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Example 46 with BasicBlock

use of in project maple-ir by LLVM-but-worse.

the class ConstantParameterPass method demoteDeadParamters.

private void demoteDeadParamters(IPAnalysis constAnalysis, ControlFlowGraph cfg, MethodNode n, boolean[] dead) {
    LocalsPool pool = cfg.getLocals();
    BasicBlock entry = cfg.getEntries().iterator().next();
    for (int i = 0; i < dead.length; i++) {
        if (dead[i]) {
            int localIndex = constAnalysis.getLocalIndex(n, i);
            VersionedLocal local = pool.get(localIndex, 0, false);
            AbstractCopyStmt copy = pool.defs.get(local);
            if (copy.getBlock() != entry) {
                System.err.printf("entry:%n%s%n", ControlFlowGraph.printBlock(entry));
                System.err.printf("block:%n%s%n", ControlFlowGraph.printBlock(copy.getBlock()));
                throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("See debug trace (entry vs block) in %s", n));
            if (pool.uses.get(local).size() != 0) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(String.format("m: %s, l:%s, uses:%s", n, local, pool.uses.get(local)));
Also used : VersionedLocal( LocalsPool( BasicBlock( AbstractCopyStmt(

Example 47 with BasicBlock

use of in project maple-ir by LLVM-but-worse.

the class DemoteRangesPass method process.

private void process(ApplicationClassSource app, ControlFlowGraph cfg, ExceptionAnalysis analysis) {
    TarjanSCC<BasicBlock> sccComputor = new TarjanSCC<>(cfg);
    for (BasicBlock b : cfg.vertices()) {
        if (sccComputor.low(b) == -1) {
    Map<BasicBlock, List<BasicBlock>> sccs = new HashMap<>();
    for (List<BasicBlock> l : sccComputor.getComponents()) {
        for (BasicBlock e : l) {
            if (sccs.containsKey(e)) {
                throw new IllegalStateException();
            } else {
                sccs.put(e, l);
    for (ExceptionRange<BasicBlock> er : cfg.getRanges()) {
        /* if the handler catches */
        for (BasicBlock b : er.get()) {
            Set<Type> canThrow = new HashSet<>();
            List<BasicBlock> comp = new ArrayList<>();
            if (sccs.containsKey(b)) {
            } else {
            for (BasicBlock e : comp) {
                for (Stmt stmt : e) {
            if (!catchesAny(app, er.getTypes(), canThrow)) {
                if (comp.size() > 1) {
                    System.out.println("promote: " + GraphUtils.toNodeArray(comp));
                    for (BasicBlock e : comp) {
                    System.out.println(" canThrow: " + canThrow);
                    System.out.println(" catching: " + er.getTypes());
            } else {
Also used : HashMap(java.util.HashMap) BasicBlock( ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) Stmt( Type(org.objectweb.asm.Type) TarjanSCC(org.mapleir.stdlib.collections.graph.algorithms.TarjanSCC) ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) List(java.util.List) HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 48 with BasicBlock

use of in project maple-ir by LLVM-but-worse.

the class FieldRSADecryptionPass method transform.

