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Example 1 with DashboardLogEntryDTO

use of org.mockserver.dashboard.model.DashboardLogEntryDTO in project mockserver by mock-server.

the class DashboardLogEntryDTOGroupSerializerTest method shouldSerialiseGroupWithSingleEvent.

public void shouldSerialiseGroupWithSingleEvent() throws JsonProcessingException {
    // given
    DashboardLogEntryDTOGroup dashboardLogEntryDTOGroup = new DashboardLogEntryDTOGroup(descriptionProcessor);
    LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry().setLogLevel(Level.WARN).setEpochTime(epochTime).setType(LogEntry.LogMessageType.TEMPLATE_GENERATED).setMessageFormat("some random{}formatted string{}").setArguments("one", "two");
    dashboardLogEntryDTOGroup.getLogEntryDTOS().add(new DashboardLogEntryDTO(logEntry).setDescription(getDescription(logEntry)));
    // when
    String json = objectWriter.writeValueAsString(dashboardLogEntryDTOGroup);
    // then
    assertThat(json, is("{" + NEW_LINE + "  \"key\" : \"" + + "_log\"," + NEW_LINE + "  \"value\" : {" + NEW_LINE + "    \"description\" : \"" + timeStamp + " TEMPLATE_GENERATED \"," + NEW_LINE + "    \"style\" : {" + NEW_LINE + "      \"paddingBottom\" : \"4px\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"whiteSpace\" : \"nowrap\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"overflow\" : \"auto\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"color\" : \"rgb(241, 186, 27)\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"paddingTop\" : \"4px\"" + NEW_LINE + "    }," + NEW_LINE + "    \"messageParts\" : [ {" + NEW_LINE + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_0msg\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"value\" : \"some random\"" + NEW_LINE + "    }, {" + NEW_LINE + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_0arg\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"multiline\" : false," + NEW_LINE + "      \"argument\" : true," + NEW_LINE + "      \"value\" : \"\\\"one\\\"\"" + NEW_LINE + "    }, {" + NEW_LINE + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_1msg\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"value\" : \"formatted string\"" + NEW_LINE + "    }, {" + NEW_LINE + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_1arg\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"multiline\" : false," + NEW_LINE + "      \"argument\" : true," + NEW_LINE + "      \"value\" : \"\\\"two\\\"\"" + NEW_LINE + "    } ]" + NEW_LINE + "  }" + NEW_LINE + "}"));
Also used : DashboardLogEntryDTO(org.mockserver.dashboard.model.DashboardLogEntryDTO) DashboardLogEntryDTOGroup(org.mockserver.dashboard.model.DashboardLogEntryDTOGroup) LogEntry(org.mockserver.log.model.LogEntry) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 2 with DashboardLogEntryDTO

use of org.mockserver.dashboard.model.DashboardLogEntryDTO in project mockserver by mock-server.

the class DashboardLogEntryDTOSerializerTest method shouldSerialiseEventWithObjectArgumentAsAll.

public void shouldSerialiseEventWithObjectArgumentAsAll() throws JsonProcessingException {
    // given
    LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry().setLogLevel(Level.WARN).setEpochTime(epochTime).setType(LogEntry.LogMessageType.TEMPLATE_GENERATED).setMessageFormat("some random{}formatted string{}").setArguments(request().withPath("somePath"), response().withBody("someBody"));
    // when
    String json = objectWriter.writeValueAsString(new DashboardLogEntryDTO(logEntry).setDescription(getDescription(logEntry)));
    // then
    assertThat(json, is("{" + NEW_LINE + "  \"key\" : \"" + + "_log\"," + NEW_LINE + "  \"value\" : {" + NEW_LINE + "    \"description\" : \"" + timeStamp + " TEMPLATE_GENERATED \"," + NEW_LINE + "    \"style\" : {" + NEW_LINE + "      \"paddingBottom\" : \"4px\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"whiteSpace\" : \"nowrap\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"overflow\" : \"auto\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"color\" : \"rgb(241, 186, 27)\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"paddingTop\" : \"4px\"" + NEW_LINE + "    }," + NEW_LINE + "    \"messageParts\" : [ {" + NEW_LINE + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_0msg\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"value\" : \"some random\"" + NEW_LINE + "    }, {" + NEW_LINE + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_0arg\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"json\" : true," + NEW_LINE + "      \"argument\" : true," + NEW_LINE + "      \"value\" : {" + NEW_LINE + "        \"path\" : \"somePath\"" + NEW_LINE + "      }" + NEW_LINE + "    }, {" + NEW_LINE + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_1msg\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"value\" : \"formatted string\"" + NEW_LINE + "    }, {" + NEW_LINE + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_1arg\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"json\" : true," + NEW_LINE + "      \"argument\" : true," + NEW_LINE + "      \"value\" : {" + NEW_LINE + "        \"body\" : \"someBody\"" + NEW_LINE + "      }" + NEW_LINE + "    } ]" + NEW_LINE + "  }" + NEW_LINE + "}"));
Also used : DashboardLogEntryDTO(org.mockserver.dashboard.model.DashboardLogEntryDTO) CoreMatchers.containsString(org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString) LogEntry(org.mockserver.log.model.LogEntry) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 3 with DashboardLogEntryDTO

