use of in project geowave by locationtech.
the class GeoWaveSpatialBinningStatisticsIT method testNumericStat.
private static void testNumericStat(final SimpleFeatureType featureType, final DataStore store) throws MalformedURLException, IOException {
final Geometry[] geometryFilters = new Geometry[] { (Geometry) TestUtils.resourceToFeature(new File(TEST_POLYGON_FILTER_FILE).toURI().toURL()).getDefaultGeometry(), (Geometry) TestUtils.resourceToFeature(new File(TEST_BOX_FILTER_FILE).toURI().toURL()).getDefaultGeometry(), (Geometry) TestUtils.resourceToFeature(new File(TEST_POLYGON_TEMPORAL_FILTER_FILE).toURI().toURL()).getDefaultGeometry(), (Geometry) TestUtils.resourceToFeature(new File(TEST_BOX_TEMPORAL_FILTER_FILE).toURI().toURL()).getDefaultGeometry() };
// Note: this test is only applicable for the hail (points) and tornado (lines) types
final String geometryField = featureType.getGeometryDescriptor().getLocalName();
// we're using a tree map just to make iteration ordered, predictable, and sensible
final Map<BinningStrategyKey, NumericStatsStatistic> stats = new TreeMap<>(Comparator.comparing(BinningStrategyKey::getName));
// because each gridding system will be overly inclusive, we need to determine the appropriate
// over-inclusive reference geometry per gridding system to reliably verify results
final Map<BinningStrategyKey, Geometry[]> referenceGeometries = new HashMap<>();
for (final SpatialBinningType type : SpatialBinningType.values()) {
for (int precision = 1; precision < 4; precision++) {
// S2 is more than twice as granular in its use of power of 2 "levels" as opposed to only
// using the granularity of a character for geohash and H3
// so double the precision for S2 to make it similar in scale
final int finalPrecision = SpatialBinningType.S2.equals(type) ? precision * 2 : precision;
final NumericStatsStatistic stat = new NumericStatsStatistic(featureType.getTypeName(), "LOSS");
final SpatialFieldValueBinningStrategy strategy = new SpatialFieldValueBinningStrategy(geometryField);
stat.setTag(String.format("Loss-Stats-%s-%d", type, finalPrecision));
final BinningStrategyKey key = new BinningStrategyKey(strategy);
stats.put(key, stat);
final Geometry[] refGeoms = new Geometry[TEST_ENVELOPES.length + geometryFilters.length];
for (int i = 0; i < TEST_ENVELOPES.length; i++) {
refGeoms[i] = GeometryUtils.GEOMETRY_FACTORY.toGeometry(TEST_ENVELOPES[i]);
final ByteArray[] bins = type.getSpatialBins(refGeoms[i], finalPrecision);
for (final ByteArray bin : bins) {
refGeoms[i] = refGeoms[i].union(type.getBinGeometry(bin, finalPrecision));
for (int i = 0; i < geometryFilters.length; i++) {
final int refGeomIdx = i + TEST_ENVELOPES.length;
refGeoms[refGeomIdx] = geometryFilters[i];
final ByteArray[] bins = type.getSpatialBins(refGeoms[refGeomIdx], finalPrecision);
for (final ByteArray bin : bins) {
refGeoms[refGeomIdx] = refGeoms[refGeomIdx].union(type.getBinGeometry(bin, finalPrecision));
referenceGeometries.put(key, refGeoms);
store.addStatistic(stats.values().toArray(new Statistic[stats.size()]));
// just iterate through all the data to sum up loss as a whole and per area
final Map<BinningStrategyKey, StatsAccumulator[]> statAccsPerStrategy = new HashMap<>();
final StatsAccumulator referenceFullScanStatsAccumulator = new StatsAccumulator();
for (final BinningStrategyKey key : stats.keySet()) {
final StatsAccumulator[] referenceStatsAccumulators = new StatsAccumulator[TEST_ENVELOPES.length + geometryFilters.length];
for (int i = 0; i < referenceStatsAccumulators.length; i++) {
referenceStatsAccumulators[i] = new StatsAccumulator();
statAccsPerStrategy.put(key, referenceStatsAccumulators);
try (CloseableIterator<SimpleFeature> it = store.query(VectorQueryBuilder.newBuilder().addTypeName(featureType.getTypeName()).build())) {
while (it.hasNext()) {
final SimpleFeature f =;
