use of org.mule.mvel2.ast.Function in project mvel by mikebrock.
the class ReflectiveAccessorOptimizer method getMethod.
* Find an appropriate method, execute it, and return it's response.
* @param ctx -
* @param name -
* @return -
* @throws Exception -
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
private Object getMethod(Object ctx, String name) throws Exception {
int st = cursor;
String tk = cursor != end && expr[cursor] == '(' && ((cursor = balancedCapture(expr, cursor, '(')) - st) > 1 ? new String(expr, st + 1, cursor - st - 1) : "";
Object[] args;
Class[] argTypes;
ExecutableStatement[] es;
if (tk.length() == 0) {
args = ParseTools.EMPTY_OBJ_ARR;
argTypes = ParseTools.EMPTY_CLS_ARR;
es = null;
} else {
List<char[]> subtokens = parseParameterList(tk.toCharArray(), 0, -1);
es = new ExecutableStatement[subtokens.size()];
args = new Object[subtokens.size()];
argTypes = new Class[subtokens.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < subtokens.size(); i++) {
try {
args[i] = (es[i] = (ExecutableStatement) subCompileExpression(subtokens.get(i), pCtx)).getValue(this.thisRef, thisRef, variableFactory);
} catch (CompileException e) {
throw ErrorUtil.rewriteIfNeeded(e, this.expr, this.start);
if (es[i].isExplicitCast())
argTypes[i] = es[i].getKnownEgressType();
if (pCtx.isStrictTypeEnforcement()) {
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
argTypes[i] = es[i].getKnownEgressType();
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (argTypes[i] != null)
if (es[i].getKnownEgressType() == Object.class) {
argTypes[i] = args[i] == null ? null : args[i].getClass();
} else {
argTypes[i] = es[i].getKnownEgressType();
if (first && variableFactory != null && variableFactory.isResolveable(name)) {
Object ptr = variableFactory.getVariableResolver(name).getValue();
if (ptr instanceof Method) {
ctx = ((Method) ptr).getDeclaringClass();
name = ((Method) ptr).getName();
} else if (ptr instanceof MethodStub) {
ctx = ((MethodStub) ptr).getClassReference();
name = ((MethodStub) ptr).getMethodName();
} else if (ptr instanceof Function) {
Function func = (Function) ptr;
if (!name.equals(func.getName())) {
getBeanProperty(ctx, name);
addAccessorNode(new DynamicFunctionAccessor(es));
} else {
addAccessorNode(new FunctionAccessor((Function) ptr, es));
return ((Function) ptr).call(ctx, thisRef, variableFactory, args);
} else {
throw new OptimizationFailure("attempt to optimize a method call for a reference that does not point to a method: " + name + " (reference is type: " + (ctx != null ? ctx.getClass().getName() : null) + ")");
first = false;
if (ctx == null) {
throw new PropertyAccessException("null pointer or function not found: " + name, this.expr, this.start);
boolean classTarget = false;
Class<?> cls = currType != null ? currType : ((classTarget = ctx instanceof Class) ? (Class<?>) ctx : ctx.getClass());
currType = null;
Method m;
Class[] parameterTypes = null;
if ((m = getBestCandidate(argTypes, name, cls, cls.getMethods(), false, classTarget)) != null) {
parameterTypes = m.getParameterTypes();
if (m == null && classTarget) {
* If we didn't find anything, maybe we're looking for the actual java.lang.Class methods.
if ((m = getBestCandidate(argTypes, name, cls, Class.class.getMethods(), false)) != null) {
parameterTypes = m.getParameterTypes();
if (m == null) {
StringAppender errorBuild = new StringAppender();
if ("size".equals(name) && args.length == 0 && cls.isArray()) {
addAccessorNode(new ArrayLength());
return getLength(ctx);
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
errorBuild.append(args[i] != null ? args[i].getClass().getName() : null);
if (i < args.length - 1)
errorBuild.append(", ");
throw new PropertyAccessException("unable to resolve method: " + cls.getName() + "." + name + "(" + errorBuild.toString() + ") [arglength=" + args.length + "]", this.expr,;
} else {
if (es != null) {
ExecutableStatement cExpr;
for (int i = 0; i < es.length; i++) {
cExpr = (ExecutableStatement) es[i];
if (cExpr.getKnownIngressType() == null) {
if (!cExpr.isConvertableIngressEgress()) {
args[i] = convert(args[i], parameterTypes[i]);
} else {
* Coerce any types if required.
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) args[i] = convert(args[i], parameterTypes[i]);
Object o = getWidenedTarget(m).invoke(ctx, args);
if (hasNullMethodHandler()) {
addAccessorNode(new MethodAccessorNH(getWidenedTarget(m), (ExecutableStatement[]) es, getNullMethodHandler()));
if (o == null)
o = getNullMethodHandler().getProperty(m.getName(), ctx, variableFactory);
} else {
addAccessorNode(new MethodAccessor(getWidenedTarget(m), (ExecutableStatement[]) es));
* return the response.
return o;
use of org.mule.mvel2.ast.Function in project mvel by mikebrock.
the class FunctionParser method parse.
public Function parse() {
int start = cursor;
int startCond = 0;
int endCond = 0;
int blockStart;
int blockEnd;
int end = cursor + length;
cursor = ParseTools.captureToNextTokenJunction(expr, cursor, end, pCtx);
if (expr[cursor = ParseTools.nextNonBlank(expr, cursor)] == '(') {
* If we discover an opening bracket after the function name, we check to see
* if this function accepts parameters.
endCond = cursor = balancedCaptureWithLineAccounting(expr, startCond = cursor, end, '(', pCtx);
cursor = ParseTools.skipWhitespace(expr, cursor);
if (cursor >= end) {
throw new CompileException("incomplete statement", expr, cursor);
} else if (expr[cursor] == '{') {
blockEnd = cursor = balancedCaptureWithLineAccounting(expr, blockStart = cursor, end, '{', pCtx);
} else {
blockStart = cursor - 1;
cursor = ParseTools.captureToEOS(expr, cursor, end, pCtx);
blockEnd = cursor;
} else {
* This function has not parameters.
if (expr[cursor] == '{') {
* This function is bracketed. We capture the entire range in the brackets.
blockEnd = cursor = balancedCaptureWithLineAccounting(expr, blockStart = cursor, end, '{', pCtx);
} else {
* This is a single statement function declaration. We only capture the statement.
blockStart = cursor - 1;
cursor = ParseTools.captureToEOS(expr, cursor, end, pCtx);
blockEnd = cursor;
* Trim any whitespace from the captured block range.
blockStart = ParseTools.trimRight(expr, start, blockStart + 1);
blockEnd = ParseTools.trimLeft(expr, start, blockEnd);
* Check if the function is manually terminated.
if (splitAccumulator != null && ParseTools.isStatementNotManuallyTerminated(expr, cursor)) {
* Add an EndOfStatement to the split accumulator in the parser.
splitAccumulator.add(new EndOfStatement());
* Produce the funciton node.
return new Function(name, expr, startCond, endCond - startCond, blockStart, blockEnd - blockStart, fields, pCtx == null ? pCtx = AbstractParser.getCurrentThreadParserContext() : pCtx);