use of org.mockserver.dashboard.model.DashboardLogEntryDTO in project mockserver by mock-server.

the class DashboardLogEntryDTOSerializerTest method shouldSerialiseBinaryForward.

public void shouldSerialiseBinaryForward() throws JsonProcessingException {
    // given
    byte[] binaryRequest = ("" + "The trick to getting kids to eat anything is to put catchup on it." + NEW_LINE + "I like to leave work after my eight-hour tea-break." + NEW_LINE + "He barked orders at his daughters but they just stared back with amusement." + NEW_LINE + "As the years pass by, we all know owners look more and more like their dogs." + NEW_LINE + "It must be five o'clock somewhere." + NEW_LINE + "The father died during childbirth." + NEW_LINE + "He had concluded that pigs must be able to fly in Hog Heaven." + NEW_LINE + "The pet shop stocks everything you need to keep your anaconda happy." + NEW_LINE + "We should play with legos at camp." + NEW_LINE + "It doesn't sound like that will ever be on my travel list.").getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    byte[] binaryResponse = ("" + "You bite up because of your lower jaw." + NEW_LINE + "I am counting my calories, yet I really want dessert." + NEW_LINE + "The old apple revels in its authority." + NEW_LINE + "He is good at eating pickles and telling women about his emotional problems." + NEW_LINE + "Please tell me you don't work in a morgue." + NEW_LINE + "No matter how beautiful the sunset, it saddened her knowing she was one day older." + NEW_LINE + "She cried diamonds." + NEW_LINE + "My Mum tries to be cool by saying that she likes all the same things that I do." + NEW_LINE + "She works two jobs to make ends meet; at least, that was her reason for not having time to join us." + NEW_LINE + "The knives were out and she was sharpening hers.").getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
    Splitter splitter = Splitter.fixedLength(64);
    LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry().setType(FORWARDED_REQUEST).setLogLevel(Level.INFO).setEpochTime(epochTime).setMessageFormat("returning binary response:{}from:{}for forwarded binary request:{}").setArguments(Joiner.on("\n").join(splitter.split(ByteBufUtil.hexDump(binaryResponse))), new InetSocketAddress(1234), splitter.split(ByteBufUtil.hexDump(binaryRequest)));
    // when
    String json = objectWriter.writeValueAsString(new DashboardLogEntryDTO(logEntry).setDescription(getDescription(logEntry)));
    // then
    assertThat(json, is("{\n" + "  \"key\" : \"" + + "_log\",\n" + "  \"value\" : {\n" + "    \"description\" : \"" + timeStamp + " FORWARDED_REQUEST \",\n" + "    \"style\" : {\n" + "      \"paddingBottom\" : \"4px\",\n" + "      \"whiteSpace\" : \"nowrap\",\n" + "      \"overflow\" : \"auto\",\n" + "      \"color\" : \"rgb(152, 208, 255)\",\n" + "      \"paddingTop\" : \"4px\"\n" + "    },\n" + "    \"messageParts\" : [ {\n" + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_0msg\",\n" + "      \"value\" : \"returning binary response:\"\n" + "    }, {\n" + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_0arg\",\n" + "      \"multiline\" : true,\n" + "      \"argument\" : true,\n" + "      \"value\" : [ \"596f7520626974652075702062656361757365206f6620796f7572206c6f7765\", \"72206a61772e0a4920616d20636f756e74696e67206d792063616c6f72696573\", \"2c207965742049207265616c6c792077616e7420646573736572742e0a546865\", \"206f6c64206170706c6520726576656c7320696e2069747320617574686f7269\", \"74792e0a486520697320676f6f6420617420656174696e67207069636b6c6573\", \"20616e642074656c6c696e6720776f6d656e2061626f75742068697320656d6f\", \"74696f6e616c2070726f626c656d732e0a506c656173652074656c6c206d6520\", \"796f7520646f6e277420776f726b20696e2061206d6f726775652e0a4e6f206d\", \"617474657220686f772062656175746966756c207468652073756e7365742c20\", \"69742073616464656e656420686572206b6e6f77696e67207368652077617320\", \"6f6e6520646179206f6c6465722e0a536865206372696564206469616d6f6e64\", \"732e0a4d79204d756d20747269657320746f20626520636f6f6c206279207361\", \"79696e67207468617420736865206c696b657320616c6c207468652073616d65\", \"207468696e67732074686174204920646f2e0a53686520776f726b732074776f\", \"206a6f627320746f206d616b6520656e6473206d6565743b206174206c656173\", \"742c2074686174207761732068657220726561736f6e20666f72206e6f742068\", \"6176696e672074696d6520746f206a6f696e2075732e0a546865206b6e697665\", \"732077657265206f757420616e642073686520776173207368617270656e696e\", \"6720686572732e\" ]\n" + "    }, {\n" + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_1msg\",\n" + "      \"value\" : \"from:\"\n" + "    }, {\n" + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_1arg\",\n" + "      \"json\" : true,\n" + "      \"argument\" : true,\n" + "      \"value\" : \"\"\n" + "    }, {\n" + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_2msg\",\n" + "      \"value\" : \"for forwarded binary request:\"\n" + "    }, {\n" + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_2arg\",\n" + "      \"json\" : true,\n" + "      \"argument\" : true,\n" + "      \"value\" : [ \"54686520747269636b20746f2067657474696e67206b69647320746f20656174\", \"20616e797468696e6720697320746f207075742063617463687570206f6e2069\", \"742e0a49206c696b6520746f206c6561766520776f726b206166746572206d79\", \"2065696768742d686f7572207465612d627265616b2e0a4865206261726b6564\", \"206f726465727320617420686973206461756768746572732062757420746865\", \"79206a75737420737461726564206261636b207769746820616d7573656d656e\", \"742e0a41732074686520796561727320706173732062792c20776520616c6c20\", \"6b6e6f77206f776e657273206c6f6f6b206d6f726520616e64206d6f7265206c\", \"696b6520746865697220646f67732e0a4974206d757374206265206669766520\", \"6f27636c6f636b20736f6d6577686572652e0a54686520666174686572206469\", \"656420647572696e67206368696c6462697274682e0a48652068616420636f6e\", \"636c7564656420746861742070696773206d7573742062652061626c6520746f\", \"20666c7920696e20486f672048656176656e2e0a546865207065742073686f70\", \"2073746f636b732065766572797468696e6720796f75206e65656420746f206b\", \"65657020796f757220616e61636f6e64612068617070792e0a57652073686f75\", \"6c6420706c61792077697468206c65676f732061742063616d702e0a49742064\", \"6f65736e277420736f756e64206c696b6520746861742077696c6c2065766572\", \"206265206f6e206d792074726176656c206c6973742e\" ]\n" + "    } ]\n" + "  }\n" + "}"));
Also used : DashboardLogEntryDTO(org.mockserver.dashboard.model.DashboardLogEntryDTO) Splitter( InetSocketAddress( CoreMatchers.containsString(org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString) LogEntry(org.mockserver.log.model.LogEntry) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 4 with DashboardLogEntryDTO

