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Example 11 with MVEL

use of org.mvel2.MVEL in project drools by kiegroup.

the class PatternBuilder method getFieldValue.

private FieldValue getFieldValue(RuleBuildContext context, ValueType vtype, String value) {
    try {
        MVELDialectRuntimeData data = (MVELDialectRuntimeData) context.getPkg().getDialectRuntimeRegistry().getDialectData("mvel");
        ParserConfiguration pconf = data.getParserConfiguration();
        ParserContext pctx = new ParserContext(pconf);
        Object o = MVELSafeHelper.getEvaluator().executeExpression(MVEL.compileExpression(value, pctx));
        if (o != null && vtype == null) {
            // was a compilation problem else where, so guess valuetype so we can continue
            vtype = ValueType.determineValueType(o.getClass());
        return context.getCompilerFactory().getFieldFactory().getFieldValue(o, vtype);
    } catch (final Exception e) {
    // we will fallback to regular preducates, so don't raise an error
    return null;
Also used : MVELDialectRuntimeData(org.drools.core.rule.MVELDialectRuntimeData) ParserContext(org.mvel2.ParserContext) DroolsParserException(org.drools.compiler.compiler.DroolsParserException) ParserConfiguration(org.mvel2.ParserConfiguration)

Example 12 with MVEL

use of org.mvel2.MVEL in project drools by kiegroup.

the class MVELDialectRuntimeData method getParserConfiguration.

public ParserConfiguration getParserConfiguration() {
    if (parserConfiguration == null) {
        ClassLoader packageClassLoader = getPackageClassLoader();
        String key = null;
        Object value = null;
        try {
            // First replace fields and method tokens with actual instances
            for (Entry<String, Object> entry : this.imports.entrySet()) {
                key = entry.getKey();
                value = entry.getValue();
                if (entry.getValue() instanceof String) {
                    String str = (String) value;
                    // @TODO MVEL doesn't yet support importing of fields
                    if (str.startsWith("m:")) {
                        Class cls = packageClassLoader.loadClass(str.substring(2));
                        for (Method method : cls.getDeclaredMethods()) {
                            if (method.getName().equals(key)) {
                    } else {
                        Class cls = packageClassLoader.loadClass(str);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to resolve method of field: " + key + " - " + value, e);
        final ParserConfiguration conf = new ParserConfiguration();
        this.parserConfiguration = conf;
    return this.parserConfiguration;
Also used : Method(java.lang.reflect.Method) ParserConfiguration(org.mvel2.ParserConfiguration)

Example 13 with MVEL

use of org.mvel2.MVEL in project camel by apache.

the class MvelEndpoint method onExchange.

protected void onExchange(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
    String path = getResourceUri();
    ObjectHelper.notNull(path, "resourceUri");
    String newResourceUri = exchange.getIn().getHeader(MvelConstants.MVEL_RESOURCE_URI, String.class);
    if (newResourceUri != null) {
        log.debug("{} set to {} creating new endpoint to handle exchange", MvelConstants.MVEL_RESOURCE_URI, newResourceUri);
        MvelEndpoint newEndpoint = findOrCreateEndpoint(getEndpointUri(), newResourceUri);
    CompiledTemplate compiled;
    ParserContext mvelContext = ParserContext.create();
    Map<String, Object> variableMap = ExchangeHelper.createVariableMap(exchange);
    String content = exchange.getIn().getHeader(MvelConstants.MVEL_TEMPLATE, String.class);
    if (content != null) {
        // use content from header
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Mvel content read from header {} for endpoint {}", MvelConstants.MVEL_TEMPLATE, getEndpointUri());
        // remove the header to avoid it being propagated in the routing
        compiled = TemplateCompiler.compileTemplate(content, mvelContext);
    } else {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Mvel content read from resource {} with resourceUri: {} for endpoint {}", new Object[] { getResourceUri(), path, getEndpointUri() });
        // getResourceAsInputStream also considers the content cache
        Reader reader = getEncoding() != null ? new InputStreamReader(getResourceAsInputStream(), getEncoding()) : new InputStreamReader(getResourceAsInputStream());
        String template = IOConverter.toString(reader);
        if (!template.equals(this.template)) {
            this.template = template;
            this.compiled = TemplateCompiler.compileTemplate(template, mvelContext);
        compiled = this.compiled;
    // let mvel parse and execute the template
    log.debug("Mvel is evaluating using mvel context: {}", variableMap);
    Object result = TemplateRuntime.execute(compiled, mvelContext, variableMap);
    // now lets output the results to the exchange
    Message out = exchange.getOut();
Also used : InputStreamReader( Message(org.apache.camel.Message) Reader( InputStreamReader( ParserContext(org.mvel2.ParserContext) CompiledTemplate(org.mvel2.templates.CompiledTemplate)