// considering centroids are being used for the hashing in this case, just use centroids for
// this reference
final Point centroid = ((Geometry) f.getDefaultGeometry()).getCentroid();
// turns out some of the centroids are "exactly" on the border of hashes, this disambiguates
// the border (essentially rounding it up)
final Point centroidOffset = GeometryUtils.GEOMETRY_FACTORY.createPoint(new Coordinate(centroid.getX() + STATS_COMPARE_EPSILON, centroid.getY() + STATS_COMPARE_EPSILON));
final double loss = ((Number) f.getAttribute("LOSS")).doubleValue();
for (final BinningStrategyKey key : stats.keySet()) {
final StatsAccumulator[] referenceStatsAccumulators = statAccsPerStrategy.get(key);
final Geometry[] refGeoms = referenceGeometries.get(key);
for (int i = 0; i < refGeoms.length; i++) {
if (refGeoms[i].contains(centroidOffset)) {
final Stats referenceFullScanStats = referenceFullScanStatsAccumulator.snapshot();
final Map<BinningStrategyKey, Stats[]> referenceStatsPerStrategy = new HashMap<>();
statAccsPerStrategy.forEach((k, v) -> {
referenceStatsPerStrategy.put(k, -> a.snapshot()).toArray(Stats[]::new));
for (final Entry<BinningStrategyKey, NumericStatsStatistic> entry : stats.entrySet()) {
final NumericStatsStatistic stat = entry.getValue();
final Stats[] referenceStats = ArrayUtils.add(referenceStatsPerStrategy.get(entry.getKey()), referenceFullScanStats);
final Stats[] perBinStats = new Stats[referenceStats.length];
final Stats[] statValue = new Stats[referenceStats.length];
fillStats(perBinStats, statValue, perBinStats.length - 1, stat, store, BinConstraints.allBins());
for (int i = 0; i < TEST_ENVELOPES.length; i++) {
fillStats(perBinStats, statValue, i, stat, store, BinConstraints.ofObject(TEST_ENVELOPES[i]));
for (int i = 0; i < geometryFilters.length; i++) {
fillStats(perBinStats, statValue, i + TEST_ENVELOPES.length, stat, store, BinConstraints.ofObject(geometryFilters[i]));
final double geometricErrorThreshold = TYPE_TO_ERROR_THRESHOLD.get(entry.getKey().type);
for (int i = 0; i < perBinStats.length; i++) {
// now just assert that the reference value equals the accumulated value which equals the
// aggregated "getStatisticValue"
// for the full scan we can make an exact assertion (to the level of precision of floating
// point error)
// for the geometrically constrained assertions we'll need to assert based on the provided
// error thresholds of the binning strategy (eg. H3 has very poor approximations for
// line/poly to h3 coords which come into play for the geometrically constrained assertions)
final boolean isGeometricallyConstrained = (i != (perBinStats.length - 1));
if (isGeometricallyConstrained) {
Assert.assertEquals(String.format("Per Bin Stats [%d] count doesn't match full scan for %s (%d)", i, entry.getKey().type, entry.getKey().precision), 1.0, getRatio(referenceStats[i].count(), perBinStats[i].count()), geometricErrorThreshold);
Assert.assertEquals(String.format("getStatisticValue [%d] count doesn't match full scan for %s (%d)", i, entry.getKey().type, entry.getKey().precision), 1.0, getRatio(referenceStats[i].count(), statValue[i].count()), geometricErrorThreshold);
Assert.assertEquals(String.format("Per Bin Stats [%d] mean doesn't match full scan for %s (%d)", i, entry.getKey().type, entry.getKey().precision), 1.0, getRatio(referenceStats[i].mean(), perBinStats[i].mean()), geometricErrorThreshold);
Assert.assertEquals(String.format("Per Bin Stats [%d] variance doesn't match full scan for %s (%d)", i, entry.getKey().type, entry.getKey().precision), 1.0, getRatio(referenceStats[i].populationVariance(), perBinStats[i].populationVariance()), geometricErrorThreshold);
Assert.assertEquals(String.format("getStatisticValue [%d] mean doesn't match full scan for %s (%d)", i, entry.getKey().type, entry.getKey().precision), 1.0, getRatio(referenceStats[i].mean(), statValue[i].mean()), geometricErrorThreshold);
