (LdapUtils.containsResultEntry(response)) {
final LdapEntry entry = response.getResult().getEntry();
LOGGER.debug("Locating consent LDAP entry [{}]", entry);
return entry;
} catch (final LdapException e) {
LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
return null;
use of org.ldaptive.LdapEntry in project cas by apereo.
the class LdapServiceRegistryDao method update.
* Update the ldap entry with the given registered service.
* @param rs the rs
* @return the registered service
private RegisteredService update(final RegisteredService rs) {
String currentDn = null;
try {
final Response<SearchResult> response = searchForServiceById(rs.getId());
if (LdapUtils.containsResultEntry(response)) {
currentDn = response.getResult().getEntry().getDn();
} catch (final Exception e) {
LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(currentDn)) {
LOGGER.debug("Updating registered service at [{}]", currentDn);
final LdapEntry entry = this.ldapServiceMapper.mapFromRegisteredService(this.baseDn, rs);
LdapUtils.executeModifyOperation(currentDn, this.connectionFactory, entry);
return rs;
use of org.ldaptive.LdapEntry in project cas by apereo.
the class LdapConsentRepository method deleteConsentDecision.
public boolean deleteConsentDecision(final long id, final String principal) {
LOGGER.debug("Deleting consent decision [{}] for principal [{}]", id, principal);
final LdapEntry entry = readConsentEntry(principal);
if (entry != null) {
final Set<String> newConsent = removeDecision(entry.getAttribute(this.ldap.getConsentAttributeName()), id);
return executeModifyOperation(newConsent, entry);
return false;
use of org.ldaptive.LdapEntry in project cas by apereo.
the class LdapConsentRepository method readConsentEntries.
* Fetches all user entries that contain consent attributes along with these.
* @return the collection of user entries
private Collection<LdapEntry> readConsentEntries() {
try {
final String att = this.ldap.getConsentAttributeName();
final SearchFilter filter = LdapUtils.newLdaptiveSearchFilter('(' + att + "=*)");
LOGGER.debug("Locating consent LDAP entries via filter [{}] based on attribute [{}]", filter, att);
final Response<SearchResult> response = LdapUtils.executeSearchOperation(this.connectionFactory, this.ldap.getBaseDn(), filter, att);
if (LdapUtils.containsResultEntry(response)) {
final Collection<LdapEntry> results = response.getResult().getEntries();
LOGGER.debug("Locating [{}] consent LDAP entries", results.size());
return results;
} catch (final LdapException e) {
LOGGER.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
return new HashSet<>(0);
use of org.ldaptive.LdapEntry in project cas by apereo.
the class OptionalWarningLdapLdapAccountStateHandlerTests method verifyWarningOnMatch.
public void verifyWarningOnMatch() {
final OptionalWarningLdapLdapAccountStateHandler h = new OptionalWarningLdapLdapAccountStateHandler();
final AuthenticationResponse response = mock(AuthenticationResponse.class);
final LdapEntry entry = mock(LdapEntry.class);
when(entry.getAttribute(anyString())).thenReturn(new LdapAttribute("attribute", "value"));
final List<MessageDescriptor> messages = new ArrayList<>();
final LdapPasswordPolicyConfiguration config = new LdapPasswordPolicyConfiguration();
h.handleWarning(new AccountState.DefaultWarning(, 1), response, config, messages);
assertEquals(2, messages.size());