use of org.locationtech.geowave.analytic.spark.GeoWaveRDD in project geowave by locationtech.
the class KMeansRunner method run.
public void run() throws IOException {
// Validate inputs
if (inputDataStore == null) {
LOGGER.error("You must supply an input datastore!");
throw new IOException("You must supply an input datastore!");
if (isUseTime()) {
scaledRange = KMeansUtils.setRunnerTimeParams(this, inputDataStore, typeName);
if (scaledRange == null) {
LOGGER.error("Failed to set time params for kmeans. Please specify a valid feature type.");
throw new ParameterException("--useTime option: Failed to set time params");
// Retrieve the feature adapters
final VectorQueryBuilder bldr = VectorQueryBuilder.newBuilder();
List<String> featureTypeNames;
// If provided, just use the one
if (typeName != null) {
featureTypeNames = new ArrayList<>();
} else {
// otherwise, grab all the feature adapters
featureTypeNames = FeatureDataUtils.getFeatureTypeNames(inputDataStore);
bldr.setTypeNames(featureTypeNames.toArray(new String[0]));
// This is required due to some funkiness in GeoWaveInputFormat
final PersistentAdapterStore adapterStore = inputDataStore.createAdapterStore();
final InternalAdapterStore internalAdapterStore = inputDataStore.createInternalAdapterStore();
// Add a spatial filter if requested
try {
if (cqlFilter != null) {
Geometry bbox = null;
String cqlTypeName;
if (typeName == null) {
cqlTypeName = featureTypeNames.get(0);
} else {
cqlTypeName = typeName;
final short adapterId = internalAdapterStore.getAdapterId(cqlTypeName);
final DataTypeAdapter<?> adapter = adapterStore.getAdapter(adapterId).getAdapter();
if (adapter instanceof GeotoolsFeatureDataAdapter) {
final String geometryAttribute = ((GeotoolsFeatureDataAdapter) adapter).getFeatureType().getGeometryDescriptor().getLocalName();
Filter filter;
filter = ECQL.toFilter(cqlFilter);
final ExtractGeometryFilterVisitorResult geoAndCompareOpData = (ExtractGeometryFilterVisitorResult) filter.accept(new ExtractGeometryFilterVisitor(GeometryUtils.getDefaultCRS(), geometryAttribute), null);
bbox = geoAndCompareOpData.getGeometry();
if ((bbox != null) && !bbox.equals(GeometryUtils.infinity())) {
} catch (final CQLException e) {
LOGGER.error("Unable to parse CQL: " + cqlFilter);
// Load RDD from datastore
final RDDOptions kmeansOpts = new RDDOptions();
final GeoWaveRDD kmeansRDD = GeoWaveRDDLoader.loadRDD(session.sparkContext(), inputDataStore, kmeansOpts);
// Retrieve the input centroids
LOGGER.debug("Retrieving input centroids from RDD...");
centroidVectors = RDDUtils.rddFeatureVectors(kmeansRDD, timeField, scaledTimeRange);
// Init the algorithm
final KMeans kmeans = new KMeans();
if (epsilon > -1.0) {
// Run KMeans
LOGGER.debug("Running KMeans algorithm...");
outputModel =;
LOGGER.debug("Writing results to output store...");
LOGGER.debug("Results successfully written!");
use of org.locationtech.geowave.analytic.spark.GeoWaveRDD in project geowave by locationtech.
the class KDERunner method run.
