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Example 1 with ExplicitSpatialTemporalQuery

use of in project geowave by locationtech.

the class SpatialTemporalQueryIT method testQueryGivenDateRange.

private void testQueryGivenDateRange(final VectorQueryBuilder bldr, final String name, final Set<String> fidExpectedResults, final Date startOfQuery, final Date endOfQuery, final String adapterId, final String startTimeAttribute, final String endTimeAttribute) throws CQLException, IOException {
    final String cqlPredicate = "BBOX(\"geo\",-1,-1,1,1) AND \"" + startTimeAttribute + "\" <= '" + CQL_DATE_FORMAT.format(endOfQuery) + "' AND \"" + endTimeAttribute + "\" >= '" + CQL_DATE_FORMAT.format(startOfQuery) + "'";
    final Set<String> fidResults = new HashSet<>();
    try (CloseableIterator<SimpleFeature> it = dataStore.query(bldr.constraints(new ExplicitSpatialTemporalQuery(startOfQuery, endOfQuery, new GeometryFactory().toGeometry(new Envelope(-1, 1, -1, 1)))).build())) {
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            final SimpleFeature feature =;
    assertFidsMatchExpectation(name, fidExpectedResults, fidResults);
    final Set<String> geotoolsFidResults = new HashSet<>();
    // now make sure geotools results match
    try (final SimpleFeatureIterator features = geowaveGtDataStore.getFeatureSource(adapterId).getFeatures(ECQL.toFilter(cqlPredicate)).features()) {
        while (features.hasNext()) {
            final SimpleFeature feature =;
    assertFidsMatchExpectation(name, fidExpectedResults, geotoolsFidResults);
Also used : GeometryFactory(org.locationtech.jts.geom.GeometryFactory) SimpleFeatureIterator( ExplicitSpatialTemporalQuery( Envelope(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope) SimpleFeature(org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 2 with ExplicitSpatialTemporalQuery

use of in project geowave by locationtech.

the class SpatialTemporalQueryIT method testTimeRangeDuplicateDeletion.

public void testTimeRangeDuplicateDeletion() throws IOException {
    // create an internal data adapter wrapper for use in methods below
    final short typeId = ((BaseDataStore) dataStore).getAdapterId(timeRangeAdapter.getTypeName());
    // setup the vector query builder
    final VectorQueryBuilder bldr = VectorQueryBuilder.newBuilder();
    bldr.setTypeNames(new String[] { timeRangeAdapter.getTypeName() });
    // Create the query over the range (1970-1974)
    currentGeotoolsIndex = YEAR_INDEX;
    final Calendar cal = getInitialYearCalendar();
    Date startOfQuery = cal.getTime();
    Date endOfQuery = cal.getTime();
    final ExplicitSpatialTemporalQuery fullRangeQuery = new ExplicitSpatialTemporalQuery(startOfQuery, endOfQuery, new GeometryFactory().toGeometry(new Envelope(-1, 1, -1, 1)));
    // Create query for selecting items that should still exist
    // after the deletion query is performed
    // (i.e. we didn't actually delete something we weren't supposed to)
    cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, MULTI_YEAR_MIN);
    startOfQuery = cal.getTime();
    cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, MULTI_YEAR_MAX);
    endOfQuery = cal.getTime();
    final ExplicitSpatialTemporalQuery sanityQuery = new ExplicitSpatialTemporalQuery(startOfQuery, endOfQuery, new GeometryFactory().toGeometry(new Envelope(-1, 1, -1, 1)));
    // Create deletion query to remove a single entry (1970-1971). Even
    // though we are requesting to delete within a single year, this should
    // remove all duplicates
    startOfQuery = cal.getTime();
    cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, DUPLICATE_DELETION_YEAR_MIN + 1);
    endOfQuery = cal.getTime();
    final ExplicitSpatialTemporalQuery deletionQuery = new ExplicitSpatialTemporalQuery(startOfQuery, endOfQuery, new GeometryFactory().toGeometry(new Envelope(-1, 1, -1, 1)));
    // Sanity count number of entries that have nothing to do with
    // the deletion query (after the deletion we will query again and see
    // if count == sanity_count, we also want to make sure we don't delete
    // any of the 'untouched' duplicates for the entries as well.
    long sanity_count = 0;
    long sanity_duplicates = 0;
    DuplicateCountCallback<SimpleFeature> dupeCounter = new DuplicateCountCallback<>();
    try (CloseableIterator<?> dataIt = ((BaseDataStore) dataStore).query(bldr.constraints(sanityQuery).build(), dupeCounter)) {
        while (dataIt.hasNext()) {
    sanity_duplicates = dupeCounter.getDuplicateCount();
    // there should be four entries with duplicates 1980-1987, 1987-1995,
    // 1980-1995, 1970-1974
    final long numExpectedEntries = 4;
    // there should be four duplicates for the range 1970-1974 (one for each
    // year after 1970)
    final PersistentAdapterStore adapterStore = dataStoreOptions.createAdapterStore();
    // check and count the number of entries with duplicates
    DuplicateEntryCountValue dupeEntryCount = InternalStatisticsHelper.getDuplicateCounts(YEAR_INDEX, Collections.singletonList(typeId), adapterStore, ((BaseDataStore) dataStore).getStatisticsStore());
    Assert.assertEquals(numExpectedEntries, dupeEntryCount.getValue().longValue());
    // check and count the duplicates for 1970-1974
    dupeCounter = new DuplicateCountCallback<>();
    try (CloseableIterator<?> dataIt = ((BaseDataStore) dataStore).query(bldr.constraints(fullRangeQuery).build(), dupeCounter)) {
        while (dataIt.hasNext()) {
    Assert.assertEquals(numExpectedDuplicates, dupeCounter.getDuplicateCount());
    // perform the delete for a single year (1970-1971)
    // if the delete works there should be no more duplicates for this
    // entry...
    dupeCounter = new DuplicateCountCallback<>();
    try (CloseableIterator<?> dataIt = ((BaseDataStore) dataStore).query(bldr.constraints(fullRangeQuery).build(), dupeCounter)) {
        while (dataIt.hasNext()) {
    Assert.assertEquals(0, dupeCounter.getDuplicateCount());
    // ..and it should not count the entry as having any duplicates i.e. the
    // number of entries with duplicates should match the sanity query count
    // 3(1980-1987, 1987-1995, 1980-1990)
    dupeEntryCount = InternalStatisticsHelper.getDuplicateCounts(YEAR_INDEX, Collections.singletonList(typeId), adapterStore, ((BaseDataStore) dataStore).getStatisticsStore());
    // if delete works, it should not count the entry as having any
    // duplicates and the number of entries with duplicates should match the
    // sanity query count 3(1980-1987, 1987-1995, 1980-1990)
    Assert.assertEquals(sanity_count, dupeEntryCount.getValue().longValue());
    // finally check we didn't accidentally delete any duplicates of the
    // sanity query range
    dupeCounter = new DuplicateCountCallback<>();
    try (CloseableIterator<?> dataIt = ((BaseDataStore) dataStore).query(bldr.constraints(sanityQuery).build(), dupeCounter)) {
        while (dataIt.hasNext()) {
    Assert.assertEquals(sanity_duplicates, dupeCounter.getDuplicateCount());
Also used : DuplicateEntryCountValue( VectorQueryBuilder( GeometryFactory(org.locationtech.jts.geom.GeometryFactory) Calendar(java.util.Calendar) BaseDataStore( Envelope(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope) Date(java.util.Date) SimpleFeature(org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature) PersistentAdapterStore( ExplicitSpatialTemporalQuery( Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with ExplicitSpatialTemporalQuery

