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Example 1 with ControlFlowGraph

use of in project maple-ir by LLVM-but-worse.

the class MethodNodePrinter method emitCode.

public void emitCode(MethodNode mn) {
    ControlFlowGraph cfg = this.getCfg(mn);
    this.sw.newline().print(".code {").tab();
Also used : ControlFlowGraph(

Example 2 with ControlFlowGraph

use of in project maple-ir by LLVM-but-worse.

the class DominanceLivenessAnalyser method reduce.

private ControlFlowGraph reduce(ControlFlowGraph cfg, Set<FastGraphEdge<BasicBlock>> back) {
    ControlFlowGraph reducedCfg = cfg.copy();
    for (FastGraphEdge<BasicBlock> e : back) {
        reducedCfg.removeEdge(e.src(), (FlowEdge<BasicBlock>) e);
    return reducedCfg;
Also used : ControlFlowGraph( BasicBlock(

Example 3 with ControlFlowGraph

use of in project maple-ir by LLVM-but-worse.

the class SSAGenPass method splitBlock.

private BasicBlock splitBlock(BasicBlock b, int to) {
    /* eg. split the block as follows:
		 *  NAME:
		 *    stmt1
		 *    stmt2
		 *    stmt3
		 *    stmt4
		 *    stmt5
		 *    jump L1, L2
		 *   [jump edge to L1]
		 *   [jump edge to L2]
		 *   [exception edges]
		 * split at 3, create a new block (incoming 
		 * immediate), transfer instruction from 0
		 * to index into new block, create immediate
		 * edge to old block, clone exception edges,
		 * redirect pred edges.
		 * 1/9/16: we also need to modify the last
		 *         statement of the pred blocks to
		 *         point to NAME'.
		 *  NAME':
		 *    stmt1
		 *    stmt2
		 *    stmt3
		 *   [immediate to NAME]
		 *  NAME:
		 *    stmt4
		 *    stmt5
		 *    jump L1, L2
		 *   [jump edge to L1]
		 *   [jump edge to L2]
		 *   [exception edges]
    // split block
    ControlFlowGraph cfg = builder.graph;
    BasicBlock newBlock = new BasicBlock(cfg, graphSize++, new LabelNode());
    b.transferUp(newBlock, to);
    // redo ranges
    for (ExceptionRange<BasicBlock> er : cfg.getRanges()) {
        if (er.containsVertex(b))
            er.addVertexBefore(b, newBlock);
    // redirect b preds into newBlock and remove them.
    Set<FlowEdge<BasicBlock>> oldEdges = new HashSet<>(cfg.getReverseEdges(b));
    for (FlowEdge<BasicBlock> e : oldEdges) {
        BasicBlock p = e.src();
        FlowEdge<BasicBlock> c;
        if (e instanceof TryCatchEdge) {
            // b is ehandler
            TryCatchEdge<BasicBlock> tce = (TryCatchEdge<BasicBlock>) e;
            if (tce.dst() != tce.erange.getHandler()) {
                System.err.println(builder.method.owner + "#" +;
                System.err.println("Very odd split case. please investigate");
                System.err.println("Offending postsplit block: " + b);
                System.err.println("Offending newblock: " + newBlock);
                System.err.println("Offending edge: " + tce);
                System.err.println("Offending erange: " + tce.erange);
            if (tce.erange.getHandler() != newBlock) {
                cfg.addEdge(tce.src(), tce.clone(tce.src(), null));
                cfg.removeEdge(tce.src(), tce);
        } else {
            c = e.clone(p, newBlock);
            cfg.addEdge(p, c);
            cfg.removeEdge(p, e);
        // Fix flow instruction targets
        if (!p.isEmpty()) {
            Stmt last = p.get(p.size() - 1);
            int op = last.getOpcode();
            if (e instanceof ConditionalJumpEdge) {
                if (op != Opcode.COND_JUMP)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("wrong flow instruction");
                ConditionalJumpStmt j = (ConditionalJumpStmt) last;
                // assertTarget(last, j.getTrueSuccessor(), b);
                if (j.getTrueSuccessor() == b)
            } else if (e instanceof UnconditionalJumpEdge) {
                if (op != Opcode.UNCOND_JUMP)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("wrong flow instruction");
                UnconditionalJumpStmt j = (UnconditionalJumpStmt) last;
                assertTarget(j, j.getTarget(), b);
            } else if (e instanceof SwitchEdge) {
                if (op != Opcode.SWITCH_JUMP)
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException("wrong flow instruction.");
                SwitchStmt s = (SwitchStmt) last;
                for (Entry<Integer, BasicBlock> en : s.getTargets().entrySet()) {
                    BasicBlock t = en.getValue();
                    if (t == b) {
    if (!checkCloneHandler(newBlock)) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("the new block should always need a handler..?");
    // clone exception edges
    for (FlowEdge<BasicBlock> e : cfg.getEdges(b)) {
        if (e.getType() == FlowEdges.TRYCATCH) {
            // second param is discarded (?)
            TryCatchEdge<BasicBlock> c = ((TryCatchEdge<BasicBlock>) e).clone(newBlock, null);
            cfg.addEdge(newBlock, c);
    // create immediate to newBlock
    cfg.addEdge(newBlock, new ImmediateEdge<>(newBlock, b));
    // update assigns
    Set<Local> assignedLocals = new HashSet<>();
    for (Stmt stmt : b) if (stmt.getOpcode() == Opcode.LOCAL_STORE)
        assignedLocals.add(((CopyVarStmt) stmt).getVariable().getLocal());
    for (Stmt stmt : newBlock) {
        if (stmt.getOpcode() == Opcode.LOCAL_STORE) {
            Local copyLocal = ((CopyVarStmt) stmt).getVariable().getLocal();
            Set<BasicBlock> set = builder.assigns.get(copyLocal);
            if (!assignedLocals.contains(copyLocal))
    return newBlock;
Also used : LabelNode(org.objectweb.asm.tree.LabelNode) TryCatchEdge(org.mapleir.flowgraph.edges.TryCatchEdge) SwitchStmt( CopyVarStmt( PopStmt( ThrowStmt( UnconditionalJumpStmt( Stmt( CopyPhiStmt( ConditionalJumpStmt( AbstractCopyStmt( UnconditionalJumpEdge(org.mapleir.flowgraph.edges.UnconditionalJumpEdge) FlowEdge(org.mapleir.flowgraph.edges.FlowEdge) SwitchStmt( SwitchEdge(org.mapleir.flowgraph.edges.SwitchEdge) CopyVarStmt( BasicBlock( BasicLocal( Local( VersionedLocal( Constraint( UnconditionalJumpStmt( ConditionalJumpStmt( ConditionalJumpEdge(org.mapleir.flowgraph.edges.ConditionalJumpEdge) ControlFlowGraph(

