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Example 11 with AttributeType

use of in project molgenis by molgenis.

the class QueryGenerator method createQueryClauseLike.

private QueryBuilder createQueryClauseLike(QueryRule queryRule, EntityType entityType) {
    List<Attribute> attributePath = getAttributePath(queryRule.getField(), entityType);
    Attribute attr = attributePath.get(attributePath.size() - 1);
    Object queryValue = getQueryValue(attr, queryRule.getValue());
    String fieldName = getQueryFieldName(attributePath);
    AttributeType attrType = attr.getDataType();
    switch(attrType) {
        case EMAIL:
        case ENUM:
        case HYPERLINK:
        case STRING:
            return nestedQueryBuilder(attributePath, QueryBuilders.matchPhrasePrefixQuery(fieldName, queryValue).maxExpansions(50).slop(10).analyzer(DEFAULT_ANALYZER));
        case BOOL:
        case COMPOUND:
        case DATE:
        case DATE_TIME:
        case DECIMAL:
        case INT:
        case LONG:
            throw new MolgenisQueryException(format("Illegal data type [%s] for operator [%s]", attrType, LIKE));
        case CATEGORICAL:
        case CATEGORICAL_MREF:
        case FILE:
        // due to size would result in large amount of ngrams
        case HTML:
        case MREF:
        case ONE_TO_MANY:
        // due to size would result in large amount of ngrams
        case SCRIPT:
        // due to size would result in large amount of ngrams
        case TEXT:
        case XREF:
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(format("Unsupported data type [%s] for operator [%s]", attrType, LIKE));
            throw new UnexpectedEnumException(attrType);
Also used : UnexpectedEnumException(org.molgenis.util.UnexpectedEnumException) Attribute( AttributeType(

Example 12 with AttributeType

use of in project molgenis by molgenis.

the class AggregationGenerator method getAggregateFieldName.

private String getAggregateFieldName(Attribute attr) {
    String fieldName = documentIdGenerator.generateId(attr);
    AttributeType dataType = attr.getDataType();
    switch(dataType) {
        case BOOL:
        case INT:
        case LONG:
        case DECIMAL:
            return fieldName;
        case DATE:
        case DATE_TIME:
        case EMAIL:
        case ENUM:
        case HTML:
        case HYPERLINK:
        case SCRIPT:
        case STRING:
        case TEXT:
            // use non-analyzed field
            return fieldName + '.' + FieldConstants.FIELD_NOT_ANALYZED;
        case CATEGORICAL:
        case CATEGORICAL_MREF:
        case XREF:
        case MREF:
        case FILE:
        case ONE_TO_MANY:
            // use id attribute of nested field
            return fieldName + '.' + getAggregateFieldName(attr.getRefEntity().getIdAttribute());
        case COMPOUND:
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
            throw new UnexpectedEnumException(dataType);
Also used : UnexpectedEnumException(org.molgenis.util.UnexpectedEnumException) AttributeType(

Example 13 with AttributeType

use of in project molgenis by molgenis.

the class OneClickImporterServiceTest method testCastType.

public void testCastType() {
    Object value = 1;
    AttributeType type = INT;
    Object casted = oneClickImporterService.castValueAsAttributeType(value, type);
    assertTrue(casted instanceof Integer);
    value = 1.0;
    type = INT;
    casted = oneClickImporterService.castValueAsAttributeType(value, type);
    assertTrue(casted instanceof Integer);
    value = "1";
    type = INT;
    casted = oneClickImporterService.castValueAsAttributeType(value, type);
    assertTrue(casted instanceof Integer);
    value = "1";
    type = STRING;
    casted = oneClickImporterService.castValueAsAttributeType(value, type);
    assertTrue(casted instanceof String);
    Long myLong = (long) Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1;
    value = myLong;
    type = LONG;
    casted = oneClickImporterService.castValueAsAttributeType(value, type);
    assertTrue(casted instanceof Long);
    Double myDouble = (double) Long.MAX_VALUE + 1;
    value = myDouble;
    type = DECIMAL;
    casted = oneClickImporterService.castValueAsAttributeType(value, type);
    assertTrue(casted instanceof Double);
    value = "1.1";
    type = DECIMAL;
    casted = oneClickImporterService.castValueAsAttributeType(value, type);
    assertTrue(casted instanceof Double);
    value = 1.1;
    type = STRING;
    casted = oneClickImporterService.castValueAsAttributeType(value, type);
    assertTrue(casted instanceof String);
    value = 1L;
    type = STRING;
    casted = oneClickImporterService.castValueAsAttributeType(value, type);
    assertTrue(casted instanceof String);
    value = 1.1D;
    type = STRING;
    casted = oneClickImporterService.castValueAsAttributeType(value, type);
    assertTrue(casted instanceof String);
    value = true;
    type = STRING;
    casted = oneClickImporterService.castValueAsAttributeType(value, type);
    assertTrue(casted instanceof String);
    value = "2018-01-03T00:00";
    type = DATE;
    casted = oneClickImporterService.castValueAsAttributeType(value, type);
    assertTrue(casted instanceof LocalDate);
Also used : AttributeType( LocalDate(java.time.LocalDate) Test(org.testng.annotations.Test)