use of org.mockserver.dashboard.model.DashboardLogEntryDTO in project mockserver by mock-server.

the class DashboardLogEntryDTOSerializerTest method shouldSerialiseEventWithBecauseArgumentNotMatching.

public void shouldSerialiseEventWithBecauseArgumentNotMatching() throws JsonProcessingException {
    // given
    LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry().setLogLevel(Level.WARN).setEpochTime(epochTime).setType(LogEntry.LogMessageType.TEMPLATE_GENERATED).setMessageFormat("some random{}formatted string{}").setArguments("one", "line one" + NEW_LINE + "line two" + NEW_LINE + "line three").setBecause("other line one" + NEW_LINE + "other line two" + NEW_LINE + "other line three");
    // when
    String json = objectWriter.writeValueAsString(new DashboardLogEntryDTO(logEntry).setDescription(getDescription(logEntry)));
    // then
    assertThat(json, is("{" + NEW_LINE + "  \"key\" : \"" + + "_log\"," + NEW_LINE + "  \"value\" : {" + NEW_LINE + "    \"description\" : \"" + timeStamp + " TEMPLATE_GENERATED \"," + NEW_LINE + "    \"style\" : {" + NEW_LINE + "      \"paddingBottom\" : \"4px\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"whiteSpace\" : \"nowrap\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"overflow\" : \"auto\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"color\" : \"rgb(241, 186, 27)\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"paddingTop\" : \"4px\"" + NEW_LINE + "    }," + NEW_LINE + "    \"messageParts\" : [ {" + NEW_LINE + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_0msg\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"value\" : \"some random\"" + NEW_LINE + "    }, {" + NEW_LINE + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_0arg\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"multiline\" : false," + NEW_LINE + "      \"argument\" : true," + NEW_LINE + "      \"value\" : \"\\\"one\\\"\"" + NEW_LINE + "    }, {" + NEW_LINE + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_1msg\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"value\" : \"formatted string\"" + NEW_LINE + "    }, {" + NEW_LINE + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_1arg\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"multiline\" : true," + NEW_LINE + "      \"argument\" : true," + NEW_LINE + "      \"value\" : [ \"line one\", \"line two\", \"line three\" ]" + NEW_LINE + "    } ]" + NEW_LINE + "  }" + NEW_LINE + "}"));
Also used : DashboardLogEntryDTO(org.mockserver.dashboard.model.DashboardLogEntryDTO) CoreMatchers.containsString(org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString) LogEntry(org.mockserver.log.model.LogEntry) Test(org.junit.Test)