Assert.assertEquals(String.format("getStatisticValue [%d] variance doesn't match full scan for %s (%d)", i, entry.getKey().type, entry.getKey().precision), 1.0, getRatio(referenceStats[i].populationVariance(), statValue[i].populationVariance()), geometricErrorThreshold);
} else {
Assert.assertEquals(String.format("Per Bin Stats [%d] count doesn't match full scan for %s (%d)", i, entry.getKey().type, entry.getKey().precision), referenceStats[i].count(), perBinStats[i].count());
Assert.assertEquals(String.format("getStatisticValue [%d] count doesn't match full scan for %s (%d)", i, entry.getKey().type, entry.getKey().precision), referenceStats[i].count(), statValue[i].count());
Assert.assertEquals(String.format("Per Bin Stats [%d] mean doesn't match full scan for %s (%d)", i, entry.getKey().type, entry.getKey().precision), referenceStats[i].mean(), perBinStats[i].mean(), STATS_COMPARE_EPSILON);
Assert.assertEquals(String.format("Per Bin Stats [%d] variance doesn't match full scan for %s (%d)", i, entry.getKey().type, entry.getKey().precision), referenceStats[i].populationVariance(), perBinStats[i].populationVariance(), STATS_COMPARE_EPSILON);
Assert.assertEquals(String.format("getStatisticValue [%d] mean doesn't match full scan for %s (%d)", i, entry.getKey().type, entry.getKey().precision), referenceStats[i].mean(), statValue[i].mean(), STATS_COMPARE_EPSILON);
Assert.assertEquals(String.format("getStatisticValue [%d] variance doesn't match full scan for %s (%d)", i, entry.getKey().type, entry.getKey().precision), referenceStats[i].populationVariance(), statValue[i].populationVariance(), STATS_COMPARE_EPSILON);
use of in project geowave by locationtech.
the class GeoWaveStatisticsIT method testAddStatistic.
public void testAddStatistic() {
final DataStore ds = dataStore.createDataStore();
final NumericRangeStatistic longitudeRange = new NumericRangeStatistic(SimpleIngest.FEATURE_NAME, "Longitude");
final NumericRangeStatistic latitudeRange = new NumericRangeStatistic(SimpleIngest.FEATURE_NAME, "Latitude");
final TimeRangeStatistic timeRange = new TimeRangeStatistic(SimpleIngest.FEATURE_NAME, "TimeStamp");
final NumericStatsStatistic latitudeStats = new NumericStatsStatistic(SimpleIngest.FEATURE_NAME, "Latitude");
final BloomFilterStatistic latitudeBloomFilter = new BloomFilterStatistic(SimpleIngest.FEATURE_NAME, "Latitude");
final NumericHistogramStatistic latitudeHistogram = new NumericHistogramStatistic(SimpleIngest.FEATURE_NAME, "Latitude");
ds.addStatistic(longitudeRange, timeRange, latitudeStats, latitudeBloomFilter, latitudeHistogram);
try (CloseableIterator<NumericRangeValue> iterator = ds.queryStatistics(StatisticQueryBuilder.newBuilder(NumericRangeStatistic.STATS_TYPE).typeName(SimpleIngest.FEATURE_NAME).fieldName("Longitude").build())) {
final NumericRangeValue value =;
assertEquals(-165.0, value.getMin(), 0.1);
assertEquals(180.0, value.getMax(), 0.1);
try (CloseableIterator<NumericRangeValue> iterator = ds.queryStatistics(StatisticQueryBuilder.newBuilder(NumericRangeStatistic.STATS_TYPE).typeName(SimpleIngest.FEATURE_NAME).fieldName("Latitude").build())) {
// We only calculated stats for Longitude
final Interval interval = ds.getStatisticValue(timeRange);
try (CloseableIterator<SimpleFeature> it = ds.query(VectorQueryBuilder.newBuilder().build())) {
long min = Long.MAX_VALUE, max = Long.MIN_VALUE;
while (it.hasNext()) {
final long time = ((Date)"TimeStamp")).getTime();
min = Math.min(min, time);
max = Math.max(max, time);
assertEquals(min, interval.getStart().toEpochMilli());
assertEquals(max, interval.getEnd().toEpochMilli());
final Stats stats = ds.getStatisticValue(latitudeStats);
assertEquals(20L, stats.count());
assertEquals(-90.0, stats.min(), 0.1);
assertEquals(85.0, stats.max(), 0.1);
assertEquals(-0.5, stats.mean(), 0.1);