use of in project geowave by locationtech.

the class TestUtils method featureToQuery.

public static QueryConstraints featureToQuery(final SimpleFeature savedFilter, final Pair<String, String> optimalCqlQueryGeometryAndTimeField, final String crsCode, final boolean useDuring) {
    final Geometry filterGeometry = (Geometry) savedFilter.getDefaultGeometry();
    final Object startObj = savedFilter.getAttribute(TEST_FILTER_START_TIME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
    final Object endObj = savedFilter.getAttribute(TEST_FILTER_END_TIME_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
    if ((startObj != null) && (endObj != null)) {
        // if we can resolve start and end times, make it a spatial temporal
        // query
        Date startDate = null, endDate = null;
        if (startObj instanceof Calendar) {
            startDate = ((Calendar) startObj).getTime();
        } else if (startObj instanceof Date) {
            startDate = (Date) startObj;
        if (endObj instanceof Calendar) {
            endDate = ((Calendar) endObj).getTime();
        } else if (endObj instanceof Date) {
            endDate = (Date) endObj;
        if ((startDate != null) && (endDate != null)) {
            if (optimalCqlQueryGeometryAndTimeField != null) {
                final FilterFactory2 factory = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory2();
                Filter timeConstraint;
                if (useDuring) {
                    timeConstraint = TimeUtils.toDuringFilter(startDate.getTime(), endDate.getTime(), optimalCqlQueryGeometryAndTimeField.getRight());
                } else {
                    timeConstraint = TimeUtils.toFilter(startDate.getTime(), endDate.getTime(), optimalCqlQueryGeometryAndTimeField.getRight(), optimalCqlQueryGeometryAndTimeField.getRight());
                final And expression = factory.and(GeometryUtils.geometryToSpatialOperator(filterGeometry, optimalCqlQueryGeometryAndTimeField.getLeft(), GeometryUtils.getDefaultCRS()), timeConstraint);
                return new OptimalCQLQuery(expression);
            return new SpatialTemporalQuery(new ExplicitSpatialTemporalQuery(startDate, endDate, filterGeometry, crsCode));
    if (optimalCqlQueryGeometryAndTimeField != null) {
        return new OptimalCQLQuery(GeometryUtils.geometryToSpatialOperator(filterGeometry, optimalCqlQueryGeometryAndTimeField.getLeft(), GeometryUtils.getDefaultCRS()));
    // otherwise just return a spatial query
    return new SpatialQuery(new ExplicitSpatialQuery(filterGeometry, crsCode));
Also used : Geometry(org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry) ExplicitSpatialQuery( SpatialTemporalQuery( ExplicitSpatialTemporalQuery( Filter(org.opengis.filter.Filter) And(org.opengis.filter.And) Calendar(java.util.Calendar) SpatialQuery( ExplicitSpatialQuery( ExplicitSpatialTemporalQuery( OptimalCQLQuery( FilterFactory2(org.opengis.filter.FilterFactory2) Date(java.util.Date)


ExplicitSpatialTemporalQuery ( Calendar (java.util.Calendar)2 Date (java.util.Date)2 Envelope (org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope)2 GeometryFactory (org.locationtech.jts.geom.GeometryFactory)2 SimpleFeature (org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature)2 HashSet (java.util.HashSet)1 SimpleFeatureIterator ( Test (org.junit.Test)1 ExplicitSpatialQuery ( OptimalCQLQuery ( SpatialQuery ( SpatialTemporalQuery ( VectorQueryBuilder ( PersistentAdapterStore ( BaseDataStore ( DuplicateEntryCountValue ( Geometry (org.locationtech.jts.geom.Geometry)1 And (org.opengis.filter.And)1 Filter (org.opengis.filter.Filter)1