use of org.matheclipse.core.eval.exception.FailedException in project symja_android_library by axkr.
the class Integrate method integrateByRubiRules.
* Use the <a href="">Rubi - Symbolic Integration Rules</a> to
* integrate the expression.
* @param ast
* @return
private static IExpr integrateByRubiRules(IAST arg1, IExpr x, IAST ast, EvalEngine engine) {
// EvalEngine engine = EvalEngine.get();
if (arg1.isFreeAST(s -> s.isSymbol() && ((ISymbol) s).isContext(Context.RUBI))) {
int limit = engine.getRecursionLimit();
boolean quietMode = engine.isQuietMode();
ISymbol head = arg1.topHead();
if (head.isNumericFunctionAttribute() || INT_RUBI_FUNCTIONS.contains(head) || head.getSymbolName().startsWith("ยง")) {
boolean newCache = false;
try {
if (engine.rememberASTCache != null) {
IExpr result = engine.rememberASTCache.getIfPresent(ast);
if (result != null) {
// &&engine.getRecursionCounter()>0) {
if (result.isPresent()) {
return result;
return callRestIntegrate(arg1, x, engine);
} else {
newCache = true;
engine.rememberASTCache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().maximumSize(50).build();
try {
if (limit <= 0 || limit > Config.INTEGRATE_RUBI_RULES_RECURSION_LIMIT) {
engine.rememberASTCache.put(ast, F.NIL);
IExpr temp = S.Integrate.evalDownRule(EvalEngine.get(), ast);
if (temp.isPresent()) {
if (temp.equals(ast)) {
if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
IOFunctions.printMessage(S.Integrate, "rubiendless", F.list(temp), engine);
return F.NIL;
if (temp.isAST()) {
engine.rememberASTCache.put(ast, temp);
return temp;
} catch (RecursionLimitExceeded rle) {
// engine.printMessage("Integrate(Rubi recursion): " +
// + " exceeded: " + ast.toString());
LOGGER.log(engine.getLogLevel(), "Integrate(Rubi recursion)", rle);
return F.NIL;
} catch (RuntimeException rex) {
LOGGER.log(engine.getLogLevel(), "Integrate Rubi recursion limit {} RuntimeException: {}", Config.INTEGRATE_RUBI_RULES_RECURSION_LIMIT, ast, rex);
return F.NIL;
} catch (AbortException ae) {
LOGGER.debug("Integrate.integrateByRubiRules() aborted", ae);
} catch (final FailedException fe) {
LOGGER.debug("Integrate.integrateByRubiRules() failed", fe);
} finally {
if (newCache) {
engine.rememberASTCache = null;
return F.NIL;
use of org.matheclipse.core.eval.exception.FailedException in project symja_android_library by axkr.
the class AJAXQueryServlet method evaluateString.
private String[] evaluateString(EvalEngine engine, final String inputString, final String numericMode, final String function, StringWriter outWriter, StringWriter errorWriter) {
String input = inputString.trim();
if (input.length() > 1 && input.charAt(0) == '?') {
IExpr doc = Documentation.findDocumentation(input);
return JSONBuilder.createJSONResult(engine, doc, outWriter, errorWriter);
try {
ExprParser parser = new ExprParser(engine, isRelaxedSyntax());
// throws SyntaxError exception, if syntax isn't valid
IExpr inExpr = parser.parse(input);
if (inExpr != null) {
long numberOfLeaves = inExpr.leafCount();
if (numberOfLeaves > Config.MAX_INPUT_LEAVES) {
return JSONBuilder.createJSONError("Input expression too big!");
if (numericMode.equals("N")) {
inExpr = F.N(inExpr);
// inExpr contains the user input from the web interface in
// internal format now
StringWriter outBuffer = new StringWriter();
IExpr outExpr;
outExpr = evalTopLevel(engine, outBuffer, inExpr);
if (outExpr != null) {
if (outExpr.isAST(S.Graphics)) {
try {
String html = Config.SVG_PAGE;
StringBuilder stw = new StringBuilder();
GraphicsFunctions.graphicsToSVG((IAST) outExpr, stw);
html = StringUtils.replace(html, "`1`", stw.toString());
html = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(html);
return JSONBuilder.createJSONJavaScript("<iframe srcdoc=\"" + html + "\" style=\"display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none;\" ></iframe>");
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOGGER.debug("{}.evaluateString() failed", getClass().getSimpleName(), ex);
} else if (outExpr.isASTSizeGE(S.Graphics3D, 2)) {
StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder();
if (GraphicsFunctions.renderGraphics3D(buf, (IAST) outExpr, engine)) {
try {
return JSONBuilder.createGraphics3DIFrame(JSBuilder.GRAPHICS3D_IFRAME_TEMPLATE, buf.toString());
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOGGER.debug("{}.evaluateString() failed", getClass().getSimpleName(), ex);
if (outExpr.isASTSizeGE(S.Show, 2)) {
IAST show = (IAST) outExpr;
return JSONBuilder.createJSONShow(engine, show);
} else if (outExpr instanceof GraphExpr) {
