use of org.mvel2.ast.Function in project BroadleafCommerce by BroadleafCommerce.
the class MVELTest method testOfferAppliesToFulfillmentGroup.
// @Test
// No longer a valid test
// public void testMarkLawnmowerWhenOfferAppliesToHats() {
// OrderImpl order = new OrderImpl();
// ArrayList<OrderItem> items = new ArrayList<OrderItem>();
// order.setOrderItems(items);
// DiscreteOrderItemImpl item = new DiscreteOrderItemImpl();
// Money amount = new Money(10D);
// items.add(item);
// item.setSalePrice(amount);
// ProductImpl product = new ProductImpl();
// CategoryImpl category = new CategoryImpl();
// category.setName("hat");
// product.setDefaultCategory(category);
// item.setProduct(product);
// item.setQuantity(3);
// DiscreteOrderItemImpl item2 = new DiscreteOrderItemImpl();
// Money amount2 = new Money(250D);
// items.add(item2);
// item2.setSalePrice(amount2);
// ProductImpl product2 = new ProductImpl();
// CategoryImpl category2 = new CategoryImpl();
// category2.setName("lawnmower");
// product2.setDefaultCategory(category2);
// item2.setProduct(product2);
// item2.setQuantity(1);
// HashMap<String, Object> vars = new HashMap<String, Object>();
// vars.put("currentItem", item);
// vars.put("order", order);
// vars.put("doMark", true);
// //This test makes use of the static MVEL function "orderContains(quantity)".
// StringBuffer expression = new StringBuffer(functions);
// expression.append("def evalItemForOrderContains(item) {")
// .append(" return == 'lawnmower'")
// .append(" } ")
// .append(" return (orderContainsPlusMark(1) and == 'hat');");
// Boolean result = (Boolean)MVEL.eval(expression.toString(), vars);
// assert result != null && result;
// assert item2.getMarkedForOffer() == 1;
// assert item.getMarkedForOffer() == 0;
// }
public void testOfferAppliesToFulfillmentGroup() {
OrderImpl order = new OrderImpl();
order.setSubTotal(new Money(110D));
FulfillmentGroupImpl group = new FulfillmentGroupImpl();
OfferImpl offer = new OfferImpl();
// Set up MVEL Context
ParserContext context = new ParserContext();
// Import OfferType into the MVEL context since it may be used
context.addImport("OfferType", OfferType.class);
context.addImport("FulfillmentType", FulfillmentType.class);
// Compile the MVEL Expression
// This could test SHIPPING, or PICK_UP_AT_STORE, etc.
// Could also apply to order instead of FULFILLMENT_GROUP
Serializable domainExp1 = MVEL.compileExpression("offer.type.equals(OfferType.FULFILLMENT_GROUP) and (($ in order.fulfillmentGroups if $.type.equals(FulfillmentType.PHYSICAL)) != empty)", context);
// Add variables to a HashMap that should be passed in to execute the expression
HashMap<String, Object> domainVars = new HashMap<>();
domainVars.put("order", order);
domainVars.put("offer", offer);
// Execute the expression
Boolean expressionOutcome1 = (Boolean) MVEL.executeExpression(domainExp1, domainVars);
assert expressionOutcome1 != null && expressionOutcome1;
use of org.mvel2.ast.Function in project mvel by mikebrock.
the class FunctionsTest method testFunctionDefAndCall2.
public void testFunctionDefAndCall2() {
ExpressionCompiler compiler = new ExpressionCompiler("function heyFoo() { return 'Foobar'; };\n" + "return heyFoo() + heyFoo();");
Serializable s = compiler.compile();
Map<String, Function> m = extractAllDeclaredFunctions((CompiledExpression) s);
assertEquals("FoobarFoobar", executeExpression(s, new HashMap()));
assertEquals("FoobarFoobar", executeExpression(s, new HashMap()));
use of org.mvel2.ast.Function in project mvel by mikebrock.
the class DynamicFunctionAccessor method getValue.
public Object getValue(Object ctx, Object elCtx, VariableResolverFactory variableFactory) {
Object[] parms = null;
Function function = (Function) ctx;
if (parameters != null && parameters.length != 0) {
parms = new Object[parameters.length];
for (int i = 0; i < parms.length; i++) {
parms[i] = parameters[i].getValue(ctx, elCtx, variableFactory);
if (nextNode != null) {
return nextNode.getValue(, elCtx, variableFactory, parms), elCtx, variableFactory);
} else {
return, elCtx, variableFactory, parms);
use of org.mvel2.ast.Function in project mvel by mikebrock.
the class AbstractParser method nextToken.