private void transform(AnalysisContext cxt) {
    for (ClassNode cn : cxt.getApplication().iterate()) {
        for (MethodNode m : cn.methods) {
            ControlFlowGraph cfg = cxt.getIRCache().getFor(m);
            for (BasicBlock b : cfg.vertices()) {
                for (Stmt stmt : b) {
                    // String fsKey = "";
                    if (stmt.getOpcode() == Opcode.FIELD_STORE) {
                        FieldStoreStmt fs = (FieldStoreStmt) stmt;
                        // [enc, dec]
                        Number[] p = pairs.get(key(fs));
                        if (p != null) {
                            Expr e = fs.getValueExpression();
                            ArithmeticExpr ae = new ArithmeticExpr(new ConstantExpr(p[1], ConstantExpr.computeType(p[1])), e, Operator.MUL);
                        // fsKey = key(fs);
                    for (Expr e : stmt.enumerateOnlyChildren()) {
                        if (e.getOpcode() == FIELD_LOAD) {
                            CodeUnit par = e.getParent();
                            FieldLoadExpr fl = (FieldLoadExpr) e;
                            // [enc, dec]
                            Number[] p = pairs.get(key(fl));
                            if (p == null) {
                            if (par.getOpcode() == ARITHMETIC) {
                                ArithmeticExpr ae = (ArithmeticExpr) par;
                                if (ae.getRight().getOpcode() == CONST_LOAD) {
                                    ConstantExpr ce = (ConstantExpr) ae.getRight();
                                    Number cst = (Number) ce.getConstant();
                                    Number res = __mul(cst, p[0], p[0].getClass().equals(Long.class));
                                    // if(!__eq(res, 1, p[0].getClass().equals(Long.class))) {
                                    // System.out.println(cst + " -> " + res);
                                    // System.out.println("  expr: " + fl.getRootParent());
                                    // }
                                    par.overwrite(new ConstantExpr(res, ConstantExpr.computeType(res)), par.indexOf(ce));
                            ArithmeticExpr ae = new ArithmeticExpr(new ConstantExpr(p[0], ConstantExpr.computeType(p[0])), fl.copy(), Operator.MUL);
                            par.overwrite(ae, par.indexOf(fl));
// for(ClassNode cn : cxt.getClassTree().getClasses().values()) {
// for(MethodNode m : cn.methods) {
// ControlFlowGraph cfg = cxt.getCFGS().getIR(m);
// for(BasicBlock b : cfg.vertices()) {
// for(Stmt stmt : b) {
// for(Expr e : stmt.enumerateOnlyChildren()) {
// if(e.getOpcode() == Opcode.ARITHMETIC) {
// ArithmeticExpr ae = (ArithmeticExpr) e;
// if(ae.getRight().getOpcode() == Opcode.CONST_LOAD) {
// ConstantExpr c = (ConstantExpr) ae.getRight();
// Object o = c.getConstant();
// if(o instanceof Long || o instanceof Integer) {
// Number n = (Number) o;
// if(__eq(n, 1, ae.getType().equals(Type.LONG_TYPE))) {
// Expr l = ae.getLeft();
// l.unlink();
// CodeUnit aePar = ae.getParent();
// aePar.overwrite(l, aePar.indexOf(ae));
// } else if(__eq(n, 0, ae.getType().equals(Type.LONG_TYPE))) {
// c.unlink();
// CodeUnit aePar = ae.getParent();
// aePar.overwrite(c, aePar.indexOf(ae));
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
Also used : FieldStoreStmt( ClassNode(org.objectweb.asm.tree.ClassNode) FieldLoadExpr( BasicBlock( ConstantExpr( FieldStoreStmt( Stmt( CodeUnit( MethodNode(org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode) ConstantExpr( ArithmeticExpr( Expr( FieldLoadExpr( ArithmeticExpr( ControlFlowGraph(

Example 49 with BasicBlock

use of in project maple-ir by LLVM-but-worse.

the class FieldRSADecryptionPass method accept.