assertEquals(53.47, stats.populationStandardDeviation(), 0.1);
final BloomFilter<CharSequence> bloomFilter = ds.getStatisticValue(latitudeBloomFilter);
boolean expectLat = true;
for (double lat = -90; lat <= 90; lat += 5) {
if (expectLat) {
} else {
// and forth each iteration, 3 times it stays true at these latitudes
if (!DoubleMath.fuzzyEquals(-40, lat, 0.1) && !DoubleMath.fuzzyEquals(25, lat, 0.1) && !DoubleMath.fuzzyEquals(80, lat, 0.1)) {
expectLat = !expectLat;
final NumericHistogram histogram = ds.getStatisticValue(latitudeHistogram);
assertEquals(20L, histogram.getTotalCount(), 0.1);
assertEquals(-90.0, histogram.getMinValue(), 0.1);
assertEquals(85.0, histogram.getMaxValue(), 0.1);
assertEquals(0.0, histogram.quantile(0.5), 0.1);
use of in project geowave by locationtech.
the class SpatialBinningStatisticExample method main.
public static void main(final String[] args) {
final SimpleFeatureType featureType = getSimpleFeatureType();
// Points (to be ingested into GeoWave Data Store)
final List<SimpleFeature> cannedFeatures = ImmutableList.of(buildSimpleFeature(featureType, "Loc1", new Coordinate(-77.0352, 38.8895), 12), buildSimpleFeature(featureType, "Loc2", new Coordinate(-77.0366, 38.8977), 13), buildSimpleFeature(featureType, "Loc3", new Coordinate(-76.8644, 38.9078), 8), buildSimpleFeature(featureType, "Loc4", new Coordinate(-76.350677, 38.9641511), 15), buildSimpleFeature(featureType, "Loc5", new Coordinate(-77.3384112, 38.416091), 7), buildSimpleFeature(featureType, "Loc6", new Coordinate(-67.0352, 28.8895), 3), buildSimpleFeature(featureType, "Loc7", new Coordinate(-67.0366, 28.8977), 99), buildSimpleFeature(featureType, "Loc8", new Coordinate(-66.8644, 28.9078), 0), buildSimpleFeature(featureType, "Loc9", new Coordinate(-66.350677, 28.9641511), 1), buildSimpleFeature(featureType, "Loc10", new Coordinate(-67.3384112, 28.416091), 23));
final Index index = SpatialDimensionalityTypeProvider.createIndexFromOptions(new SpatialOptions());
final DataStore dataStore = DataStoreFactory.createDataStore(new MemoryRequiredOptions());
final FeatureDataAdapter adapter = new FeatureDataAdapter(featureType);
final Envelope bbox1 = new Envelope(-77.5, -76, 38.4, 39);
final Envelope bbox2 = new Envelope(-67.5, -66, 28.4, 29);
dataStore.addType(adapter, index);
final CountStatistic s2Count = new CountStatistic(featureType.getTypeName());
final SpatialFieldValueBinningStrategy s2SpatialBinning = new SpatialFieldValueBinningStrategy(featureType.getGeometryDescriptor().getLocalName());
// type could be Google's S2, Uber's H3, or simple GeoHash
// precision is the character length for H3 and GeoHash which is over twice as coarse as S2
// which uses powers of two for precision (so a precision of 8 in S2 is actually a coarser
// granularity than a precision of 4 in GeoHash or H3)
final CountStatistic h3Count = new CountStatistic(featureType.getTypeName());
// stats for the same feature type should have different tags
final SpatialFieldValueBinningStrategy h3SpatialBinning = new SpatialFieldValueBinningStrategy(featureType.getGeometryDescriptor().getLocalName());
// type could be Google's S2, Uber's H3, or simple GeoHash
final CountStatistic geohashCount = new CountStatistic(featureType.getTypeName());
final SpatialFieldValueBinningStrategy geohashSpatialBinning = new SpatialFieldValueBinningStrategy(featureType.getGeometryDescriptor().getLocalName());
// type could be Google's S2, Uber's H3, or simple GeoHash
// you can add "empty" statistic before you've written any data, the stats will then be updated
// as you write data
// alternatively if you don't use the "empty" variant it will automatically calculate and update
// these stats for pre-existing data before returning from the method
dataStore.addEmptyStatistic(s2Count, h3Count, geohashCount);
// Ingest cannedFeatures into the DataStore.