* Retrieve the next token in the expression.
* @return -
protected ASTNode nextToken() {
try {
* If the cursor is at the end of the expression, we have nothing more to do:
* return null.
if (!splitAccumulator.isEmpty()) {
lastNode = (ASTNode) splitAccumulator.pop();
if (cursor >= end && lastNode instanceof EndOfStatement) {
return nextToken();
} else {
return lastNode;
} else if (cursor >= end) {
return null;
int brace, idx;
int tmpStart;
String name;
* Because of parser recursion for sub-expression parsing, we sometimes need to remain
* certain field states. We do not reset for assignments, boolean mode, list creation or
* a capture only mode.
boolean capture = false, union = false;
if ((fields & ASTNode.COMPILE_IMMEDIATE) != 0 && pCtx == null) {
debugSymbols = (pCtx = getParserContext()).isDebugSymbols();
if (debugSymbols) {
if (!lastWasLineLabel) {
if (pCtx.getSourceFile() == null) {
throw new CompileException("unable to produce debugging symbols: source name must be provided.", expr, st);
if (!pCtx.isLineMapped(pCtx.getSourceFile())) {
pCtx.initLineMapping(pCtx.getSourceFile(), expr);
if (cursor >= end) {
return null;
int line = pCtx.getLineFor(pCtx.getSourceFile(), cursor);
if (!pCtx.isVisitedLine(pCtx.getSourceFile(), pCtx.setLineCount(line)) && !pCtx.isBlockSymbols()) {
lastWasLineLabel = true;
pCtx.visitLine(pCtx.getSourceFile(), line);
return lastNode = pCtx.setLastLineLabel(new LineLabel(pCtx.getSourceFile(), line));
} else {
lastWasComment = lastWasLineLabel = false;
* Skip any whitespace currently under the starting point.
* From here to the end of the method is the core MVEL parsing code. Fiddling around here is asking for
* trouble unless you really know what you're doing.
st = cursor;
Mainloop: while (cursor != end) {
if (isIdentifierPart(expr[cursor])) {
capture = true;
while (cursor != end && isIdentifierPart(expr[cursor])) cursor++;
if (capture) {
String t;
if (OPERATORS.containsKey(t = new String(expr, st, cursor - st))) {
switch(OPERATORS.get(t)) {
case NEW:
if (!isIdentifierPart(expr[st = cursor = trimRight(cursor)])) {
throw new CompileException("unexpected character (expected identifier): " + expr[cursor], expr, st);
* Capture the beginning part of the token.
do {
} while (cursor < end && expr[cursor] == '[');
* If it's not a dimentioned array, continue capturing if necessary.
