use of org.mapleir.asm.ClassNode in project maple-ir by LLVM-but-worse.
the class DefaultInvocationResolver method findStaticField.
// FIXME: these are taken directly from the old resolver
public FieldNode findStaticField(String owner, String name, String desc) {
Set<FieldNode> set = new HashSet<>();
ClassNode cn = app.findClassNode(owner);
/* we do this because static fields can be in
* interfaces. */
if (cn != null) {
Set<ClassNode> lvl = new HashSet<>();
for (; ; ) {
if (lvl.size() == 0) {
Set<FieldNode> lvlSites = new HashSet<>();
for (ClassNode c : lvl) {
for (FieldNode f : c.getFields()) {
if (Modifier.isStatic(f.node.access) && f.getName().equals(name) && f.getDesc().equals(desc)) {
if (lvlSites.size() > 1) {"(warn) resolved %s.%s %s to %s", owner, name, desc, lvlSites));
if (lvlSites.size() > 0) {
Set<ClassNode> newLvl = new HashSet<>();
for (ClassNode c : lvl) {
ClassNode sup = app.findClassNode(c.node.superName);
if (sup != null) {
for (String iface : c.node.interfaces) {
ClassNode ifaceN = app.findClassNode(iface);
if (ifaceN != null) {
lvl = newLvl;
if (set.size() > 1) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(String.format("multi dispatch?: %s.%s %s results:%s", owner, name, desc, set));
} else if (set.size() == 1) {
return set.iterator().next();
} else {
return null;
use of org.mapleir.asm.ClassNode in project maple-ir by LLVM-but-worse.
the class HierarchyMethods method debugCong.
private void debugCong(String expected, String actual) {
Type eR = Type.getReturnType(expected);
Type aR = Type.getReturnType(actual);
System.err.println("eR: " + eR);
System.err.println("aR: " + aR);
System.err.println("eq: " + (eR == aR));
ClassNode eCn = app.findClassNode(eR.getInternalName());
ClassNode aCn = app.findClassNode(aR.getInternalName());
System.err.println("eCn: " + eCn.getName());
System.err.println("aCn: " + aCn.getName());
System.err.println("eCn parent of aCn?: " + app.getClassTree().getAllParents(aCn).contains(eCn));
System.err.println("aCn child of eCn?: " + app.getClassTree().getAllChildren(eCn).contains(aCn));
use of org.mapleir.asm.ClassNode in project maple-ir by LLVM-but-worse.
the class RunCommand method rt.
private LibraryClassSource rt(ApplicationClassSource app, File rtjar) throws IOException {
logger.section("Loading " + rtjar.getName() + " from " + rtjar.getAbsolutePath());
SingleJarDownloader<ClassNode> dl = new SingleJarDownloader<>(new JarInfo(rtjar));;
return new LibraryClassSource(app, dl.getJarContents().getClassContents());
use of org.mapleir.asm.ClassNode in project maple-ir by LLVM-but-worse.
the class RunCommand method call.