String javaScriptStr = GraphFunctions.graphToJSForm((GraphExpr) outExpr);
if (javaScriptStr != null) {
String html = VISJS_IFRAME;
html = StringUtils.replace(html, "`1`", javaScriptStr);
html = //
html, //
"`2`", //
" var options = { };\n");
html = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(html);
return JSONBuilder.createJSONJavaScript("<iframe srcdoc=\"" + html + "\" style=\"display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none;\" ></iframe>");
} else if (outExpr instanceof ASTDataset) {
String javaScriptStr = ((ASTDataset) outExpr).datasetToJSForm();
if (javaScriptStr != null) {
String htmlSnippet = javaScriptStr.trim();
// html = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(html);
return JSONBuilder.createJSONHTML(engine, htmlSnippet, outWriter, errorWriter);
// return JSONBuilder.createJSONJavaScript(
// "<iframe srcdoc=\""
// + html
// + "\" style=\"display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%;
// border: none;\"></iframe>");
} else if (outExpr.isAST(S.JSFormData, 3)) {
IAST jsFormData = (IAST) outExpr;
String jsLibraryType = jsFormData.arg2().toString();
if (jsLibraryType.equals("mathcell")) {
try {
return JSONBuilder.createMathcellIFrame(JSBuilder.MATHCELL_IFRAME_TEMPLATE, jsFormData.arg1().toString());
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOGGER.debug("{}.evaluateString() failed", getClass().getSimpleName(), ex);
} else if (jsLibraryType.equals("jsxgraph")) {
try {
return JSONBuilder.createJSXGraphIFrame(JSBuilder.JSXGRAPH_IFRAME_TEMPLATE, jsFormData.arg1().toString());
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOGGER.debug("{}.evaluateString() failed", getClass().getSimpleName(), ex);
} else if (jsLibraryType.equals("plotly")) {
try {
return JSONBuilder.createPlotlyIFrame(JSBuilder.PLOTLY_IFRAME_TEMPLATE, jsFormData.arg1().toString());
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOGGER.debug("{}.evaluateString() failed", getClass().getSimpleName(), ex);
} else if (jsLibraryType.equals("treeform")) {
try {
String manipulateStr = jsFormData.arg1().toString();
String html = VISJS_IFRAME;
html = StringUtils.replace(html, "`1`", manipulateStr);
html = //
html, //
"`2`", " var options = {\n" + " edges: {\n" + " smooth: {\n" + " type: 'cubicBezier',\n" + " forceDirection: 'vertical',\n" + " roundness: 0.4\n" + " }\n" + " },\n" + " layout: {\n" + " hierarchical: {\n" + " direction: \"UD\"\n" + " }\n" + " },\n" + " nodes: {\n" + " shape: 'box'\n" + " },\n" + " physics:false\n" + //
" }; ");
html = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(html);
return JSONBuilder.createJSONJavaScript("<iframe srcdoc=\"" + html + "\" style=\"display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none;\" ></iframe>");
} catch (Exception ex) {
LOGGER.debug("{}.evaluateString() failed", getClass().getSimpleName(), ex);
} else if (outExpr.isString()) {
IStringX str = (IStringX) outExpr;
if (str.getMimeType() == IStringX.TEXT_HTML) {
String htmlSnippet = str.toString();
String htmlPage = HTML_IFRAME;
htmlPage = StringUtils.replace(htmlPage, "`1`", htmlSnippet);
return JSONBuilder.createJSONJavaScript("<iframe srcdoc=\"" + htmlPage + "\" style=\"display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: none;\" ></iframe>");
return JSONBuilder.createJSONResult(engine, outExpr, outWriter, errorWriter);
return createOutput(outBuffer, null, engine, function);
} else {
return JSONBuilder.createJSONError("Input string parsed to null");
} catch (AbortException se) {
return JSONBuilder.createJSONResult(engine, S.$Aborted, outWriter, errorWriter);
} catch (FailedException se) {
return JSONBuilder.createJSONResult(engine, S.$Failed, outWriter, errorWriter);
} catch (SyntaxError se) {
return JSONBuilder.createJSONSyntaxError(se.getMessage());
} catch (MathException se) {
return JSONBuilder.createJSONError(se.getMessage());
} catch (IOException e) {
String msg = e.getMessage();
if (msg != null) {
return JSONBuilder.createJSONError("IOException occured: " + msg);
return JSONBuilder.createJSONError("IOException occured");
} catch (Exception e) {
// error message
LOGGER.error("{}.evaluateString() failed", getClass().getSimpleName(), e);
String msg = e.getMessage();
if (msg != null) {
return JSONBuilder.createJSONError("Error in evaluateString: " + msg);
return JSONBuilder.createJSONError("Error in evaluateString: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName());
use of org.matheclipse.core.eval.exception.FailedException in project symja_android_library by axkr.
the class AbstractRubiTestCase method interpreter.
