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Example 1 with Type

use of org.mvel2.asm.Type in project mvel by mikebrock.

the class ASMAccessorOptimizer method optimizeCollection.

public Accessor optimizeCollection(ParserContext pCtx, Object o, Class type, char[] property, int start, int offset, Object ctx, Object thisRef, VariableResolverFactory factory) {
    this.expr = property;
    this.cursor = this.start = start;
    this.end = start + offset;
    this.length = offset;
    this.returnType = type;
    this.compiledInputs = new ArrayList<ExecutableStatement>();
    this.ctx = ctx;
    this.thisRef = thisRef;
    this.variableFactory = factory;
    literal = true;
    _getAccessor(o, type);
    try {
        Accessor compiledAccessor = _initializeAccessor();
        if (property != null && length > start) {
            return new Union(compiledAccessor, property, start, length);
        } else {
            return compiledAccessor;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new OptimizationFailure("could not optimize collection", e);
Also used : PropertyTools.getFieldOrWriteAccessor(org.mvel2.util.PropertyTools.getFieldOrWriteAccessor) PropertyTools.getFieldOrAccessor(org.mvel2.util.PropertyTools.getFieldOrAccessor) Union(org.mvel2.optimizers.impl.refl.nodes.Union) IOException(

Example 2 with Type

use of org.mvel2.asm.Type in project mvel by mikebrock.

the class ASMAccessorOptimizer method writeOutNullHandler.

private void writeOutNullHandler(Member member, int type) {
    assert debug("DUP");
    Label j = new Label();
    assert debug("IFNONNULL : jump");
    mv.visitJumpInsn(IFNONNULL, j);
    assert debug("POP");
    assert debug("ALOAD 0");
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0);
    if (type == 0) {
        this.propNull = true;
        assert debug("GETFIELD 'nullPropertyHandler'");
        mv.visitFieldInsn(GETFIELD, className, "nullPropertyHandler", "L" + NAMESPACE + "integration/PropertyHandler;");
    } else {
        this.methNull = true;
        assert debug("GETFIELD 'nullMethodHandler'");
        mv.visitFieldInsn(GETFIELD, className, "nullMethodHandler", "L" + NAMESPACE + "integration/PropertyHandler;");
    assert debug("LDC '" + member.getName() + "'");
    assert debug("ALOAD 1");
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1);
    assert debug("ALOAD 3");
    mv.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 3);
    assert debug("INVOKEINTERFACE PropertyHandler.getProperty");
    mv.visitMethodInsn(INVOKEINTERFACE, NAMESPACE + "integration/PropertyHandler", "getProperty", "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/Object;L" + NAMESPACE + "integration/VariableResolverFactory;)Ljava/lang/Object;");
    assert debug("LABEL:jump");
Also used : Label(org.mvel2.asm.Label)

Example 3 with Type

use of org.mvel2.asm.Type in project mvel by mikebrock.

the class ReflectiveAccessorOptimizer method getCollectionPropertyAO.

private Object getCollectionPropertyAO(Object ctx, String prop) throws Exception {
    if (prop.length() > 0) {
        ctx = getBeanPropertyAO(ctx, prop);
    if (ctx == null)
        return null;
    int _start = ++cursor;
    if (cursor == end)
        throw new CompileException("unterminated '['", this.expr, this.start);
    String item;
    if (scanTo(']'))
        throw new CompileException("unterminated '['", this.expr, this.start);
    item = new String(expr, _start, cursor - _start);
    boolean itemSubExpr = true;
    Object idx = null;
    try {
        idx = parseInt(item);
        itemSubExpr = false;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // not a number;
    ExecutableStatement itemStmt = null;
    if (itemSubExpr) {
        idx = (itemStmt = (ExecutableStatement) subCompileExpression(item.toCharArray(), pCtx)).getValue(ctx, thisRef, variableFactory);
    if (ctx instanceof Map) {
        if (hasPropertyHandler(Map.class)) {
            return propHandler(item, ctx, Map.class);
        } else {
            if (itemSubExpr) {
                addAccessorNode(new MapAccessorNest(itemStmt, null));
            } else {
                addAccessorNode(new MapAccessor(parseInt(item)));
            return ((Map) ctx).get(idx);
    } else if (ctx instanceof List) {
        if (hasPropertyHandler(List.class)) {
            return propHandler(item, ctx, List.class);
        } else {
            if (itemSubExpr) {
                addAccessorNode(new ListAccessorNest(itemStmt, null));
            } else {
                addAccessorNode(new ListAccessor(parseInt(item)));
            return ((List) ctx).get((Integer) idx);
    } else if (ctx.getClass().isArray()) {
        if (hasPropertyHandler(Array.class)) {
            return propHandler(item, ctx, Array.class);
        } else {
            if (itemSubExpr) {
                addAccessorNode(new ArrayAccessorNest(itemStmt));
            } else {
                addAccessorNode(new ArrayAccessor(parseInt(item)));
            return Array.get(ctx, (Integer) idx);
    } else if (ctx instanceof CharSequence) {
        if (hasPropertyHandler(CharSequence.class)) {
            return propHandler(item, ctx, CharSequence.class);
        } else {
            if (itemSubExpr) {
                addAccessorNode(new IndexedCharSeqAccessorNest(itemStmt));
            } else {
                addAccessorNode(new IndexedCharSeqAccessor(parseInt(item)));
            return ((CharSequence) ctx).charAt((Integer) idx);
    } else {
        TypeDescriptor tDescr = new TypeDescriptor(expr, this.start, end - this.start, 0);
        if (tDescr.isArray()) {
            Class cls = getClassReference((Class) ctx, tDescr, variableFactory, pCtx);
            rootNode = new StaticReferenceAccessor(cls);
            return cls;
        throw new CompileException("illegal use of []: unknown type: " + ctx.getClass().getName(), this.expr,;
Also used : ExecutableStatement(org.mvel2.compiler.ExecutableStatement) TypeDescriptor(org.mvel2.ast.TypeDescriptor) List(java.util.List) Map(java.util.Map) WeakHashMap(java.util.WeakHashMap)