public void run() throws IOException {
// Validate inputs
if (inputDataStore == null) {
LOGGER.error("You must supply an input datastore!");
throw new IOException("You must supply an input datastore!");
// Retrieve the feature adapters
final VectorQueryBuilder bldr = VectorQueryBuilder.newBuilder();
List<String> featureTypeNames;
// If provided, just use the one
if (typeName != null) {
featureTypeNames = new ArrayList<>();
} else {
// otherwise, grab all the feature adapters
featureTypeNames = FeatureDataUtils.getFeatureTypeNames(inputDataStore);
bldr.setTypeNames(featureTypeNames.toArray(new String[0]));
if (indexName != null) {
Index inputPrimaryIndex = null;
final Index[] idxArray = inputDataStore.createDataStore().getIndices();
for (final Index idx : idxArray) {
if ((idx != null) && ((indexName == null) || indexName.equals(idx.getName()))) {
inputPrimaryIndex = idx;
final CoordinateReferenceSystem inputIndexCrs = GeometryUtils.getIndexCrs(inputPrimaryIndex);
final String inputCrsCode = GeometryUtils.getCrsCode(inputIndexCrs);
Index outputPrimaryIndex = outputIndex;
CoordinateReferenceSystem outputIndexCrs = null;
final String outputCrsCode;
if (outputPrimaryIndex != null) {
outputIndexCrs = GeometryUtils.getIndexCrs(outputPrimaryIndex);
outputCrsCode = GeometryUtils.getCrsCode(outputIndexCrs);
} else {
final SpatialDimensionalityTypeProvider sdp = new SpatialDimensionalityTypeProvider();
final SpatialOptions so = sdp.createOptions();
outputPrimaryIndex = SpatialDimensionalityTypeProvider.createIndexFromOptions(so);
outputIndexCrs = inputIndexCrs;
outputCrsCode = inputCrsCode;
final CoordinateSystem cs = outputIndexCrs.getCoordinateSystem();
final CoordinateSystemAxis csx = cs.getAxis(0);
final CoordinateSystemAxis csy = cs.getAxis(1);
final double xMax = csx.getMaximumValue();
final double xMin = csx.getMinimumValue();
final double yMax = csy.getMaximumValue();
final double yMin = csy.getMinimumValue();
if ((xMax == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) || (xMin == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) || (yMax == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) || (yMin == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)) {
LOGGER.error("Raster KDE resize with raster primary index CRS dimensions min/max equal to positive infinity or negative infinity is not supported");
throw new RuntimeException("Raster KDE resize with raster primary index CRS dimensions min/max equal to positive infinity or negative infinity is not supported");
if (cqlFilter != null) {
// Load RDD from datastore
final RDDOptions kdeOpts = new RDDOptions();
final Function<Double, Double> identity = x -> x;
final Function2<Double, Double, Double> sum = (final Double x, final Double y) -> {
return x + y;
final RasterDataAdapter adapter = RasterUtils.createDataAdapterTypeDouble(coverageName, KDEReducer.NUM_BANDS, tileSize, MINS_PER_BAND, MAXES_PER_BAND, NAME_PER_BAND, new NoDataMergeStrategy());
outputDataStore.createDataStore().addType(adapter, outputPrimaryIndex);
// The following "inner" variables are created to give access to member
// variables within lambda
// expressions
// tileSize;
final int innerTileSize = 1;
final String innerCoverageName = coverageName;
for (int level = minLevel; level <= maxLevel; level++) {
final int numXTiles = (int) Math.pow(2, level + 1);
final int numYTiles = (int) Math.pow(2, level);
// * tileSize;
final int numXPosts = numXTiles;
// * tileSize;
final int numYPosts = numYTiles;
final GeoWaveRDD kdeRDD = GeoWaveRDDLoader.loadRDD(session.sparkContext(), inputDataStore, kdeOpts);
JavaPairRDD<Double, Long> cells = kdeRDD.getRawRDD().flatMapToPair(new GeoWaveCellMapper(numXPosts, numYPosts, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, inputCrsCode, outputCrsCode)).combineByKey(identity, sum, sum).mapToPair(item -> item.swap());