* Evaluates the given string-expression and returns the result in <code>OutputForm</code>
public String interpreter(final String inputExpression, final String expectedResult, String manuallyCheckedResult) {
IExpr result;
final StringWriter buf = new StringWriter();
IExpr integral = fEvaluator.parse(inputExpression).first();
try {
if (fSeconds <= 0) {
result = fEvaluator.eval(inputExpression);
} else {
EvalEngine engine = fEvaluator.getEvalEngine();
result = fEvaluator.evaluateWithTimeout(inputExpression, fSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS, true, new EvalControlledCallable(fEvaluator.getEvalEngine()));
if (result != null) {
return printResult(integral, result, expectedResult, manuallyCheckedResult);
} catch (final AbortException re) {
return printResult(integral, F.$Aborted, expectedResult, manuallyCheckedResult);
} catch (final FailedException re) {
return printResult(integral, F.$Failed, expectedResult, manuallyCheckedResult);
} catch (final SyntaxError se) {
String msg = se.getMessage();
return "";
} catch (final RuntimeException re) {
Throwable me = re.getCause();
if (me instanceof MathException) {
Validate.printException(buf, me);
} else {
Validate.printException(buf, re);
return "";
} catch (final Exception e) {
Validate.printException(buf, e);
return "";
} catch (final OutOfMemoryError e) {
Validate.printException(buf, e);
return "";
} catch (final StackOverflowError e) {
Validate.printException(buf, e);
return "";
return buf.toString();
use of org.matheclipse.core.eval.exception.FailedException in project symja_android_library by axkr.
the class AbstractRubiTestCase method interpreter.
* Evaluates the given string-expression and returns the result in <code>OutputForm</code>
public String interpreter(final String inputExpression, final String expectedResult, String manuallyCheckedResult) {
IExpr result;
final StringWriter buf = new StringWriter();
try {
if (fSeconds <= 0) {
result = fEvaluator.eval(inputExpression);
} else {
EvalEngine engine = fEvaluator.getEvalEngine();
result = fEvaluator.evaluateWithTimeout(inputExpression, fSeconds, TimeUnit.SECONDS, true, new EvalControlledCallable(fEvaluator.getEvalEngine()));
if (result != null) {
return printResult(result, expectedResult, manuallyCheckedResult);
} catch (final AbortException re) {
return printResult(F.$Aborted, expectedResult, manuallyCheckedResult);
} catch (final FailedException re) {
return printResult(F.$Failed, expectedResult, manuallyCheckedResult);
} catch (final SyntaxError se) {
String msg = se.getMessage();
return "";
} catch (final RuntimeException re) {
Throwable me = re.getCause();
if (me instanceof MathException) {
Validate.printException(buf, me);
} else {
Validate.printException(buf, re);
return "";
} catch (final Exception e) {
Validate.printException(buf, e);
return "";
} catch (final OutOfMemoryError e) {
Validate.printException(buf, e);
return "";
} catch (final StackOverflowError e) {
Validate.printException(buf, e);
return "";
return buf.toString();
use of org.matheclipse.core.eval.exception.FailedException in project symja_android_library by axkr.
the class SymjaBot method interpreter.
private static String interpreter(final String trimmedInput) {
ExprEvaluator evaluator = new ExprEvaluator(false, (short) 100);
IExpr result;
final StringWriter buf = new StringWriter();
try {
if (trimmedInput.length() > 1 && trimmedInput.charAt(0) == '?') {
StringBuilder docBuf = new StringBuilder();
Documentation.getMarkdown(docBuf, trimmedInput.substring(1));
String docString = docBuf.toString();
if (docString.length() > 0) {
int indx = docString.indexOf("### Github");
if (indx > 0) {
docString = docString.substring(0, indx);
return docString;
Documentation.usageDocumentation(docBuf, trimmedInput.substring(1));
docString = docBuf.toString();
if (docString.length() > 0) {
int indx = docString.indexOf("### Github");
if (indx > 0) {
docString = docString.substring(0, indx);
return docString;
return "No help page found";
result = evaluator.evaluateWithTimeout(trimmedInput, 30, TimeUnit.SECONDS, true, new EvalControlledCallable(evaluator.getEvalEngine()));
if (result != null) {
return printResultShortened(trimmedInput, result);
} catch (final AbortException re) {
// try {
return printResultShortened(trimmedInput, S.$Aborted);
// } catch (IOException e) {
// Validate.printException(buf, e);
// stderr.println(buf.toString());
// stderr.flush();
// return "";
// }
} catch (final FailedException re) {
// try {
return printResultShortened(trimmedInput, S.$Failed);
// } catch (IOException e) {
// Validate.printException(buf, e);
// stderr.println(buf.toString());
// stderr.flush();
// return "";
// }
} catch (final SyntaxError se) {
String msg = se.getMessage();
// stderr.flush();
return msg;
} catch (final RuntimeException re) {
Throwable me = re.getCause();
if (me instanceof MathException) {
Validate.printException(buf, me);
} else {
Validate.printException(buf, re);
// stderr.flush();
return "";
} catch (final Exception e) {
Validate.printException(buf, e);
// stderr.flush();
return "";
} catch (final OutOfMemoryError e) {
Validate.printException(buf, e);
// stderr.flush();
return "";
} catch (final StackOverflowError e) {
Validate.printException(buf, e);
// stderr.flush();
return "";
return buf.toString();