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Example 6 with ExecutableStatement

use of org.mvel2.compiler.ExecutableStatement in project mvel by mikebrock.

the class ReflectiveAccessorOptimizer method getCollectionPropertyAO.

private Object getCollectionPropertyAO(Object ctx, String prop) throws Exception {
    if (prop.length() > 0) {
        ctx = getBeanPropertyAO(ctx, prop);
    if (ctx == null)
        return null;
    int _start = ++cursor;
    if (cursor == end)
        throw new CompileException("unterminated '['", this.expr, this.start);
    String item;
    if (scanTo(']'))
        throw new CompileException("unterminated '['", this.expr, this.start);
    item = new String(expr, _start, cursor - _start);
    boolean itemSubExpr = true;
    Object idx = null;
    try {
        idx = parseInt(item);
        itemSubExpr = false;
    } catch (Exception e) {
    // not a number;
    ExecutableStatement itemStmt = null;
    if (itemSubExpr) {
        idx = (itemStmt = (ExecutableStatement) subCompileExpression(item.toCharArray(), pCtx)).getValue(ctx, thisRef, variableFactory);
    if (ctx instanceof Map) {
        if (hasPropertyHandler(Map.class)) {
            return propHandler(item, ctx, Map.class);
        } else {
            if (itemSubExpr) {
                addAccessorNode(new MapAccessorNest(itemStmt, null));
            } else {
                addAccessorNode(new MapAccessor(parseInt(item)));
            return ((Map) ctx).get(idx);
    } else if (ctx instanceof List) {
        if (hasPropertyHandler(List.class)) {
            return propHandler(item, ctx, List.class);
        } else {
            if (itemSubExpr) {
                addAccessorNode(new ListAccessorNest(itemStmt, null));
            } else {
                addAccessorNode(new ListAccessor(parseInt(item)));
            return ((List) ctx).get((Integer) idx);
    } else if (ctx.getClass().isArray()) {
        if (hasPropertyHandler(Array.class)) {
            return propHandler(item, ctx, Array.class);
        } else {
            if (itemSubExpr) {
                addAccessorNode(new ArrayAccessorNest(itemStmt));
            } else {
                addAccessorNode(new ArrayAccessor(parseInt(item)));
            return Array.get(ctx, (Integer) idx);
    } else if (ctx instanceof CharSequence) {
        if (hasPropertyHandler(CharSequence.class)) {
            return propHandler(item, ctx, CharSequence.class);
        } else {
            if (itemSubExpr) {
                addAccessorNode(new IndexedCharSeqAccessorNest(itemStmt));
            } else {
                addAccessorNode(new IndexedCharSeqAccessor(parseInt(item)));
            return ((CharSequence) ctx).charAt((Integer) idx);
    } else {
        TypeDescriptor tDescr = new TypeDescriptor(expr, this.start, end - this.start, 0);
        if (tDescr.isArray()) {
            Class cls = getClassReference((Class) ctx, tDescr, variableFactory, pCtx);
            rootNode = new StaticReferenceAccessor(cls);
            return cls;
        throw new CompileException("illegal use of []: unknown type: " + ctx.getClass().getName(), this.expr,;
Also used : ExecutableStatement(org.mvel2.compiler.ExecutableStatement) TypeDescriptor(org.mvel2.ast.TypeDescriptor) List(java.util.List) Map(java.util.Map) WeakHashMap(java.util.WeakHashMap)

Example 7 with ExecutableStatement

use of org.mvel2.compiler.ExecutableStatement in project mvel by mikebrock.

the class ReflectiveAccessorOptimizer method compileConstructor.

@SuppressWarnings({ "WeakerAccess" })
public AccessorNode compileConstructor(char[] expression, Object ctx, VariableResolverFactory vars) throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException, ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException {
    String[] cnsRes = captureContructorAndResidual(expression, start, length);
    List<char[]> constructorParms = parseMethodOrConstructor(cnsRes[0].toCharArray());
    if (constructorParms != null) {
        String s = new String(subset(expression, 0, ArrayTools.findFirst('(', start, length, expression)));
        Class cls = ParseTools.findClass(vars, s, pCtx);
        ExecutableStatement[] cStmts = new ExecutableStatement[constructorParms.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < constructorParms.size(); i++) {
            cStmts[i] = (ExecutableStatement) subCompileExpression(constructorParms.get(i), pCtx);
        Object[] parms = new Object[constructorParms.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < constructorParms.size(); i++) {
            parms[i] = cStmts[i].getValue(ctx, vars);
        Constructor cns = getBestConstructorCandidate(parms, cls, pCtx.isStrongTyping());
        if (cns == null) {
            StringBuilder error = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i < parms.length; i++) {
                if (i + 1 < parms.length)
                    error.append(", ");
            throw new CompileException("unable to find constructor: " + cls.getName() + "(" + error.toString() + ")", this.expr, this.start);
        for (int i = 0; i < parms.length; i++) {
            //noinspection unchecked
            parms[i] = convert(parms[i], cns.getParameterTypes()[i]);
        AccessorNode ca = new ConstructorAccessor(cns, cStmts);
        if (cnsRes.length > 1) {
            ReflectiveAccessorOptimizer compiledOptimizer = new ReflectiveAccessorOptimizer(pCtx, cnsRes[1].toCharArray(), 0, cnsRes[1].length(), cns.newInstance(parms), ctx, vars);
            compiledOptimizer.ingressType = cns.getDeclaringClass();
            ca = compiledOptimizer.getRootNode();
            this.val = compiledOptimizer.getResultOptPass();
        return ca;
    } else {
        Constructor<?> cns = Class.forName(new String(expression), true, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()).getConstructor(EMPTYCLS);
        AccessorNode ca = new ConstructorAccessor(cns, null);
        if (cnsRes.length > 1) {
            //noinspection NullArgumentToVariableArgMethod
            ReflectiveAccessorOptimizer compiledOptimizer = new ReflectiveAccessorOptimizer(getCurrentThreadParserContext(), cnsRes[1].toCharArray(), 0, cnsRes[1].length(), cns.newInstance(null), ctx, vars);
            ca = compiledOptimizer.getRootNode();
            this.val = compiledOptimizer.getResultOptPass();
        return ca;
Also used : ExecutableStatement(org.mvel2.compiler.ExecutableStatement) AccessorNode(org.mvel2.compiler.AccessorNode)