cells = cells.partitionBy(new RangePartitioner(cells.getNumPartitions(), cells.rdd(), true, scala.math.Ordering.Double$.MODULE$, scala.reflect.ClassTag$.MODULE$.apply(Double.class))).sortByKey(false).cache();
final long count = cells.count();
if (count == 0) {
LOGGER.warn("No cells produced by KDE");
final double max = cells.first()._1;
JavaRDD<GridCoverage> rdd = cells.zipWithIndex().map(t -> {
final TileInfo tileInfo = fromCellIndexToTileInfo(t._1._2, numXPosts, numYPosts, numXTiles, numYTiles, xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax, innerTileSize);
final WritableRaster raster = RasterUtils.createRasterTypeDouble(NUM_BANDS, innerTileSize);
final double normalizedValue = t._1._1 / max;
// because we are using a Double as the key, the ordering
// isn't always completely reproducible as Double equals does not
// take into account an epsilon
final double percentile = (count - t._2) / ((double) count);
raster.setSample(tileInfo.x, tileInfo.y, 0, t._1._1);
raster.setSample(tileInfo.x, tileInfo.y, 1, normalizedValue);
raster.setSample(tileInfo.x, tileInfo.y, 2, percentile);
return RasterUtils.createCoverageTypeDouble(innerCoverageName, tileInfo.tileWestLon, tileInfo.tileEastLon, tileInfo.tileSouthLat, tileInfo.tileNorthLat, MINS_PER_BAND, MAXES_PER_BAND, NAME_PER_BAND, raster, GeometryUtils.DEFAULT_CRS_STR);
LOGGER.debug("Writing results to output store...");
if (tileSize > 1) {
// byte[] adapterBytes = PersistenceUtils.toBinary(adapter);
// byte[] indexBytes = PersistenceUtils.toBinary(outputPrimaryIndex);
rdd = rdd.flatMapToPair(new TransformTileSize(adapter, outputPrimaryIndex)).groupByKey().map(new MergeOverlappingTiles(adapter, outputPrimaryIndex));
RDDUtils.writeRasterToGeoWave(, outputPrimaryIndex, outputDataStore, adapter, rdd);
LOGGER.debug("Results successfully written!");
use of org.locationtech.geowave.analytic.spark.GeoWaveRDD in project geowave by locationtech.
the class SparkUtils method verifyQuery.
public static void verifyQuery(final DataStorePluginOptions dataStore, final SparkContext context, final URL filterFile, final URL[] expectedResultsFiles, final String name, final CoordinateReferenceSystem crsTransform, final Pair<String, String> optimalCqlQueryGeometryAndTimeFields, final boolean useDuring) {
try {
// get expected results
final ExpectedResults expectedResults = TestUtils.getExpectedResults(expectedResultsFiles);
QueryConstraints query;
if (crsTransform != null) {
final SimpleFeature feature = TestUtils.resourceToFeature(filterFile);
query = TestUtils.featureToQuery(GeometryUtils.crsTransform(feature, SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder.retype(feature.getFeatureType(), crsTransform), CRS.findMathTransform(GeometryUtils.getDefaultCRS(), crsTransform, true)), null, GeometryUtils.getCrsCode(crsTransform), useDuring);
} else {
query = TestUtils.resourceToQuery(filterFile, optimalCqlQueryGeometryAndTimeFields, useDuring);
// Load RDD using spatial query (bbox)
final RDDOptions queryOpts = new RDDOptions();
final GeoWaveRDD newRDD = GeoWaveRDDLoader.loadRDD(context, dataStore, queryOpts);
final JavaPairRDD<GeoWaveInputKey, SimpleFeature> javaRdd = newRDD.getRawRDD();
final long count = getCount(javaRdd, dataStore.getType());
LOGGER.warn("DataStore loaded into RDD with " + count + " features.");
// Verify RDD count matches expected count
Assert.assertEquals(expectedResults.count, count);
} catch (final Exception e) {
TestUtils.deleteAll(dataStore);"Error occurred while testing '" + name + "'");
use of org.locationtech.geowave.analytic.spark.GeoWaveRDD in project geowave by locationtech.
the class GeoWaveBasicSparkIT method testLoadRDD.