if (cursor < end && !lastNonWhite(']'))
TypeDescriptor descr = new TypeDescriptor(expr, st, trimLeft(cursor) - st, fields);
if (pCtx == null)
pCtx = getParserContext();
if (pCtx.hasProtoImport(descr.getClassName())) {
return lastNode = new NewPrototypeNode(descr);
lastNode = new NewObjectNode(descr, fields, pCtx);
if (cursor != end && expr[cursor] == '{') {
if (!((NewObjectNode) lastNode).getTypeDescr().isUndimensionedArray()) {
throw new CompileException("conflicting syntax: dimensioned array with initializer block", expr, st);
st = cursor;
Class egressType = lastNode.getEgressType();
if (egressType == null) {
try {
egressType = getClassReference(pCtx, descr);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new CompileException("could not instantiate class", expr, st, e);
cursor = balancedCaptureWithLineAccounting(expr, st, end, expr[cursor], pCtx) + 1;
if (tokenContinues()) {
lastNode = new InlineCollectionNode(expr, st, cursor - st, fields, egressType, pCtx);
st = cursor;
return lastNode = new Union(expr, st + 1, cursor, fields, lastNode);
} else {
return lastNode = new InlineCollectionNode(expr, st, cursor - st, fields, egressType, pCtx);
} else if (((NewObjectNode) lastNode).getTypeDescr().isUndimensionedArray()) {
throw new CompileException("array initializer expected", expr, st);
st = cursor;
return lastNode;
case ASSERT:
st = cursor = trimRight(cursor);
return lastNode = new AssertNode(expr, st, cursor-- - st, fields, pCtx);
case RETURN:
st = cursor = trimRight(cursor);
return lastNode = new ReturnNode(expr, st, cursor - st, fields, pCtx);
case IF:
return captureCodeBlock(ASTNode.BLOCK_IF);
case ELSE:
throw new CompileException("else without if", expr, st);
return captureCodeBlock(ASTNode.BLOCK_FOREACH);
case WHILE:
return captureCodeBlock(ASTNode.BLOCK_WHILE);
case UNTIL:
return captureCodeBlock(ASTNode.BLOCK_UNTIL);
case FOR:
return captureCodeBlock(ASTNode.BLOCK_FOR);
case WITH:
return captureCodeBlock(ASTNode.BLOCK_WITH);
case DO:
return captureCodeBlock(ASTNode.BLOCK_DO);
case PROTO:
return captureCodeBlock(PROTO);
case ISDEF:
st = cursor = trimRight(cursor);
return lastNode = new IsDef(expr, st, cursor - st);
case IMPORT:
st = cursor = trimRight(cursor);
ImportNode importNode = new ImportNode(expr, st, cursor - st);
if (pCtx == null)
pCtx = getParserContext();
if (importNode.isPackageImport()) {
} else {
pCtx.addImport(importNode.getImportClass().getSimpleName(), importNode.getImportClass());
return lastNode = importNode;
st = cursor = trimRight(cursor);
return lastNode = new StaticImportNode(expr, st, trimLeft(cursor) - st);
lastNode = captureCodeBlock(FUNCTION);
st = cursor + 1;
return lastNode;
int end;
st = cursor + 1;
while (true) {
end = cursor;
if (cursor != end && expr[cursor] == '=') {
if (end == (cursor = st))
throw new CompileException("illegal use of reserved word: var", expr, st);
continue Mainloop;
} else {
name = new String(expr, st, end - st);
if (pCtx != null && (idx = pCtx.variableIndexOf(name)) != -1) {
splitAccumulator.add(lastNode = new IndexedDeclTypedVarNode(idx, st, end - st, Object.class));
} else {
splitAccumulator.add(lastNode = new DeclTypedVarNode(name, expr, st, end - st, Object.class, fields, pCtx));
if (cursor == this.end || expr[cursor] != ',')
else {
st = cursor;
return (ASTNode) splitAccumulator.pop();
* If we *were* capturing a token, and we just hit a non-identifier
* character, we stop and figure out what to do.
if (cursor != end && expr[cursor] == '(') {
cursor = balancedCaptureWithLineAccounting(expr, cursor, end, '(', pCtx) + 1;
* If we encounter any of the following cases, we are still dealing with
* a contiguous token.