Example 14 with MVEL

use of org.mvel2.MVEL in project mvel by mikebrock.

the class MVELRuntime method execute.

 * Main interpreter.
 * @param debugger        Run in debug mode
 * @param expression      The compiled expression object
 * @param ctx             The root context object
 * @param variableFactory The variable factory to be injected
 * @return The resultant value
 * @see org.mvel2.MVEL
public static Object execute(boolean debugger, final CompiledExpression expression, final Object ctx, VariableResolverFactory variableFactory) {
    Object v1, v2;
    ExecutionStack stk = new ExecutionStack();
    ASTNode tk = expression.getFirstNode();
    Integer operator;
    if (tk == null)
        return null;
    try {
        do {
            if (tk.fields == -1) {
                 * This may seem silly and redundant, however, when an MVEL script recurses into a block
                 * or substatement, a new runtime loop is entered.   Since the debugger state is not
                 * passed through the AST, it is not possible to forward the state directly.  So when we
                 * encounter a debugging symbol, we check the thread local to see if there is are registered
                 * breakpoints.  If we find them, we assume that we are debugging.
                 * The consequence of this of course, is that it's not ideal to compileShared expressions with
                 * debugging symbols which you plan to use in a production enviroment.
                if (debugger || (debugger = hasDebuggerContext())) {
                    try {
                        debuggerContext.get().checkBreak((LineLabel) tk, variableFactory, expression);
                    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
                    // do nothing for now.  this isn't as calus as it seems.
            } else if (stk.isEmpty()) {
                stk.push(tk.getReducedValueAccelerated(ctx, ctx, variableFactory));
            if (variableFactory.tiltFlag()) {
                return stk.pop();
            switch(operator = tk.getOperator()) {
                case RETURN:
                    return stk.pop();
                case NOOP:
                case TERNARY:
                    if (!stk.popBoolean()) {
                        // noinspection StatementWithEmptyBody
                        while (tk.nextASTNode != null && !(tk = tk.nextASTNode).isOperator(TERNARY_ELSE)) ;
                case TERNARY_ELSE:
                    return stk.pop();
                case END_OF_STMT:
                     * If the program doesn't end here then we wipe anything off the stack that remains.
                     * Althought it may seem like intuitive stack optimizations could be leveraged by
                     * leaving hanging values on the stack,  trust me it's not a good idea.
                    if (tk.nextASTNode != null) {
            stk.push(tk.nextASTNode.getReducedValueAccelerated(ctx, ctx, variableFactory), operator);
            try {
                while (stk.isReduceable()) {
                    if ((Integer) stk.peek() == CHOR) {
                        v1 = stk.pop();
                        v2 = stk.pop();
                        if (!isEmpty(v2) || !isEmpty(v1)) {
                            stk.push(!isEmpty(v2) ? v2 : v1);
                        } else
                    } else {
            } catch (ClassCastException e) {
                throw new CompileException("syntax error or incomptable types", new char[0], 0, e);
            } catch (CompileException e) {
                throw e;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                throw new CompileException("failed to compileShared sub expression", new char[0], 0, e);
        } while ((tk = tk.nextASTNode) != null);
        return stk.peek();
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
        if (tk != null && tk.isOperator() && tk.nextASTNode != null) {
            throw new CompileException("incomplete statement: " + tk.getName() + " (possible use of reserved keyword as identifier: " + tk.getName() + ")", tk.getExpr(), tk.getStart());
        } else {
            throw e;
Also used : ExecutionStack(org.mvel2.util.ExecutionStack) ASTNode(org.mvel2.ast.ASTNode)

Example 15 with MVEL

use of org.mvel2.MVEL in project mvel by mikebrock.

the class PropertyVerifier method getMethod.

