Search in sources :

Example 26 with MolgenisDataException

use of in project molgenis by molgenis.

the class JobScheduler method runNow.

 * Executes a {@link ScheduledJob} immediately.
 * @param scheduledJobId ID of the {@link ScheduledJob} to run
public synchronized void runNow(String scheduledJobId) {
    ScheduledJob scheduledJob = getJob(scheduledJobId);
    try {
        JobKey jobKey = new JobKey(scheduledJobId, SCHEDULED_JOB_GROUP);
        if (quartzScheduler.checkExists(jobKey)) {
            // Run job now
        } else {
            // Schedule with 'now' trigger
            Trigger trigger = newTrigger().withIdentity(scheduledJobId, SCHEDULED_JOB_GROUP).startNow().build();
            schedule(scheduledJob, trigger);
    } catch (SchedulerException e) {
        LOG.error("Error runNow ScheduledJob", e);
        throw new MolgenisDataException("Error job runNow", e);
Also used : MolgenisDataException( TriggerBuilder.newTrigger(org.quartz.TriggerBuilder.newTrigger) ScheduledJob(

Example 27 with MolgenisDataException

use of in project molgenis by molgenis.

the class PostgreSqlUtils method getPostgreSqlQueryValue.

 * Returns the PostgreSQL query value for the given entity attribute. For query operators requiring a list of
 * values (e.g. IN or RANGE) this method must be called for each individual query value.
 * @param queryValue value of the type that matches the attribute type
 * @param attr       attribute
 * @return PostgreSQL value
static Object getPostgreSqlQueryValue(Object queryValue, Attribute attr) {
    while (true) {
        String attrName = attr.getName();
        AttributeType attrType = attr.getDataType();
        switch(attrType) {
            case BOOL:
                if (queryValue != null && !(queryValue instanceof Boolean)) {
                    throw new MolgenisDataException(format("Attribute [%s] query value is of type [%s] instead of [%s]", attrName, queryValue.getClass().getSimpleName(), Boolean.class.getSimpleName()));
                return queryValue;
            case CATEGORICAL:
            // one query value
            case CATEGORICAL_MREF:
            case FILE:
            // one query value
            case MREF:
            case XREF:
            case ONE_TO_MANY:
                // queries values referencing an entity can either be the entity itself or the entity id
                if (queryValue != null) {
                    if (queryValue instanceof Entity) {
                        queryValue = ((Entity) queryValue).getIdValue();
                    attr = attr.getRefEntity().getIdAttribute();
                } else {
                    return null;
            case DATE:
                if (queryValue != null && !(queryValue instanceof LocalDate)) {
                    throw new MolgenisDataException(format("Attribute [%s] query value is of type [%s] instead of [%s]", attrName, queryValue.getClass().getSimpleName(), LocalDate.class.getSimpleName()));
                return queryValue;
            case DATE_TIME:
                if (queryValue == null) {
                    return null;
                if (!(queryValue instanceof Instant)) {
                    throw new MolgenisDataException(format("Attribute [%s] query value is of type [%s] instead of [%s]", attrName, queryValue.getClass().getSimpleName(), Instant.class.getSimpleName()));
                return ((Instant) queryValue).atOffset(UTC);
            case DECIMAL:
                if (queryValue != null && !(queryValue instanceof Double)) {
                    throw new MolgenisDataException(format("Attribute [%s] query value is of type [%s] instead of [%s]", attrName, queryValue.getClass().getSimpleName(), Double.class.getSimpleName()));
                return queryValue;
            case ENUM:
                // enum query values can be an enum or enum string
                if (queryValue != null) {
                    if (queryValue instanceof String) {
                        return queryValue;
                    } else if (queryValue instanceof Enum<?>) {
                        return queryValue.toString();
                    } else {
                        throw new MolgenisDataException(format("Attribute [%s] query value is of type [%s] instead of [%s] or [%s]", attrName, queryValue.getClass().getSimpleName(), String.class.getSimpleName(), Enum.class.getSimpleName()));
                } else {
                    return null;
            case EMAIL:
            case HTML:
            case HYPERLINK:
            case SCRIPT:
            case STRING:
            case TEXT:
                if (queryValue != null && !(queryValue instanceof String)) {
                    throw new MolgenisDataException(format("Attribute [%s] query value is of type [%s] instead of [%s]", attrName, queryValue.getClass().getSimpleName(), String.class.getSimpleName()));
                return queryValue;
            case INT:
                if (queryValue != null && !(queryValue instanceof Integer)) {
                    throw new MolgenisDataException(format("Attribute [%s] query value is of type [%s] instead of [%s]", attrName, queryValue.getClass().getSimpleName(), Integer.class.getSimpleName()));
                return queryValue;
            case LONG:
                if (queryValue != null && !(queryValue instanceof Long)) {
                    throw new MolgenisDataException(format("Attribute [%s] query value is of type [%s] instead of [%s]", attrName, queryValue.getClass().getSimpleName(), Long.class.getSimpleName()));
                return queryValue;
            case COMPOUND:
                throw new RuntimeException(format("Illegal attribute type [%s]", attrType.toString()));
                throw new UnexpectedEnumException(attrType);
Also used : Entity( Instant(java.time.Instant) LocalDate(java.time.LocalDate) UnexpectedEnumException(org.molgenis.util.UnexpectedEnumException) MolgenisDataException( AttributeType(