try (Writer<SimpleFeature> indexWriter = dataStore.createWriter(adapter.getTypeName())) {
for (final SimpleFeature sf : cannedFeatures) {
System.out.println("***** S2 Binning *****");
System.out.println("** All Bins **");
try (CloseableIterator<Pair<ByteArray, Long>> it = dataStore.getBinnedStatisticValues(s2Count)) {
// you can get all bins
while (it.hasNext()) {
final Pair<ByteArray, Long> pair =;
System.out.println(String.format("Count: %d, Bin: %s, Bin Geometry: %s", pair.getRight(), s2SpatialBinning.binToString(pair.getLeft()), s2SpatialBinning.getType().getBinGeometry(pair.getLeft(), 7)));
System.out.println(String.format("** Bins Within Envelope %s **", bbox1));
try (CloseableIterator<Pair<ByteArray, Long>> it = dataStore.getBinnedStatisticValues(s2Count, BinConstraints.ofObject(bbox1))) {
// or you can get only bins within an envelope
while (it.hasNext()) {
final Pair<ByteArray, Long> pair =;
System.out.println(String.format("Count: %d, Bin: %s, Bin Geometry: %s", pair.getRight(), s2SpatialBinning.binToString(pair.getLeft()), s2SpatialBinning.getType().getBinGeometry(pair.getLeft(), 7)));
// or you could just get the aggregated statistic value for an envelope (keep in mind this is
// using the statistic bins that intersect the envelope so may be an over-estimate for bins that
// only partially intersect)
System.out.println(String.format("** %d in bbox %s **", dataStore.getStatisticValue(s2Count, BinConstraints.ofObject(bbox2)), bbox2));
System.out.println("\n***** H3 Binning *****");
System.out.println("** All Bins **");
try (CloseableIterator<Pair<ByteArray, Long>> it = dataStore.getBinnedStatisticValues(h3Count)) {
// you can get all bins
while (it.hasNext()) {
final Pair<ByteArray, Long> pair =;
System.out.println(String.format("Count: %d, Bin: %s, Bin Geometry: %s", pair.getRight(), h3SpatialBinning.binToString(pair.getLeft()), h3SpatialBinning.getType().getBinGeometry(pair.getLeft(), 3)));
System.out.println(String.format("** Bins Within Envelope %s **", bbox1));
try (CloseableIterator<Pair<ByteArray, Long>> it = dataStore.getBinnedStatisticValues(h3Count, BinConstraints.ofObject(bbox1))) {
// or you can get only bins within an envelope
while (it.hasNext()) {
final Pair<ByteArray, Long> pair =;
System.out.println(String.format("Count: %d, Bin: %s, Bin Geometry: %s", pair.getRight(), h3SpatialBinning.binToString(pair.getLeft()), h3SpatialBinning.getType().getBinGeometry(pair.getLeft(), 3)));
// or you could just get the aggregated statistic value for an envelope (keep in mind this is
// using the statistic bins that intersect the envelope so may be an over-estimate for bins that
// only partially intersect)
System.out.println(String.format("** %d in bbox %s **", dataStore.getStatisticValue(h3Count, BinConstraints.ofObject(bbox2)), bbox2));
System.out.println("\n***** Geohash Binning *****");
System.out.println("** All Bins **");
try (CloseableIterator<Pair<ByteArray, Long>> it = dataStore.getBinnedStatisticValues(geohashCount)) {
// you can get all bins
while (it.hasNext()) {
final Pair<ByteArray, Long> pair =;