public void testLoadRDD() throws Exception {
// Set up Spark
final SparkContext context = SparkTestEnvironment.getInstance().getDefaultSession().sparkContext();
// test spatial temporal queries with spatial index for tornado tracks
TestUtils.testLocalIngest(dataStore, DimensionalityType.SPATIAL, TORNADO_TRACKS_SHAPEFILE_FILE, 1);
verifyQuery(context, TEST_BOX_TEMPORAL_FILTER_FILE, TORNADO_TRACKS_EXPECTED_BOX_TEMPORAL_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "bounding box tornado tracks spatial-temporal query with spatial only index", true);
verifyQuery(context, TEST_POLYGON_TEMPORAL_FILTER_FILE, TORNADO_TRACKS_EXPECTED_POLYGON_TEMPORAL_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "polygon tornado tracks spatial-temporal query with spatial only index", false);
// test spatial queries with spatial temporal index for tornado tracks
TestUtils.testLocalIngest(dataStore, DimensionalityType.SPATIAL_TEMPORAL, TORNADO_TRACKS_SHAPEFILE_FILE, 1);
verifyQuery(context, TEST_BOX_FILTER_FILE, TORNADO_TRACKS_EXPECTED_BOX_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "bounding box tornado tracks spatial query with spatial temporal index only", true);
verifyQuery(context, TEST_POLYGON_FILTER_FILE, TORNADO_TRACKS_EXPECTED_POLYGON_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "polygon tornado tracks spatial query with spatial temporal index only", true);
// test spatial temporal queries with temporal index for tornado tracks
TestUtils.testLocalIngest(dataStore, DimensionalityType.TEMPORAL, TORNADO_TRACKS_SHAPEFILE_FILE, 1);
verifyQuery(context, TEST_BOX_TEMPORAL_FILTER_FILE, TORNADO_TRACKS_EXPECTED_BOX_TEMPORAL_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "bounding box tornado tracks spatial-temporal query with temporal only index", false);
verifyQuery(context, TEST_POLYGON_TEMPORAL_FILTER_FILE, TORNADO_TRACKS_EXPECTED_POLYGON_TEMPORAL_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "polygon tornado tracks spatial-temporal query with temporal only index", true);
// test spatial temporal queries with temporal index for hail points
TestUtils.testLocalIngest(dataStore, DimensionalityType.TEMPORAL, HAIL_SHAPEFILE_FILE, 1);
verifyQuery(context, TEST_BOX_TEMPORAL_FILTER_FILE, HAIL_EXPECTED_BOX_TEMPORAL_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "bounding box hail spatial-temporal query with temporal index only", false);
verifyQuery(context, TEST_POLYGON_TEMPORAL_FILTER_FILE, HAIL_EXPECTED_POLYGON_TEMPORAL_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "polygon hail spatial-temporal query with temporal index only", true);
// ingest test points
TestUtils.testLocalIngest(dataStore, DimensionalityType.SPATIAL_AND_SPATIAL_TEMPORAL, HAIL_SHAPEFILE_FILE, 1);
verifyQuery(context, TEST_BOX_FILTER_FILE, HAIL_EXPECTED_BOX_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "bounding box hail spatial query", true);
verifyQuery(context, TEST_POLYGON_FILTER_FILE, HAIL_EXPECTED_POLYGON_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "polygon hail spatial query", true);
verifyQuery(context, TEST_BOX_TEMPORAL_FILTER_FILE, HAIL_EXPECTED_BOX_TEMPORAL_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "bounding box hail spatial-temporal query", false);
verifyQuery(context, TEST_POLYGON_TEMPORAL_FILTER_FILE, HAIL_EXPECTED_POLYGON_TEMPORAL_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "polygon hail spatial-temporal query", true);
// test configurable CRS for hail points
verifyQuery(context, TEST_BOX_FILTER_FILE, HAIL_EXPECTED_BOX_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "bounding box hail spatial query with other CRS", TestUtils.CUSTOM_CRS, true);
verifyQuery(context, TEST_POLYGON_FILTER_FILE, HAIL_EXPECTED_POLYGON_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "polygon hail spatial query with other CRS", TestUtils.CUSTOM_CRS, true);
verifyQuery(context, TEST_BOX_TEMPORAL_FILTER_FILE, HAIL_EXPECTED_BOX_TEMPORAL_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "bounding box hail spatial-temporal query with other CRS", TestUtils.CUSTOM_CRS, true);
