use of org.motechproject.osgi.web.tracker.internal.UIServiceTracker in project motech by motech.
the class UIServiceTrackers method removeTrackerFor.
* Closes and removes the {@link UIServiceTracker} for the bundle.
* @param bundle the bundle to remove the tracker for
* @return the closed and removed tracker
public UIServiceTracker removeTrackerFor(Bundle bundle) {
String symbolicName = bundle.getSymbolicName();
LOGGER.debug("Removing tracker for: {}", symbolicName);
UIServiceTracker removedTracker = trackers.remove(symbolicName);
if (removedTracker != null) {
LOGGER.debug("Tracker for {} was closed", symbolicName);
} else {
LOGGER.debug("No tracker registered for {}", symbolicName);
return removedTracker;
use of org.motechproject.osgi.web.tracker.internal.UIServiceTracker in project motech by motech.
the class UIServiceTrackers method addTrackerFor.
* Creates a {@link UIServiceTracker} for the given bundle. The {@link org.motechproject.osgi.web.ModuleRegistrationData}
* from the provided Spring context of the bundle will be used for registering the UI.
* @param bundle the bundle to create the tracker for
* @param applicationContext the Spring context of the bundle
* @return the newly created {@link UIServiceTracker} instance
public UIServiceTracker addTrackerFor(Bundle bundle, ApplicationContext applicationContext) {
if (!applicationContext.containsBean(MODULE_REGISTRATION_DATA)) {
LOGGER.warn("Bean moduleRegistrationData not found in {}", nullSafeSymbolicName(bundle));
return null;
LOGGER.debug("Bean moduleRegistrationData found for bundle {}", nullSafeSymbolicName(bundle));
ModuleRegistrationData moduleRegistrationData = (ModuleRegistrationData) applicationContext.getBean(MODULE_REGISTRATION_DATA);
final UIServiceTracker uiServiceTracker = new UIServiceTracker(bundle.getBundleContext(), moduleRegistrationData);
trackers.put(nullSafeSymbolicName(bundle), uiServiceTracker);
LOGGER.debug("UI Service Tracker registered for {}", nullSafeSymbolicName(bundle));
return uiServiceTracker;