Example 4 with ControlFlowGraph

use of in project maple-ir by LLVM-but-worse.

the class Boot method main.

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    sections = new LinkedList<>();
    logging = true;
    File rtjar = new File("res/rt.jar");
    // Load input jar
    File f = locateRevFile(135);
    // File f = new File("res/allatori6.1san.jar");
    section("Preparing to run on " + f.getAbsolutePath());
    SingleJarDownloader<ClassNode> dl = new SingleJarDownloader<>(new JarInfo(f));;
    String name = f.getName().substring(0, f.getName().length() - 4);
    // ApplicationClassSource app = new ApplicationClassSource(name, dl.getJarContents().getClassContents());
    ApplicationClassSource app = new ApplicationClassSource("test", ClassHelper.parseClasses(CGExample.class));
    // app.addLibraries(new InstalledRuntimeClassSource(app));
    app.addLibraries(rt(app, rtjar), new InstalledRuntimeClassSource(app));
    section("Initialising context.");
    AnalysisContext cxt = new BasicAnalysisContext.BasicContextBuilder().setApplication(app).setInvocationResolver(new DefaultInvocationResolver(app)).setCache(new IRCache(ControlFlowGraphBuilder::build)).setApplicationContext(new SimpleApplicationContext(app)).build();
    section("Expanding callgraph and generating cfgs.");
    IRCallTracer tracer = new IRCallTracer(cxt);
    for (MethodNode m : cxt.getApplicationContext().getEntryPoints()) {
        // System.out.println(m);
        if (m.instructions.size() > 500 && m.instructions.size() < 100) {
    for (ClassNode cn : app.iterate()) {
        TabbedStringWriter sw = new TabbedStringWriter();
        sw.setTabString("  ");
        IPropertyDictionary settings = PropertyHelper.createDictionary();
        // settings.put(new BooleanProperty(ASMPrinter.PROP_ACCESS_FLAG_SAFE, true));
        ClassPrinter cp = new ClassPrinter(sw, settings, new FieldNodePrinter(sw, settings), new MethodNodePrinter(sw, settings) {