Example 4 with Type

use of org.mvel2.asm.Type in project mvel by mikebrock.

the class ForEachNode method eval.

public Object eval(TemplateRuntime runtime, TemplateOutputStream appender, Object ctx, VariableResolverFactory factory) {
    Iterator[] iters = new Iterator[item.length];
    Object o;
    for (int i = 0; i < iters.length; i++) {
        if ((o = MVEL.eval(expression[i], ctx, factory)) instanceof Iterable) {
            iters[i] = ((Iterable) o).iterator();
        } else if (o instanceof Object[]) {
            iters[i] = new ArrayIterator((Object[]) o);
        } else {
            throw new TemplateRuntimeError("cannot iterate object type: " + o.getClass().getName());
    Map<String, Object> locals = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    MapVariableResolverFactory localFactory = new MapVariableResolverFactory(locals, factory);
    int iterate = iters.length;
    while (true) {
        for (int i = 0; i < iters.length; i++) {
            if (!iters[i].hasNext()) {
                locals.put(item[i], "");
            } else {
                locals.put(item[i], iters[i].next());
        if (iterate != 0) {
            nestedNode.eval(runtime, appender, ctx, localFactory);
            if (sepExpr != null) {
                for (Iterator it : iters) {
                    if (it.hasNext()) {
                        appender.append(String.valueOf(MVEL.eval(sepExpr, ctx, factory)));
        } else
    return next != null ? next.eval(runtime, appender, ctx, factory) : null;
Also used : TemplateRuntimeError(org.mvel2.templates.TemplateRuntimeError) HashMap(java.util.HashMap) Iterator(java.util.Iterator) ArrayIterator(org.mvel2.templates.util.ArrayIterator) MapVariableResolverFactory(org.mvel2.integration.impl.MapVariableResolverFactory) ArrayIterator(org.mvel2.templates.util.ArrayIterator)

Example 5 with Type

use of org.mvel2.asm.Type in project mvel by mikebrock.

the class DefaultLocalVariableResolverFactory method createVariable.

public VariableResolver createVariable(String name, Object value, Class<?> type) {
    if (indexedVariableNames == null)
        return super.createVariable(name, value, type);
    VariableResolver vr;
    boolean newVar = false;
    try {
        int idx;
        if ((idx = variableIndexOf(name)) != -1) {
            vr = new SimpleValueResolver(value);
            if (indexedVariableResolvers[idx] == null) {
                indexedVariableResolvers[idx] = vr;
            variableResolvers.put(indexedVariableNames[idx], vr);
            vr = indexedVariableResolvers[idx];
            newVar = true;
        } else {
            return super.createVariable(name, value, type);
    } catch (UnresolveablePropertyException e) {
        vr = null;
    if (!newVar && vr != null && vr.getType() != null) {
        throw new RuntimeException("variable already defined within scope: " + vr.getType() + " " + name);
    } else {
        addResolver(name, vr = new MapVariableResolver(variables, name, type)).setValue(value);
        return vr;
Also used : UnresolveablePropertyException(org.mvel2.UnresolveablePropertyException) VariableResolver(org.mvel2.integration.VariableResolver)


MethodVisitor (org.mvel2.asm.MethodVisitor)19 Map (java.util.Map)15 Label (org.mvel2.asm.Label)13 ExecutableStatement (org.mvel2.compiler.ExecutableStatement)12 List (java.util.List)11 Type (org.mvel2.asm.Type)10 IOException ( ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)7 CompileException (org.mvel2.CompileException)7 ParserContext (org.mvel2.ParserContext)7 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)6 TypeDescriptor (org.mvel2.ast.TypeDescriptor)6 WeakHashMap (java.util.WeakHashMap)4 WorkingMemory (org.drools.core.WorkingMemory)4 InternalFactHandle (org.drools.core.common.InternalFactHandle)4 Tuple (org.drools.core.spi.Tuple)4 FieldVisitor (org.mvel2.asm.FieldVisitor)4 ExpressionCompiler (org.mvel2.compiler.ExpressionCompiler)4 LeftTuple (org.drools.core.reteoo.LeftTuple)3 DeclarationMatcher (org.drools.core.rule.builder.dialect.asm.GeneratorHelper.DeclarationMatcher)3