verifyQuery(context, TEST_POLYGON_TEMPORAL_FILTER_FILE, HAIL_EXPECTED_POLYGON_TEMPORAL_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "polygon hail spatial-temporal query with other CRS", TestUtils.CUSTOM_CRS, false);
// test lines only
TestUtils.testLocalIngest(dataStore, DimensionalityType.SPATIAL_AND_SPATIAL_TEMPORAL, TORNADO_TRACKS_SHAPEFILE_FILE, 1);
verifyQuery(context, TEST_BOX_FILTER_FILE, TORNADO_TRACKS_EXPECTED_BOX_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "bounding box tornado tracks spatial query", true);
verifyQuery(context, TEST_POLYGON_FILTER_FILE, TORNADO_TRACKS_EXPECTED_POLYGON_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "polygon tornado tracks spatial query", true);
verifyQuery(context, TEST_BOX_TEMPORAL_FILTER_FILE, TORNADO_TRACKS_EXPECTED_BOX_TEMPORAL_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "bounding box tornado tracks spatial-temporal query", true);
verifyQuery(context, TEST_POLYGON_TEMPORAL_FILTER_FILE, TORNADO_TRACKS_EXPECTED_POLYGON_TEMPORAL_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "polygon tornado tracks spatial-temporal query", true);
// test configurable CRS for tornado tracks
verifyQuery(context, TEST_BOX_FILTER_FILE, TORNADO_TRACKS_EXPECTED_BOX_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "bounding box tornado tracks spatial query with other CRS", TestUtils.CUSTOM_CRS, true);
verifyQuery(context, TEST_POLYGON_FILTER_FILE, TORNADO_TRACKS_EXPECTED_POLYGON_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "polygon tornado tracks spatial query with other CRS", TestUtils.CUSTOM_CRS, true);
verifyQuery(context, TEST_BOX_TEMPORAL_FILTER_FILE, TORNADO_TRACKS_EXPECTED_BOX_TEMPORAL_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "bounding box tornado tracks spatial-temporal query with other CRS", TestUtils.CUSTOM_CRS, false);
verifyQuery(context, TEST_POLYGON_TEMPORAL_FILTER_FILE, TORNADO_TRACKS_EXPECTED_POLYGON_TEMPORAL_FILTER_RESULTS_FILE, "polygon tornado tracks spatial-temporal query with other CRS", TestUtils.CUSTOM_CRS, true);
// now test with both ingested
TestUtils.testLocalIngest(dataStore, DimensionalityType.SPATIAL_AND_SPATIAL_TEMPORAL, HAIL_SHAPEFILE_FILE, 1);
// Retrieve the adapters
final InternalDataAdapter<?>[] adapters = dataStore.createAdapterStore().getAdapters();
DataTypeAdapter hailAdapter = null;
DataTypeAdapter tornadoAdapter = null;
for (final DataTypeAdapter adapter : adapters) {
final String adapterName = adapter.getTypeName();
if (adapterName.equals("hail")) {
hailAdapter = adapter;
} else {
tornadoAdapter = adapter;
LOGGER.warn("DataStore has feature adapter: " + adapterName);
// Load RDD using hail adapter
try {
final RDDOptions queryOpts = new RDDOptions();
final GeoWaveRDD newRDD = GeoWaveRDDLoader.loadRDD(context, dataStore, queryOpts);
final JavaPairRDD<GeoWaveInputKey, SimpleFeature> javaRdd = newRDD.getRawRDD();
final long count = SparkUtils.getCount(javaRdd, dataStore.getType());
Assert.assertEquals(HAIL_COUNT, count);
LOGGER.warn("DataStore loaded into RDD with " + count + " features for adapter " + hailAdapter.getTypeName());
} catch (final Exception e) {
TestUtils.deleteAll(dataStore);"Error occurred while loading RDD with adapter: '" + e.getLocalizedMessage() + "'");
// Load RDD using tornado adapter
try {
final RDDOptions queryOpts = new RDDOptions();
final GeoWaveRDD newRDD = GeoWaveRDDLoader.loadRDD(context, dataStore, queryOpts);
final JavaPairRDD<GeoWaveInputKey, SimpleFeature> javaRdd = newRDD.getRawRDD();
final long count = SparkUtils.getCount(javaRdd, dataStore.getType());
LOGGER.warn("DataStore loaded into RDD with " + count + " features for adapter " + tornadoAdapter.getTypeName());
Assert.assertEquals(TORNADO_COUNT, count);
} catch (final Exception e) {
TestUtils.deleteAll(dataStore);"Error occurred while loading RDD with adapter: '" + e.getLocalizedMessage() + "'");
// Clean up
use of org.locationtech.geowave.analytic.spark.GeoWaveRDD in project geowave by locationtech.