Example 14 with AttributeType

use of in project molgenis by molgenis.

the class AttributeTypeServiceImpl method guessAttributeType.

public AttributeType guessAttributeType(List<Object> dataValues) {
    boolean guessCompleted = false;
    int rowCount = dataValues.size();
    int currentRowIndex = 0;
    AttributeType currentGuess = getBasicAttributeType(dataValues.get(0));
    currentGuess = getEnrichedType(currentGuess, dataValues.get(currentRowIndex));
    while (currentRowIndex < rowCount && !guessCompleted) {
        Object value = dataValues.get(currentRowIndex);
        AttributeType basicType = getBasicAttributeType(value);
        AttributeType basicTypeGuess = getCommonType(currentGuess, basicType);
        AttributeType enrichedTypeGuess = getEnrichedType(basicTypeGuess, value);
        // e.g. a long does not fit into an integer
        if (isBroader(enrichedTypeGuess, currentGuess)) {
            currentGuess = enrichedTypeGuess;
        // If a guess is TEXT, there is no other type option suitable
        if (TEXT.equals(currentGuess)) {
            guessCompleted = true;
    if (currentGuess == null) {
        currentGuess = STRING;
    return currentGuess;
Also used : AttributeType(

Example 15 with AttributeType

use of in project molgenis by molgenis.

the class EntityServiceImpl method createEntityType.

public EntityType createEntityType(DataCollection dataCollection, String packageName) {
    String entityTypeId = idGenerator.generateId();
    // Create a dataTable
    EntityType entityType = entityTypeFactory.create(); package_ = metaDataService.getPackage(packageName);
    if (package_ == null) {
        package_ = packageFactory.create(packageName);
    // Check if first column can be used as id ( has unique values )
    List<Column> columns = dataCollection.getColumns();
    Column firstColumn = columns.get(0);
    final boolean isFirstColumnUnique = oneClickImporterService.hasUniqueValues(firstColumn);
    AttributeType type = attributeTypeService.guessAttributeType(firstColumn.getDataValues());
    final boolean isValidAttributeType = getValidIdAttributeTypes().contains(type);
    final boolean useAutoId = !isFirstColumnUnique || !isValidAttributeType;
    Attribute idAttribute = useAutoId ? createIdAttribute() : createAttribute(firstColumn);
    entityType.addAttribute(idAttribute, ROLE_ID);
    // Add all columns to the dataTable
    columns.forEach(column -> {
        if (useAutoId || column != firstColumn) {
            Attribute attribute = createAttribute(column);
    // Store the dataTable (metadata only)
    // TODO: the user who adds/owns should get WRITE META always.
    List<Entity> rows = newArrayList();
    int numberOfRows = dataCollection.getColumns().get(0).getDataValues().size();
    for (int index = 0; index < numberOfRows; index++) {
        Entity row = entityManager.create(entityType, NO_POPULATE);
        if (useAutoId) {
        for (Column column : columns) {
            setRowValueForAttribute(row, index, column);
    return entityType;
Also used : Entity( Column(org.molgenis.oneclickimporter.model.Column) AttributeType(


AttributeType ( Attribute ( UnexpectedEnumException (org.molgenis.util.UnexpectedEnumException)24 LocalDate (java.time.LocalDate)11 Instant (java.time.Instant)10 Entity ( EntityType ( DataProvider (org.testng.annotations.DataProvider)7 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)5 MolgenisDataException ( Maps.newHashMap ( String.format (java.lang.String.format)2 Collectors.toList ( Test (org.testng.annotations.Test)2 ImmutableMap ( Maps.newLinkedHashMap ( UTC (java.time.ZoneOffset.UTC)1 ChronoUnit (java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit)1 Collection (java.util.Collection)1 Iterator (java.util.Iterator)1