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Example 1 with OfficeCacheDto

use of in project head by mifos.

the class HierarchyManager method compareOfficeInHierarchy.

public BranchLocation compareOfficeInHierarchy(UserContext user, Short officeId) {
    Assert.notNull(officeId, "officeId should not be null");
    Assert.notNull(user, "userContext should not be null");
    short userBranch = user.getBranchId().shortValue();
    if (userBranch == officeId) {
        return BranchLocation.SAME;
         * Look into the map now if the passed officeid's searchid on which user wants to perform action starts with the
         * user's office searchid it means that office falls under that user hiererchy
    String userOfficeSearchId = hierarchyMap.get(user.getBranchId()).getSearchId();
    OfficeCacheDto cachedOffice = hierarchyMap.get(officeId);
    if (cachedOffice == null) {
        try {
            // repopulate cachedmap
            cachedOffice = hierarchyMap.get(officeId);
        } catch (SystemException e) {
            throw new MifosRuntimeException(e);
        } catch (OfficeException e) {
            throw new MifosRuntimeException(e);
        if (cachedOffice == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("office with id [" + officeId + "] does not exist");
    String operatedOfficeSearchId = cachedOffice.getSearchId();
    if (operatedOfficeSearchId.startsWith(userOfficeSearchId)) {
        return BranchLocation.BELOW;
    return BranchLocation.ABOVE_OR_DIFFERENT;
Also used : OfficeException( SystemException(org.mifos.framework.exceptions.SystemException) OfficeCacheDto( MifosRuntimeException(org.mifos.core.MifosRuntimeException)

Example 2 with OfficeCacheDto

use of in project head by mifos.

the class HierarchyManager method init.

public void init() throws SystemException, OfficeException {
    List<OfficeCacheDto> officeList;
    try {
        officeList = new OfficePersistence().getAllOffices();
    } catch (PersistenceException e) {
        throw new OfficeException(e);
    for (int i = 0; i < officeList.size(); i++) {
Also used : OfficeException( PersistenceException(org.mifos.framework.exceptions.PersistenceException) OfficeCacheDto( OfficePersistence(

Example 3 with OfficeCacheDto

use of in project head by mifos.

the class HierarchyManager method convertToOfficeCacheList.

private List<OfficeCacheDto> convertToOfficeCacheList(List<OfficeSearch> officeList) {
    List<OfficeCacheDto> officeCacheList = new ArrayList<OfficeCacheDto>();
    for (int i = 0; i < officeList.size(); i++) {
        OfficeCacheDto cacheView = new OfficeCacheDto(officeList.get(i).getOfficeId(), officeList.get(i).getParentOfficeId(), officeList.get(i).getSearchId());
    return officeCacheList;
Also used : ArrayList(java.util.ArrayList) OfficeCacheDto(


OfficeCacheDto ( OfficeException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)1 MifosRuntimeException (org.mifos.core.MifosRuntimeException)1 OfficePersistence ( PersistenceException (org.mifos.framework.exceptions.PersistenceException)1 SystemException (org.mifos.framework.exceptions.SystemException)1