 * Process method
 * @param ctx  - the ingress type
 * @param name - the property component
 * @return known egress type.
private Class getMethod(Class ctx, String name) {
    int st = cursor;
     * Check to see if this is the first element in the statement.
    if (first) {
        first = false;
        methodCall = true;
         * It's the first element in the statement, therefore we check to see if there is a static import of a
         * native Java method or an MVEL function.
        if (pCtx.hasImport(name)) {
            Method m = pCtx.getStaticImport(name).getMethod();
             * Replace the method parameters.
            ctx = m.getDeclaringClass();
            name = m.getName();
        } else if (pCtx.hasFunction(name)) {
            resolvedExternally = false;
            Function f = pCtx.getFunction(name);
            f.checkArgumentCount(parseParameterList((((cursor = balancedCapture(expr, cursor, end, '(')) - st) > 1 ? ParseTools.subset(expr, st + 1, cursor - st - 1) : new char[0]), 0, -1).size());
            return f.getEgressType();
        } else if (pCtx.hasVarOrInput("this")) {
            if (pCtx.isStrictTypeEnforcement()) {
            ctx = pCtx.getVarOrInputType("this");
            resolvedExternally = false;
     * Get the arguments for the method.
    String tk;
    if (cursor < end && expr[cursor] == '(' && ((cursor = balancedCapture(expr, cursor, end, '(')) - st) > 1) {
        tk = new String(expr, st + 1, cursor - st - 1);
    } else {
        tk = "";
     * Parse out the arguments list.
    Class[] args;
    List<char[]> subtokens = parseParameterList(tk.toCharArray(), 0, -1);
    if (subtokens.size() == 0) {
        args = new Class[0];
        subtokens = Collections.emptyList();
    } else {
        // ParserContext subCtx = pCtx.createSubcontext();
        args = new Class[subtokens.size()];
         *  Subcompile all the arguments to determine their known types.
        // ExpressionCompiler compiler;
        List<ErrorDetail> errors = pCtx.getErrorList().isEmpty() ? pCtx.getErrorList() : new ArrayList<ErrorDetail>(pCtx.getErrorList());
        CompileException rethrow = null;
        for (int i = 0; i < subtokens.size(); i++) {
            try {
                args[i] = MVEL.analyze(subtokens.get(i), pCtx);
                if ("null".equals(String.valueOf(subtokens.get(i)))) {
                    args[i] = NullType.class;
            } catch (CompileException e) {
                rethrow = ErrorUtil.rewriteIfNeeded(e, expr,;
            if (errors.size() < pCtx.getErrorList().size()) {
                for (ErrorDetail detail : pCtx.getErrorList()) {
                    if (!errors.contains(detail)) {
                        detail.setCursor(new String(expr).substring( String(subtokens.get(i))) +;
            if (rethrow != null) {
                throw rethrow;
     * If the target object is an instance of java.lang.Class itself then do not
     * adjust the Class scope target.
    Method m;
    if ((m = getBestCandidate(args, name, ctx, ctx.getMethods(), pCtx.isStrongTyping())) == null) {
        if ((m = getBestCandidate(args, name, ctx, ctx.getDeclaredMethods(), pCtx.isStrongTyping())) == null) {
            StringAppender errorBuild = new StringAppender();
            for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                errorBuild.append(args[i] != null ? args[i].getName() : null);
                if (i < args.length - 1)
                    errorBuild.append(", ");
            if (("size".equals(name) || "length".equals(name)) && args.length == 0 && ctx.isArray()) {
                return Integer.class;
            if (pCtx.isStrictTypeEnforcement()) {
                throw new CompileException("unable to resolve method using strict-mode: " + ctx.getName() + "." + name + "(" + errorBuild.toString() + ")", expr, tkStart);
            return Object.class;
     * If we're in strict mode, we look for generic type information.