public Integer call() throws Exception {
if (input == null) {
logger.print("Fatal! Failed to find input jar!");
return 1;
// Initialization
logger.section("Preparing to run on " + input.getAbsolutePath());
SingleJarDownloader<ClassNode> dl = new SingleJarDownloader<>(new JarInfo(input));;
String appName = input.getName().substring(0, input.getName().length() - 4);
ApplicationClassSource app = new ApplicationClassSource(appName, dl.getJarContents().getClassContents());
if (output == null) {
output = new File(appName + "-out.jar");
logger.section("Importing runtime...");
if (runtime == null) {
runtime = new File(System.getProperty("java.home"), "lib/rt.jar");
app.addLibraries(rt(app, runtime));
logger.section("Initialising context.");
IRCache irFactory = new IRCache(ControlFlowGraphBuilder::build);
AnalysisContext cxt = new BasicAnalysisContext.BasicContextBuilder().setApplication(app).setInvocationResolver(new DefaultInvocationResolver(app)).setCache(irFactory).setApplicationContext(new SimpleApplicationContext(app)).setDataFlowAnalysis(new LiveDataFlowAnalysisImpl(irFactory)).build();
logger.section("Expanding callgraph and generating cfgs.");
for (ClassNode cn : cxt.getApplication().iterate()) {
for (MethodNode m : cn.getMethods()) {
logger.section0("...generated " + cxt.getIRCache().size() + " cfgs in %fs.%n", "Preparing to transform.");
// do passes
PassGroup masterGroup = new PassGroup("MasterController");
for (IPass p : getTransformationPasses()) {
run(cxt, masterGroup);
logger.section0("...done transforming in %fs.%n", "Preparing to transform.");
for (Map.Entry<MethodNode, ControlFlowGraph> e : cxt.getIRCache().entrySet()) {
MethodNode mn = e.getKey();
ControlFlowGraph cfg = e.getValue();
logger.section("Retranslating SSA IR to standard flavour.");
for (Map.Entry<MethodNode, ControlFlowGraph> e : cxt.getIRCache().entrySet()) {
MethodNode mn = e.getKey();
// if (!mn.getName().equals("openFiles"))
// continue;
ControlFlowGraph cfg = e.getValue();
// System.out.println(cfg);
// CFGUtils.easyDumpCFG(cfg, "pre-destruct");
// CFGUtils.easyDumpCFG(cfg, "pre-reaalloc");
// CFGUtils.easyDumpCFG(cfg, "post-reaalloc");
// System.out.println(cfg);
// System.out.println("Rewriting " + mn.getName());
(new ControlFlowGraphDumper(cfg, mn)).dump();
// System.out.println(InsnListUtils.insnListToString(mn.instructions));
logger.section("Rewriting jar.");
dumpJar(app, dl, masterGroup, output.getPath());
return 0;
use of org.mapleir.asm.ClassNode in project maple-ir by LLVM-but-worse.
the class DataFlowDemoBoot method main.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
sections = new LinkedList<>();
logging = true;
// Load input jar
// File f = locateRevFile(135);
File f = new File("res/jump.jar");
section("Preparing to run on " + f.getAbsolutePath());
SingleJarDownloader<ClassNode> dl = new SingleJarDownloader<>(new JarInfo(f));;
String appName = f.getName().substring(0, f.getName().length() - 4);
ApplicationClassSource app = new ApplicationClassSource(appName, dl.getJarContents().getClassContents());
// ApplicationClassSource app = new ApplicationClassSource("test", ClassHelper.parseClasses(CGExample.class));
// app.addLibraries(new InstalledcoRuntimeClassSource(app));
File rtjar = new File("res/rt.jar");
File androidjar = new File("res/android.jar");
app.addLibraries(rt(app, rtjar), rt(app, androidjar));
section("Initialising context.");
IRCache irFactory = new IRCache(ControlFlowGraphBuilder::build);
AnalysisContext cxt = new BasicAnalysisContext.BasicContextBuilder().setApplication(app).setInvocationResolver(new DefaultInvocationResolver(app)).setCache(irFactory).setApplicationContext(new SimpleApplicationContext(app)).setDataFlowAnalysis(new LiveDataFlowAnalysisImpl(irFactory)).build();
section("Expanding callgraph and generating cfgs.");
for (ClassNode cn : cxt.getApplication().iterate()) {
// continue;
for (MethodNode m : cn.getMethods()) {
// if (!"setRccState"))
// continue;
section0("...generated " + cxt.getIRCache().size() + " cfgs in %fs.%n", "Preparing to transform.");
// do passes
PassGroup masterGroup = new PassGroup("MasterController");
for (IPass p : getTransformationPasses()) {
run(cxt, masterGroup);
section0("...done transforming in %fs.%n", "Preparing to transform.");
for (Entry<MethodNode, ControlFlowGraph> e : cxt.getIRCache().entrySet()) {
MethodNode mn = e.getKey();
ControlFlowGraph cfg = e.getValue();