System.out.println(String.format("Count: %d, Bin: %s, Bin Geometry: %s", pair.getRight(), geohashSpatialBinning.binToString(pair.getLeft()), geohashSpatialBinning.getType().getBinGeometry(pair.getLeft(), 3)));
System.out.println(String.format("** Bins Within Envelope %s **", bbox1));
try (CloseableIterator<Pair<ByteArray, Long>> it = dataStore.getBinnedStatisticValues(geohashCount, BinConstraints.ofObject(bbox1))) {
// or you can get only bins within an envelope
while (it.hasNext()) {
final Pair<ByteArray, Long> pair =;
System.out.println(String.format("Count: %d, Bin: %s, Bin Geometry: %s", pair.getRight(), geohashSpatialBinning.binToString(pair.getLeft()), geohashSpatialBinning.getType().getBinGeometry(pair.getLeft(), 3)));
// or you could just get the aggregated statistic value for an envelope (keep in mind this is
// using the statistic bins that intersect the envelope so may be an over-estimate for bins that
// only partially intersect)
System.out.println(String.format("** %d in bbox %s **", dataStore.getStatisticValue(geohashCount, BinConstraints.ofObject(bbox2)), bbox2));
// and finally just to make it clear, you can apply spatial binning to *any* statistic not just
// counts
// so here's an example binning numeric stats of the population (sum, avg, std dev, etc.) by an
// S2 level 7 grid
final NumericStatsStatistic s2PopulationStats = new NumericStatsStatistic(featureType.getTypeName(), "population");
final SpatialFieldValueBinningStrategy s2PopulationSpatialBinning = new SpatialFieldValueBinningStrategy(featureType.getGeometryDescriptor().getLocalName());
// here we'll calculate the stat on add based on the already written data (rather than adding
// the "empty" statistic)
// and we'll run through the same set of examples of getting all the bins and then filtering by
// an envelope
System.out.println("\n***** S2 Population Stats Binning *****");
System.out.println("** All Bins **");
try (CloseableIterator<Pair<ByteArray, Stats>> it = dataStore.getBinnedStatisticValues(s2PopulationStats)) {
// you can get all bins
while (it.hasNext()) {
final Pair<ByteArray, Stats> pair =;
System.out.println(String.format("Population: %s, Bin: %s, Bin Geometry: %s", pair.getRight(), s2PopulationSpatialBinning.binToString(pair.getLeft()), s2PopulationSpatialBinning.getType().getBinGeometry(pair.getLeft(), 3)));
System.out.println(String.format("** Bins Within Envelope %s **", bbox1));
try (CloseableIterator<Pair<ByteArray, Stats>> it = dataStore.getBinnedStatisticValues(s2PopulationStats, BinConstraints.ofObject(bbox1))) {
// or you can get only bins within an envelope
while (it.hasNext()) {
final Pair<ByteArray, Stats> pair =;
System.out.println(String.format("Population: %s, Bin: %s, Bin Geometry: %s", pair.getRight(), s2PopulationSpatialBinning.binToString(pair.getLeft()), s2PopulationSpatialBinning.getType().getBinGeometry(pair.getLeft(), 3)));
// or you could just get the aggregated statistic value for an envelope (keep in mind this is
// using the statistic bins that intersect the envelope so may be an over-estimate for bins that
// only partially intersect)
System.out.println(String.format("** Population Stats '%s' in bbox %s **", dataStore.getStatisticValue(s2PopulationStats, BinConstraints.ofObject(bbox2)), bbox2));