Example 5 with DashboardLogEntryDTO

use of org.mockserver.dashboard.model.DashboardLogEntryDTO in project mockserver by mock-server.

the class DashboardLogEntryDTOSerializerTest method shouldSerialiseEventWithTooFewArguments.

public void shouldSerialiseEventWithTooFewArguments() throws JsonProcessingException {
    // given
    LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry().setLogLevel(Level.WARN).setEpochTime(epochTime).setType(LogEntry.LogMessageType.TEMPLATE_GENERATED).setMessageFormat("some random{}formatted string{}with extra part{}").setArguments("one", "two");
    // when
    String json = objectWriter.writeValueAsString(new DashboardLogEntryDTO(logEntry).setDescription(getDescription(logEntry)));
    // then
    assertThat(json, is("{" + NEW_LINE + "  \"key\" : \"" + + "_log\"," + NEW_LINE + "  \"value\" : {" + NEW_LINE + "    \"description\" : \"" + timeStamp + " TEMPLATE_GENERATED \"," + NEW_LINE + "    \"style\" : {" + NEW_LINE + "      \"paddingBottom\" : \"4px\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"whiteSpace\" : \"nowrap\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"overflow\" : \"auto\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"color\" : \"rgb(241, 186, 27)\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"paddingTop\" : \"4px\"" + NEW_LINE + "    }," + NEW_LINE + "    \"messageParts\" : [ {" + NEW_LINE + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_0msg\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"value\" : \"some random\"" + NEW_LINE + "    }, {" + NEW_LINE + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_0arg\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"multiline\" : false," + NEW_LINE + "      \"argument\" : true," + NEW_LINE + "      \"value\" : \"\\\"one\\\"\"" + NEW_LINE + "    }, {" + NEW_LINE + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_1msg\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"value\" : \"formatted string\"" + NEW_LINE + "    }, {" + NEW_LINE + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_1arg\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"multiline\" : false," + NEW_LINE + "      \"argument\" : true," + NEW_LINE + "      \"value\" : \"\\\"two\\\"\"" + NEW_LINE + "    }, {" + NEW_LINE + "      \"key\" : \"" + + "_2msg\"," + NEW_LINE + "      \"value\" : \"with extra part\"" + NEW_LINE + "    } ]" + NEW_LINE + "  }" + NEW_LINE + "}"));
Also used : DashboardLogEntryDTO(org.mockserver.dashboard.model.DashboardLogEntryDTO) CoreMatchers.containsString(org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString) LogEntry(org.mockserver.log.model.LogEntry) Test(org.junit.Test)


DashboardLogEntryDTO (org.mockserver.dashboard.model.DashboardLogEntryDTO)19 LogEntry (org.mockserver.log.model.LogEntry)17 Test (org.junit.Test)16 CoreMatchers.containsString (org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString)13 DashboardLogEntryDTOGroup (org.mockserver.dashboard.model.DashboardLogEntryDTOGroup)3 HttpRequest (org.mockserver.model.HttpRequest)2 OpenAPIDefinition (org.mockserver.model.OpenAPIDefinition)2 JsonProcessingException (com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException)1 JsonNode (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode)1 ObjectMapper (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper)1 ObjectWriter (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectWriter)1 ObjectNode (com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode)1 VisibleForTesting ( Splitter ( ImmutableMap ( HOST ( ( DefaultHttpHeaders (io.netty.handler.codec.http.DefaultHttpHeaders)1 FullHttpRequest (io.netty.handler.codec.http.FullHttpRequest)1 io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx (io.netty.handler.codec.http.websocketx)1