    if (pCtx.isStrictTypeEnforcement() && m.getGenericReturnType() != null) {
        Map<String, Class> typeArgs = new HashMap<String, Class>();
        Type[] gpt = m.getGenericParameterTypes();
        Class z;
        ParameterizedType pt;
        for (int i = 0; i < gpt.length; i++) {
            if (gpt[i] instanceof ParameterizedType) {
                pt = (ParameterizedType) gpt[i];
                if ((z = pCtx.getImport(new String(subtokens.get(i)))) != null) {
                     * We record the value of the type parameter to our typeArgs Map.
                    if (pt.getRawType().equals(Class.class)) {
                         * If this is an instance of Class, we deal with the special parameterization case.
                        typeArgs.put(pt.getActualTypeArguments()[0].toString(), z);
                    } else {
                        typeArgs.put(gpt[i].toString(), z);
        if (pCtx.isStrictTypeEnforcement() && ctx.getTypeParameters().length != 0 && pCtx.getLastTypeParameters() != null && pCtx.getLastTypeParameters().length == ctx.getTypeParameters().length) {
            TypeVariable[] typeVariables = ctx.getTypeParameters();
            for (int i = 0; i < typeVariables.length; i++) {
                typeArgs.put(typeVariables[i].getName(), (Class) pCtx.getLastTypeParameters()[i]);
         * Get the return type argument
        Type parametricReturnType = m.getGenericReturnType();
        String returnTypeArg = parametricReturnType.toString();
        // push return type parameters onto parser context, only if this is a parametric type
        if (parametricReturnType instanceof ParameterizedType) {
            pCtx.setLastTypeParameters(((ParameterizedType) parametricReturnType).getActualTypeArguments());
        if (paramTypes != null && paramTypes.containsKey(returnTypeArg)) {
             * If the paramTypes Map contains the known type, return that type.
            return (Class) paramTypes.get(returnTypeArg);
        } else if (typeArgs.containsKey(returnTypeArg)) {
             * If the generic type was declared as part of the method, it will be in this
             * Map.
            return typeArgs.get(returnTypeArg);
    if (!Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers())) {
        StringAppender errorBuild = new StringAppender();
        for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
            errorBuild.append(args[i] != null ? args[i].getName() : null);
            if (i < args.length - 1)
                errorBuild.append(", ");
        String scope = Modifier.toString(m.getModifiers());
        if (scope.trim().equals(""))
            scope = "<package local>";
        addFatalError("the referenced method is not accessible: " + ctx.getName() + "." + name + "(" + errorBuild.toString() + ")" + " (scope: " + scope + "; required: public", this.tkStart);
    return m.getReturnType();
Also used : Function(org.mvel2.ast.Function) NullType(org.mvel2.util.NullType) StringAppender(org.mvel2.util.StringAppender)


ParserContext (org.mvel2.ParserContext)7 MVELDialectRuntimeData (org.drools.core.rule.MVELDialectRuntimeData)6 Test (org.junit.Test)6 ParserConfiguration (org.mvel2.ParserConfiguration)6 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)5 KieServices (org.kie.api.KieServices)5 KieFileSystem (org.kie.api.builder.KieFileSystem)5 ReleaseId (org.kie.api.builder.ReleaseId)5 KieContainer (org.kie.api.runtime.KieContainer)5 PropertyAccessException (org.mvel2.PropertyAccessException)5 Map (java.util.Map)4 KieSession (org.kie.api.runtime.KieSession)4 CompileException (org.mvel2.CompileException)4 Declaration (org.drools.core.rule.Declaration)3 Serializable ( HashSet (java.util.HashSet)2 List (java.util.List)2 Entry (java.util.Map.Entry)2 RecognitionException (org.antlr.runtime.RecognitionException)2 DroolsParserException (org.drools.compiler.compiler.DroolsParserException)2