use of in project head by mifos.
the class OfficeServiceFacadeWebTier method createOffice.
public ListElement createOffice(Short operationMode, OfficeDto officeDto) {
MifosUser user = (MifosUser) SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication().getPrincipal();
UserContext userContext = new UserContextFactory().create(user);
OfficeLevel level = OfficeLevel.getOfficeLevel(officeDto.getLevelId());
OfficeBO parentOffice = officeDao.findOfficeById(officeDto.getParentId());
AddressDto addressDto = officeDto.getAddress();
Address address = new Address(addressDto.getLine1(), addressDto.getLine2(), addressDto.getLine3(), addressDto.getCity(), addressDto.getState(), addressDto.getCountry(), addressDto.getZip(), addressDto.getPhoneNumber());
try {
OfficeBO officeBO = new OfficeBO(userContext, level, parentOffice, officeDto.getCustomFields(), officeDto.getName(), officeDto.getOfficeShortName(), address, OperationMode.fromInt(operationMode.intValue()));
OfficePersistence officePersistence = new OfficePersistence();
if (officePersistence.isOfficeNameExist(officeDto.getName())) {
throw new OfficeValidationException(OfficeConstants.OFFICENAMEEXIST);
if (officePersistence.isOfficeShortNameExist(officeDto.getOfficeShortName())) {
throw new OfficeValidationException(OfficeConstants.OFFICESHORTNAMEEXIST);
String searchId = generateSearchId(parentOffice);
String globalOfficeNum = generateOfficeGlobalNo();
//Shahid - this is hackish solution to return officeId and globalOfficeNum via ListElement, it should be fixed, at least
//a proper data storage class can be created
ListElement element = new ListElement(new Integer(officeBO.getOfficeId()), officeBO.getGlobalOfficeNum());
// if we are here it means office created sucessfully
// we need to update hierarchy manager cache
OfficeSearch os = new OfficeSearch(officeBO.getOfficeId(), officeBO.getSearchId(), officeBO.getParentOffice().getOfficeId());
List<OfficeSearch> osList = new ArrayList<OfficeSearch>();
EventManger.postEvent(Constants.CREATE, osList, SecurityConstants.OFFICECHANGEEVENT);
return element;
} catch (OfficeValidationException e) {
throw new BusinessRuleException(e.getMessage());
} catch (PersistenceException e) {
throw new MifosRuntimeException(e);
} catch (OfficeException e) {
throw new BusinessRuleException(e.getKey(), e);
} finally {
use of in project head by mifos.
the class OfficePersistence method getPersonnelOffices.
* This function is used to get the list of the offices under the given
* personnel office under any user at any time
* @param officeid
* office id of the person
* @return List list of the offices under him
* @throws HibernateProcessException
public List<OfficeSearch> getPersonnelOffices(Short officeid) throws SystemException, ApplicationException {
HierarchyManager hm = HierarchyManager.getInstance();
String pattern = hm.getSearchId(officeid) + "%";
List<OfficeSearch> lst = null;
try {
Session session = StaticHibernateUtil.getSessionTL();
Query officeSearch = session.getNamedQuery(NamedQueryConstants.GETOFFICESEARCH);
officeSearch.setString(SecurityConstants.PATTERN, pattern);
lst = officeSearch.list();
} catch (HibernateException he) {
throw new SecurityException(SecurityConstants.GENERALERROR, he);
return lst;
use of in project head by mifos.
the class OfficePersistence method getOffices.
* This function is used to initialise the the hirerchy manager which is
* paert of the security module which keeps the cache of officeid to office
* search id so that it can find office under given person without going to
* database every time
* @return List of OfficeSearch objects which contains office is and
* associated searchid
* @throws HibernateProcessException
public List<OfficeSearch> getOffices() throws SystemException, ApplicationException {
List<OfficeSearch> lst = null;
try {
Session session = StaticHibernateUtil.getSessionTL();
Query queryOfficeSearchList = session.getNamedQuery(NamedQueryConstants.GETOFFICESEARCHLIST);
lst = queryOfficeSearchList.list();
} catch (HibernateException he) {
throw new SecurityException(SecurityConstants.GENERALERROR, he);
return lst;