use of org.ldaptive.LdapEntry in project cas by apereo.
the class DefaultLdapRegisteredServiceMapper method mapFromRegisteredService.
public LdapEntry mapFromRegisteredService(final String dn, final RegisteredService svc) {
if (svc.getId() == RegisteredService.INITIAL_IDENTIFIER_VALUE) {
final String newDn = getDnForRegisteredService(dn, svc);
LOGGER.debug("Creating entry DN [{}]", newDn);
final Collection<LdapAttribute> attrs = new ArrayList<>();
attrs.add(new LdapAttribute(ldap.getIdAttribute(), String.valueOf(svc.getId())));
try (StringWriter writer = new StringWriter()) {, svc);
attrs.add(new LdapAttribute(ldap.getServiceDefinitionAttribute(), writer.toString()));
attrs.add(new LdapAttribute(LdapUtils.OBJECT_CLASS_ATTRIBUTE, "top", ldap.getObjectClass()));
LOGGER.debug("LDAP attributes assigned to the DN [{}] are [{}]", newDn, attrs);
final LdapEntry entry = new LdapEntry(newDn, attrs);
LOGGER.debug("Created LDAP entry [{}]", entry);
return entry;
use of org.ldaptive.LdapEntry in project cas by apereo.
the class BaseUseAttributesAuthorizationGenerator method generate.
public CommonProfile generate(final WebContext context, final CommonProfile profile) {
final String username = profile.getId();
final SearchResult userResult;
try {
LOGGER.debug("Attempting to get details for user [{}].", username);
final Response<SearchResult> response =, LdapUtils.newLdaptiveSearchFilter(this.userSearchExecutor.getSearchFilter().getFilter(), LdapUtils.LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER_DEFAULT_PARAM_NAME, CollectionUtils.wrap(username)));
LOGGER.debug("LDAP user search response: [{}]", response);
userResult = response.getResult();
if (userResult.size() == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(new AccountNotFoundException(username + " not found."));
if (userResult.size() > 1 && !this.allowMultipleResults) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Found multiple results for user which is not allowed (allowMultipleResults=false).");
final LdapEntry userEntry = userResult.getEntry();
return generateAuthorizationForLdapEntry(profile, userEntry);
} catch (final LdapException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("LDAP error fetching details for user.", e);
use of org.ldaptive.LdapEntry in project cas by apereo.
the class LdapUserGroupsToRolesAuthorizationGenerator method generateAuthorizationForLdapEntry.
protected CommonProfile generateAuthorizationForLdapEntry(final CommonProfile profile, final LdapEntry userEntry) {
try {
LOGGER.debug("Attempting to get roles for user [{}].", userEntry.getDn());
final Response<SearchResult> response =, LdapUtils.newLdaptiveSearchFilter(this.groupSearchExecutor.getSearchFilter().getFilter(), LdapUtils.LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER_DEFAULT_PARAM_NAME, CollectionUtils.wrap(userEntry.getDn())));
LOGGER.debug("LDAP role search response: [{}]", response);
final SearchResult groupResult = response.getResult();
for (final LdapEntry entry : groupResult.getEntries()) {
final LdapAttribute groupAttribute = entry.getAttribute(this.groupAttributeName);
if (groupAttribute == null) {
LOGGER.warn("Role attribute not found on entry [{}]", entry);
addProfileRolesFromAttributes(profile, groupAttribute, this.groupPrefix);
} catch (final Exception e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("LDAP error fetching roles for user.", e);
return profile;
use of org.ldaptive.LdapEntry in project cas by apereo.
the class LdapSpnegoKnownClientSystemsFilterAction method processSpnegoAttribute.
* Verify spnego attribute value.
* @param searchResult the search result
* @return true if attribute value exists and has a value
protected boolean processSpnegoAttribute(final Response<SearchResult> searchResult) {
final SearchResult result = searchResult.getResult();
if (result == null || result.getEntries().isEmpty()) {
LOGGER.debug("Spnego attribute is not found in the search results");
return false;
final LdapEntry entry = result.getEntry();
final LdapAttribute attribute = entry.getAttribute(this.spnegoAttributeName);
LOGGER.debug("Spnego attribute [{}] found as [{}] for [{}]", attribute.getName(), attribute.getStringValue(), entry.getDn());
return verifySpnegoAttributeValue(attribute);
use of org.ldaptive.LdapEntry in project cas by apereo.
the class AbstractX509LdapTests method populateCertificateRevocationListAttribute.
* Populate certificate revocation list attribute.
* Dynamically set the attribute value to the crl content.
* Encode it as base64 first. Doing this in the code rather
* than in the ldif file to ensure the attribute can be populated
* without dependencies on the classpath and or filesystem.
* @throws Exception the exception
private static void populateCertificateRevocationListAttribute(final int port) throws Exception {
final Collection<LdapEntry> col = getLdapDirectory(port).getLdapEntries();
for (final LdapEntry ldapEntry : col) {
if (ldapEntry.getDn().equals(DN)) {
final LdapAttribute attr = new LdapAttribute(true);
byte[] value = new byte[1024]; ClassPathResource("userCA-valid.crl").getInputStream(), value);
value = EncodingUtils.encodeBase64ToByteArray(value);
LdapTestUtils.modifyLdapEntry(getLdapDirectory(port).getConnection(), ldapEntry, attr);