            protected ControlFlowGraph getCfg(MethodNode mn) {
                return cxt.getIRCache().getFor(mn);
    section0("...generated " + cxt.getIRCache().size() + " cfgs in %fs.%n", "Preparing to transform.");
    // do passes
    PassGroup masterGroup = new PassGroup("MasterController");
    for (IPass p : getTransformationPasses()) {
    run(cxt, masterGroup);
    // for(MethodNode m : cxt.getIRCache().getActiveMethods()) {
    // if(m.instructions.size() > 100 && m.instructions.size() < 500) {
    // System.out.println(cxt.getIRCache().get(m));
    // }
    // }
    section("Retranslating SSA IR to standard flavour.");
    for (Entry<MethodNode, ControlFlowGraph> e : cxt.getIRCache().entrySet()) {
        MethodNode mn = e.getKey();
        ControlFlowGraph cfg = e.getValue();
        (new ControlFlowGraphDumper(cfg, mn)).dump();
    section("Rewriting jar.");
    // dumpJar(app, dl, masterGroup, "out/osb5.jar");
Also used : IPropertyDictionary(org.mapleir.propertyframework.api.IPropertyDictionary) ClassPrinter( AnalysisContext(org.mapleir.context.AnalysisContext) BasicAnalysisContext(org.mapleir.context.BasicAnalysisContext) IPass(org.mapleir.deob.IPass) InstalledRuntimeClassSource( ApplicationClassSource( MethodNode(org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode) MethodNodePrinter( SingleJarDownloader( TabbedStringWriter(org.mapleir.stdlib.util.TabbedStringWriter) ClassNode(org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode) FieldNodePrinter( IRCache(org.mapleir.context.IRCache) IRCallTracer(org.mapleir.deob.interproc.IRCallTracer) SimpleApplicationContext( ControlFlowGraphDumper( PassGroup(org.mapleir.deob.PassGroup) JarInfo( ControlFlowGraph( BasicAnalysisContext(org.mapleir.context.BasicAnalysisContext)

Example 5 with ControlFlowGraph

use of in project maple-ir by LLVM-but-worse.

the class ConcreteStaticInvocationPass method accept.

public int accept(AnalysisContext cxt, IPass prev, List<IPass> completed) {
    int fixed = 0;
    InvocationResolver resolver = cxt.getInvocationResolver();
    for (ClassNode cn : cxt.getApplication().iterate()) {
        for (MethodNode mn : cn.methods) {
            ControlFlowGraph cfg = cxt.getIRCache().getFor(mn);
            for (BasicBlock b : cfg.vertices()) {
                for (Stmt stmt : b) {
                    for (Expr e : stmt.enumerateOnlyChildren()) {
                        if (e.getOpcode() == Opcode.INVOKE) {
                            InvocationExpr invoke = (InvocationExpr) e;
                            if (invoke.isStatic()) {
                                MethodNode invoked = resolver.resolveStaticCall(invoke.getOwner(), invoke.getName(), invoke.getDesc());
                                if (invoked != null) {
                                    if (! {
    System.out.printf("  corrected %d dodgy static calls.%n", fixed);
    return fixed;
Also used : ClassNode(org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode) MethodNode(org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode) InvocationExpr( Expr( ControlFlowGraph( InvocationResolver( BasicBlock( InvocationExpr( Stmt(


ControlFlowGraph ( MethodNode (org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode)11 BasicBlock ( Expr ( Stmt ( ClassNode (org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode)7 ApplicationClassSource ( InvocationResolver ( ConstantExpr ( InvocationExpr ( FieldStoreStmt ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)3 ArithmeticExpr ( FieldLoadExpr ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)2 List (java.util.List)2 VarExpr ( InitialisedObjectExpr ( Invocation (