CaptureLoop: while (cursor != end) {
switch(expr[cursor]) {
case '.':
union = true;
case '?':
if (lookToLast() == '.') {
union = true;
} else {
break CaptureLoop;
case '+':
switch(lookAhead()) {
case '+':
name = new String(subArray(st, trimLeft(cursor)));
if (pCtx != null && (idx = pCtx.variableIndexOf(name)) != -1) {
lastNode = new IndexedPostFixIncNode(idx, pCtx);
} else {
lastNode = new PostFixIncNode(name, pCtx);
cursor += 2;
return lastNode;
case '=':
name = createStringTrimmed(expr, st, cursor - st);
st = cursor += 2;
if (union) {
return lastNode = new DeepAssignmentNode(expr, st = trimRight(st), trimLeft(cursor) - st, fields, ADD, name, pCtx);
} else if (pCtx != null && (idx = pCtx.variableIndexOf(name)) != -1) {
return lastNode = new IndexedAssignmentNode(expr, st, cursor - st, fields, ADD, name, idx, pCtx);
} else {
return lastNode = new OperativeAssign(name, expr, st = trimRight(st), trimLeft(cursor) - st, ADD, fields, pCtx);
if (isDigit(lookAhead()) && cursor > 1 && (expr[cursor - 1] == 'E' || expr[cursor - 1] == 'e') && isDigit(expr[cursor - 2])) {
// capture = true;
continue Mainloop;
break CaptureLoop;
case '-':
switch(lookAhead()) {
case '-':
name = new String(subArray(st, trimLeft(cursor)));
if (pCtx != null && (idx = pCtx.variableIndexOf(name)) != -1) {
lastNode = new IndexedPostFixDecNode(idx, pCtx);
} else {
lastNode = new PostFixDecNode(name, pCtx);
cursor += 2;
return lastNode;
case '=':
name = new String(expr, st, trimLeft(cursor) - st);
st = cursor += 2;
if (union) {
return lastNode = new DeepAssignmentNode(expr, st, cursor - st, fields, SUB, t, pCtx);
} else if (pCtx != null && (idx = pCtx.variableIndexOf(name)) != -1) {
return lastNode = new IndexedOperativeAssign(expr, st, cursor - st, SUB, idx, fields, pCtx);
} else {
return lastNode = new OperativeAssign(name, expr, st, cursor - st, SUB, fields, pCtx);
if (isDigit(lookAhead()) && cursor > 1 && (expr[cursor - 1] == 'E' || expr[cursor - 1] == 'e') && isDigit(expr[cursor - 2])) {
capture = true;
continue Mainloop;
break CaptureLoop;
* Exit immediately for any of these cases.
case '!':
case ',':
case '"':
case '\'':
case ';':
case ':':
break CaptureLoop;
// special compact code for recursive parses
case '\u00AB':
case '\u00BB':
case '\u00AC':
case '&':
case '^':
case '|':
case '*':
case '/':
case '%':
char op = expr[cursor];
if (lookAhead() == '=') {
name = new String(expr, st, trimLeft(cursor) - st);
st = cursor += 2;
if (union) {
return lastNode = new DeepAssignmentNode(expr, st, cursor - st, fields, opLookup(op), t, pCtx);
} else if (pCtx != null && (idx = pCtx.variableIndexOf(name)) != -1) {
return lastNode = new IndexedOperativeAssign(expr, st, cursor - st, opLookup(op), idx, fields, pCtx);
} else {
return lastNode = new OperativeAssign(name, expr, st, cursor - st, opLookup(op), fields, pCtx);
break CaptureLoop;
case '<':
if ((lookAhead() == '<' && lookAhead(2) == '=')) {
name = new String(expr, st, trimLeft(cursor) - st);
st = cursor += 3;
if (union) {
return lastNode = new DeepAssignmentNode(expr, st, cursor - st, fields, BW_SHIFT_LEFT, t, pCtx);
} else if (pCtx != null && (idx = pCtx.variableIndexOf(name)) != -1) {
return lastNode = new IndexedOperativeAssign(expr, st, cursor - st, BW_SHIFT_LEFT, idx, fields, pCtx);
} else {
return lastNode = new OperativeAssign(name, expr, st, cursor - st, BW_SHIFT_LEFT, fields, pCtx);
break CaptureLoop;
case '>':
if (lookAhead() == '>') {
if (lookAhead(2) == '=') {