Example 28 with MolgenisDataException

use of in project molgenis by molgenis.

the class MappingProjectRepositoryImpl method update.

public void update(MappingProject mappingProject) {
    MappingProject existing = getMappingProject(mappingProject.getIdentifier());
    if (existing == null) {
        throw new MolgenisDataException("MappingProject does not exist");
    Entity mappingProjectEntity = toEntity(mappingProject);
    dataService.update(MAPPING_PROJECT, mappingProjectEntity);
Also used : MappingProject(org.molgenis.semanticmapper.mapping.model.MappingProject) DynamicEntity( Entity( MolgenisDataException( Transactional(org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional)

Example 29 with MolgenisDataException

use of in project molgenis by molgenis.

the class FileRepositoryCollectionFactory method createFileRepositoryCollection.

 * Factory method for creating a new FileRepositorySource
 * <p>
 * For example an excel file
public FileRepositoryCollection createFileRepositoryCollection(File file) {
    Class<? extends FileRepositoryCollection> clazz;
    String extension = FileExtensionUtils.findExtensionFromPossibilities(file.getName(), fileRepositoryCollection.keySet());
    clazz = fileRepositoryCollection.get(extension);
    if (clazz == null) {
        throw new MolgenisDataException("Unknown extension for file '" + file.getName() + "'");
    Constructor<? extends FileRepositoryCollection> ctor;
    try {
        ctor = clazz.getConstructor(File.class);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new MolgenisDataException("Exception creating [" + clazz + "]  missing constructor FileRepositorySource(File file)");
    FileRepositoryCollection fileRepositoryCollection = BeanUtils.instantiateClass(ctor, file);
    autowireCapableBeanFactory.autowireBeanProperties(fileRepositoryCollection, AutowireCapableBeanFactory.AUTOWIRE_BY_TYPE, false);
    try {
    } catch (IOException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);
    return fileRepositoryCollection;
Also used : MolgenisDataException( FileRepositoryCollection( IOException( File( IOException( MolgenisDataException(

Example 30 with MolgenisDataException

use of in project molgenis by molgenis.

the class ImportRunService method createAndSendStatusMail.

private void createAndSendStatusMail(ImportRun importRun) {
    try {
        SimpleMailMessage mailMessage = new SimpleMailMessage();
        mailMessage.setText(createEnglishMailText(importRun, ZoneId.systemDefault()));
    } catch (MailException mce) {
        LOG.error("Could not send import status mail", mce);
        throw new MolgenisDataException("An error occurred. Please contact the administrator.");
Also used : MolgenisDataException( SimpleMailMessage(org.springframework.mail.SimpleMailMessage) MailException(org.springframework.mail.MailException)


MolgenisDataException ( Entity ( Attribute ( EntityType ( Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)7 IOException ( List (java.util.List)6 DynamicEntity ( File ( AttributeType ( UnexpectedEnumException (org.molgenis.util.UnexpectedEnumException)5 Instant (java.time.Instant)4 LocalDate (java.time.LocalDate)4 Collectors.toList ( DataService ( RepositoryCollection ( String.format (java.lang.String.format)3 DateTimeParseException (java.time.format.DateTimeParseException)3 Map (java.util.Map)3 Stream (