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Example 1 with Demographics

use of in project synthea by synthetichealth.

the class Generator method pickFixedDemographics.

 * Pick a person's demographics based on their FixedRecords.
 * @param index The index to use.
 * @param random Random object.
private Map<String, Object> pickFixedDemographics(int index, Random random) {
    // Get the first FixedRecord from the current RecordGroup
    FixedRecordGroup recordGroup = this.recordGroups.get(index);
    FixedRecord fr = recordGroup.records.get(0);
    // Get the city from the location in the fixed record.
    this.location = new Location(fr.state, recordGroup.getSafeCity());
    Demographics city = this.location.randomCity(random);
    // Pick the rest of the demographics based on the location of the fixed record.
    Map<String, Object> demoAttributes = pickDemographics(random, city);
    // Overwrite the person's attributes with the FixedRecord.
    demoAttributes.put(Person.BIRTHDATE, recordGroup.getValidBirthdate());
    String g = fr.gender;
    if (g.equalsIgnoreCase("None") || StringUtils.isBlank(g)) {
        g = "F";
    demoAttributes.put(Person.GENDER, g);
    // Give the person their FixedRecordGroup of FixedRecords.
    demoAttributes.put(Person.RECORD_GROUP, recordGroup);
    demoAttributes.put(Person.LINK_ID, recordGroup.linkId);
    // Return the Demographic Attributes of the current person.
    return demoAttributes;
Also used : FixedRecordGroup(org.mitre.synthea.input.FixedRecordGroup) Demographics( FixedRecord(org.mitre.synthea.input.FixedRecord) Location(

Example 2 with Demographics

use of in project synthea by synthetichealth.

the class Generator method randomDemographics.

 * Create a set of random demographics.
 * @param random The random number generator to use.
 * @return demographics
public Map<String, Object> randomDemographics(Random random) {
    Demographics city = location.randomCity(random);
    Map<String, Object> demoAttributes = pickDemographics(random, city);
    return demoAttributes;
Also used : Demographics(

Example 3 with Demographics

use of in project synthea by synthetichealth.

the class Provider method generateClinician.

 * Generate a random clinician, from the given seed.
 * @param clinicianSeed
 *          Seed for the random clinician
 * @return generated Clinician
private Clinician generateClinician(long clinicianSeed, Random clinicianRand, long clinicianIdentifier) {
    Clinician clinician = null;
    try {
        Person doc = new Person(clinicianIdentifier);
        Demographics cityDemographics = location.randomCity(doc);
        Map<String, Object> out = new HashMap<>();
        String race = cityDemographics.pickRace(clinicianRand);
        out.put(Person.RACE, race);
        String ethnicity = cityDemographics.pickEthnicity(clinicianRand);
        out.put(Person.ETHNICITY, ethnicity);
        String language = cityDemographics.languageFromRaceAndEthnicity(race, ethnicity, clinicianRand);
        out.put(Person.FIRST_LANGUAGE, language);
        String gender = cityDemographics.pickGender(clinicianRand);
        if (gender.equalsIgnoreCase("male") || gender.equalsIgnoreCase("M")) {
            gender = "M";
        } else {
            gender = "F";
        out.put(Person.GENDER, gender);
        clinician = new Clinician(clinicianSeed, clinicianRand, clinicianIdentifier, this);
        clinician.attributes.put(Person.ADDRESS, address);
        clinician.attributes.put(Person.CITY, city);
        clinician.attributes.put(Person.STATE, state);
        clinician.attributes.put(Person.ZIP, zip);
        clinician.attributes.put(Person.COORDINATE, coordinates);
        String firstName = Names.fakeFirstName(gender, language, doc);
        String lastName = Names.fakeLastName(language, doc);
        clinician.attributes.put(Clinician.FIRST_NAME, firstName);
        clinician.attributes.put(Clinician.LAST_NAME, lastName);
        clinician.attributes.put(Clinician.NAME, firstName + " " + lastName);
        clinician.attributes.put(Clinician.NAME_PREFIX, "Dr.");
        // Degree's beyond a bachelors degree are not currently tracked.
        clinician.attributes.put(Clinician.EDUCATION, "bs_degree");
        String ssn = "999-" + ((doc.randInt(99 - 10 + 1) + 10)) + "-" + ((doc.randInt(9999 - 1000 + 1) + 1000));
        clinician.attributes.put(Person.IDENTIFIER_SSN, ssn);
    } catch (Throwable e) {
        throw e;
    return clinician;
Also used : Demographics( HashMap(java.util.HashMap)


Demographics ( HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 FixedRecord (org.mitre.synthea.input.FixedRecord)1 FixedRecordGroup (org.mitre.synthea.input.FixedRecordGroup)1 Location (