name = new String(expr, st, trimLeft(cursor) - st);
st = cursor += 3;
if (union) {
return lastNode = new DeepAssignmentNode(expr, st, cursor - st, fields, BW_SHIFT_RIGHT, t, pCtx);
} else if (pCtx != null && (idx = pCtx.variableIndexOf(name)) != -1) {
return lastNode = new IndexedOperativeAssign(expr, st, cursor - st, BW_SHIFT_RIGHT, idx, fields, pCtx);
} else {
return lastNode = new OperativeAssign(name, expr, st, cursor - st, BW_SHIFT_RIGHT, fields, pCtx);
} else if ((lookAhead(2) == '>' && lookAhead(3) == '=')) {
name = new String(expr, st, trimLeft(cursor) - st);
st = cursor += 4;
if (union) {
return lastNode = new DeepAssignmentNode(expr, st, cursor - st, fields, BW_USHIFT_RIGHT, t, pCtx);
} else if (pCtx != null && (idx = pCtx.variableIndexOf(name)) != -1) {
return lastNode = new IndexedOperativeAssign(expr, st, cursor - st, BW_USHIFT_RIGHT, idx, fields, pCtx);
} else {
return lastNode = new OperativeAssign(name, expr, st, cursor - st, BW_USHIFT_RIGHT, fields, pCtx);
break CaptureLoop;
case '(':
cursor = balancedCaptureWithLineAccounting(expr, cursor, end, '(', pCtx) + 1;
case '[':
cursor = balancedCaptureWithLineAccounting(expr, cursor, end, '[', pCtx) + 1;
case '{':
if (!union)
break CaptureLoop;
cursor = balancedCaptureWithLineAccounting(expr, cursor, end, '{', pCtx) + 1;
case '~':
if (lookAhead() == '=') {
// tmp = subArray(start, trimLeft(cursor));
tmpStart = st;
int tmpOffset = cursor - st;
st = cursor += 2;
return lastNode = new RegExMatch(expr, tmpStart, tmpOffset, fields, st, cursor - st, pCtx);
break CaptureLoop;
case '=':
if (lookAhead() == '+') {
name = new String(expr, st, trimLeft(cursor) - st);
st = cursor += 2;
if (!isNextIdentifierOrLiteral()) {
throw new CompileException("unexpected symbol '" + expr[cursor] + "'", expr, st);
if (pCtx != null && (idx = pCtx.variableIndexOf(name)) != -1) {
return lastNode = new IndexedOperativeAssign(expr, st, cursor - st, ADD, idx, fields, pCtx);
} else {
return lastNode = new OperativeAssign(name, expr, st, cursor - st, ADD, fields, pCtx);
} else if (lookAhead() == '-') {
name = new String(expr, st, trimLeft(cursor) - st);
st = cursor += 2;
if (!isNextIdentifierOrLiteral()) {
throw new CompileException("unexpected symbol '" + expr[cursor] + "'", expr, st);
if (pCtx != null && (idx = pCtx.variableIndexOf(name)) != -1) {
return lastNode = new IndexedOperativeAssign(expr, st, cursor - st, SUB, idx, fields, pCtx);
} else {
return lastNode = new OperativeAssign(name, expr, st, cursor - st, SUB, fields, pCtx);
if (greedy && lookAhead() != '=') {
if (union) {
return lastNode = new DeepAssignmentNode(expr, st, cursor - st, fields | ASTNode.ASSIGN, pCtx);
} else if (lastWasIdentifier) {
return procTypedNode(false);
} else if (pCtx != null && ((idx = pCtx.variableIndexOf(t)) != -1 && (pCtx.isIndexAllocation()))) {
IndexedAssignmentNode ian = new IndexedAssignmentNode(expr, st = trimRight(st), trimLeft(cursor) - st, ASTNode.ASSIGN, idx, pCtx);
if (idx == -1) {
pCtx.addIndexedInput(t = ian.getAssignmentVar());
return lastNode = ian;
} else {
return lastNode = new AssignmentNode(expr, st, cursor - st, fields | ASTNode.ASSIGN, pCtx);
break CaptureLoop;
if (cursor != end) {
if (isIdentifierPart(expr[cursor])) {
if (!union) {
break CaptureLoop;
while (cursor != end && isIdentifierPart(expr[cursor])) cursor++;
} else if ((cursor + 1) != end && isIdentifierPart(expr[cursor + 1])) {
break CaptureLoop;
} else {
} else {
break CaptureLoop;
* Produce the token.
