use of org.mule.runtime.core.internal.streaming.bytes.ByteArrayCursorStreamProvider in project mule by mulesoft.
the class StreamingUtils method consumeRepeatablePayload.
* If the {@code event} has a repeatable payload (instance of {@link CursorProvider}), then this method returns a new
* event which payload has an equivalent, already consumed structure. This functionality makes sense for cases like
* caching in which the contents of the stream need to survive the completion of the event that generated it.
* <p>
* If the payload is a {@link CursorStreamProvider}, then it will be consumed into a {@link ByteArrayCursorStreamProvider}
* so that the contents are fully in memory while still keeping repeatable byte streaming semantics.
* <p>
* If the payload is a {@link CursorIteratorProvider}, then the contents will be consumed into a {@link List}.
* <p>
* In any other case, the same input event is returned
* @param event an event which might have a repeatable payload
* @return a {@link CoreEvent}
* @since 4.1
public static CoreEvent consumeRepeatablePayload(CoreEvent event) {
TypedValue payload = event.getMessage().getPayload();
final Object originalPayload = payload.getValue();
if (originalPayload == null) {
return event;
DataType originalDataType = payload.getDataType();
TypedValue replacedPayload = null;
if (originalPayload instanceof CursorStreamProvider) {
Object consumedPayload = asCursorProvider(toByteArray((CursorStreamProvider) originalPayload));
replacedPayload = new TypedValue(consumedPayload, DataType.builder(originalDataType).type(consumedPayload.getClass()).build());
} else if (originalPayload instanceof CursorIteratorProvider) {
List consumed = new LinkedList<>();
((CursorIteratorProvider) originalPayload).openCursor().forEachRemaining(consumed::add);
DataType newDataType;
if (originalDataType instanceof CollectionDataType) {
final CollectionDataType collectionDataType = (CollectionDataType) originalDataType;
newDataType = DataType.builder(originalDataType).collectionType(consumed.getClass()).itemType(collectionDataType.getItemDataType().getType()).itemMediaType(collectionDataType.getItemDataType().getMediaType()).build();
} else {
newDataType = DataType.builder(originalDataType).type(consumed.getClass()).build();
replacedPayload = new TypedValue(consumed, newDataType);
if (replacedPayload != null) {
event = CoreEvent.builder(event).message(Message.builder(event.getMessage()).payload(replacedPayload).build()).build();
return event;