use of org.lwjgl.util.generator.opengl.GLvoid in project lwjgl by LWJGL.
the class TypeInfo method getTypeInfos.
private static Collection<TypeInfo> getTypeInfos(TypeMap type_map, VariableElement param) {
List<? extends AnnotationMirror> annotations = Utils.getSortedAnnotations(param.getAnnotationMirrors());
GLvoid void_annotation = param.getAnnotation(GLvoid.class);
Map<Class, TypeInfo> types = new HashMap<Class, TypeInfo>();
Collection<TypeInfo> multityped_result = new ArrayList<TypeInfo>();
boolean add_default_type = true;
for (AnnotationMirror annotation : annotations) {
NativeType native_type_annotation = NativeTypeTranslator.getAnnotation(annotation, NativeType.class);
if (native_type_annotation != null) {
Class<? extends Annotation> annotation_type = NativeTypeTranslator.getClassFromType(annotation.getAnnotationType());
Signedness signedness = type_map.getSignednessFromType(annotation_type);
Class inverse_type = type_map.getInverseType(annotation_type);
String auto_type = type_map.getAutoTypeFromAnnotation(annotation);
if (inverse_type != null) {
if (types.containsKey(inverse_type)) {
TypeInfo inverse_type_info = types.get(inverse_type);
String inverse_auto_type = inverse_type_info.getAutoType();
auto_type = signedness == Signedness.UNSIGNED ? auto_type + " : " + inverse_auto_type : inverse_auto_type + " : " + auto_type;
auto_type = UNSIGNED_PARAMETER_NAME + " ? " + auto_type;
signedness = Signedness.BOTH;
Class type;
TypeKind kind;
kind = void_annotation == null ? type_map.getPrimitiveTypeFromNativeType(annotation_type) : void_annotation.value();
if (Utils.getNIOBufferType(param.asType()) != null) {
type = getBufferTypeFromPrimitiveKind(kind, annotation);
} else {
type = getTypeFromPrimitiveKind(kind);
TypeInfo type_info = new TypeInfo(type, signedness, auto_type);
types.put(annotation_type, type_info);
add_default_type = false;
if (add_default_type) {
TypeInfo default_type_info = getDefaultTypeInfo(param.asType());
Collection<TypeInfo> result = new ArrayList<TypeInfo>();
return result;
} else {
return multityped_result;