use of org.matheclipse.core.expression.Symbol in project symja_android_library by axkr.
the class Integrate method integrateTimesTrigFunctions.
* Try using the <code>TrigReduce</code> function to get a
* <code>Plus(...)</code> expression which could be integrated.
* @param timesAST
* an IAST which is a <code>Times(...)</code> expression
* @param arg2
* the symbol to get the indefinite integral for.
* @return <code>F.NIL</code> if no trigonometric funtion could be found.
private IExpr integrateTimesTrigFunctions(final IAST timesAST, ISymbol arg2) {
Predicate<IExpr> isTrigFunction = Predicates.isAST(new ISymbol[] { F.Cos, F.Sin });
if (timesAST.isMember(isTrigFunction, false)) {
// use a symbol which is not in the symbols map
ISymbol pSymbol = new Symbol("$x$");
IExpr fx = F.eval(F.TrigReduce(timesAST));
if (fx.isPlus()) {
// Collect arguments for x
// Sin(f_) -> Sin(Collect(f, arg2))
fx = F.eval(F.ReplaceAll(fx, F.List(F.Rule(F.Sin(F.$p(pSymbol)), F.Sin(F.Collect(pSymbol, arg2))), F.Rule(F.Cos(F.$p(pSymbol)), F.Cos(F.Collect(pSymbol, arg2))))));
// Integrate[a_+b_+...,x_] -> Integrate[a,x]+Integrate[b,x]+...
return ((IAST) fx).mapThread(F.Integrate(null, arg2), 1);
return F.NIL;
use of org.matheclipse.core.expression.Symbol in project symja_android_library by axkr.
the class MagicProcessor method preProcessQues.
String preProcessQues() {
// Convert expression like "2*x+7=10" to Solve(2*x+7 - 10 == 0, x)
if (outPut.contains("=")) {
String processEq = inputQuestionIsPossiblyASystemOfEquation(outPut);
if (processEq != null) {
// Args will be handled in wrtArgumentMising
outPut = ((ISymbol) F.Solve).toString() + "(" + processEq + ")";
* String [] list = outPut.split("="); if(list.length == 2) { String
* eq = list[1] + "- (" + list[0] + ")"; IExpr eqn =
* MathUtils.parse(eq, null); if(eqn.isAST() && isPolynomial((IAST)
* eqn)) { String vars = solve_get_arg_if_missing(eqn); isSysOfEq =
* true; outPut = ((Symbol) F.Solve).toString() + "(" + eq + " == 0"
* + "," + vars + ")"; } }
IExpr ques = MathUtils.parse(outPut, null);
if (ques == null)
return outPut;
Log.debug("ques = " + ques.toString());
if (wrtArgumentMising(ques, F.Solve)) {
IExpr equations = getArg1(ques);
String vars = solve_get_arg_if_missing(equations);
if (vars != null && err == null) {
outPut = ((Symbol) F.Solve).toString() + "(" + equations.toString() + "," + vars + ")";
Log.debug(" Result after eq processing " + outPut);
if (wrtArgumentMising(ques, F.D)) {
IExpr fn = getArg1(ques);
// Extract variables from equations
org.matheclipse.core.convert.VariablesSet eVar = new org.matheclipse.core.convert.VariablesSet(fn);
String var = null;
if (eVar.isSize(1))
var = getVarString(eVar, false);
var = getVarString(eVar, true);
outPut = ((Symbol) F.D).toString() + "(" + fn.toString() + "," + var + ")";
if (wrtArgumentMising(ques, F.Integrate)) {
IExpr fn = getArg1(ques);
// Extract variables from equations
org.matheclipse.core.convert.VariablesSet eVar = new org.matheclipse.core.convert.VariablesSet(fn);
String var = null;
if (eVar.isSize(1))
var = getVarString(eVar, false);
var = getVarString(eVar, true);
outPut = ((Symbol) F.Integrate).toString() + "(" + fn.toString() + "," + var + ")";
Log.debug("Processed q = " + outPut);
return (err == null) ? outPut : err;