use of org.mule.runtime.dsl.api.component.ObjectFactory in project mule by mulesoft.
the class ObjectFactoryClassRepositoryTestCase method cacheEnableForCGLib.
public void cacheEnableForCGLib() throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException, NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException {
Class<ObjectFactory> objectFactoryClass = getObjectFactoryClass();
// First we create the objectFactory that will create an Enhancer with the callback registered and using internal cache
ObjectFactory objectFactory = objectFactoryClass.newInstance();
assertThat(((SmartFactoryBean) objectFactory).isSingleton(), is(true));
Class firstProxyGenerated = objectFactory.getClass();
objectFactoryClass = getObjectFactoryClass();
objectFactory = objectFactoryClass.newInstance();
assertThat(((SmartFactoryBean) objectFactory).isSingleton(), is(true));
assertThat(firstProxyGenerated, sameInstance(objectFactory.getClass()));
use of org.mule.runtime.dsl.api.component.ObjectFactory in project mule by mulesoft.
the class ObjectFactoryClassRepository method getObjectFactoryDynamicClass.
private Class<ObjectFactory> getObjectFactoryDynamicClass(final ComponentBuildingDefinition componentBuildingDefinition, final Class objectFactoryType, final Class createdObjectType, final Supplier<Boolean> isLazyInitFunction, final Optional<Consumer<Object>> instancePostCreationFunction) {
* We need this to allow spring create the object using a FactoryBean but using the object factory setters and getters so we
* create as FactoryBean a dynamic class that will have the same attributes and methods as the ObjectFactory that the user
* defined. This way our API does not expose spring specific classes.
Enhancer enhancer = new Enhancer();
// Use SmartFactoryBean since it's the only way to force spring to pre-instantiate FactoryBean for singletons
enhancer.setInterfaces(new Class[] { SmartFactoryBean.class });
if (SmartFactoryBean.class.getClassLoader() != objectFactoryType.getClassLoader()) {
// CGLIB needs access to both the spring interface and the extended factory class.
// If the factory class is defined in a plugin, its classloader has to be passed.
enhancer.setClassLoader(new CompositeClassLoader(ObjectFactoryClassRepository.class.getClassLoader(), objectFactoryType.getClassLoader()));
// The use of the CGLIB cache is turned off when a post creation function is passed as argument in order to
// enrich the created proxy with properties. This is only to enable injecting properties in components
// from the compatibility module.
// Setting this to false will generate an excessive amount of different proxy classes loaded by the container CL
// that will end up in Metaspace OOM.
Class<ObjectFactory> factoryBeanClass = enhancer.createClass();
registerStaticCallbacks(factoryBeanClass, new Callback[] { (MethodInterceptor) (obj, method, args, proxy) -> {
final boolean eager = !isLazyInitFunction.get();
if (method.getName().equals("isSingleton")) {
return !componentBuildingDefinition.isPrototype();
if (method.getName().equals("getObjectType") && !ObjectTypeProvider.class.isAssignableFrom(obj.getClass())) {
return createdObjectType;
if (method.getName().equals("getObject")) {
Object createdInstance = proxy.invokeSuper(obj, args);
instancePostCreationFunction.ifPresent(consumer -> consumer.accept(createdInstance));
return createdInstance;
if (method.getName().equals("isPrototype")) {
return componentBuildingDefinition.isPrototype();
if (method.getName().equals("isEagerInit")) {
return eager;
return proxy.invokeSuper(obj, args);
} });
return factoryBeanClass;