Example 8 with ExecutableStatement

use of org.mvel2.compiler.ExecutableStatement in project mvel by mikebrock.

the class ForNode method buildForEach.

private boolean buildForEach(char[] condition, int start, int offset, int blockStart, int blockEnd, int fields, ParserContext pCtx) {
    int end = start + offset;
    int cursor = nextCondPart(condition, start, end, false);
    boolean varsEscape = false;
    try {
        ParserContext spCtx = pCtx;
        if (pCtx != null) {
            spCtx = pCtx.createSubcontext().createColoringSubcontext();
        } else {
            spCtx = new ParserContext();
        this.initializer = (ExecutableStatement) subCompileExpression(condition, start, cursor - start - 1, spCtx);
        if (pCtx != null) {
        try {
            expectType(this.condition = (ExecutableStatement) subCompileExpression(condition, start = cursor, (cursor = nextCondPart(condition, start, end, false)) - start - 1, spCtx), Boolean.class, ((fields & COMPILE_IMMEDIATE) != 0));
        } catch (CompileException e) {
            if (e.getExpr().length == 0) {
                while (start < expr.length && ParseTools.isWhitespace(expr[start])) {
            throw e;
        this.after = (ExecutableStatement) subCompileExpression(condition, start = cursor, (nextCondPart(condition, start, end, true)) - start, spCtx);
        if (spCtx != null && (fields & COMPILE_IMMEDIATE) != 0 && spCtx.isVariablesEscape()) {
            if (pCtx != spCtx)
            varsEscape = true;
        } else if (spCtx != null && pCtx != null) {
        this.compiledBlock = (ExecutableStatement) subCompileExpression(expr, blockStart, blockEnd, spCtx);
    } catch (NegativeArraySizeException e) {
        throw new CompileException("wrong syntax; did you mean to use 'foreach'?", expr, start);
    return varsEscape;
Also used : ExecutableStatement(org.mvel2.compiler.ExecutableStatement) CompileException(org.mvel2.CompileException) ParserContext(org.mvel2.ParserContext)

Example 9 with ExecutableStatement

use of org.mvel2.compiler.ExecutableStatement in project mvel by mikebrock.

the class TypesAndInferenceTests method testGenericMethods.

public void testGenericMethods() {
    String str = "Integer.parseInt( a.getMap().get(\"x\") )";
    ParserConfiguration pconf = new ParserConfiguration();
    ParserContext pctx = new ParserContext(pconf);
    pctx.addInput("a", AGenericTestClass.class);
    ExecutableStatement stmt = (ExecutableStatement) MVEL.compileExpression(str, pctx);
    AGenericTestClass a = new AGenericTestClass();
    a.setMap(new HashMap<String, String>());
    a.getMap().put("x", "10");
    Map<String, Object> variables = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    variables.put("a", a);
    Number result = (Number) MVEL.executeExpression(stmt, null, variables);
    assertEquals(10, result.intValue());
Also used : ExecutableStatement(org.mvel2.compiler.ExecutableStatement)

Example 10 with ExecutableStatement

use of org.mvel2.compiler.ExecutableStatement in project mvel by mikebrock.

the class TypesAndInferenceTests method testGetCorrectInputs.

public void testGetCorrectInputs() {
    String str = "total = total + $cheese.price";
    ParserConfiguration pconf = new ParserConfiguration();
    ParserContext pctx = new ParserContext(pconf);
    pctx.addInput("total", int.class);
    pctx.addInput("$cheese", Cheese.class);
    ExecutableStatement stmt = (ExecutableStatement) MVEL.compileExpression(str, pctx);
    assertTrue("Should not contain" + pctx.getVariables(), pctx.getVariables().isEmpty());
Also used : ExecutableStatement(org.mvel2.compiler.ExecutableStatement)


ExecutableStatement (org.mvel2.compiler.ExecutableStatement)25 IOException ( ParserContext (org.mvel2.ParserContext)6 List (java.util.List)5 Map (java.util.Map)5 CompileException (org.mvel2.CompileException)4 TypeDescriptor (org.mvel2.ast.TypeDescriptor)4 ArrayList (java.util.ArrayList)3 ParserConfiguration (org.mvel2.ParserConfiguration)3 WeakHashMap (java.util.WeakHashMap)2 Union (org.mvel2.optimizers.impl.refl.nodes.Union)2 PropertyTools.getFieldOrAccessor (org.mvel2.util.PropertyTools.getFieldOrAccessor)2 PropertyTools.getFieldOrWriteAccessor (org.mvel2.util.PropertyTools.getFieldOrWriteAccessor)2 HashMap (java.util.HashMap)1 LinkedHashMap (java.util.LinkedHashMap)1 Label (org.mvel2.asm.Label)1 MethodVisitor (org.mvel2.asm.MethodVisitor)1 EndOfStatement (org.mvel2.ast.EndOfStatement)1 Function (org.mvel2.ast.Function)1 Proto (org.mvel2.ast.Proto)1