return createPropertyToken(st, cursor);
} else {
switch(expr[cursor]) {
case '.':
if (isDigit(expr[cursor])) {
capture = true;
return lastNode = new ThisWithNode(expr, st, cursor - st - 1, cursor + 1, (cursor = balancedCaptureWithLineAccounting(expr, cursor, end, '{', pCtx) + 1) - 3, fields, pCtx);
case '@':
if (pCtx == null || (pCtx.getInterceptors() == null || !pCtx.getInterceptors().containsKey(name = new String(expr, st, cursor - st)))) {
throw new CompileException("reference to undefined interceptor: " + new String(expr, st, cursor - st), expr, st);
return lastNode = new InterceptorWrapper(pCtx.getInterceptors().get(name), nextToken());
case '=':
return createOperator(expr, st, (cursor += 2));
case '-':
if (lookAhead() == '-') {
cursor += 2;
st = cursor;
name = new String(subArray(st, cursor));
if (pCtx != null && (idx = pCtx.variableIndexOf(name)) != -1) {
return lastNode = new IndexedPreFixDecNode(idx, pCtx);
} else {
return lastNode = new PreFixDecNode(name, pCtx);
} else if ((cursor == start || (lastNode != null && (lastNode instanceof BooleanNode || lastNode.isOperator()))) && !isDigit(lookAhead())) {
return new Sign(expr, st, cursor - st, fields, pCtx);
} else if ((cursor != start && !isWhitespace(expr[cursor - 1]) && (!(lastNode != null && (lastNode instanceof BooleanNode || lastNode.isOperator())))) || !isDigit(lookAhead())) {
return createOperator(expr, st, cursor++ + 1);
} else if ((cursor - 1) != start || (!isDigit(expr[cursor - 1])) && isDigit(lookAhead())) {
} else {
throw new CompileException("not a statement", expr, st);
case '+':
if (lookAhead() == '+') {
cursor += 2;
st = cursor;
name = new String(subArray(st, cursor));
if (pCtx != null && (idx = pCtx.variableIndexOf(name)) != -1) {
return lastNode = new IndexedPreFixIncNode(idx, pCtx);
} else {
return lastNode = new PreFixIncNode(name, pCtx);
return createOperator(expr, st, cursor++ + 1);
case '*':
if (lookAhead() == '*') {
return createOperator(expr, st, cursor++ + 1);
case ';':
lastWasIdentifier = false;
return lastNode = new EndOfStatement();
case '#':
case '/':
case '?':
case ':':
case '^':
case '%':
return createOperator(expr, st, cursor++ + 1);
case '(':
boolean singleToken = true;
for (brace = 1; cursor != end && brace != 0; cursor++) {
switch(expr[cursor]) {
case '(':
case ')':
case '\'':
cursor = captureStringLiteral('\'', expr, cursor, end);
case '"':
cursor = captureStringLiteral('"', expr, cursor, end);
case 'i':
if (brace == 1 && isWhitespace(lookBehind()) && lookAhead() == 'n' && isWhitespace(lookAhead(2))) {
for (int level = brace; cursor != end; cursor++) {
switch(expr[cursor]) {
case '(':
case ')':
if (--brace < level) {
if (tokenContinues()) {
lastNode = new Fold(expr, trimRight(st + 1), cursor - st - 2, fields, pCtx);
if (expr[st = cursor] == '.')
return lastNode = new Union(expr, st = trimRight(st), cursor - st, fields, lastNode);
} else {
return lastNode = new Fold(expr, trimRight(st + 1), cursor - st - 2, fields, pCtx);
case '\'':
cursor = captureStringLiteral('\'', expr, cursor, end);
case '"':
cursor = captureStringLiteral('\"', expr, cursor, end);
throw new CompileException("unterminated projection; closing parathesis required", expr, st);
if (expr[cursor] != '.') {
switch(expr[cursor]) {
case '[':
case ']':
if (!(isIdentifierPart(expr[cursor]) || expr[cursor] == '.')) {
singleToken = false;
if (brace != 0) {
throw new CompileException("unbalanced braces in expression: (" + brace + "):", expr, st);
tmpStart = -1;
if (singleToken) {
int _st;
TypeDescriptor tDescr = new TypeDescriptor(expr, _st = trimRight(st + 1), trimLeft(cursor - 1) - _st, fields);
Class cls;
try {
if (tDescr.isClass() && (cls = getClassReference(pCtx, tDescr)) != null) {
