use of org.mule.mvel2.PropertyAccessException in project drools by kiegroup.
the class SecurityPolicyTest method testAccumulateFunctionMVEL.
public void testAccumulateFunctionMVEL() throws Exception {
String drl = "package\n" + "import " + MaliciousExitHelper.class.getName().replace('$', '.') + " \n" + "rule testRule dialect \"mvel\" \n" + " when\n" + " Number() from accumulate(Object(), " + " sum(MaliciousExitHelper.exit()))\n" + " then\n" + "end";
try {
KieServices ks = KieServices.Factory.get();
KieFileSystem kfs = ks.newKieFileSystem().write(ResourceFactory.newByteArrayResource(drl.getBytes()).setSourcePath("org/foo/bar/r1.drl"));
ReleaseId releaseId = ks.getRepository().getDefaultReleaseId();
KieContainer kc = ks.newKieContainer(releaseId);
KieSession ksession = kc.newKieSession();
ksession.fireAllRules();"The security policy for the rule should have prevented this from executing...");
} catch (PropertyAccessException e) {
// weak way of testing but couldn't find a better way
if (e.toString().contains("The security policy should have prevented")) {"The security policy for the rule should have prevented this from executing...");
} else {
// test succeeded
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e.toString().contains("access denied (\"java.lang.RuntimePermission\" \"exitVM.0\")")) {
// test succeeded
} else {
throw e;
use of org.mule.mvel2.PropertyAccessException in project drools by kiegroup.
the class SecurityPolicyTest method testCustomAccumulateMVEL.
public void testCustomAccumulateMVEL() throws Exception {
String drl = "package\n" + "rule testRule dialect \"mvel\" \n" + " when\n" + " Number() from accumulate(Object(), " + " init(System.exit(-1);), " + " action(System.exit(-1);), " + " reverse(System.exit(-1);), " + " result(0))\n" + " then\n" + "end";
try {
KieServices ks = KieServices.Factory.get();
KieFileSystem kfs = ks.newKieFileSystem().write(ResourceFactory.newByteArrayResource(drl.getBytes()).setSourcePath("org/foo/bar/r1.drl"));
ReleaseId releaseId = ks.getRepository().getDefaultReleaseId();
KieContainer kc = ks.newKieContainer(releaseId);
KieSession ksession = kc.newKieSession();
ksession.fireAllRules();"The security policy for the rule should have prevented this from executing...");
} catch (PropertyAccessException e) {
// weak way of testing but couldn't find a better way
if (e.toString().contains("The security policy should have prevented")) {"The security policy for the rule should have prevented this from executing...");
} else {
// test succeeded
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e.toString().contains("access denied (\"java.lang.RuntimePermission\" \"exitVM.-1\")")) {
// test succeeded
} else {
throw e;
use of org.mule.mvel2.PropertyAccessException in project drools by kiegroup.
the class SecurityPolicyTest method testAccumulateFunctionJava.
public void testAccumulateFunctionJava() throws Exception {
String drl = "package\n" + "import " + MaliciousExitHelper.class.getName().replace('$', '.') + " \n" + "rule testRule dialect \"java\" \n" + " when\n" + " Number() from accumulate(Object(), " + " sum(MaliciousExitHelper.exit()))\n" + " then\n" + "end";
try {
KieServices ks = KieServices.Factory.get();
KieFileSystem kfs = ks.newKieFileSystem().write(ResourceFactory.newByteArrayResource(drl.getBytes()).setSourcePath("org/foo/bar/r1.drl"));
ReleaseId releaseId = ks.getRepository().getDefaultReleaseId();
KieContainer kc = ks.newKieContainer(releaseId);
KieSession ksession = kc.newKieSession();
ksession.fireAllRules();"The security policy for the rule should have prevented this from executing...");
} catch (PropertyAccessException e) {
// weak way of testing but couldn't find a better way
if (e.toString().contains("The security policy should have prevented")) {"The security policy for the rule should have prevented this from executing...");
} else {
// test succeeded
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e.toString().contains("access denied (\"java.lang.RuntimePermission\" \"exitVM.0\")")) {
// test succeeded
} else {
throw e;
use of org.mule.mvel2.PropertyAccessException in project mvel by mvel.
the class ReflectiveAccessorOptimizer method compileGetChain.
