use of org.mobicents.smsc.slee.resources.scheduler.PduRequestTimeout2 in project smscgateway by RestComm.
the class RxSmppServerSbb method onPduRequestTimeoutLocal.
private void onPduRequestTimeoutLocal(final RxSmppServerSbbUsage anSbbUsage, final PduRequestTimeout event, final ActivityContextInterface aci) {
if (logger.isFineEnabled())
logger.fine("onPduRequestTimeout - refire to RxSmppServerChildSbb : activity=" + aci.getActivity());
RxSmppServerChildLocalObject rxSmppServerSbbLocalObject = this.getRxSmppServerChildSbbObject();
if (rxSmppServerSbbLocalObject != null) {
ActivityContextInterface act = getSchedulerActivityContextInterface();
if (act != null) {
try {
PduRequestTimeout2 event2 = new PduRequestTimeout2(event.getPduRequest(), event.getSystemId());
firePduRequestTimeoutChild(event2, act, null);
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
if (logger.isInfoEnabled())"onPduRequestTimeout - IllegalStateException (activity is ending - dropping a SLEE event because it is not needed) : new activity=" + act.getActivity() + ", event=" + event);