st = cursor;
return lastNode = new TypeCast(expr, st, cursor - st, cls, fields, pCtx);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
// fallthrough
if (tmpStart != -1) {
return handleUnion(handleSubstatement(new Substatement(expr, tmpStart, cursor - tmpStart, fields, pCtx)));
} else {
return handleUnion(handleSubstatement(new Substatement(expr, st = trimRight(st + 1), trimLeft(cursor - 1) - st, fields, pCtx)));
case '}':
case ']':
case ')':
throw new CompileException("unbalanced braces", expr, st);
case '>':
switch(expr[cursor + 1]) {
case '>':
if (expr[cursor += 2] == '>')
return createOperator(expr, st, cursor);
case '=':
return createOperator(expr, st, cursor += 2);
return createOperator(expr, st, ++cursor);
case '<':
if (expr[++cursor] == '<') {
if (expr[++cursor] == '<')
return createOperator(expr, st, cursor);
} else if (expr[cursor] == '=') {
return createOperator(expr, st, ++cursor);
} else {
return createOperator(expr, st, cursor);
case '\'':
case '"':
lastNode = new LiteralNode(handleStringEscapes(subset(expr, st + 1, (cursor = captureStringLiteral(expr[cursor], expr, cursor, end)) - st - 1)), String.class);
if (tokenContinues()) {
return lastNode = handleUnion(lastNode);
return lastNode;
case '&':
if (expr[cursor++ + 1] == '&') {
return createOperator(expr, st, ++cursor);
} else {
return createOperator(expr, st, cursor);
case '|':
if (expr[cursor++ + 1] == '|') {
return createOperator(expr, st, ++cursor);
} else {
return createOperator(expr, st, cursor);
case '~':
if ((cursor++ - 1 != 0 || !isIdentifierPart(lookBehind())) && isDigit(expr[cursor])) {
st = cursor;
return lastNode = new Invert(expr, st, cursor - st, fields, pCtx);
} else if (expr[cursor] == '(') {
st = cursor--;
return lastNode = new Invert(expr, st, cursor - st, fields, pCtx);
} else {
if (expr[cursor] == '=')
return createOperator(expr, st, cursor);
case '!':
if (isNextIdentifier()) {
if (lastNode != null && !lastNode.isOperator()) {
throw new CompileException("unexpected operator '!'", expr, st);
st = cursor;
if ("new".equals(name = new String(expr, st, cursor - st)) || "isdef".equals(name)) {
return lastNode = new Negation(expr, st, cursor - st, fields, pCtx);
} else {
return lastNode = new Negation(expr, st, cursor - st, fields, pCtx);
} else if (expr[cursor] == '(') {
st = cursor--;
return lastNode = new Negation(expr, st, cursor - st, fields, pCtx);
} else if (expr[cursor] != '=')
throw new CompileException("unexpected operator '!'", expr, st, null);
else {
return createOperator(expr, st, ++cursor);
case '[':
case '{':
cursor = balancedCaptureWithLineAccounting(expr, cursor, end, expr[cursor], pCtx) + 1;
if (tokenContinues()) {
lastNode = new InlineCollectionNode(expr, st, cursor - st, fields, pCtx);
st = cursor;
if (expr[st] == '.')
return lastNode = new Union(expr, st, cursor - st, fields, lastNode);
} else {
return lastNode = new InlineCollectionNode(expr, st, cursor - st, fields, pCtx);
if (st == cursor)
return null;
return createPropertyToken(st, cursor);
} catch (RedundantCodeException e) {
return nextToken();
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
throw new CompileException("badly formatted number: " + e.getMessage(), expr, st, e);
} catch (StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new CompileException("unexpected end of statement", expr, cursor, e);
} catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
throw new CompileException("unexpected end of statement", expr, cursor, e);
} catch (CompileException e) {
throw ErrorUtil.rewriteIfNeeded(e, expr, cursor);
use of org.mvel2.ast.Function in project mvel by mvel.
the class PropertyAccessor method getMethod.
* Find an appropriate method, execute it, and return it's response.