private Accessor compileGetChain() {
Object curr = ctx;
cursor = start;
try {
while (cursor < end) {
switch(nextSubToken()) {
case BEAN:
curr = getBeanProperty(curr, capture());
case METH:
curr = getMethod(curr, capture());
case COL:
curr = getCollectionProperty(curr, capture());
case WITH:
curr = getWithProperty(curr);
case DONE:
first = false;
if (curr != null)
returnType = curr.getClass();
if (cursor < end) {
if (nullSafe) {
int os = expr[cursor] == '.' ? 1 : 0;
addAccessorNode(new NullSafe(expr, cursor + os, length - cursor - os, pCtx));
if (curr == null)
if (curr == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
staticAccess = false;
} else {
while (cursor < end) {
switch(nextSubToken()) {
case BEAN:
curr = getBeanPropertyAO(curr, capture());
case METH:
curr = getMethod(curr, capture());
case COL:
curr = getCollectionPropertyAO(curr, capture());
case WITH:
curr = getWithProperty(curr);
case DONE:
first = false;
if (curr != null)
returnType = curr.getClass();
if (cursor < end) {
if (nullSafe) {
int os = expr[cursor] == '.' ? 1 : 0;
addAccessorNode(new NullSafe(expr, cursor + os, length - cursor - os, pCtx));
if (curr == null)
if (curr == null)
throw new NullPointerException();
staticAccess = false;
val = curr;
return rootNode;
} catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
if (e.getTargetException() instanceof RuntimeException) {
throw (RuntimeException) e.getTargetException();
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
throw new PropertyAccessException(new String(expr, start, length) + ": " + e.getTargetException().getMessage(), this.expr,, e, pCtx);
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
throw new PropertyAccessException(new String(expr, start, length) + ": " + e.getMessage(), this.expr,, e, pCtx);
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new PropertyAccessException(new String(expr, start, length) + ": array index out of bounds.", this.expr,, e, pCtx);
} catch (CompileException e) {
throw e;
} catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new PropertyAccessException("null pointer: " + new String(expr, start, length), this.expr,, e, pCtx);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new CompileException(e.getMessage(), this.expr, st, e);
use of org.mule.mvel2.PropertyAccessException in project mvel by mvel.
the class ASMAccessorOptimizer method getBeanProperty.
private Object getBeanProperty(Object ctx, String property) throws IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException {
assert debug("\n ** ENTER -> {bean: " + property + "; ctx=" + ctx + "}");
if ((pCtx == null ? currType : pCtx.getVarOrInputTypeOrNull(property)) == Object.class && !pCtx.isStrongTyping()) {
currType = null;
if (returnType != null && returnType.isPrimitive()) {
// noinspection unchecked
boolean classRef = false;
Class<?> cls;
if (ctx instanceof Class) {
ldcClassConstant((Class<?>) ctx);
return ctx;
cls = (Class<?>) ctx;
classRef = true;
} else if (ctx != null) {
cls = ctx.getClass();
} else {
cls = null;
if (hasPropertyHandler(cls)) {
PropertyHandler prop = getPropertyHandler(cls);
if (prop instanceof ProducesBytecode) {
((ProducesBytecode) prop).produceBytecodeGet(mv, property, variableFactory);
return prop.getProperty(property, ctx, variableFactory);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("unable to compileShared: custom accessor does not support producing bytecode: " + prop.getClass().getName());
Member member = cls != null ? getFieldOrAccessor(cls, property) : null;
if (member != null && classRef && (member.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) {
member = null;
if (member != null && hasGetListeners()) {
mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1);
mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 3);
mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESTATIC, NAMESPACE + "integration/GlobalListenerFactory", "notifyGetListeners", "(Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;L" + NAMESPACE + "integration/VariableResolverFactory;)V");
notifyGetListeners(ctx, member.getName(), variableFactory);
if (first) {
if ("this".equals(property)) {
assert debug("ALOAD 2");
mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 2);
return thisRef;
} else if (variableFactory != null && variableFactory.isResolveable(property)) {
if (variableFactory.isIndexedFactory() && variableFactory.isTarget(property)) {
int idx;
try {
loadVariableByIndex(idx = variableFactory.variableIndexOf(property));
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new OptimizationFailure(property);
return variableFactory.getIndexedVariableResolver(idx).getValue();
} else {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new OptimizationFailure("critical error in JIT", e);
return variableFactory.getVariableResolver(property).getValue();
} else {
assert debug("ALOAD 1");
mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1);
if (member instanceof Field) {
return optimizeFieldMethodProperty(ctx, property, cls, member);
} else if (member != null) {
Object o;
if (first) {
assert debug("ALOAD 1 (B)");
mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1);
try {
o = ((Method) member).invoke(ctx, EMPTYARG);
if (returnType != member.getDeclaringClass()) {
assert debug("CHECKCAST " + getInternalName(member.getDeclaringClass()));
mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, getInternalName(member.getDeclaringClass()));
returnType = ((Method) member).getReturnType();
assert debug("INVOKEVIRTUAL " + member.getName() + ":" + returnType);
mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEVIRTUAL, getInternalName(member.getDeclaringClass()), member.getName(), getMethodDescriptor((Method) member));
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
Method iFaceMeth = determineActualTargetMethod((Method) member);
if (iFaceMeth == null)
throw new PropertyAccessException("could not access field: " + cls.getName() + "." + property, expr, st, e, pCtx);
assert debug("CHECKCAST " + getInternalName(iFaceMeth.getDeclaringClass()));
mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, getInternalName(iFaceMeth.getDeclaringClass()));
returnType = iFaceMeth.getReturnType();
assert debug("INVOKEINTERFACE " + member.getName() + ":" + returnType);
mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEINTERFACE, getInternalName(iFaceMeth.getDeclaringClass()), member.getName(), getMethodDescriptor((Method) member));
o = iFaceMeth.invoke(ctx, EMPTYARG);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
if (member.getDeclaringClass().equals(ctx)) {
try {
Class c = Class.forName(member.getDeclaringClass().getName() + "$" + property);
throw new CompileException("name collision between innerclass: " + c.getCanonicalName() + "; and bean accessor: " + property + " (" + member.toString() + ")", expr, tkStart);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e2) {
// fallthru
throw e;
if (hasNullPropertyHandler()) {
if (o == null)
o = getNullPropertyHandler().getProperty(member.getName(), ctx, variableFactory);
writeOutNullHandler(member, 0);
currType = toNonPrimitiveType(returnType);
return o;
} else if (ctx instanceof Map && (((Map) ctx).containsKey(property) || nullSafe)) {
assert debug("CHECKCAST java/util/Map");
mv.visitTypeInsn(CHECKCAST, "java/util/Map");
assert debug("LDC: \"" + property + "\"");
assert debug("INVOKEINTERFACE: get");
mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEINTERFACE, "java/util/Map", "get", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Ljava/lang/Object;");
return ((Map) ctx).get(property);
} else if (first && "this".equals(property)) {
assert debug("ALOAD 2");
// load the thisRef value.
mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 2);
return this.thisRef;
} else if ("length".equals(property) && ctx.getClass().isArray()) {
assert debug("ARRAYLENGTH");
return getLength(ctx);
} else if (LITERALS.containsKey(property)) {
Object lit = LITERALS.get(property);
if (lit instanceof Class) {
ldcClassConstant((Class) lit);
return lit;
} else {
Object ts = tryStaticAccess();
if (ts != null) {
if (ts instanceof Class) {
ldcClassConstant((Class) ts);
return ts;
} else if (ts instanceof Method) {
writeFunctionPointerStub(((Method) ts).getDeclaringClass(), (Method) ts);
return ts;
} else {
Field f = (Field) ts;
return optimizeFieldMethodProperty(ctx, property, cls, f);
} else if (ctx instanceof Class) {
* This is our ugly support for function pointers. This works but needs to be re-thought out at some
* point.
Class c = (Class) ctx;
for (Method m : c.getMethods()) {
if (property.equals(m.getName())) {
if (pCtx != null && pCtx.getParserConfiguration() != null ? pCtx.getParserConfiguration().isAllowNakedMethCall() : MVEL.COMPILER_OPT_ALLOW_NAKED_METH_CALL) {
assert debug("POP");
assert debug("INVOKESTATIC " + m.getName());
mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESTATIC, getInternalName(m.getDeclaringClass()), m.getName(), getMethodDescriptor(m));
returnType = m.getReturnType();
return m.invoke(null, EMPTY_OBJ_ARR);
} else {
writeFunctionPointerStub(c, m);
return m;
try {
Class subClass = findClass(variableFactory, c.getName() + "$" + property, pCtx);
return subClass;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
// fall through.
} else if (pCtx != null && pCtx.getParserConfiguration() != null ? pCtx.getParserConfiguration().isAllowNakedMethCall() : MVEL.COMPILER_OPT_ALLOW_NAKED_METH_CALL) {
return getMethod(ctx, property);
if (ctx == null) {
throw new PropertyAccessException("unresolvable property or identifier: " + property, expr, st, pCtx);
} else {
throw new PropertyAccessException("could not access: " + property + "; in class: " + ctx.getClass().getName(), expr, st, pCtx);