public int accept(AnalysisContext cxt, IPass prev, List<IPass> completed) {
    this.cxt = cxt;
    for (MethodNode m : cxt.getIRCache().getActiveMethods()) {
        ControlFlowGraph cfg = cxt.getIRCache().getFor(m);
        for (BasicBlock b : cfg.vertices()) {
            for (Stmt stmt : b) {
                for (Expr c : stmt.enumerateOnlyChildren()) {
                    if (c.getOpcode() == ARITHMETIC) {
                        ArithmeticExpr arith = (ArithmeticExpr) c;
                        if (arith.getOperator() == Operator.MUL) {
                            Expr l = arith.getLeft();
                            Expr r = arith.getRight();
                            if (r.getOpcode() == CONST_LOAD && l.getOpcode() == FIELD_LOAD) {
                                FieldLoadExpr fle = (FieldLoadExpr) l;
                                ConstantExpr constt = (ConstantExpr) r;
                                Number n = (Number) constt.getConstant();
                                boolean isLong = (n instanceof Long);
                                if (__eq(n, 1, isLong) || __eq(n, 0, isLong)) {
                                if (n instanceof Integer || n instanceof Long) {
                if (stmt.getOpcode() == FIELD_STORE) {
                    FieldStoreStmt fss = (FieldStoreStmt) stmt;
                    Expr val = fss.getValueExpression();
                    if (bcheck1(val)) {
                        if (val.getOpcode() == CONST_LOAD) {
                            ConstantExpr c = (ConstantExpr) val;
                            if (c.getConstant() instanceof Integer || c.getConstant() instanceof Long) {
                                Number n = (Number) c.getConstant();
                                if (large(n, c.getConstant() instanceof Long)) {
                    ArithmeticExpr ar = (ArithmeticExpr) val;
                    if (ar.getRight().getOpcode() == CONST_LOAD) {
                        ConstantExpr c = (ConstantExpr) ar.getRight();
                        Number n = (Number) c.getConstant();
                        boolean isLong = c.getConstant() instanceof Long;
                        if (__eq(n, 1, isLong) || __eq(n, 0, isLong)) {
                        if (ar.getOperator() == Operator.ADD) {
                            if (!large(n, isLong)) {
            for (Stmt stmt : b) {
                if (stmt.getOpcode() == FIELD_STORE) {
                    if (key((FieldStoreStmt) stmt).equals("co.k I")) {
                    // System.out.println("HERE1: " + stmt);
                    // System.out.println(cfg);
                    handleFss((FieldStoreStmt) stmt);
                for (Expr e : stmt.enumerateOnlyChildren()) {
                    if (e.getOpcode() == FIELD_LOAD) {
                        if (key((FieldLoadExpr) e).equals("co.k I")) {
                        // System.out.println("HERE2: " + stmt);
                        handleFle(stmt, (FieldLoadExpr) e);
    Set<String> keys = new HashSet<>();
    for (String k : keys) {
        boolean _longint = k.endsWith("J");
        Set<Number> encs = cencs.getNonNull(k);
        Set<Number> decs = cdecs.getNonNull(k);
        try {
            Number[] pair = get_pair(encs, decs, constants.getNonNull(k), _longint);
            if (pair.length != 2) {
                Set<Number> extended = new HashSet<>(constants.getNonNull(k));
                pair = get_pair(encs, decs, extended, _longint);
            if (pair.length != 2) {
            // System.out.println("No pair for: " + k);
            // System.out.println("Constants: " + constants.getNonNull(k));
            // System.out.println("Dconsts  : " + dangerConstants.getNonNull(k));
            // System.out.println("Encs     : " + encs);
            // System.out.println("Decs     : " + decs);
            } else {
                pairs.put(k, pair);
            // System.out.println("for: " + k + ": " + Arrays.toString(pair));
        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
            System.err.println("Constants: " + constants.getNonNull(k));
            System.out.println("Dconsts  : " + dangerConstants.getNonNull(k));
            System.err.println("Encs     : " + encs);
            System.err.println("Decs     : " + decs);
            System.err.println("key: " + k);
            throw e;
    System.out.printf("  identified %n field encoder/decoder pairs.%n", pairs.size());
    return pairs.size();
Also used : FieldStoreStmt( FieldLoadExpr( BasicBlock( ConstantExpr( FieldStoreStmt( Stmt( BigInteger(java.math.BigInteger) MethodNode(org.objectweb.asm.tree.MethodNode) ConstantExpr( ArithmeticExpr( Expr( FieldLoadExpr( ArithmeticExpr( ControlFlowGraph( HashSet(java.util.HashSet)

Example 50 with BasicBlock

use of in project maple-ir by LLVM-but-worse.

the class ConstantExpressionEvaluatorPass method eliminateBranch.

private void eliminateBranch(ControlFlowGraph cfg, BasicBlock b, ConditionalJumpStmt cond, int insnIndex, boolean val) {
    if (val) {
        // remove immediate edge (it will never be taken)
        for (FlowEdge<BasicBlock> fe : new HashSet<>(cfg.getEdges(b))) {
            if (fe.getType() == FlowEdges.IMMEDIATE) {
        // create new jump and update cfg
        UnconditionalJumpStmt newJump = new UnconditionalJumpStmt(cond.getTrueSuccessor());
        b.set(insnIndex, newJump);
        UnconditionalJumpEdge<BasicBlock> uje = new UnconditionalJumpEdge<>(b, cond.getTrueSuccessor());
        cfg.addEdge(b, uje);
    } else {
        // always false, keep immediate (fallthrough) and remove the conditional branch.
        // remove statement amd uses in d/u map
        // remove conditional edge
        for (FlowEdge<BasicBlock> fe : new HashSet<>(cfg.getEdges(b))) {
            if (fe.getType() == FlowEdges.COND) {
                if (fe.dst() != cond.getTrueSuccessor()) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException(fe + ", " + cond);
Also used : BasicBlock( UnconditionalJumpEdge(org.mapleir.flowgraph.edges.UnconditionalJumpEdge) HashSet(java.util.HashSet) UnconditionalJumpStmt(


BasicBlock ( Stmt ( Expr ( Local ( VarExpr ( CopyPhiStmt ( AbstractCopyStmt ( CopyVarStmt ( PhiExpr ( VersionedLocal ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)12 ControlFlowGraph ( UnconditionalJumpStmt ( InvocationExpr ( BasicLocal ( NullPermeableHashMap ( ConditionalJumpStmt ( Type (org.objectweb.asm.Type)7 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)6 ConstantExpr (