* @param ctx -
* @param name -
* @return -
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" })
private Object getMethod(Object ctx, String name) {
int _start = cursor;
String tk = cursor != end && property[cursor] == '(' && ((cursor = balancedCapture(property, cursor, '(')) - _start) > 1 ? new String(property, _start + 1, cursor - _start - 1) : "";
Object[] args;
if (tk.length() == 0) {
args = ParseTools.EMPTY_OBJ_ARR;
} else {
List<char[]> subtokens = parseParameterList(tk.toCharArray(), 0, -1);
args = new Object[subtokens.size()];
for (int i = 0; i < subtokens.size(); i++) {
args[i] = eval(subtokens.get(i), thisReference, variableFactory);
if (first && variableFactory != null && variableFactory.isResolveable(name)) {
Object ptr = variableFactory.getVariableResolver(name).getValue();
if (ptr instanceof Method) {
ctx = ((Method) ptr).getDeclaringClass();
name = ((Method) ptr).getName();
} else if (ptr instanceof MethodStub) {
ctx = ((MethodStub) ptr).getClassReference();
name = ((MethodStub) ptr).getMethodName();
} else if (ptr instanceof FunctionInstance) {
((FunctionInstance) ptr).getFunction().checkArgumentCount(args.length);
return ((FunctionInstance) ptr).call(null, thisReference, variableFactory, args);
} else {
throw new OptimizationFailure("attempt to optimize a method call for a reference that does not point to a method: " + name + " (reference is type: " + (ctx != null ? ctx.getClass().getName() : null) + ")");
first = false;
if (ctx == null)
throw new CompileException("no such method or function: " + name, property, cursor);
* If the target object is an instance of java.lang.Class itself then do not
* adjust the Class scope target.
boolean classTarget = ctx instanceof Class;
Class cls = currType != null ? currType : ((classTarget ? (Class) ctx : ctx.getClass()));
currType = null;
if (cls == Proto.ProtoInstance.class) {
return ((Proto.ProtoInstance) ctx).get(name).call(null, thisReference, variableFactory, args);
* Check to see if we have already cached this method;
Object[] cache = checkMethodCache(cls, createSignature(name, tk));
Method m;
Class[] parameterTypes;
if (cache != null) {
m = (Method) cache[0];
parameterTypes = (Class[]) cache[1];
} else {
m = null;
parameterTypes = null;
* If we have not cached the method then we need to go ahead and try to resolve it.
if (m == null) {
* Try to find an instance method from the class target.
if ((m = getBestCandidate(args, name, cls, cls.getMethods(), false)) != null) {
addMethodCache(cls, createSignature(name, tk), m);
parameterTypes = m.getParameterTypes();
if (m == null && classTarget) {
* If we didn't find anything, maybe we're looking for the actual java.lang.Class methods.
if ((m = getBestCandidate(args, name, cls, cls.getDeclaredMethods(), false)) != null) {
addMethodCache(cls, createSignature(name, tk), m);
parameterTypes = m.getParameterTypes();
// If we didn't find anything and the declared class is different from the actual one try also with the actual one
if (m == null && cls != ctx.getClass() && !(ctx instanceof Class)) {
cls = ctx.getClass();
if ((m = getBestCandidate(args, name, cls, cls.getDeclaredMethods(), false)) != null) {
addMethodCache(cls, createSignature(name, tk), m);
parameterTypes = m.getParameterTypes();
if (ctx instanceof PrototypalFunctionInstance) {
final VariableResolverFactory funcCtx = ((PrototypalFunctionInstance) ctx).getResolverFactory();
Object prop = funcCtx.getVariableResolver(name).getValue();
if (prop instanceof PrototypalFunctionInstance) {
return ((PrototypalFunctionInstance) prop).call(ctx, thisReference, new InvokationContextFactory(variableFactory, funcCtx), args);
if (m == null) {
StringAppender errorBuild = new StringAppender();
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
errorBuild.append(args[i] != null ? args[i].getClass().getName() : null);
if (i < args.length - 1)
errorBuild.append(", ");
if ("size".equals(name) && args.length == 0 && cls.isArray()) {
return getLength(ctx);
throw new PropertyAccessException("unable to resolve method: " + cls.getName() + "." + name + "(" + errorBuild.toString() + ") [arglength=" + args.length + "]", property, st, pCtx);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
args[i] = convert(args[i], paramTypeVarArgsSafe(parameterTypes, i, m.isVarArgs()));
* Invoke the target method and return the response.
currType = toNonPrimitiveType(m.getReturnType());
try {
return m.invoke(ctx, normalizeArgsForVarArgs(parameterTypes, args, m.isVarArgs()));
} catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
try {
addMethodCache(cls, createSignature(name, tk), (m = getWidenedTarget(m)));
return m.invoke(ctx, args);
} catch (Exception e2) {
throw new PropertyAccessException("unable to invoke method: " + name, property, cursor, e2, pCtx);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
throw e;
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new PropertyAccessException("unable to invoke method: " + name, property, cursor, e, pCtx);