the class GeoWaveSparkSQLIT method testCreateDataFrame.
public void testCreateDataFrame() throws Exception {
// Set up Spark
final SparkSession session = SparkTestEnvironment.getInstance().getDefaultSession();
final SparkContext context = session.sparkContext();
// ingest test points
TestUtils.testLocalIngest(dataStore, DimensionalityType.SPATIAL, HAIL_SHAPEFILE_FILE, 1);
final SqlQueryRunner queryRunner = new SqlQueryRunner();
try {
// Load RDD from datastore, no filters
final GeoWaveRDD newRDD = GeoWaveRDDLoader.loadRDD(context, dataStore, new RDDOptions());
final JavaPairRDD<GeoWaveInputKey, SimpleFeature> javaRdd = newRDD.getRawRDD();
final long count = javaRdd.count();
LOGGER.warn("DataStore loaded into RDD with " + count + " features.");
queryRunner.addInputStore(dataStore, null, "features");
final String bbox = "POLYGON ((-94 34, -93 34, -93 35, -94 35, -94 34))";
queryRunner.setSql("SELECT * FROM features WHERE GeomContains(GeomFromWKT('" + bbox + "'), geom)");
Dataset<Row> results =;
final long containsCount = results.count();
LOGGER.warn("Got " + containsCount + " for GeomContains test");
queryRunner.setSql("SELECT * FROM features WHERE GeomWithin(geom, GeomFromWKT('" + bbox + "'))");
results =;
final long withinCount = results.count();
LOGGER.warn("Got " + withinCount + " for GeomWithin test");
Assert.assertTrue("Within and Contains counts should be equal", containsCount == withinCount);
// Test the output writer
final SqlResultsWriter sqlResultsWriter = new SqlResultsWriter(results, dataStore);
// Test other spatial UDFs
final String line1 = "LINESTRING(0 0, 10 10)";
final String line2 = "LINESTRING(0 10, 10 0)";
queryRunner.setSql("SELECT GeomIntersects(GeomFromWKT('" + line1 + "'), GeomFromWKT('" + line2 + "'))");
Row result =;
final boolean intersect = result.getBoolean(0);
LOGGER.warn("GeomIntersects returned " + intersect);
Assert.assertTrue("Lines should intersect", intersect);
queryRunner.setSql("SELECT GeomDisjoint(GeomFromWKT('" + line1 + "'), GeomFromWKT('" + line2 + "'))");
result =;
final boolean disjoint = result.getBoolean(0);
LOGGER.warn("GeomDisjoint returned " + disjoint);
Assert.assertFalse("Lines should not be disjoint", disjoint);
} catch (final Exception e) {
TestUtils.deleteAll(dataStore);"Error occurred while testing a bounding box query of spatial index: '" + e.getLocalizedMessage() + "'");
// Clean up